**Clomid Girls** ~ Updated ~ 11 BFP'S AND COUNTING!!

ldybeowulf i am the exact same i have had the munchies for days since ovulation and im on a diet so im used to not snacking but oh my godness i have been wanting more snacks and i kept getting dizzy spells too :) sounds good fx'ed for you x
well i've just done another ic as i held my wee for 4 hours tonight so thought what the heck not that it would make any difference on darkness as ive heard hcg doubles every 2 days lol :haha: its getting abit of an addiction but i did another ic anyway and still a nice pink second line so im cautiously going to annouce i'm pregnant!! i cant believe it to be honest, doesnt seem real but it does explain why ive been feeling horrible for the past few days feel sick and having headaches and increased gas and ive been wanting to snack so much (which i never do as im on a diet) and bb's are getting sore now which i noticed and having mild cramping but apart from that im fine:thumbup:

ill put some pics of frer results on here when they arrive :happydance:

I'm so happy for you Nlz!!!!! :happydance: Congrats! Can't wait to see these pics. BTW, when did you start noticing any symptoms?
im becoming a poas addicted i am going through my IC's like a mad woman:haha:

i really hope this is my much awaited bfp me and OH have been ttc on and off for 4years well more like ntnp method and thought it would happen naturally and nothing happened for 18months then bam i was pregnant but sadly it ended in a mc at 10.5weeks and now its been 2years since my mc and now it looks like my pregnant again i hope if i am this is a sticky one and i can finally become a mother! im praying so hard

how are you all feeling? xx

If I'd gotten any kind of line, I know I would be testing like crazy too. That or I'd be demanding a blood test asap.

I've had some lightheadedness since 1dpo and the munchies since then too. The lightheadedness has really kicked in today. I have no clue what's going on. I know what I hope is going on but trying to not even think that way yet.

Hi Idybeowulf! I just wanted to make a comment about the dizziness thing. Last month, from 5 or 6 dpo on, I suffered from horrible :wacko:dizziness and disorientation. I was also hoping for a bfp, but apparently its was just from the Clomid, I suppose from having seriously raging hormones:shrug:! It was a horrible thing to deal with for ten days or so, but it didnt go away until AF showed up.

My fingers are X for you that that is not why you feel that way! I just wanted you to know someone else taking Clomid has experienced it!!!:hugs:
Congratulations nlz!!! Im sooo glad you made my prediction from a few days ago come true!!!
nlz, :happydance: Congratulations!!!! Can't wait to see that digi pic!! I'm so happy for you! You've waited soooo long. Here I am, feeling hopeless after only 10 months of trying. Good for you!

I'm doing okay. I felt so hopeful at the beginning of the cycle. Went on clomid to help my prog levels, and assumed I would o, since I normally do on my own. Well, here is cd23 and I have no idea if I o'ed. How can I possibly NOT o, I'm on o med and I o on my own!! This is just supposed to make me o MORE! :haha: (The other part of me is saying calm down dude. I"m sure you o'ed...just calm down) :blush: My blood test for prog is Wednesday morning, and I really hope I don't have to wait a long time to find out. So to sum up, I'm not feeling pregnant. At all. I totally expect a bfn.
I'm doing okay. I felt so hopeful at the beginning of the cycle. Went on clomid to help my prog levels, and assumed I would o, since I normally do on my own. Well, here is cd23 and I have no idea if I o'ed. How can I possibly NOT o, I'm on o med and I o on my own!! This is just supposed to make me o MORE! :haha: (The other part of me is saying calm down dude. I"m sure you o'ed...just calm down) :blush: My blood test for prog is Wednesday morning, and I really hope I don't have to wait a long time to find out. So to sum up, I'm not feeling pregnant. At all. I totally expect a bfn.

Me too! Right down to it being CD24 for me an no +opk! I know it's a BFN for me because i didn't get a sperm donation so even if there was an egg i missed it. Lets hope next month is our month. Good luck, you may still have caught that eggy!

Congrats nlz!!
Me too! Right down to it being CD24 for me an no +opk! I know it's a BFN for me because i didn't get a sperm donation so even if there was an egg i missed it. Lets hope next month is our month. Good luck, you may still have caught that eggy!

