Clomid buddies?

so basically its bad news in that clomid did not work, and its bad that it might not work this cycle. but i guess her optimism made me feel like i will eventually find something that works b/c i don't have the ovarian reserve problems.

i don't know....
Star e I'm so so sorry to hear that, I guess the positive you can take from it is that you changed to a good doctor and without her doing all this US you would never have known if you had stayed with your old doc she would of got you taking Clomid for no reason as it wouldn't work but could still cause cancer so the positive thing is is that you still have options still have things open to you and by the sounds of it the Doc already has a plan of action for you. I wish you all the best and pray that the shots work xx everything crossed for you xx
yea, if i had stayed with the old doc, she would have had me at 100 first, then 150 and then maybe even have kept me on it for another cycle. the us is good b/c she monitors me frequently and we can see what is happening. i mean, i feel bad that clomid does not work for me. i wish it would have worked. now i have to try something else and hope that it works. w/o O i have no chance. so i need to find something that gets me to O. i very much hope this works. its just tough b/c i know how hard it is to get a BFP even if O happens. but, i havent been able to get to that point. its all the AF drama, now the O hurdle. im glad i moved to this new place though. hopefully i'll have luck if not this cycle, next cycle.

i will do round one of the shots tonight. i'll let you all know how it goes.

any news from your end? what are the opks saying? LH surge coming soon?
FX for you star e I really hope the shots work xx

AFM I'm just waiting for O still neg on Opks but the bloating and full feeling is here so hopefully O soon I hate this feeling it's crazy I'm definitely taking a break for a few months before TTC again and move forward for the next three months of Clomid as these last two months have just been a complete emotional roller-coaster my emotions on clomid are all over the place my skin is awful I feel tired all the time and constantly have a bloated stomach and get backache and cramping it's mental so told DH if we're not lucky this month then I defo need a breather before I go insane on this stuff we'll still try in them two months but without Clomid and see if I O on my own xx
FX for you star e I really hope the shots work xx

AFM I'm just waiting for O still neg on Opks but the bloating and full feeling is here so hopefully O soon I hate this feeling it's crazy I'm definitely taking a break for a few months before TTC again and move forward for the next three months of Clomid as these last two months have just been a complete emotional roller-coaster my emotions on clomid are all over the place my skin is awful I feel tired all the time and constantly have a bloated stomach and get backache and cramping it's mental so told DH if we're not lucky this month then I defo need a breather before I go insane on this stuff we'll still try in them two months but without Clomid and see if I O on my own xx

fx crossed for you. I completely understand. I got terrible skin w the prometrium and had those moments of deep sadness. the clomid only effected me on one day with nausea. prob bc I'm resistant I don't get too much of an effect. anyways I understand bc it's tough. I have also felt exhausted. maybe that was clomid. DH gave me first injection tonight. I was scared especially bc he was nervous about it too. it stung but wasn't too bad. the area is a bit sore now. hopefully these shots work.

hope you O soon. and sorry clomid is having strong effects for you. it seems to have strong effects on a lot of people. I very much hope this cycle works for you! keep us updated.
Hi ladies! Need to catch up... I have also been through an emotional roller coaster...I don't think I like progesterone! Lol.

Star- I'm so sorry that Clomid did not work but I think it's great your doc is optimistic about the injections. Fx it works this cycle!!

Angela- fx you O very soon!! I understand taking a break...I'm on the fence with taking a break myself. I was talking to my friend and telling her how I never realized how crazy of an emotional roller coaster this journey is. I'm so glad I have you ladies to talk about it with and know how we each are feeling.

Afm- my tests started to get lighter yesterday...all I had was a digital this morning, which I'm not sure what the sensitivity is and it still said "not pregnant" so I don't think my numbers are increasing as they should...thinking this is a true chemical...I'm off to get my labs drawn but I won't know till Monday...I really just want to stop taking this progesterone knowing my tests aren't getting any stronger. Also I hate taking medication in general lol.
Awe, Lulu I'm sorry, I wish it wasn't true... next month for sure

Star, so glad you found a much more thorough doctor to help you. I'm sure they know exactly how to get you pregnant.

Angela, take a break. There is also the thought that you might have a random time that you ovulate without meds too, but I still pray that it works for you this month.

