**Clomid Girls** ~ Updated ~ 11 BFP'S AND COUNTING!!

I also had some cramping/stabby pain in my ovaries yesterday, mostly on the right side. I told DH it was an extra egg making him twins...so we BD'd just in case! LOL. Today I'm not crampy at all. Hmmmmmm. I'm only 4dpo, so far too early to start analyzing anything.

nlz- so excited for you!!!

Idybeowulf- so sorry to hear the bad news! My DH lost his job right before we became engaged, so I can sympathize. Keep your chin up, and don't worry about it affecting implantation. Plenty of people get pregnant during stressful times. FX'd for you!
hey girls thought i would update you all ive had abit of a nightmare of a day today and been crying! basically been getting more cramps today they arnt painful just uncomftable and ive had alot of lower backache anyway i went to the toilet this morning and when i wiped i noticed what looked like brown discharge only a little bit more like spotting but started to worry obviously! Then i started to notice light pale pink discharge which sceard the hell out of me and i bust into tears i rang OH crying saying i think im loosing baby he told me not to worry! I rang the hospital fertility clinic and they told me to monitor it and rest which i knew they would say, so all day i have been in bed and resting i keep checking when going to the toilet sometimes i wipe theres nothing and sometimes pinky or browny in colour not enough to wear a pad or anything (sorry tmi) but ive been so upset all day :( i would of been due on my period anyday now so i dont know if its because of that?! i'm kinder giving up on hope not even happy i got a feeling its going to start bleeding full on which i would rather know now rather than let it drag. Sorry to moan i just really down at the moment and needed someone to talk to as men dont seem to understand what we actually go through. I may in fact be ok but i may not i cant do anything which is the worst part about it as the nurse said even if she scaned me now she wouldnt really be able to see much as its early days still and they just tel you to rest and monitor it.....easily said than done! :cry:


I am so sorry NLZ! I hope that it turns out to be nothing. I think I read somewhere if its not read your still in the going, so just try to relax
thanks hun i just had a hot bath and tried to relax stil gettin a light tint discharge but only when i wipe properly it doesnt leak out sorry tmi! Its the backache thats concering me lower back ache had it all day and tummy has light cramps ill see how the rest of the day and night goes hope it doesnt go heavy or red in blood! so sceard trying to keep calm but its hard i dont want to loose another baby i feel so worthless x
Oh Nlz, I'm sorry for all this. BUT, spotting in early pregnancy especially around the day AF was due is very very normal. All my friends had it with their pregnancies. Doctors are only worried if it's bright red and heavy like AF.
Relax darling, I'm sure everything is fine! :flower:
Nlz, I'm SURE it's fine. Lots of women have spotting (especially brown and some pink) in early pregnancies, and everything is just fine. Try to relax. I know it's harder said than done! This is perfectly normal, though. :hugs:

So it sounds like there are a lot of us who have had cramps after o. I really hope that clomid did its job and this is a little bean snuggling in nice and tight! (Although, I have to keep reminding myself that a side effect of clomid is cramps...I'm hoping for the best though!) It was only for an hour or 1.5 hours or so, though. Not all day.
thanks girls i am still very worried but me and OH have spoken and said if its going to happen its going to happen its in gods hands now i'm just praying all this brown/pinky cm goes away and hopeing no blood shows! Yes ive heard aswell spotting and light bleeding is sometimes common especially when AF is due. Going to see how the days progress now thanks again for your lovley messages ill update you tomorrow on progress x
Awe nlz I hope everything is okay hun!!! I have faith that it is just normal spotting, you have SO many ladies pulling for you.