Congrats nlz!!

Thanks! I did get a +opk, but my temps didn't confirm the o. So, I don't know if it was a "gear up to o and then not o" kind of a cycle, or what. :shrug: I stopped temping. Only the blood test will tell us. I may have caught it, who knows. Good luck to you next cycle!
Me too! Right down to it being CD24 for me an no +opk! I know it's a BFN for me because i didn't get a sperm donation so even if there was an egg i missed it. Lets hope next month is our month. Good luck, you may still have caught that eggy!

Congrats nlz!!

Thanks! I did get a +opk, but my temps didn't confirm the o. So, I don't know if it was a "gear up to o and then not o" kind of a cycle, or what. :shrug: I stopped temping. Only the blood test will tell us. I may have caught it, who knows. Good luck to you next cycle!

I have my blood test on Thursday *Biting nails* Keep us posted on your bloodwork and Fx'd for ya that you get good news! I hoping Nlz is just the start of many more :bfp: to come! :)
Thank you ladies for all the nice messages! :) but i aint leaving you all yet i will be stalking this section for a long time because i know we have plenty more :bfp:'s to come:happydance:

never give up hope i know how it feels every month when af arrives its total heartache and i myself have been on a long and emotional journey but i know you all will be fantastic mothers one day and i truley believe clomid has helped me aswell as a number of other things. Stay possitive girls dont give up i know you will get your bfp's very soon :hugs:

My IC's keep getting darker and im on my toes looking for mr postman to arrive with my frer's :haha:

ValentinesGal - it wasnt so much symtoms i was just feeling offish/strange didnt think it was because i was pregnant. It started around 7dpo i kept having dizzy spells and having headaches and then around about cd9 i woke up feeling sicky thought what the heck ill do an IC and i saw a very faint second line and even OH noticed it as i thought i was seeing things:haha: but since sunday my IC's have been getting darker but i was just feeling kinda offish :wacko:

Thought i would just add,
i did a couple of things different this month which i think helped me get my my bfp

I used pre-seed every day that we had :sex: we had intercourse at night and i fell asleep with :spermy:'s inside me (sorry tmi) we had intercourse from cd11- cd20 and obviously combined with the clomid and i used my cbfm and opk's Hope that helps girls :thumbup: xxx
nlz, :happydance: Congratulations!!!! Can't wait to see that digi pic!! I'm so happy for you! You've waited soooo long. Here I am, feeling hopeless after only 10 months of trying. Good for you!

I'm doing okay. I felt so hopeful at the beginning of the cycle. Went on clomid to help my prog levels, and assumed I would o, since I normally do on my own. Well, here is cd23 and I have no idea if I o'ed. How can I possibly NOT o, I'm on o med and I o on my own!! This is just supposed to make me o MORE! :haha: (The other part of me is saying calm down dude. I"m sure you o'ed...just calm down) :blush: My blood test for prog is Wednesday morning, and I really hope I don't have to wait a long time to find out. So to sum up, I'm not feeling pregnant. At all. I totally expect a bfn.

I'm EXACTLY in the same boat. I used to get a postive opk around CD12-15 and have temps confirm it every single month before clomid!! Today is CD 21 and I never had a positive opk and my temps are all over the place. I don't want to believe that clomid can stop my ovulation process. I just keep BDing and waiting for the day I'm due which is next wednesday. :coffee:
im becoming a poas addicted i am going through my IC's like a mad woman:haha:

i really hope this is my much awaited bfp me and OH have been ttc on and off for 4years well more like ntnp method and thought it would happen naturally and nothing happened for 18months then bam i was pregnant but sadly it ended in a mc at 10.5weeks and now its been 2years since my mc and now it looks like my pregnant again i hope if i am this is a sticky one and i can finally become a mother! im praying so hard

how are you all feeling? xx

If I'd gotten any kind of line, I know I would be testing like crazy too. That or I'd be demanding a blood test asap.

I've had some lightheadedness since 1dpo and the munchies since then too. The lightheadedness has really kicked in today. I have no clue what's going on. I know what I hope is going on but trying to not even think that way yet.

