**Clomid Girls** ~ Updated ~ 11 BFP'S AND COUNTING!!

Got my results from cd 28(7 dp"o"), progesterone was 12, should have been over 30... meh.

You did ovulate then, but perhaps with not as much gusto a your doctor would have liked given that this was a medicated cycle. But CBFM didn't lie - you definitely did ovulate. Not sure if that is what you wanted to hear or not? Maybe not. Have at look at this information:

"A progesterone test is done to confirm ovulation. When a follicle releases its egg, it becomes what is called a corpus luteum and produces progesterone. A level over 5 probably indicates some form of ovulation, but most doctors want to see a level over 10 on a natural cycle, and a level over 15 on a medicated cycle. There is no mid-luteal level that predicts pregnancy. Some say the test may be more accurate if done first thing in the morning after fasting."

Its from this website:


NLZ - have a look too as it will answer you hormone levels questions.
Thanks Lamburai1703 i think your right i remember the doctor saying something about my progestorone... so it proberly was that what was low hence being put on the clomid. All these hormones and different names are so confusing at times x

Been looking at my dates and i am going to change my test date from the 22nd march to the 17th :) as i have worked out next thursday 17th i would be about 12dpo so i can test earlier than expected.....so next week testers are mechanica and me FX'ed! x
Hi laides, this is CD16, no positives OPKs yet. Before clomid I was O'ing between CD12-15. Maybe I missed my surge I had O pains at CD14 but a negative OPK. I don't know, I hope I have already O'ed or soon will.
Also, my skin broke out. I have like 5-6 pimples on my face. I didn't have pimples even in puberty. Maybe that's a side effect of clomid. I don't know. did anyone have this?
Nlz -I have pcos and doc said I wasn't Ov'ing on my own since this past summer.

This may be a silly question, but would you still get ewcm if you don't actually ovulate? Didn't really notice so much before and def. getting the ewcm, so hoping that means I'm gonna Ov soon! :)

I would like to know what everyone thinks on this as well since I am in the same situation. I asked my doctor today and she said it's possible but she wasn't too sure. I am hoping it also means I will be O'ing. I will be in to see the FS tomorrow, so if I remember, I will ask him and let you know ;)

I do have PCOS and when I was doing research on it, I discovered that you can have all the symptoms of O without actually doing it. Our bodies do like to torture us sometimes.
Nlz -I have pcos and doc said I wasn't Ov'ing on my own since this past summer.

This may be a silly question, but would you still get ewcm if you don't actually ovulate? Didn't really notice so much before and def. getting the ewcm, so hoping that means I'm gonna Ov soon! :)

Everything I've read says yes you can still get ewcm and not actually ovulate. Same thing with opks. You can get positives and then not ovulate. It's our body playing tricks on us! :wacko: It gets all geared up to o and then decides not to. :shrug: SUCKS.
And I just need to vent a little so please bear with me.

This is O week. Told dh that I wanted to do it every day so we didn't miss the egg. He said fine but as he works 4 10 hour 3rd shifts, he wanted to do it when he first got home instead of me waking him up when I go home for lunch. I was fine with that. I just want the sperm! Well, yesterday morning was the 1st time to try this thing out and it took him a little while to get up and going. This morning...couldn't even get up and moving. I'm awake at 4am when I get up at 6 and according to all calculations this is the day I am mostly to O! I don't want this to be a wasted clomid month!

I think my thing is that I also have fibromyalgia and this is the worst week I've had for pain and exhaustion in months and he's bending me like a pretzel trying to find a position that might wake him up.

Ok...deep breath...releasing the frustration.

Thanks ladies. I needed that.
Hi laides, this is CD16, no positives OPKs yet. Before clomid I was O'ing between CD12-15. Maybe I missed my surge I had O pains at CD14 but a negative OPK. I don't know, I hope I have already O'ed or soon will.
Also, my skin broke out. I have like 5-6 pimples on my face. I didn't have pimples even in puberty. Maybe that's a side effect of clomid. I don't know. did anyone have this?

