**Clomid Girls** ~ Updated ~ 11 BFP'S AND COUNTING!!

Thanks, idy. :hugs: I honestly don't know what I'll do when I see a 2nd line. I won't believe it, I'll probably have to test like 15 more times that day! I hope your spotting stops or at least stays brown, and you get your bfp this weekend! :happydance:

I don't throw the pee out until I throw the test out...in case I ever see a second line and need to do 15 more tests! :rofl:

:rofl: So do you just let it sit there all day?! :haha:

Hahahahaha so far, just a few hours....but that's a good idea....:winkwink:
I'm out. The stupid witch has shown up. In the span of an hour I've gone from almost nothing to full on bright red clotty material. Already called the doc to get my next round of clomid called in. I'll be on 150mg this time.
i'm so sorry ldybeowulf i hope you get that bfp next month! what mg of clomid were you on this 2nd cycle was it 100mg? and when was you AF due hun? xx

any news monalisa81, rosababy & tracy546 have you tested girls? thinking of you xx

good luck jpmystic & Lamburai1703 for tomorrow testing!

i'm really hoping to see a few bfp's this week we have alot of testers! fx'ed x
I'm out. The stupid witch has shown up. In the span of an hour I've gone from almost nothing to full on bright red clotty material. Already called the doc to get my next round of clomid called in. I'll be on 150mg this time.

sorry for the witch hun! please keep your chin up.
I hope 150 mg will help you get your BFP this cycle :hugs:
i'm so sorry ldybeowulf i hope you get that bfp next month! xxx

any news on monalisa81, rosababy & tracy546 have you tested girls? thinking of you xx

good luck jpmystic & Lamburai1703 for tomorrow testing!

i'm really hoping to see a few bfp's this week we have alot of testers! fx'ed x

My AF was due today. But I don't even think that I O'ed. I tested in the morning and got a BFN. I just wish the witch comes today so I can start my new round of clomid soon.
So sorry, Idy!!!! :hugs: I hope 150mg does the trick for you this month.
Hello ladies-just to update that this is my 3rd and last round of clomid-I cannot take the side effects anymore! So I have another FS app on 21st April to see what to do next-so my date for testing would be around 20th April for round 3 and if no luck, we'll see what they say about progressing things I suppose!

Interestingly, for anyone else out there with 'unexplained' and on clomid, the nurse said that 3 months is usuallys sufficiant if it isnt adressing a specific problem-why was I told to have 6 in the first place then?! x
I'm out. The stupid witch has shown up. In the span of an hour I've gone from almost nothing to full on bright red clotty material. Already called the doc to get my next round of clomid called in. I'll be on 150mg this time.

Oh, Idy. I'm sorry. :hugs: That sucks. I hope 150 can give you more luck. How many cycles is this for you on clomid now? Remember that cd1 is always the worst day. It'll get better from here.

i'm so sorry ldybeowulf i hope you get that bfp next month! what mg of clomid were you on this 2nd cycle was it 100mg? and when was you AF due hun? xx

any news monalisa81, rosababy & tracy546 have you tested girls? thinking of you xx

Tested this morning, bfn. :cry: No AF yet, so if she IS coming, I hope it's soon so I can start over.

My AF was due today. But I don't even think that I O'ed. I tested in the morning and got a BFN. I just wish the witch comes today so I can start my new round of clomid soon.

I am the same. I wish she'd just come already. I have heard of clomid making the LP longer and I already have a 15 day LP. Longer than THAT?! :wacko: I'm sorry about your bfn. They're never easy to see. I hate testing.

Hello ladies-just to update that this is my 3rd and last round of clomid-I cannot take the side effects anymore! So I have another FS app on 21st April to see what to do next-so my date for testing would be around 20th April for round 3 and if no luck, we'll see what they say about progressing things I suppose!

Interestingly, for anyone else out there with 'unexplained' and on clomid, the nurse said that 3 months is usuallys sufficiant if it isnt adressing a specific problem-why was I told to have 6 in the first place then?! x

I'm sorry, kitty. What kinds of side effects do you get? I just had major hot flashes in the middle of the night (I am NOT looking forward to those again), and some random cramps all throughout my cycle. My temps were all over the place, which was also annoying.

