**Clomid Girls** ~ Updated ~ 11 BFP'S AND COUNTING!!

It would be funny if i fell pregnant just as ive been prescribed clomid! :)
I just want to start it now im getting so impatiant every time i go to the toilet im hoping to see the af arrive (sorry too much info) but i want my CLOMID NOW!

Monalisa - the doctor told me if you have been trying over 2 years they will refer you to a fertility clinic with a gynecologist so thats what my doctor did! it was a 3 month waiting list to be seen and had my first appointment with my gynecologist in January who did a seman analisis on boyfriend and also did blood work on me and went for my second appointment at the start of february and was given results that boyfriend has got good seman and my blood tests came back all fine and they congratulated me on my 3 stone weight loss and told me im doing good then handed me over the clomid prescription i was thrilled! I just hope the 12th day scan is all good fingers crossed!
Hi monalisa! The doctor gave me a supply for 6 months but only told to take a 3 month course then have an esg if i havnt had any bfp's. I will have a scan done on the 12th day of cycle to see how im getting on so that will also show if i have any problems.

Baybeemz i doubt i'm pregnant because ive not concieved since my mc 2 years ago but never say never we'll see but i dont think so if i am it will be a very big shock and ill be a little disheartened that i never got to join in with the clomid chicks :) xxx

Well you never know hun you could be!
How funny would that be if you was and youv just been prescribed clomid! :lol:
I thought i was pregnant this month because i was late but i wasnt but atleast i got to start clomid :happydance:

It's interesting that they prescribed you clomid at your young age.
I hope it works the first time. FX'ed!

I know! I was very surprised because i spoke to a few people about going to see a gyno to see if he will put me on fertility meds and most of them said they wont because im young but when i went they didnt even mention my age, but my OH is 26 this year :)
And thanks hun, Have you started taking clomid yet?

26 is very young too hun. No I haven't started taking clomid yet, waiting for AF, it's due in a week. But, I'm excited about it. I would have never thought I'd say this but, I wish AF came early this month. LOL!!
Im getting weird niggly feeling down there! Surely i shouldnt be feeling anything yet! I only just finished my first round of clomid! :lol:
It would be funny if i fell pregnant just as ive been prescribed clomid! :)
I just want to start it now im getting so impatiant every time i go to the toilet im hoping to see the af arrive (sorry too much info) but i want my CLOMID NOW!

Monalisa - the doctor told me if you have been trying over 2 years they will refer you to a fertility clinic with a gynecologist so thats what my doctor did! it was a 3 month waiting list to be seen and had my first appointment with my gynecologist in January who did a seman analisis on boyfriend and also did blood work on me and went for my second appointment at the start of february and was given results that boyfriend has got good seman and my blood tests came back all fine and they congratulated me on my 3 stone weight loss and told me im doing good then handed me over the clomid prescription i was thrilled! I just hope the 12th day scan is all good fingers crossed!

I didn't think that I'd say this in this forum but, I hope you'll have AF as soon as possible.
Hi monalisa! The doctor gave me a supply for 6 months but only told to take a 3 month course then have an esg if i havnt had any bfp's. I will have a scan done on the 12th day of cycle to see how im getting on so that will also show if i have any problems.

Baybeemz i doubt i'm pregnant because ive not concieved since my mc 2 years ago but never say never we'll see but i dont think so if i am it will be a very big shock and ill be a little disheartened that i never got to join in with the clomid chicks :) xxx

Well you never know hun you could be!
How funny would that be if you was and youv just been prescribed clomid! :lol:
I thought i was pregnant this month because i was late but i wasnt but atleast i got to start clomid :happydance:

It's interesting that they prescribed you clomid at your young age.
I hope it works the first time. FX'ed!

I know! I was very surprised because i spoke to a few people about going to see a gyno to see if he will put me on fertility meds and most of them said they wont because im young but when i went they didnt even mention my age, but my OH is 26 this year :)
And thanks hun, Have you started taking clomid yet?