I'm in the same boat...it's cd19 and I'm not sure I o'ed yet. I'm getting so impatient!! I had a +opk 2 days ago, and I usually o on the day of +opk. Since charting, I have o'ed twice on cd 15, once on cd17, once on cd19 and once unknown (probably didn't o OR on cd21). So I'm pretty frustrated. My temps are rising by 0.2 everyday, which doesn't help. So does that mean I'm a "slow riser" this cycle, or does it mean that I haven't o'ed yet?! I'm so sick of waiting! :hissy: I am ready for a bd break :blush: and just want to be in the 2ww!
Idy, I'm sorry to hear that. :hugs: Don't you just want to scream JUST GIVE US THE DARN SPERM sometimes?! It's so frustrating, especially when we've been ttc for a while now...

On another note, a good friend of mine gave birth to her daughter yesterday. I remember when she told me she was pregnant...I was ttc back then too, and here she is getting preggo AND giving birth and I'm still not even pregnant yet. :hissy:

I'm having one of those days, can you tell? :blush:
Got my results from cd 28(7 dp"o"), progesterone was 12, should have been over 30... meh.

You did ovulate then, but perhaps with not as much gusto a your doctor would have liked given that this was a medicated cycle. But CBFM didn't lie - you definitely did ovulate. Not sure if that is what you wanted to hear or not? Maybe not. Have at look at this information:

"A progesterone test is done to confirm ovulation. When a follicle releases its egg, it becomes what is called a corpus luteum and produces progesterone. A level over 5 probably indicates some form of ovulation, but most doctors want to see a level over 10 on a natural cycle, and a level over 15 on a medicated cycle. There is no mid-luteal level that predicts pregnancy. Some say the test may be more accurate if done first thing in the morning after fasting."

Its from this website:


NLZ - have a look too as it will answer you hormone levels questions.

Whew, lots of of posts from me!! Sorry. :blush: This is great info. Thank you. My progesterone level was 8 the only time it was taken, at 7 dpo. my doctor told me I definitely o'ed, but not good enough. Maybe it wasn't a mature enough egg. That's why he put me on clomid. Good to know about the fasting, I was wondering about that. My cd21 test was supposed to be this Saturday, but since I'm not sure I even o'ed (and definitely not on cd14), I moved it to next Wednesday morning. I hope I o soon or I'll have to move it again!
Ladies what could this be? I just been to the toilet and when i wiped myself i noticed creamy cm on the tissue (sorry tmi) :blush: so then i placed my finger inside to check and when i pulled it out it was wet creamy in texture and not only that but inside felt kind of strange well different to when i did cm checks it felt like a band around the opening of my cervix its hard to describe like lumpy to feel not like it was last week and i know your cervix changes through out your cycle but arnt i surposed to be dry after ovulation? or is this a normal sign after ovulation? :wacko: im roughly 4-6dpo x
NLZ - creamy CM after ovulation is normal (as is any cm except ewcm). And your cervix moves constantly throughout the day which is why they advise you to check it the same time each day.

Rosa - I think you did ov on cd17 but your high pre-ov temps are upsetting ff. Try discarding the temps on cd7 and cd11, and try adding another slightly higher temp for tomorrow. Also, take out your cm for the 17th as this is likely upsetting FF too. Just have a fiddle around with it and it might give you a clearer picture. Fingers crossed lovely!
Hi laides, this is CD16, no positives OPKs yet. Before clomid I was O'ing between CD12-15. Maybe I missed my surge I had O pains at CD14 but a negative OPK. I don't know, I hope I have already O'ed or soon will.
Also, my skin broke out. I have like 5-6 pimples on my face. I didn't have pimples even in puberty. Maybe that's a side effect of clomid. I don't know. did anyone have this?

