You can see my chart in KY signature Star e my temps have been quite high throughout but could be down to Clomid, they haven't risen yet I had a dip on CD13 that could be O but I need my temps to rise to confirm to be honest though the last two nights I've had restless nights constant broken sleep so that could be why my temps are off plus I'm taking them an hour earlier now with the clocks going forward I don't know whether that will be effecting them xx
oh yes i do see your chart. yea cd13 could be the day. your cd14 and cd15 are the same temp and that is higher than cd13, so technically as long as it doesn't dip, aren't you good? hope your temps keep rising b/c your BDing schedule was awesome this cycle.
im thinking im going to play it safe and BD tonight. im not sure if i should call the clinic and let them know. my next appointment is friday, but i have two more injections up until then. tonight and tomorrow. i hope i still have a chance this cycle.