Such a busy thread

I'm a few pages behind already!
Star, this was my first Clomid cycle ever. I didn't respond to 50mg, and I'm really hoping the side effects and ovarian activity I'm feeling are good signs 100mg is working. Having a bit of increased anxiety today (may or may not be clomid related) so I just have to keep reminding myself to take a deep breath and remember I'm doing the best and all that I can. I'm glad to hear you've heard of the stair-stepping clomid treatment plan and I hope I'm one of the success stories

I hope the injections are far worth all the pain and stress they've caused you. My heart really goes out to you and I hope they're doing all they should to grow your follies. Getting that news that they haven't grown enough is terrible and I totally hope you get the best news possible!
Angela, the side effects I've had have been frequent hot flashes, moodiness (anger yesterday, anxiety today) and I feel like I've noticed a lot of ovarian activity, like heaviness and pin pokes and just a different kind of general uncomfortableness there. I hope Clomid works perfectly for you and gives you a few good mature eggs for a strong O and BFP!
TMI, I think CM is starting to change for me too; today has been a mix of EW and creamy; like very stretchy but not yet clear. Looks healthy and on it's way to becoming EWCM soon. FX!! Today is 4/5 for Clomid, starting OPKs Monday just to cover all bases. Next follie tracking Wednesday! Hoping to trigger then and catch it!