I'm in the same boat...it's cd19 and I'm not sure I o'ed yet. I'm getting so impatient!! I had a +opk 2 days ago, and I usually o on the day of +opk. Since charting, I have o'ed twice on cd 15, once on cd17, once on cd19 and once unknown (probably didn't o OR on cd21). So I'm pretty frustrated. My temps are rising by 0.2 everyday, which doesn't help. So does that mean I'm a "slow riser" this cycle, or does it mean that I haven't o'ed yet?! I'm so sick of waiting! :hissy: I am ready for a bd break :blush: and just want to be in the 2ww!

We both took 100 mg days 4-8 and experiencing pretty much the same things. My temps are post-o levels since CD9, so I don't think FF will give me an O day. It's good that you had your positive OPK. Temps are not reliable, so I think you O'ed. Hopefully I'll get my positive OPK tonight or tomorrow. FX'ed for all!
Idy, I'm sorry to hear that. :hugs: Don't you just want to scream JUST GIVE US THE DARN SPERM sometimes?! It's so frustrating, especially when we've been ttc for a while now...

On another note, a good friend of mine gave birth to her daughter yesterday. I remember when she told me she was pregnant...I was ttc back then too, and here she is getting preggo AND giving birth and I'm still not even pregnant yet. :hissy:

I'm having one of those days, can you tell? :blush:

I did almost scream at him to just give me the sperm! He better be ready to go when I get home for lunch because I am feeling O pains right now which means I need sperm!!!!

And I have one of those days whenever I see all the people on the campus where I work pregnant or see their facebook statuses.
Thanks, lam and mona. I think clomid majorly wacked out my cycle regarding temps. :wacko: Lam, I'll try discarding those high temps. I NEVER have temps that high pre-o, so I'm assuming it's the clomid. I woke up with hot flashes in the middle of the night, even a few days after I was done with the meds. Hopefully we'll get our bfps this cycle and the temps won't mean a thing! :happydance:
Lam, I discarded the high temps pre-o and put in a slightly higher temp for tomorrow. It said again o on cd17 with dotted lines. Probably dotted because I have no fertile cm. Thanks for your thoughs. I guess I just wait, then. :shrug:
Well dashed lines is good as it gives you something to work with. Ff gets upset if your cm doesn't match everything else but at least you have an approximate test date. Roll on tomorrow's temp i say.
Idybeowulf - I am so tempted to just ask my dh to leave his deposit in a pot in the fridge and I'll use a turkey baster! He works shifts too and sometimes it plays merry hell with ttc. Also, when he is being a twat I'd rather not have to be nice just to get what i need! Ugh. Men eh?
Hi laides, this is CD16, no positives OPKs yet. Before clomid I was O'ing between CD12-15. Maybe I missed my surge I had O pains at CD14 but a negative OPK. I don't know, I hope I have already O'ed or soon will.
Also, my skin broke out. I have like 5-6 pimples on my face. I didn't have pimples even in puberty. Maybe that's a side effect of clomid. I don't know. did anyone have this?

Mona- I got that right before O last month AND this month (currently have spots EVERYWHERE on my face). It must be the Clomid. Ugh! I also have been beyond exhausted, no matter how much I sleep. The Clomid is killing me with the exhaustion, spots, and hot flashes!

The nurse just called to tell me that my ultrasound and labwork results are all good, and I should ovulate any day now! Yay! Now if only I was more awake for all the BD'ing that I need to do.....:sleep:
thanks doodles,
it's not just me then! it's good to know that it can happen before O. I'm having O pains but still no positive OPK. I hope I'll O soon.
I wake up in the morning having hot flashes. I usually sleep with PJs but clomid made me wear nighties which is better :)
Idybeowulf - I am so tempted to just ask my dh to leave his deposit in a pot in the fridge and I'll use a turkey baster! He works shifts too and sometimes it plays merry hell with ttc. Also, when he is being a twat I'd rather not have to be nice just to get what i need! Ugh. Men eh?

Well he redeemed himself at lunch so I'll forgive him for this morning. Now I'm hoping that sperm met egg! Did tell him that we having another go tomorrow just in case! LOL

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