Clomid buddies?

Exactly I know a few people who have gone through adoption and they also say its the best thing that they have ever done and the love they feel for the child is maternal just because they didnt grow them and give birth that maternal instinct kicks in right away xx DHs friend is adopted he's always known but loves his mum and dad and very protective over them he's says being adopted was probably the best thing that ever happened for him that if it weren't for them he wouldnt of had the amazing upbringing he did and he never felt adopted he knew his mum and dad loved him and he never wants to know his bio mum or dad as they're not his parents they didn't raise him. When you see him with his dad they are so alike the way they talk and move and laugh you would never guess they weren't blood xx
That is so sweet!! I definitely love hearing positive adoption stories. I am sure if that is the route you pursue that you guys will be blessed with an amazing family. I think the struggle to have DS made it all the more special and enjoyable because I knew how special of a miracle it was to have him. I think now as we have struggled so much more this time that it makes it even more special.
I love hearing the adoption stories too. So beautiful and equally meaningful to build a family through adoption.

I'm very hopeful that the ivf does work for you Angela. When you say you have two more rounds does that include gathering more eggs? Or is that the frozen embryo transfer?

krissie - got my fingers crossed for you. Fx. I have also felt like eating brownies really bad for a week now but have been too lazy to get off my bum and make them. I should just buy ingredients and do it. I love homemade brownies. I've been eating lots of cookies.

Things are going well with the pregnancy. Everything moving along as it should. Baby kicks a lot and it's very cute. Def have backaches and all the usuals but it's worlds better then the nausea I used to get. So glad that's over. I'm settling in here but still miss things. It's colder here and I think it will take a long while to get used to the fact that many consumer goods are more expensive. But there are def pros to living here too. I'm going to need to give it an entire year before I can honestly make a real comparison.
I'm so happy to hear things are going well with the pregnancy, Star.

I'm sure it's an adjustment but hopefully you will get acclimated soon.
How are all you ladies doing? I hope everyone is well.

Not much going on here. Just going with the flow and trying to survive the busy bit of the school year at work. I'm still pretty indecisive if we will be actively trying anytime soon. But for now we aren't preventing either.
Hey guys it has gone very quiet on here I guess we are all either pregnant or in limbo on here at the mo xx

Youre in the TWW aren't you Krissie, what are your thoughts about still having your tubes tide or do you think you will try IVF now xx

AFM I havn't really got anything to report just waiting till 16th for the consultation, I had another AF really heavy one lasted 9 days thats 3 AFS in less than a month so I called the hospital they said it was normal and common due to all the hormones they had been pumping into my body thats why they always leave it three months till trying again so your body can return to normal so Im guessing I wont be starting an FET cycle till around April/May time. If thats the case then in the meantime Ill be doing my counselling but also joining the gym and maybe slimmibg world to help loose some weight and get fit.

Its been hard the past few weeks another colleagues is ready to pop with their third child, bumped in to an old colleague yesterday he's got a 7 week old son and an aquitance one of DHS friends partner has just announced on Facebook that they're expecting, I know its getting harder to pretend to be happy for them I burst into tears when I get on my own.
Angela- how frustrating your hormones are all over the place. Hopefully it settles down soon.

:hugs: it's so frustrating when everyone seems to be getting pregnant at the same time. Hopefully counseling will help you sort through those emotions.

Afm, af ended up showing up on March 3rd. To be honest I wasn't all that upset. I just don't know if it's me becoming numb to all this or if I'm really okay with not trying. I do know that I'm not ready to take permanent measures yet. So for now I think we're falling in ntnp. We have no intentions at this time of doing any fertility treatments.
I've been meaning to reply but every time I tried the app wanted me to enter my password which for some reason wasn't saved even though it usually is saved. I finally got around to get a new password to be sent to me bc I forgot my old one.

Anyway, Angela - the 16th is not far. I'm so curious to know what they say. I'm really hoping that the second round works. Please keep us updated on what they say. Has the counseling started?

Krissie - I'm glad you are taking your time with the decision. I think that's wise. I will continue to send out positive energy for a bfp for you. Both you and Angela are in my thoughts.

Afm - everything is well with the baby. So I'm happy about that. That's what's most important form me right now. As an aside, things have been hard for me. I'm very emotional and life just happens and it's okay but it's been a lot to deal with. Anyways will update more later. I'm so sleepy right now!
Krissie sorry it was a BFN I hope NTNP does work for you xx

Star e your going to be emotional thats the preggo hormones we're here if you need to let rip let the emotions out hun how are you settleing in now xx

So sorry Ive been MIA but had nothing to say Ive struggled hard this time with the IVF failure. My heads all over the place again since my consultation we are now back in unexplained infertility section with a secondary cause being a male fertility issue. The doctor showed us everything and explained my DHs SC better he is just under normal thats it so they would expect a couple to get pregnant they've done all the tests they can to do anymore would be far too time consuming and not feesible i.e. daily blood tests for three months checking all kinds of hormone levels and even if they did do that it may still not show any issues. They said all my eggs were goid quality I have on paper I have no issues at all and thats why its unexplained.