For me, went yesterday for CD 21 progesterone test. Since it's Easter weekend I have to wait to call doctor Monday to call for results. I think I may have ovulated late but I don't think hubby and I did the deed enough so I'm worried we wasted the whole month. I Haven't had any sort of implantation spotting but I'm praying hard. This is going to be a longggggggg week.
Cowgirl- you never know, all it takes is once! I've heard of people who got pregnant bd a week before O. So fx it works for you!! I agree on the loooong weekend. I'm going to pick up more tests tonight just to double check my feeling that the numbers are dropping.
Lu FX it all goes well I really hope it does for you I have everything crossed for us all, I really hope you get good results xx this whole roller-coaster of trying with fertility assistance is crazy makes you more regimented and you look at every sign every slight twinge, I've heard alot of people just get pregnant when they actually just stop so maybe if this isn't your month then that might happen but if your anything like me I don't think I could stop even without Clomid I'd still be BBT and Opk and cm and cp lol its just that I want it so badly my biological clock is ticking and nothing more would make my family complete without the pitter patter of tiny feet xx

Star e keep us updated about the shots and what happens next FX for you we've been through this journey from day one together and nothing would make me happier to hear that you have Od xx

Cowgirl really hope your levels come back good FX for you last month I know me and Dh missed our golden opportunity for BD due to his gramps passing away I really hope you caught it if it's the right environment in there his swimmers can live for five days FX for you xx

AFM CD11 got EWCM today and alot of it sorry TMI still neg on Opks but with that sign it can't be far off so wish me luck me and DH have started BDing everyday we will for a week hope it does work as I would hate that I've gone through all this for nothing I'm thinking of going for acupuncture to help with stress as my job is stressful at the mo and so is all this baby making it can't be helping things xx
With ds, we weren't taking any chances of sperm.not living assigns being where it need to be so we had sex everyday for two weeks, lol
lulu I have my fx for you! I'm not familiar with cp though I have heard about it. hopefully those tests are just finicky and maybe the bloods on Monday will be good. taking progesterone totally blows. I'm pretty sure that's what the provera and prometrium are and it very much effects me. my skin breaks out and I feel like crap. so I can understand wanting to get off it. have your temps stayed high?

Angela. so awesome that you have the ewcm! I really want to experience that as I never have. not bc I think the experience would be good but bc of what it means. that O is coming! I have heard really positive things about acupuncture. how it's helpful to bring blood flow to uterus and for stress relief. I'm thinking of trying it as well.

cowgirl fx for you! I know waiting is the worst hopefully you'll get it. sometimes it's hard to be perfect w the BD. I mean I've been so exhausted and not really doing it bc I figure the follies need to grow and I can rest up for when it counts. which will hopefully be this month.

afm. DH gave me my second injection. they sting and I feel sore from them. I read up about them a lot today and I now understand why it's better to take them at the beginning of the cycle. it's mostly bc then you have the chance to dial it up more. some people get 8 or more injections bc they do not respond to the lighter doses. hopefully my ovaries will respond to these four shots. but if they are very stubborn I guess we will just have to do more shots or up the dose. I feel sad about this entire thing bc I have to do so much to have the chance. I wish my ovaries would just let the follies develop. I'm trying to stay positive.

Tuesday is my appointment. I really really hope I don't start off the post that day with bad news.....
Cowgirl I don't know how you did two solid weeks of BDing lol a full week is good enough for me don't think I could cope and neither could DH for two weeks lol xx we have a good sex life but due to shift work and long hours and both our jobs being stressful at times we normally every three days roughly so the week of O by the end it can become a little tedious rather than fun if you get me 'come on Dh I know you've had a shit night in work got off two hours late and have been working with heavy machinery all night and feel shattered so come upstairs and let's get this over and done with so you can sleep' lol xx that's what it's like sometimes whereas on days wen I'm not in my fertile window I'd just let him go bed xx

Star e FX for you that those little stubborn follies are growing inside there and you get positive news on Tuesday not long to go are you not going to just do a bit of BDing just incase the shots make you O xx

AFM Opk still neg CM this morning but it will come soon enough wish me luck I get my sticky egg I've come to the realisation now that by Thurs when I have my follicle tracking it will be too late but hopefully they'll still be able to see collapsed follicles and take the sizes xx
Angela- thank you! This journey is so crazy...I think I'm finally ok with moving on! Had a few days of crys and now I just want my cycle to start so we can go to the next. I hope that opk gets positive soon and the doc is able to see something on Thursday!!

