Clomid/Femara Testers - TTC #1!

Louimum, we can wait together! Around when do you usually O? I will be going I'm starting d8 to see how my follies are developing. Yes that is amazing about your friend with the blocked tube! Those stories give me hope which really helps :D
i know i love hearing positive stories of ladies in the same situation as me ( dont know if you have seen any of my posts but i was full of extensive adhesions had them removed in aug by laparotomy) so i presumed you would like that story:))
id love a cycle buddy haha. we can deffo wait together. i always ov cd 16. and have a 31day cycle. im very regular. its my 1st month on clomid so i dont know if ill ov early/late. im going to start the opks as of monday which will be cd10. who knew gettin preg would be so blooming confusing xxxx
Yes who knew ttc would be so complicated! How kong have you been ttc? Heres hoping that the clomid does the trick for us both! Only cd6 today....ahh time going so slow haha. How was the weekend? Hubby and I saw the movie Argo which was really good!
Hey everyone

hope you've all been having a good weekend :) Just got back from a night away, much needed! Was actually quite nice not thinking about ttc, clomid etc etc for a while!

lmhiggins I hope these are all good signs for you, let us know how you get on on Tuesday!!

louimum it is really good to hear positive stories thanks for sharing :) I sometimes can't help thinking negatively about it all. And good to know she didn't have any side effects! I was expecting way, way worse than what I've been experiencing so was worried 100mg isn't enough either.

CD7 today and told DH we need to have sex every other day for at least the next two weeks. He is very happy haha :D
ohhh smiler your with us waiting to ov also. At least we can all natter together to await our bfps :))
yes my hubby is loving the constant nookie also. we are aiming for once a day. are u guys doin it more than that? im going to start the opks tomoz (cd 9) i always ov cd16 but im hoping for a earlier ov this month. im so impatient haha!!!
we have been ttc nearly 4yrs now. what about you guys? i put off seekin help so long. i thought it would just happen. last dec i started my investigations. june this year i had the lap which gave us the bad news. then i had to wait until aug for my laparotomy. this is 2nd cycle since my op :))
We are also trying to BD at least every other day :) we have been ttc for a year and a half and went to the doctor after a year to have tests run. This is our second cycle since we got the results back so hoping for good things!

It is nice to be distracted from ttc! For me the work week is hard as I can't get it off my mind!!! So glad o have you ladies :D
Gosh once a day that is keen haha :) We are going for every other day to start with. I'm hoping to ovulate a lot earlier this cycle on 100mg, got a scan on Fri so hoping for better news than last time. If she says it looks like I'm going to o soon, I think we'll up it to every day once I'm a couple of days ahead of my predicted O day :)

We've been trying for nearly 3 years now...went through a stage of NTNP, then stopped trying in the 3 months before our wedding, then back to ttc Jan 2010. I've been pregnant twice naturally but lost both. I knew I had PCOS from the age of about 25 so always thought I'd have problems, so was a real surprise to fall pg naturally. I never even thought about miscarriage til I actually had one :(

louimum did your op sort out all the problems then or is it kind of a temporary fix? I don't know too much about it to be honest. I hope it does the trick xx

Starlight I am a nightmare for work...I work for myself at home, on my laptop all day. I can't stop chatting some days!!! :D
Smiler - I am hoping to O earlier this cycle on 100mg too! So your scan is this upcoming Friday? I've got my first scan tomorrow, then have then every other day till O --- hoping that the 100mg does the trick :) :) :) so sorry about the losses the you've had :(

You work at home - that is great! what do you?
im so jealous of you guys getting scanned haha!! dont know if im repeating myself here but ive used my friends clomid this month as the hosp admin had messed up my appointment. i really didnt wanna miss another cycle. i know im silly to have done this but im bloody desperate. sad isnt it :-(( my cons said after my op when i go to see him at clinic he will be givin me clomid. he never mentioned scannin me etc. im seeing him a week tomoz but i wont be telling him what ive done lol!!!
ive read about women who ov naturally can become really poorly off clomid. im prayin i escape unharmed this month. my friend who gave me the clomid also ov alone and was given a 3month supply to use whileshe awaitd her ivf. no scans etc!! boom bfp 1st month :))
ive done my 1st opk today just cheapie ebay one. i had 2lines on the stick but the test line deffo lighter. xxxx

workin from home sounds fab :))
louimum- totally understand not wanting to wait another cycle. that's exciting that you had 2 lines on the stick, so O is coming soon for you then? :) what CD are you on right now?
good god im so sorry for waffling on girls haha xxx
Yeah louimum I absolutely do not blame you for getting onto clomid asap, can't believe they mucked up your appts etc and put you behind. Lucky you were able to get hold of some! What dose have you been taking? Seems to be a real mixed bag when it comes to monitoring - some docs don't monitor you at all, others all the time. Not sure how they decide!

Sorry to be dim, what is emcs? Sorry you had so many problems :hugs: Sounds like your doc is pretty amazing though!

Starlight I am jealous of all your scans! Yeah mine is this Friday, 26th. Would be amazing to have them every other day. Hope you get good news!

