Clomid buddies?

Congrats krissie! I was following you on a different thread. I'm so glad clomid worked on your first round! That gives me so much hope!
Congrats krissie! I was following you on a different thread. I'm so glad clomid worked on your first round! That gives me so much hope!

Thank you. This is actually my second clomid baby. My first was also conceived on our first round! It really is our miracle drug.
hi all,

i am new to this forum and thread. i am on my first clomid round, 50 mg, cd15 and no positive opk. i have searched to web for forums on round 1 clomid users to learn more about when ovulation usually occurs and what the symptoms are leading up to it. i have pcos and get my period on my own only 2-4 times a year. prior to starting clomid this month, i had not had a period for 5 months. i took provera to induce the period and that worked. then i took clomid days 5-9 and now im on cd15. i have absolutely no symptoms of ovulation. no CM, no cramping, no tender breasts, nothing. I didn't even have any side effects from the clomid. wouldn't i have had some side effect from clomid if it was working?

i have been anxiously awaiting some ovulation sign, and every morning get very disappointed when i seek the negative opk. Also, I am getting my bloods checked cd21, but i am not being monitored otherwise. no u/s for follicle checking. i am seeing an obgyn not an RE. if this round does not work, should i move to see an RE or can an obgyn do the u/s monitoring. i think if i stay with the obgyn another round, i'll be put on 100mg of clomid, but i really want the u/s monitoring. i feel anxious. i just wish i had some indication that i would O this round. i have heard of people O'ing on cd21, so i am trying to stay positive, but its hard.
Hello to the newbies!
I took my first round of Clomid this month, CD2-6. I had a scan on CD12 that showed 2 dominant follicles. I had very strong ovulation pains on CD14 filed by temp rise and then my CD20 progesterone level of 97.5 (my usual is around 35) shows both follicles must have ruptured. I'm now 12dpo, period due on Wednesday. I have my fingers firmly crossed that Clomid will work for me first try too! I'm so happy for you, Krissie!
elliecain: are you seeing an RE or an obgyn? My obgyn is not monitoring me with u/s scanning. I did not ask her to do that because I am new to the TTC world and only learned about that as an option through forums. I am thinking if this round does not work, I should either ask her to do u/s monitoring or perhaps look for an RE.

I would like advice on what to do. I know I should not rule this cycle out yet since its cd15 and i technically still have time to O and get the O symptoms, but I am just feeling like its not going to happen because I don't have any symptoms and I did not even have one side effect from clomid (it just feels like it has done nothing). My fingers are crossed that I still have a shot this round, but if I don't should i just let my obgyn prescribe the 100mg or should i go to an RE and stop seeing the obgyn?
Hello ladies! I am starting clomid next month, I have a vacation to Central America in two weeks so we are waiting until we get back and have passed the Zika danger time window to start my progesterone withdrawal and clomid. I was just reading through the thread, I have learned a lot so thank you.

star_e- I am seeing an OBGYN right now. She said we are going to do a 21 day ultra sound after I take my first round of Clomid. I think that it is completely appropriate for you to ask for an ultra sound, especially for your first round. I am not sure at what point I will ask to see an RE, but I feel really comfortable with the current game plan. My health insurance will not cover any infertility treatments, right now I am seeing the OBGYN because I am not having periods so it is considered a medical issue. Hopefully things will work out as planned....

I am also going to see an acupuncturist with my clomid. I did a 6 round visit with one to help regulate my cycles. It did not help but that is because I most likely have PCOS. I hope that the acupuncture visits with the clomid will help me ovulate. Good luck to everyone and I will be back next month when I start my clomid!

i hope you have a great trip! and can't wait to hear about your first round of clomid when you get back.

and thank you for your suggestion about asking my obgyn for u/s monitoring. I will definitely ask her that. I think my insurance covers fertility specialists, but I should look into it further to make sure. If my obgyn will do u/s monitoring than I will stay with her, at least for another round of clomid on a higher dosage. Maybe I am not giving this round a fair shot, but given that I feel absolutely no signs of O'ing I just feel like its not going to happen. Unless they suddenly appear out of no where in the next few days.

i also have pcos and i think i have read that women with pcos often get negative opks. if i were having symptoms, i would at least have that as an indication despite getting negative opks. but, as i mentioned, i have no symptoms at all.

maybe i will look into seeing an acupuncturist. i just wish i knew what was going on!