Star- thank you! Yes I believe they are similar. I almost didn't take it today because I'm thinking they will tell me to stop on Monday but there's always the what ifs. I've got my fx that those follies are growing for you!! I hope you get some great news!!

Cowgirl- I don't think we could last for 2 weeks lol...same as Angela...during the fertile week we are beat by the end and take a good break haha!!! Fx Monday you get some good results from your blood test!

Afm just waiting test are still "positive" but just lighter...I've been reading and people say tests aren't an indication of how much HCG but just that you are pregnant but I can't get a positive on regular digis and my HCG was just so low in the beginning so preparing for the worst. Glad I have you ladies! 😊
Lulu I really hope you get a good result and everything goes well for you my heart goes out to you right now I know that feeling when I was going through my MC just feeling helpless not knowing what will happen and knowing there is nothing you can do FX for you I would love for you to get good news xx

AFM I'm CD12 got EWCM again today and a positive Opk tonight it was neg this morning but defo positive tonight extremely dark so O is on its way BD last night and will BD for next 4 days to make sure wish me luck I hope I get a sticky egg xx
angela: that's great news. O is arriving! definitely have my fx crossed for you that you get your sticky egg!

lulu: im really hopeful that you will get a good result. this ttc journey is so tough. all the ups and downs and mostly the uncertainty that gets me.

afm: did my third injection tonight. tomorrow is my last night of injection. i hope im not being super super stupid right now for not BDing. we have just been so darn tired and in my head im thinking, we have to check on tuesday to see if they are growing. if they are then we will trigger, if they are not, i think the cycle is a bust. but, i guess i have not considered the chance of Oing on my own. i will BD tomorrow then just in case. im not hopeful for this cycle just b/c ive done a lot of reasearch on these injections and most people have to do like 8+ injections and they start at the beginning of the cycle like cd3. the only way this would work is if my ovaries were super responsive. and im pretty sure they are very stubborn. i just wish they would let up a bit and let the follie grow. we shall see on tuesday.
Well, we wanted a family immediately buy held off for two years, then started trying. Almost four years, plus fertility meds, we both just got it done because we wanted it so bad.

Each of you are in my heart, each situation is different.

Today I felt some things in my belly, I can't tell what kind of things. )had a csect w ds so I have scar tissue) I'm wishing and praying so much that it is implantation. I can't wait to call Dr for results tomorrow, ahhhhh!
Goodluck star e I really hope these trigger shots do work for you as you deserve it xx I've got everything crossed for you and LULU that everything will work out and go well this month babydust all round xx

AFM CD13 we BD last night again have done the last two and will do for the next three just to be on the safe side and we get that sticky egg I really hope it works this month got follicle tracking on Thursday it should still be able to tell if I Od and even though the follicles will be already collapsing the doctor should be able to tell if they where a decent size wish me luck we catch that sticky egg xx
Good luck!!! Here's to time moving quickly to get those results!
Cowgirl ooohhh could be Imbedding how many DPO are you now xx Goodluck with your results what results are you waiting for again xx I hope you do get a BFP FX for you and babydust xx I know you already have a child but I know your journey was long and hard getting him and now your journey is just as tough for your second. I really hope you do get your BFP this month and all that hard work would have been worth it xx FX

AFM CD13 now neg on OPK haven't had my temp dip and increase yet though so just waiting for that to confirm O has actually occurred xx
Cowgirl ooohhh could be Imbedding how many DPO are you now xx Goodluck with your results what results are you waiting for again xx I hope you do get a BFP FX for you and babydust xx I know you already have a child but I know your journey was long and hard getting him and now your journey is just as tough for your second. I really hope you do get your BFP this month and all that hard work would have been worth it xx FX

AFM CD13 now neg on OPK haven't had my temp dip and increase yet though so just waiting for that to confirm O has actually occurred xx
Thanks! I'm waiting for cd21 progesterone test to confirm ovulation or not so I can get the next dose of Clomid.
Yes, almost 3.5/4 years for a sibling, so hard when he started asking for one when he was two, and all these holidays not being able to provide any family to celebrate with. (Ready to adopt ten kids so we can all be together)
Cd13 is likely pretty early still, fx!!!

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