26 is very young too hun. No I haven't started taking clomid yet, waiting for AF, it's due in a week. But, I'm excited about it. I would have never thought I'd say this but, I wish AF came early this month. LOL!!

I was the exact same! I really wanted AF to show cause was soo excited to start clomid, and it was late this month aswel which was annoying :lol:
I'm pritty sure my af is going to be a late one this month girls! i just have an a funny feeling my body being my body would do something like this just to wind me up knowing my excited to start my clomid.....

I'm 23 and they never mentioned my age either but they did want to know how long i had been trying for and because i had a mc 2 years ago and not concieved since they put me on the clomid pritty much straight away but they tested OH just to be on the safe side that the reason i wasnt getting pregnant wasnt because of bad spermy's thankfully not him but unfortunatly i am the problem (why wont ovaries just be good for one month just so i can get my BFP)

what woman have to go through ay! :)

You will have to keep us imformed when AF arrives :)
Hopefully sooner rather than later, I know how fustrating it is, mine was late and it was so bloody fustrating! and kept checking and hoping all the time :lol:
First time iv ever wanted AF to arrive :lol:
You will have to keep us imformed when AF arrives :)
Hopefully sooner rather than later, I know how fustrating it is, mine was late and it was so bloody fustrating! and kept checking and hoping all the time :lol:
First time iv ever wanted AF to arrive :lol:

hehe i know what you mean! FUSTRATING! wish the bloody witch would come now rather than later! ill keep you all posted :)
what do you by monitored hun? I have to go for a ultrasound on my 12th day into my cycle to check that the clomid is doing what it should be and check to see if im going to ovulate and look for folicles but apart from that nothing else so far got a letter from hospital other day for my next appointment 13th june which is a while off but they did say they would see how i get on with the clomid for 3 months if i dont fall pregnant in the 3 months thats the next apointment in june i go to as they said they will then do an ESG and try other options...what about you?xx
Hey all,

This is my first cycle on Clomid and took it cd3-cd7. I was diagnosised with PCOS at the end of the year, put on metformin, and then my ob/gyn immediately put me on Clomid because of the diagnosis and my age - I'm 35.

I go see him for 21 day bloodwork or whatever they call it. I'm pretty certain I O'd in January on my own thanks to the metformin so I'm just hoping the Clomid gives me really good eggs.

Idk about any side effects, I do know that I have felt what I think is ovulation cramping for the first time. All I do know is that since last Tuesday, I've felt off - nausea off and on, night time congestion, uncontrollable snacking (if it had happened at the end of this week, I'd think it was PMS), and I just noticed last night that my aerolas are huge! But for the first time since I went off BC, I have no pain in my BBs. I'm hoping this is a good sign that the metformin is getting those hormones under control.
what do you by monitored hun? I have to go for a ultrasound on my 12th day into my cycle to check that the clomid is doing what it should be and check to see if im going to ovulate and look for folicles but apart from that nothing else so far got a letter from hospital other day for my next appointment 13th june which is a while off but they did say they would see how i get on with the clomid for 3 months if i dont fall pregnant in the 3 months thats the next apointment in june i go to as they said they will then do an ESG and try other options...what about you?xx

Yes thats what i mean, having scans.
I thought they had to scan everyone to see if the follicles are getting big or if theres too many but with me there not scanning me just doing blood works :wacko:
what do you by monitored hun? I have to go for a ultrasound on my 12th day into my cycle to check that the clomid is doing what it should be and check to see if im going to ovulate and look for folicles but apart from that nothing else so far got a letter from hospital other day for my next appointment 13th june which is a while off but they did say they would see how i get on with the clomid for 3 months if i dont fall pregnant in the 3 months thats the next apointment in june i go to as they said they will then do an ESG and try other options...what about you?xx

Yes thats what i mean, having scans.
I thought they had to scan everyone to see if the follicles are getting big or if theres too many but with me there not scanning me just doing blood works :wacko:

They are not doing scans on me either. I only had a scan last week to see if there was a problem, this was before I took the clomid. She is only doing bloodwork. Hmmm.... Strange... Guess its because I O on my own.
Hey all,

This is my first cycle on Clomid and took it cd3-cd7. I was diagnosised with PCOS at the end of the year, put on metformin, and then my ob/gyn immediately put me on Clomid because of the diagnosis and my age - I'm 35.