I'm a first time Clomid user too I do not have Pcos or any explained issues TTC since Nov 2013. I normally O CD14 but it's now hitting cd19 and still negative on Opk I've read threads where alot of people saying it caused late O so I'm staying hopeful I'm meant to go on Weds for bloods but not sure whether I should as not Od yet. Also I too didn't really have any side effects either and not really got any signs of O either
AngelaALA: i've read threads that say women with pcos sometimes do not get a positive opk. and that when they went to get their bloods tested they realized they had oved. not sure though. that's why i wish to have at least ONE sign. i hope you get a positive opk soon. i hope i do too! this is my first trying ttc ever and also my first time on clomid. doc put me on it right away because of my pcos and the fact that i had not had a period for the past five months. i just don't think clomid 50mg has worked. but, i will keep you and this forum posted. i'm curious to see if my inclinations are correct - that i am out this shot b/c i have not had any signs OR if they can suddenly just appear. only time will tell. gl to you and keep me posted!
Star-e well I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and hope you get that smiley face soon on the Opk. I'm now cd20 and still negative on Opk this is really strange for me and it's definitely down to the Clomid as I do get an Lh surge every month. I'm wondering whether Clomid is regulating my cycles back to getting my surge on or around 14th of every month I'm hoping that's what it's doing. I'm going to call my doc up at the hospital get there advice on what to do about tomorrow if I should go for blood tests or not and by the way I'm new to these threads so don't know all the terminology what's an RE sorry if I sound stupid
Well got through to my Doc at the hospital told me to still go for bloods tomorrow even though I'm still negative on Opk she also said that for first three months I'll remain on 50mg then will be increased after this to 100mg if no joy and also will start follicle tracking next month have to contact them on CD1 and they will book me in for it. This is all very daunting first time on Clomid I just hope all this hassle works and I get my BFP and carry full term
Angel: RE is reproductive endocronologist. I guess I could say RE or FS (fertility specialist). I am new to forums too! I actually did a search on Google and found lists of abbreviations. I have been reading the forums for a while but really wanted to participate too and ask my specific questions b/c sometimes i cannot find answers to them.

do you check cervical position? i am not sure if this is something that will work for me b/c i checked today and it was so far back i could hardly touch it. today was the first day i noticed a tiny tiny bit of cm. im on cd16. i am so hoping i'll ovd! i had been feeling very negative about it, but when i saw the tiny tiny bit of cm, i though well maybe i still have a chance. this ttc process is so fascinating to me. i can see how its frustrating, but also interesting. i am learning so much about my body that i never knew before. i'll keep everyone updated about whether or not clomid 50mg days 5-9 worked in terms of ovd for me.
Well got through to my Doc at the hospital told me to still go for bloods tomorrow even though I'm still negative on Opk she also said that for first three months I'll remain on 50mg then will be increased after this to 100mg if no joy and also will start follicle tracking next month have to contact them on CD1 and they will book me in for it. This is all very daunting first time on Clomid I just hope all this hassle works and I get my BFP and carry full term

i hope it works for you too! so she is keeping you on 50 even if you don't ovd? my doc said if i dont ovd she will move me to 100. so are you at cd20 today? im at cd16 and i'll go in for cd21 for bloods. i am going to ask my doc to u/s track me as well next month. i just want more information.
Well got through to my Doc at the hospital told me to still go for bloods tomorrow even though I'm still negative on Opk she also said that for first three months I'll remain on 50mg then will be increased after this to 100mg if no joy and also will start follicle tracking next month have to contact them on CD1 and they will book me in for it. This is all very daunting first time on Clomid I just hope all this hassle works and I get my BFP and carry full term

i hope it works for you too! so she is keeping you on 50 even if you don't ovd? my doc said if i dont ovd she will move me to 100. so are you at cd20 today? im at cd16 and i'll go in for cd21 for bloods. i am going to ask my doc to u/s track me as well next month. i just want more information.

Yes she is keeping me on 50mg for three months but staring me on Follicle tracking next month alongside Clomid I'm on Cd20 and go for bloods tomorrow even though I haven't had a positive on Opk she still wants me to do the bloods as she said they will tell them more and are more accurate she told me to call them on Thurs for the results. I am finding it interesting but also quite nerve racking too. Everyone around me seems to be pregnant or just had kids and they all talk about how unexpected it was and how quick and easy it was which is heartbreaking for me as I've been trying for over two years and wish it was easy for me and I didn't have to go through this. It would be easier I guess if they knew why I couldn't conceive but they don't they've put it down to unexplained fertility. If one more person says to me it'll happen when it will happen I think I'll scream 😱. I am hoping this works though and trying to stay positive I'm feeling much better now I know they'll be starting follicle tracking next month as that will give me more insite as to what is going on.

