Redberry, I noticed that you are doing acupuncture. What does that do to help with fertility?
Well, I had my acupuncture appt yesterday. Jackie was really nice and very well informed. She told me that she was confident she could regulate my cycle (i.e. make me ovulate) with weekly sessions for 3 months!

The acupuncture itself was fine. Not unpleasant, but I didn't feel any different afterwards. I did feel really tired in the evening though, and had cramps in my stomach, as she'd told me I might.
I was reminded to eat more fruit, veg, nuts and seeds and less sugar, to drink more water and to stay off the caffeine and booze (which I'm doing anyway). She also recommended a multivitamin suplement - Fertility Plus for women (also available for men) - and a book - 'Getting Pregnant Faster' (all available online at The Natural Health Practice).
Fingers crossed...