We are going to go for a natural FET meaning they work off my own body clock no hormone replacements at all as my O cycle is really good my body has already gone back into sync its not taken 3 months hence why I had three bleeds in the space of a month. We can start the next round next cycle but its ourcall whether we want some time first to do counselling and acupuncture work on us all Ive got to do is call them on the first day of my cycle and the ball will start rolling, Im undecided yet as to whether I wish to start next month or if I want some more time off we shall see.

The counselling was hard we went together and opened up which was good she told me to start a journal in that journal Im to write down exactly how I feel about stuff about people getting pregnant around me how I feel about what people say to mewhat I see. She said of course I feel happy for people but Im also grieving for what Ive lost and not got and its okay to feel bitter and angry and sad too and I should write it down as that will help me release some of everything that Im going through so I'll give it a go. We have our next counselling session on 27th March I'm hoping it will help me through this.

How is everyone anyway x
Well that is some good news that you can do a natural FET. Maybe your body will be more able to accept the embryo without all the other hormones. I really have everything crossed your FET works.

Afm, thanks. It has been such a draining process. I am pretty sure my body has been detoxing from all the medication over the last year. I am finally feeling better and hoping I get back on track. I have an appointment tomorrow and I want to discuss birth control options. I remember when I was first looking to try the RE I saw had recommended birth control for 3 months and then clomid. I was kinda thinking maybe if I did that and reset my body it might help as we start thinking about possibly trying in the summer. But I am not sure if I am even able to take birth control with my recent bouts of high blood pressure.

Then there is the whole DH thinks he is about 95% sure he doesn't want to pursue having another. To be honest I am not so sure either. It just sucks being in such a limbo. I am hoping if we possibly give it a break and some time we will both reach a decision we are happy with.
Angela - unexplained infertility - so they have no idea what's going on? Could it be your lining? Cause obviously the egg and sperm didn't have an issue. So it seems like it's with implantation? My mind just immediately searches for some explanation. I think the natural FET could be a great thing. I cannot tell you how titular crossed my fingers are for you. I want so badly to read a post from you saying you have your bfp. Seriously my heart would skip a beat for you and krissie. This is hard. And I think it is completely natural to feel sad or bitter or whatever when you hear of other pregnancies. Things are always shades of grey. Of course you can simultaneously be happy for the other person and also sad. It's entirely natural. I think the journal thing is a good idea. I might do that for issues in my life too. Just to release some emotions. I did acupuncture for my ivf. I did it once a week leading up to it and immediately before the transfer and right after the transfer. Also during implantation I followed the advice I read online about only eating warm food and staying real warm. Maybe it's all silly and not real but I did it anyway. I drank none broth too. It was awful and I only did it twice bc it tasted so bad to me.

Krissie - I'm so hopeful that whatever strategy you choose works. If going on birth control and then coming off cleans the slate a bit and gives you any advantage I'd say go for it. So praying it works. Does your DH not want to try bc it's too emotionally draining? How are you feeling about it all? I know limbo sucks and the process is just draining bc it's not a casual thing. You have to at the very least know when are the fertile days and then there is the hope and testing. It's hard. if you decide to keep trying, I hope that you can do so without getting too drained. I don't know what to suggest for that. But I'll send out all positive energy toward it. What does your doc suggest?
Hey guys! Not sure if you'll really remember me, but I was here last year and had taken a break from TTC! Well we got back to it in October, and no luck unfortunately. I just do not ovulate! We were sooo bummed out that nothing was working. Then, a blessing in disguise, my sister, who does NOT want children, now or ever, found out she was pregnant. It was a one night stand while she was travelling in Europe, and she doesn't know anything about the dad to get in contact with him, so she was freaking out. Now she had no idea how hard we were TTC these last few years, but I guess my mom explained it to her, and she has decided to have me adopt the baby!! I am SO excited! She's coming home from England next week, and she is only 9 weeks at the moment, so I will get to be at every appointment with her. It is amazing and I'm so happy :)

Hope everyone on here is doing well!
Mama- what an interesting turn of events. I hope it all works out well for you both.

Angela- thinking of you. :hugs:

Star- how are you feeling? Not too much longer for you.