I was wondering whether to do OPKs...I don't know much about them either because with PCOS you can't rely on them for an accurate result. But I don't know if the clomid will stop me having multiple LH surges or not. Maybe I'll give it a whirl and see how I get on!

I'm an editor, used to work in an office but switched to freelance a couple of years ago. On days like today where it's totally miserable I am very glad to not have to commute! And on sunny days I work in the garden :D
louimum - sounds like you have had quite the year. am glad that now you are on your way to TTC and it sounds like the procedures went well :) How did you end up going in for a lap and dye in the first place?

I had an HSG done earlier this year to check my tubes, but that is all I know, so sorry if a silly question!

Smiler - the scans every other day is good but can also be frustrating! Last month, I started going every other day from CD 8, and my doctor thought that I would be done by CD14, but I ended up having to go for many more up until CD22. for the first 3-4 visits, the technicians would always be like "'s CD14 today and your follies are still not growing..hmm...interesting, is this normal for you? we usually see a lot more growth by now!", so it was pretty discouraging, but am hoping for better results this month and will try not to let the technicians get to me.... :)

Last month I did one OPK when the scan showed that I may O soon, and I got a nice big smiley (just the second time I have ever seen one of those!) hehe, but I am not sure how the OPKs work with clomid!

I love that you have all the flexibility as you're working from home! I have been thinking about doing a career transition as right now I work in an office in a business/finance type of job, but I am not really enjoying it much. I have been torn because if we were to get pregnant, there are great maternity benefits, but I really don't like the it's tricky!
Ah yeah, that's a good point! I didn't ov til CD31 last cycle so if I'd had to do the 60mile round trip for ages it would've been really inconvenient. And totally disheartening to have the technicians say stuff like that!

I just ordered some cheap OPKs :) Have no idea how I'll get on with them but they weren't expensive so worth a punt I guess :)

Yeah it is a really hard choice to make re work. I was actually pregnant when I left my job before; I'd already lost one and felt the stress of commuting, the job etc contributed to the loss so I started working for myself but then had another miscarriage anyway. Now I keep thinking I should go back to a 'proper' job but then actually, the flexibility really appeals. I would hope that if we do have a baby, I can keep my toe in my work but just fit my hours around to what suits us. If we need more money, I can work more and if we don't then I get to spend more time with the baby. I think it's obviously sensible to take finances into consideration, but I really think after waiting so long to have a baby, it would be heartwrenching to have to return to work within a few months. I want to enjoy our children :)
smiler your job sounds fab huni. very good job for you to have when you get your bfp :))

as far as the scans go hun some docs/nurses etc just dont realise what they are sayin sometimes do they and how their comments can upset and stress you out. please keep us posted how you get on :))

sorry emcs=emergency cesearean section. i have a 11yr old. different partner now unfortunatly. i had my son very young (19) and was in a hellish relationship which made me very ill with depression etc. i truly feel this ruined my time when my son was young and i cannot wait to do things properly this time in a proper happy mature relationship. my son has started high school now its soooo scarey as he is so grown up etc and my mum thinks im crazy to be so desperate to start all over again haha!!! but i cannot wait :))
god i dont half waffle sorrrrrryyyy lol xxxc
p.s its 50mg cd2-7 i have taken.

my hsg was also clear hun. im so lucky to have clear tubes. have you not had a lap hun? i thought it was pretty standard procedure to do a lap in infertility tests xx maybe im wrong
I really want to be a stay-at-home mom assuming that it makes sense financially or have a flexible job that I can work more or less, so Smiler sounds like you have a great set up for that right now :)

louimum-that is exciting that your son is all grown up! no I didn't have a lap done, just a HSG. What do they check for in a lap?
a lap is where they go in thro your belly button and basically they are able to check all your internal organs. tubes.eggs. etc. my friend who i told you about before also had her problems confirmed thro a lap. she had appendix taken out when she was 15. it had blocked one of her tubes and bent the other one. they bent it back during her lap.
maybe you just get offered one if you have had previous surgery or infections etc hun xxxx
Hi Ladies

Hope you've all had an OK start to the week. Good luck with the scans I hope there are lots of big bouncing follies in there!

I think you're right louimum, you only get a lap if there is a reason they might think there is scar tissue. I had an HSG which identified a polyp which has now been removed through hysteroscopy.

I'm off to get my Day 21 bloods taken on Weds, but its a bit pointless as I didnt ovulate on day 14 - I know as I've been using OPKs. I just got two bars on my CBFM today - yay! - although it's Day 19 I was beginning to lose faith! I'm not sure if the clomid has helped or not though as i sometimes ov around this time on my own, but either way i'm really hoping it goes up to three bars tomorrow.

Working from home sounds good Smiler - I was wondering do you get lonely at all or do you like the peace and quiet? I thought a few years ago about changing jobs (I'm also in finance) and then thought, no I'll stay so i can benefit from decent maternity leave - if i'd known i'd still be trying at this point i think i'd have left. Oh well, hindsight eh?

Lots of luck for the week ahead Team Clomid :happydance:

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