Hi Idybeowulf! I just wanted to make a comment about the dizziness thing. Last month, from 5 or 6 dpo on, I suffered from horrible :wacko:dizziness and disorientation. I was also hoping for a bfp, but apparently its was just from the Clomid, I suppose from having seriously raging hormones:shrug:! It was a horrible thing to deal with for ten days or so, but it didnt go away until AF showed up.

My fingers are X for you that that is not why you feel that way! I just wanted you to know someone else taking Clomid has experienced it!!!:hugs:

First - a HUGE congrats nlz! I this bean sticks like super glue for u.

Last month I felt nauseous from the 1dpo and now realize it was probably the clomid. Idk about the dizziness. I can add a bout of nausea to the list too. I spent about 3 hours yesterday afternoon with my head feeling off and feeling like I could puke. Dh is teasing me about the munchies though. He keeps telling me to make sure I don't eat everything in the house. :haha:
nlz, :happydance: Congratulations!!!! Can't wait to see that digi pic!! I'm so happy for you! You've waited soooo long. Here I am, feeling hopeless after only 10 months of trying. Good for you!

I'm doing okay. I felt so hopeful at the beginning of the cycle. Went on clomid to help my prog levels, and assumed I would o, since I normally do on my own. Well, here is cd23 and I have no idea if I o'ed. How can I possibly NOT o, I'm on o med and I o on my own!! This is just supposed to make me o MORE! :haha: (The other part of me is saying calm down dude. I"m sure you o'ed...just calm down) :blush: My blood test for prog is Wednesday morning, and I really hope I don't have to wait a long time to find out. So to sum up, I'm not feeling pregnant. At all. I totally expect a bfn.

I'm EXACTLY in the same boat. I used to get a postive opk around CD12-15 and have temps confirm it every single month before clomid!! Today is CD 21 and I never had a positive opk and my temps are all over the place. I don't want to believe that clomid can stop my ovulation process. I just keep BDing and waiting for the day I'm due which is next wednesday. :coffee:

I know, right?! How can clomid make us STOP o'ing?!?! Seriously. If that even happened... :gun:
We bd'ed more than usual, only every other day, though. Following doc's orders. Blood test is tomorrow. I hope I don't have to wait a long time for the results. I want to know how my prog levels are!!
Well my frer arrived this morning but i have been feeling horrible all day and went for an afternoon nap as i keep getting headaches :( anyway ive just woken up and did my first frer and here are the pics :)


still cant believe it xx
NLZ, Those are very nice lines you have on FRER!!
wishing you a sticky bean, sorry for your headaches I hope you feel better soon!!
nlz, :happydance: Congratulations!!!! Can't wait to see that digi pic!! I'm so happy for you! You've waited soooo long. Here I am, feeling hopeless after only 10 months of trying. Good for you!

I'm doing okay. I felt so hopeful at the beginning of the cycle. Went on clomid to help my prog levels, and assumed I would o, since I normally do on my own. Well, here is cd23 and I have no idea if I o'ed. How can I possibly NOT o, I'm on o med and I o on my own!! This is just supposed to make me o MORE! :haha: (The other part of me is saying calm down dude. I"m sure you o'ed...just calm down) :blush: My blood test for prog is Wednesday morning, and I really hope I don't have to wait a long time to find out. So to sum up, I'm not feeling pregnant. At all. I totally expect a bfn.

I'm EXACTLY in the same boat. I used to get a postive opk around CD12-15 and have temps confirm it every single month before clomid!! Today is CD 21 and I never had a positive opk and my temps are all over the place. I don't want to believe that clomid can stop my ovulation process. I just keep BDing and waiting for the day I'm due which is next wednesday. :coffee:

I know, right?! How can clomid make us STOP o'ing?!?! Seriously. If that even happened... :gun:
We bd'ed more than usual, only every other day, though. Following doc's orders. Blood test is tomorrow. I hope I don't have to wait a long time for the results. I want to know how my prog levels are!!

Please let me know when you have your results. My doc didn't even ask for blood tests, he just told me to try 2 months. This is so frustrating not knowing. :nope:
thanks monalisa81 i hope this baby sticks and stays put for at least 9months :)


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