I wonder why she said 3 months it usually works, and yet they say 6 months?? My doc said if it doesn't work in 5 months, it probably won't work, and we'll find something else. Luckily, my progesterone levels had gone way up on clomid, so it appears that it's working for me. Just a matter of catching that egg now! Come on, :spermy: Getting them checked on Monday. Maybe they say it usually works in 3 or so, but they give it a few more months in case it works in 4-6?? Not sure, that's strange.
I'm out. The stupid witch has shown up. In the span of an hour I've gone from almost nothing to full on bright red clotty material. Already called the doc to get my next round of clomid called in. I'll be on 150mg this time.

I'm sorry ldy! :hugs: I hope the new dosage works for you! :thumbup:
Rosa - that was my 2nd cycle. My doc isn't shy about bumping up the dosage. What I don't like is that my cycles can't seem to get straightened out. I was late on the 1st and early this time.

Also with dh laid off, he lost his ins and now we can't get a SA. I'm going out today and getting him zinc and something with folic acid. I've read out them helping and I figure it can't hurt. He too can pop pills to help with all this.
mona - your not out yet until the witch arrives :) theres still hope!

rosa - if af doesnt show in couple days try testing again you may have a bfp hiding :) fx'ed

ldybe - i hope the 150mg gives you super eggy's and you get that bfp next month

I've had a pritty rubbish evening been crying my eyes out dont know why im so emotional been picking for an argument with OH which isnt fair i started getting all upset saying i know this pregnancy will end in a mc he keeps telling me to stop being negitive but i told him i'm scared to death of history repeating itself. Got my early scan booked on the 8th april i am so sceard i dont even want to go for the scan im not enjoying this one bit i am so nervous and have got all worked up over it now ive got it in my head that this pregnancy isnt going to last. I wish i would be happy but i cant at the moment i feel a failiure and i really think i'm going to have a mc again and im so frightened. I thought i would be excited about being pregnant again after my mc 2yrs ago but im not enjoying this one bit i just want everything to be ok :(

Nlz, I'm sorry you're feeling so down and scared. :hugs: Try to find something else to keep your mind busy. I totally understand that it might not take away all of the fear, but something that will make the time go faster. A good book...a scrapbooking project? Do you pray? My main prayer lately has been for peace, and I'll tell ya...I feel like it's working. Last month, I was on my ass sobbing at any bfn, and today, I picked myself up and went on with my day.

I'm 15 dpo today, so a bfn probably means bfn. But if for some reason AF doesn't show up by the weekend, I"ll test again. It should have showed up by now, though. :shrug:
thanks rosa! well i hope the witch arrives soon and you can crack on with the next course of clomid and hoping for that bfp next month fx'ed will you be on a higher dosage? I dont pray rosa i gave up praying and hoping when i lost little one 2 years ago i felt upset and angry and blamed god for everything he had put me through all my life and then with my struggles in concieving then with my mc i didnt believe in hope anymore but i dont blame him no more as someone once told me god cant look after each and everyone of us but he trys his very best i dont know if that gave me a little bit of hope but he sure has his work cut out looking after and watching over billions of people around the world! I am taking my mind of this pregnancy sometimes i forget im pregnant i keep my mind busy but then sometimes i get down and depressed i really dont think im going to have much luck with this pregnancy i dont know why i feel like that maybe because im terrified of history repeating its self and the thought of going through the pain of a mc again emotionally and physically scears me to death so im just putting it to the back of my mind i'm not excited at the moment im still dreading the scan in the next couple of weeks i will be a nervous wreck and proberly be crying all day weather its good news or bad. I hate feeling like this and never thought i would say this but being on clomid was less stress than this dont get me wrong i want a baby i want children but the pregnancy part scears the crap out of me! Lets hope the scan brings good news and puts my mind at ease x x x
nlz- I'm so sorry that you're feeling so sad and scared. I can't even imagine how you must feel. Just try to take care of yourself, keep your spirits up, and look after that little bean. I really hope this one is sticky for you. Hang in there, lady!!