Afm, nothing much going on here. I am currently on birth control and still undecided what we will do. But for now I am happy and content going in the direction we are.
Hi everyone! It feels like forever since I've last been on here. Its mostly because I like to get on bnb via my phone, but every time I try to log on my phone, the website appears and then immediately goes white. not sure if its something with my phone or what (it only happens with the bnb site though), but given that i feel so much of my day to day is dealing with these types of admin issues, i just feel to exhausted to figure it out. so im using the computer today b/c i wanted to see what was going on.

angela - how are you?

krissie - how long will you be on birth control? are you still meeting with your doc?

mama - congrats!

afm - pregnancy is going well. of course i'm feeling the symptoms that come along with the third trimester. but, really i have been struggling with the move, it has been very isolating. its hard to meet people. ive also really noticed that the weather has such a strong impact on how i feel. this past weekend, the sun was out and it was 53 degrees Fahrenheit and i was a lot happier b/c its such an improvement from how its been. i have been longing for some sunshine and warmth. so im feeling much better today after getting better weather this weekend. i've been decorating the nursery and that's going well. im nervous about the delivery and what's to come, but i also realize that this must be how many ftm's feel. i can't prepare for everything, i have to accept that i'll learn things a long the way. i have a hospital class coming up this week. where i will learn about the delivery, etc. i am looking forward to that b/c i need to know that info. it would also be nice if i could find classes for what to do after the baby comes. something that teaches people the basics. i've had trouble finding anything like that. most classes are about delivery.

there is still a lot left for me to do to prepare, but things are finally starting to come together a bit more.
Star- definitely all ftm feel that way. It is such a steep learning curve, but you got this! Don't underestimate how much of it is really instinctual. The best parts really are the prepping and excitement as you prepare for the baby to come home.

Afm, I plan to do one more round of bc after this cycle. I should get af sometime in mid May. After talking with DH about everything we decided to try from May-October. If it doesn't work out in that time frame we are going to be done trying.

I am not currently seeing a doctor for fertility. I am undecided what we will do in terms of trying. We both agree probably not through a fertility specialist. I was thinking between my low carb diet and lydia-pinkham I should ovulate.

For now I am spending the next two months really working on eating low carb and hoping to prep my body the best I can. If this doesn't work then we both decided to are okay moving forward as a family of 3.
Krissie - good to hear that you and DH are on the same page and you are going to give it another go. I think that time frame is good bc it gives you many cycles to work with. I'm very hopeful that it will happen for you. may is just around the corner but still far enough away to give you the time you need to do the low carb stuff. So hopeful it works for you!
Thanks star. I am on day 4 of my diet and so far it has gone well. I am hoping to keep the momentum up and for the next couple of months.
Hi krissie!

My feet and ankles are really swollen! Got a pedicure done and the ladies there were shocked because I had indents on my ankles from where my socks were. I can't fit into any shoes except for my sneakers. I'm exhausted and that part is frustrating. Today I didn't feel like I was awake until the late afternoon. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and will tell him about my swollen feet. Also I know myself well and bc I have a low pain tolerance will ask for an epidural come delivery day. But I don't know if having bulging discs in my back will effect anything. So I'm going to tell my doc a about that. I'm curious though, after you had your DS, were you as tired as you were during third trimester (assuming you were super tired) or were you more tired? I'm so hoping that I won't feel this exhausted!

I managed to cook dinner tonight. But don't do it nearly as much bc of tiredness. And I am so so craving a cheesecake. I could just buy one but it's fun tomakenthings myself. Oh well. I'll have to buy one soon!

How are you doing? summer is approaching so I take it you'll have the summer off since I think you mentioned working at a school? Hopefully you do and can enjoy the summer!

This is your last month in birth control, right?

Hope everyone is doing well! Angela - any updates?
Star- I found myself way more exhausted after I had him. The exhaustion was different than during pregnancy, more deep to my bones. I guess it's common for newborns to have flip flopped days and nights and I found that true. It was very hard for the first 3 months. But ds didn't sleep well until he was over 2 so it was rough until then. Now he sleeps like a dream.

I would recommend prepping some freezer meals for after baby is arrive. Those first weeks are just a blur. I'd do crockpot freezer meals and quick, simple things dh could throw together.

Yes, I have 2.5 more weeks of birth control. I'm leaning towards using the last two rounds of clomid I have. I was never monitored by my doctor so I don't see the being any different.

I have 5 more weeks until summer break. I cannot wait! It has been a crap year and I'm ready to just do some of my projects and play with ds. He turns 3 this summer and I just love this age.

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