**Clomid Girls** ~ Updated ~ 11 BFP'S AND COUNTING!!

Thanks! yea i took a peak at it and that gives me more hope because the day before your positive test is about what my readings have been looking like, i havent got a + test yet, i didnt use these opks with concieving #1, so im new at this. But i am going to try testing a couple times a day instead of just the a.m., i read on a one website to not use early morning urine b.c. some women can surge in the a.m. nut takes 4hrs to show up in urine, so who knows! im going to take a couple throughout the day i mean i dont want to miss anything!
here is the link where has Q&As about OPKs
Thanks for the link! I've been using them for 10 months now. :wacko: I also read that fmu is not the best, but to be honest, that's when I get all of my positives. Probably because my urine is most concentrated. (I drink a LOT of water everyday)
Well Im testing tmw, well, officially testing tmw, have already done 5, but they didnt count as I wasnt due. My LP last month was 11 days, so unless that was early because of a MC it should be tmw right? Not hopeful tbh.
Rosababy, all i drink is water! i mean when i pee it practically looks like water, so i am with you about the fmu. I keep taking it then b.c. of how diluated my pee always is. But i will take a couple throughout day to make sure. cmon big O!

Cranberry- Good Luck! & i know its tough but dont lose hope!
I have great news!! Just came back from my cd 14 ultrasound and I have TWO mature eggies!! One is 18.9 and the other was 23! She also gave me an hcg injection for the first time so I'm excited about that too :)

Wow Tracy thats fantastic news!!! I wish my doc was doing testing during my cycle. And I think youre right, the shot makes the mature eggs come out of the ovaries and move on to the tubes. Good luck!!! Go get busy dtd!!!
How you girls all feeling today? I have been having alot of tummy rumbles and twinges today im cd 21 today and approx 5 dpo (i think) x
I'm having some different "cramps." I say it like that because they don't really hurt as much as they feel pulled. Like I worked my abs too much, but I didn't. And if I twist or turn too quickly, it pulls funny. It's very strange. Never had these before...maybe it's my super eggs coming out!! :haha:
Bfn this morning but I am only 11 dpo -last month AF came at 11 dpo but that's all the data I have to go on as I never ov'd before. Temps look ok still so not giving up hope yet! Will keep testing.
cranberry sorry for your bfn but like you said dont give up hope just yet you may get your :bfp: in a couple of days you might of ovulated later than you thought so test in a couple of days :) fingers crossed keep us updated hun x

Well not much to update today i keep getting rumbles in my tummy :wacko: might just be trapped gas :haha: bb's are slightly sore but nothing major typical for me to have sore bb's couple weeks before AF but im praying it wont end in that :thumbup: fx'd

Well off to work i go, its another sunny day here today! :coolio:

How you all doing you wonderful clomid ladies? :hugs:

Starting to think that maybe I had a false start ov peak. If you look at my temps there's a surge on 5 dpo then spotting on 7 dpo. What do you think? Could I have ov'd then? If so then I've missed it :( Hubby refused to perform after the peak bonkathon
I just had a look and by the look of it you may have ov'd cd24 (or maybe ovulated twice)? but i agree theres defo a big temp drop then a big temp serg. Lets see what the other ladies think because temping charts confuse me slightly so the other girls might know best fx'ed you caught your eggy this cycle hun xx
Starting to think that maybe I had a false start ov peak. If you look at my temps there's a surge on 5 dpo then spotting on 7 dpo. What do you think? Could I have ov'd then? If so then I've missed it :( Hubby refused to perform after the peak bonkathon

I think FF has got it absolutely correct. You had a temp shift around your Peak days so I would trust this to be correct. One question: you chart indicates that you have been taking clomid more than the normal 5 days in your cycle? Is this the case? (Apologies if you have already answered this elsewhere!).

If anything, I would say your chart looks very promising (although I can't see what days you BD'd) and the spotting at 7dpo could suggest implantation. There is also a second thermal shift which could suggest your chart is going triphasic. This does not mean you are DEFINITELY pregnant, but if it were my chart, I would be excited.
Have no idea whats up with me but yesterday and today i have been getting alot of tummy grumbling and today have been having aot of heart burn :( sorry tmi but i have been the toilet in last 2 days wanting no2's (usually go every other day not everyday):blush: I'm not starving to make the grumbling have now idea why i am getting alot of grumbling noises & heartburn:wacko:

anyone else felt like this im in my 2 week wait and today is cd 22 (approx 6dpo well roughly)! :shrug:
Have no idea whats up with me but yesterday and today i have been getting alot of tummy grumbling and today have been having aot of heart burn :( sorry tmi but i have been the toilet in last 2 days wanting no2's (usually go every other day not everyday):blush: I'm not starving to make the grumbling have now idea why i am getting alot of grumbling noises & heartburn:wacko:

anyone else felt like this im in my 2 week wait and today is cd 22 (approx 6dpo well roughly)! :shrug:

Pregnancy is supposed to mess up things in the bathroom area so let's hope these symptoms lead to a BFP!

I know that before I m/c in June I was what most people would consider "normal" in the bathroom. For me it almost equaled constipation because I had my gallbladder removed and so I normally go a lot and it's not normally too solid.
Still having weird cramps. Little ones, twinges, pullings, etc. But still no temp spike. :wacko: This is so late for me! I hope my uterus doesn't "give up" and decide it's done before O actually happens. Frustrated because my dh couldn't finish last night, the day of my +opk. Figures. This NEVER happens to us, so I was pretty devastated. :cry: We were able to dtd this morning, though. And with no temp spike, maybe I'll o today. :shrug: Feeling pretty down today.
still getting a negative reading for my opks, now the line is the lightest i have seen it...i am starting to think im not going to ovulate this cycle...it was the darkest on cd10 but i read that on clomid if you take an opk too soon your likely to get a false positive. Idk...frusterating!

niz2468- preg. with my first, i felt very similar to that no #2s and heartburn...all good signs :)
Sporty - i'd be surprised if clomid causes false opk readings as they test for lh and not estrogen. Clomid can cause misleading results if you use a fertility monitor as this tests for both. Perhaps you geared up to ov and for some reason its been delayed? This happened to me last month. Try not to be too down.
Lamnurai- thanks for that! :) how long did you wait on your last cycle since you said your O was delayed? what day did you take your clomid and what day did you O? my clomid days are 5-9 and ttc days 14-16..and still nothing

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