rosa- Any sign of AF?? My temp is still up, so it looks like AF might be coming late...or, dare I hope, not at all. Still no sign of a second line, though.
thanks rosa! well i hope the witch arrives soon and you can crack on with the next course of clomid and hoping for that bfp next month fx'ed will you be on a higher dosage? I dont pray rosa i gave up praying and hoping when i lost little one 2 years ago i felt upset and angry and blamed god for everything he had put me through all my life and then with my struggles in concieving then with my mc i didnt believe in hope anymore but i dont blame him no more as someone once told me god cant look after each and everyone of us but he trys his very best i dont know if that gave me a little bit of hope but he sure has his work cut out looking after and watching over billions of people around the world! I am taking my mind of this pregnancy sometimes i forget im pregnant i keep my mind busy but then sometimes i get down and depressed i really dont think im going to have much luck with this pregnancy i dont know why i feel like that maybe because im terrified of history repeating its self and the thought of going through the pain of a mc again emotionally and physically scears me to death so im just putting it to the back of my mind i'm not excited at the moment im still dreading the scan in the next couple of weeks i will be a nervous wreck and proberly be crying all day weather its good news or bad. I hate feeling like this and never thought i would say this but being on clomid was less stress than this dont get me wrong i want a baby i want children but the pregnancy part scears the crap out of me! Lets hope the scan brings good news and puts my mind at ease x x x

Oh nlz. God DOES look out for each and every one of us. I can't believe who ever told you that TOLD you that!! :wacko: He's not human, and people try to compare our thoughts and abilities to His. He DOES see everything that everyone does, even though it's so hard for us to grasp that. The hard thing is we don't know His reasons for things, and never will. I'm so sorry about losing your little one. :hugs: But maybe there was something wrong with the baby, and he/she would have grown up to have a miserable, hard life. We just don't know why these things happen, but it doesn't mean God doesn't love us. He wants to put your mind at ease. Try prayer again. :hugs:

Afm, I'm already on 100 mg, so I doubt I will up my dosage yet. Doc said give it 5 cycles and we'll try something new after that.
nlz- I'm so sorry that you're feeling so sad and scared. I can't even imagine how you must feel. Just try to take care of yourself, keep your spirits up, and look after that little bean. I really hope this one is sticky for you. Hang in there, lady!!

rosa- Any sign of AF?? My temp is still up, so it looks like AF might be coming late...or, dare I hope, not at all. Still no sign of a second line, though.

No AF yet. :wacko: I had cramps last night, I had to use a heating pad, but nothing this morning. No cramps. I'm SOOOOO tired and really cranky. I just want to hide in my room and not talk to anyone...I've been tired all week. However, not seeing it as a preggo symptom, because my dh is also sick and tired all week. I don't know. I heard that clomid can make the LP longer, so I'm really hoping I don't have to be in limbo for long.
Good morning my Clomid Club gals!!! Nlz, i have to agree with Rosa...He truly does look after us all, just not always in the way we are expecting! If you cant bring yourself to pray, we will just do it for you! I hope that is your forever baby hun!

Doodles and Rosa!!! Oh I hope you two get your BFPs soon! Im telling you, the odds are great for us!!!
thanks girls! i know your right but i think because i had my mc with the first pregnancy i gave up on all hope! and with close friends and family passing away in recent years i always ask myself why? Rosa i agree that maybe with my previous mc baby could of been born with something wrong and maybe thats why i mc! Like i said before if i mc then it happens theres nothing i can do about it now im in gods hands! I wish i could just relax and enjoy this pregnancy i have waited so long for this second chance but the past is haunting me and it scears me! I will keep my faith and try and put it to the back of my mind until scan date arrives. thanks ladies xx

hope your all well :hugs:
Nlz, :hugs: It's so hard to understand why bad things happen to good people. That's probably the most asked question of Christians! I don't have an answer except that we can not possibly begin to understand God's reasons. Not a great answer, I know. I had a bf (thought we would actually get married) back in college and post college that broke up with me, and I thought my world was over. I questioned God, and didn't know why I was in so much pain. Then, I met my dh, and he is inifinitely a better man and husband for me than this guy would have been. I know this is not even a little comparable to losing a baby, but it's an example of me not understanding God's reason until later. Sometimes, we never understand.

You're absolutely right. Nothing you can do but trust God. Give it all to him. :hugs: We'll pray for you, too.

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