Have you Od yet or still waiting how long have you been TTC
U have been ttc for two years but u just started the clomid right? Maybe the clomid will be the push u need to get a bfp. I really hope u get one soon! I know people have been trying for years but still two years is still frustrating and I'm with u. Comments like it will happen when it does must feel almost dismissive. I'm excited for your monitoring. Please walk me through what u r doing with that bc I want to do the monitoring too!

Good news- I got a positive opk tonight. I just BDed w DH and am lying here for 30 minutes just to make sure. The interesting thing is I was so nervous about not having any signs and I had actually pretty much given up hope yesterday because I thought that I should be at least experiencing something. And then today I got a small amount of cm and I started reading up about the cervical position and I was checking that and it felt high and the I felt a fullness in my ovaries. Not a pain. Just a noticeable fullness. So even though I never test twice I decided to test and I got a smiley face!

Does this mean I will ovd tomorrow? I'll BD again tomorrow and the day after that. Do I still need to BD eod even after that just to make sure?
Oh and I am new to ttc. This is my first round in general. She put me on clomid right away bc AF only comes naturally like 2-4 times a year. Prior to this AF induced by provera I had not had one for five months. . Im hoping for you that bc this is your first clomid round that it will be the push u need!

even though I have not been trying for years yet, I can completely understand how hearbreaking it would be to hear about unexpected pregnancies. What I have learned from looking at all the forums and reading people's stories is that it can be very difficult to get pregnant and can be a very long journey. I think the monitoring will be great. More info is helpful.
Oh and I am new to ttc. This is my first round in general. She put me on clomid right away bc AF only comes naturally like 2-4 times a year. Prior to this AF induced by provera I had not had one for five months. . Im hoping for you that bc this is your first clomid round that it will be the push u need!

even though I have not been trying for years yet, I can completely understand how hearbreaking it would be to hear about unexpected pregnancies. What I have learned from looking at all the forums and reading people's stories is that it can be very difficult to get pregnant and can be a very long journey. I think the monitoring will be great. More info is helpful.

Congrats on the ☺ on Opk definitely plenty of BDing that's the fun bit and I do the too I put my legs in the air afterwards as if doing the bicycle exercise. I would do it as much as you can as the egg realises 24-36hours after your surge so plenty all the time also the egg cancelling for as long as 48 hours before leaving if u fertilized so yes keep on at it. Exciting times ahead xx

It must be frustrating for you too though not having AF every month but you never know maybe soon after 2ww you shall get your BFP I'll cross my fingers for you. I am finding these forums helpful though as it helps hearing the success stories and knowing that there are people out there like us.

I was on the pill from age of 16 up to 30 never really any break came off the pill in Nov 2013 wen me and Dh started TTC got told by Dr that the pill will be out my system immediately but after a year my AF was all over the place every month would appear but not regular all different times so we went for all the test my bloods came back that my hormone levels where low but womb and ovaries check where clear. husbands sperm count was just under normal but nothing to be concerned about so they put it down too unexplained infertility and prescribed us with Clomid. I didn't take it at first as had a half marathon coming up and in July 2014 my AF started regulating then in Aug I got BFP but Mc at 6 wks after that constant BFN and AF then in Dec my AF became irregular again so we started Clomid in Jan 2016 CD2-6 with the hope it will help.

I'm thinking I may have had a short O as had all the symptoms a few days ago but didn't use Opk twice a day so may have missed it but me and Dh have been BDing almost every night since AF went 😁 so you never know I'm excited to find out what my bloods say I'm going the hospital now to get them done wish me luck 🍀 xx
I wish you the best of luck. You should probably get your results in a few days right? Maybe the opk did not pick it up bc it happened at night. I had not been testing twice a day but when I felt the fullness in my ovaries I knew something was different. my ovaries feel so full though. I have my button on my jeans unbuttoned bc I feel too full there.

And yes not have AF is very frustrating for me. Some years I only have it two times. It's always been like this. I'm 34 now and just hopeful Clomid works.

I am very sorry to hear about the mc. My fingers are crossed that it will happen for you soon. And since u BDed consistently hopefully the swimmers made it.

We started clomid same time. I started this January too. Hopefully the new year brings us luck.

Oh and I hope it takes a while to ovd after a positive opk bc we BD last night. I couldn't do it this morning bc I had to wake up very early. So we will BD again tonight. And tomorrow. I just can't believe how full my ovaries feel. maybe clomid intensifies things bc even though I get AF seldomnly I've never felt this when I do get it. Of course maybe I never ovd before this. I don't know. This is just something I've never felt before.
hey... waiting for af here to start my 1st round of clomid.. if i dont have in a week dr says will put me on progesterone.

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