I go see him for 21 day bloodwork or whatever they call it. I'm pretty certain I O'd in January on my own thanks to the metformin so I'm just hoping the Clomid gives me really good eggs.

Idk about any side effects, I do know that I have felt what I think is ovulation cramping for the first time. All I do know is that since last Tuesday, I've felt off - nausea off and on, night time congestion, uncontrollable snacking (if it had happened at the end of this week, I'd think it was PMS), and I just noticed last night that my aerolas are huge! But for the first time since I went off BC, I have no pain in my BBs. I'm hoping this is a good sign that the metformin is getting those hormones under control.

Hi ldybeowulf :hi:

Sorry to hear about your PCOS hun but your symtoms sound good lets hope for a bfp :happydance:

Keep us posted on how you go with the clomid!

what do you by monitored hun? I have to go for a ultrasound on my 12th day into my cycle to check that the clomid is doing what it should be and check to see if im going to ovulate and look for folicles but apart from that nothing else so far got a letter from hospital other day for my next appointment 13th june which is a while off but they did say they would see how i get on with the clomid for 3 months if i dont fall pregnant in the 3 months thats the next apointment in june i go to as they said they will then do an ESG and try other options...what about you?xx

Yes thats what i mean, having scans.
I thought they had to scan everyone to see if the follicles are getting big or if theres too many but with me there not scanning me just doing blood works :wacko:

Yes it is strange there not scanning you but if you ovulate on your own i dont think they need too hun! with me they dont think im ovulating xx
Thats great news. I hope that it works, I am tired of worrying about ovulate dates and
2ww. LOL
what do you by monitored hun? I have to go for a ultrasound on my 12th day into my cycle to check that the clomid is doing what it should be and check to see if im going to ovulate and look for folicles but apart from that nothing else so far got a letter from hospital other day for my next appointment 13th june which is a while off but they did say they would see how i get on with the clomid for 3 months if i dont fall pregnant in the 3 months thats the next apointment in june i go to as they said they will then do an ESG and try other options...what about you?xx

Yes thats what i mean, having scans.
I thought they had to scan everyone to see if the follicles are getting big or if theres too many but with me there not scanning me just doing blood works :wacko:

Yes it is strange there not scanning you but if you ovulate on your own i dont think they need too hun! with me they dont think im ovulating xx

I dont know if im ovulating :dohh: I thought i was, but maybe im not? But i go for a day 22 blood work so that will show anyway :) I dont have pcos apparently, I dont even know whats wrong with me!
When i went for my scan to see if there was anything wrong, i had small follicles, nurse said i need to go on medication to give the ovaries a kick up the bum to give them a kick start, So maybe im not ovulating, but not sure untill i get results for blood work when i go on day 22
Hi ladies :wave:

Can i join you please? I've been prescribed 50mg clomid from cd2 to cd6 for next cycle. I don't really know what to expect but to be honest, if my gp or consultant suggested eating a fresh dog poo rolled in used cat litter to get me a bfp, then I would be tucking in right about now. The witcn is due around the 21st feb (and she will be here I am certain) so if anyone else is similar dates then I look forward to getting to know you better.

Good luck ladies!
Hi ladies :wave:

Can i join you please? I've been prescribed 50mg clomid from cd2 to cd6 for next cycle. I don't really know what to expect but to be honest, if my gp or consultant suggested eating a fresh dog poo rolled in used cat litter to get me a bfp, then I would be tucking in right about now. The witcn is due around the 21st feb (and she will be here I am certain) so if anyone else is similar dates then I look forward to getting to know you better.

Good luck ladies!

Hiya and welcome :hi:

Your the same as me then, taking it on CD2 to CD6 and 50mg.... Iv just took my last clomid pill.. CD6 :)
How long are you on it for?
Hi Lam- I am taking clomid days 2-6 as well. I am on day 11 now.

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