Lizard: let us know how the u/s goes! My fingers are crossed! Grow follies grow!
Yeah I've blurted out stuff I've regretted. My MIL doesn't know we are ttc. We were sitting in the maternity ward waiting room waiting for my SIL to give birth. (I don't particularly like my SIL, she is very fake in my opinion) Anyhow, my hubby says he wants a house full of kids! Well I'm upset anyways because of where I was and it was also my cd21 so I was nervous about what my bloodwork was going to say. I blurted out "well good luck with that" in a not very nice way. I felt bad afterwards. So we all say things we wish we hadn't! Lol!
I took a hpt and an opk this morning. The opk wasn't positive but it had a decent second line and the hpt I'm not sure about. I think it has an evap. I've looked at it tons today! Its a cheap dollar store test. The line is sooo faint that I can't tell if there is color.