The cramping thing must be the most common side effect of Clomid! I have had cramping and tenderness and pain of some sort almost non-stop since OV, which was DAYS ago!
I'm sorry nlz...I'm sure that can be nerve racking! I agree with all the above that spotting is normal in early pregnancy. My friend bled a lot at the beginning of her pregnancy. Hang in there! :hugs:
Mrshanna, yes I know. :wacko: Here I was hoping that the cramping meant something, but it probably doesn't. Ho hum.
I'm so sorry Nlz :hugs: I've also heard that its normal to spot in early pregnancy. I hope everything turns out okay...please keep us posted.
morning girls well been keeping track of my cm and last night it seemed to of ease off and this morning theres nothing showing im just praying that was just a false alarm im obviously still concerned but i cant do anything until i go for my early scan at fertility clinic which wont be prob until 6+weeks. I would of been due on my AF any day now so im hoping nothing shows. Just have a silly question i have 1 clear blue digi left and 1 frer left if i leave them and test say the end of next week again should digi have progressed from 1-2weeks to 2-3weeks or more as when i did digi yesterday it said 1-2weeks? i mean would my hcg be alot higher next week and show on poas's if my pregnancy is progressing? x
NLZ, I'm glad you feel better. I heard that the week indicator may give false results. You may try but dont feel bad if it still says 1-2 weeks.
morning girls well been keeping track of my cm and last night it seemed to of ease off and this morning theres nothing showing im just praying that was just a false alarm im obviously still concerned but i cant do anything until i go for my early scan at fertility clinic which wont be prob until 6+weeks. I would of been due on my AF any day now so im hoping nothing shows. Just have a silly question i have 1 clear blue digi left and 1 frer left if i leave them and test say the end of next week again should digi have progressed from 1-2weeks to 2-3weeks or more as when i did digi yesterday it said 1-2weeks? i mean would my hcg be alot higher next week and show on poas's if my pregnancy is progressing? x

I don't know about that, but I can't imagine it would be THAT accurate. Woudl going in for a blood test make a difference? Just pray hard. What's meant to be will be. I'm SURE this is nothing, and that your little bean is fine. :hugs:

Afm, just sitting around waiting for the doc to call about my progesterone blood test from yesterday. :coffee: I really just want to know if I o'ed, and if Clomid worked for me. I would love to know if there was a SHOT for this cycle. Even if we're not pregnant, at least I know clomid works, and there is hope for the next few cycles. I'll be crushed if he calls with a low number. Even though I know clomid may take a cycle or two to work. I want to be one of the lucky ones that gets it on the first cycle! :hissy:
Ive spoken to the nurse at my fertility clinic and waiting for her to get back to me with a date for my early scan so i surpose ill just wait til then im alot more calmer now and i believe what happens, happens! i'm in gods hands now! on a possitive note no sign of any more browny/pinky cm! :) hope you clomid girls are doing good! cant wait to see the results next week of all you testers come on :bfp:'s xxxxx
nlz, I"m glad the spotting is gone and that you're feeling better about it! That's great. :thumbup: I'm sure this little bean will stick nice and tight.
So glad your spotting has stopped, nlz!! FX'd for you!!!

rosababy- hope you get good progesterone results!! I'm getting my bloodwork done tomorrow.
Hi ladies
this is CD 23 for me and when I took of the negative OPK inputs FF marked CD20 as the O day. I BD'ed at CD 19 for the last time. I hope I still have a chance. Next month I'm definetly taking my OPKs with me to work for testing around 2 pm. This cycle I did the tests when I get back home around 7-8 pm and I think I missed the surge. I spent 2 boxes of clearblue digi OPKs. That's soo silly!

Rosababy, let us know when you have your results, I hope they come out OK.
Doc called....19!!!! My progesterone was 19!!!! :wohoo: He said that was very good, more than double of last time (it was 8 last time), so he said that the clomid is working! He left a message since I was teaching...and said that no more blood tests are needed, and if I don't get preggo in 5 months to call him.

I'm just so relieved!! I know it doesn't mean that I'm pregnant, but just to know that my progesterone is where it should be is SUCH a happy feeling for me!
YAAYYY!!! Rosababy, I'm soo happy for you!
I hope you caught that eggy :thumbup:

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