**Clomid Girls** ~ Updated ~ 11 BFP'S AND COUNTING!!

nlz- I'm so sorry that you're feeling so sad and scared. I can't even imagine how you must feel. Just try to take care of yourself, keep your spirits up, and look after that little bean. I really hope this one is sticky for you. Hang in there, lady!!

rosa- Any sign of AF?? My temp is still up, so it looks like AF might be coming late...or, dare I hope, not at all. Still no sign of a second line, though.

No AF yet. :wacko: I had cramps last night, I had to use a heating pad, but nothing this morning. No cramps. I'm SOOOOO tired and really cranky. I just want to hide in my room and not talk to anyone...I've been tired all week. However, not seeing it as a preggo symptom, because my dh is also sick and tired all week. I don't know. I heard that clomid can make the LP longer, so I'm really hoping I don't have to be in limbo for long.

Hmmmmm well Clomid did make my LP longer, but that was the goal with me. I used to have spotting starting at 9dpo. But if you don't have AF, there's still hope for you!! I've had some cramping today, but nothing major. And I've also been soooo tired and majorly irritable. And I think my boobs are about to pop out of this top. Ha! :wacko:
Hmmmmm well Clomid did make my LP longer, but that was the goal with me. I used to have spotting starting at 9dpo. But if you don't have AF, there's still hope for you!! I've had some cramping today, but nothing major. And I've also been soooo tired and majorly irritable. And I think my boobs are about to pop out of this top. Ha! :wacko:

Well, I looked up some of my old cycles, and sure enough 2 of them were 15 day LP and 2 were 16 day LP. Today is 16, so I'm sure I'll get AF tomorrow. Still hope, I guess...such a LONG LP. So annoying. :wacko:
Clomid extended my LP from 14 or 15 days to 16 last cycle, and I dont know what yet this cycle. Hopefully 9 months!!!
I'm out. The stupid witch has shown up. In the span of an hour I've gone from almost nothing to full on bright red clotty material. Already called the doc to get my next round of clomid called in. I'll be on 150mg this time.

I'm so sorry to hear this :hugs: Hopeully this next round will be it! Fx'd

Ladies still testing...you're not out till AF rears her ugly head. Good luck to you! Still hoping to see some BFP's!

NLZ - I hope you get to feeling better. Try to relax like Rosa said and find something to keep you busy. I've recently taken up knitting and its actually pretty neat and definitely keeps my mind and hands busy...Maybe an idea? :) I'm sure everything is gonna be fine :hugs:
Clomid extended my LP from 14 or 15 days to 16 last cycle, and I dont know what yet this cycle. Hopefully 9 months!!!

Ugh, I hope I don't have a 17 day LP!! :wacko:

Valentines, I used to crochet and knit, too! It really does keep the mind and fingers busy. I used to do it while I watched TV. Now, I'm on BnB! :haha:
Clomid extended my LP from 14 or 15 days to 16 last cycle, and I dont know what yet this cycle. Hopefully 9 months!!!

Ugh, I hope I don't have a 17 day LP!! :wacko:

Valentines, I used to crochet and knit, too! It really does keep the mind and fingers busy. I used to do it while I watched TV. Now, I'm on BnB! :haha:

I'm still learning...not the best at it, but I enjoy it. If only we could figure out how to knit and be on BnB at the same time hehe Then we'd be set :)
Thanks ladies. Rosa you are very right! and thaks valentines i tried my hand at knitting before as my mother in law does it and makes beautiful colourful knitted blankets and she tried to teach me but i cant seem to grasp it lol i'll let her design the nice ones as im sure mine would turn out slightly wrong hehe! I will look out for new hobbies to do as i really fancy doing something different for a change hmmm we shall see :) xx
Hmmmmm well Clomid did make my LP longer, but that was the goal with me. I used to have spotting starting at 9dpo. But if you don't have AF, there's still hope for you!! I've had some cramping today, but nothing major. And I've also been soooo tired and majorly irritable. And I think my boobs are about to pop out of this top. Ha! :wacko:

Well, I looked up some of my old cycles, and sure enough 2 of them were 15 day LP and 2 were 16 day LP. Today is 16, so I'm sure I'll get AF tomorrow. Still hope, I guess...such a LONG LP. So annoying. :wacko:

any news from you hun?
I looked at my previous charts I had LP between 14-16. But this cycle I don't know what dpo I am, this is CD31 :coffee: still nothing, not even spotting
Well you can consider me a gonner for round 2! I can't even talk about it right now I'm so upset! :cry::cry: I'll be on later.
Hmmmmm well Clomid did make my LP longer, but that was the goal with me. I used to have spotting starting at 9dpo. But if you don't have AF, there's still hope for you!! I've had some cramping today, but nothing major. And I've also been soooo tired and majorly irritable. And I think my boobs are about to pop out of this top. Ha! :wacko:

Well, I looked up some of my old cycles, and sure enough 2 of them were 15 day LP and 2 were 16 day LP. Today is 16, so I'm sure I'll get AF tomorrow. Still hope, I guess...such a LONG LP. So annoying. :wacko:

Yuck!! Any news today? I once had a 16 day LP...I was CONVINCED I was preggo...but then AF showed up. But most months I've had the opposite problem. The last two months have been 14 days, though.

My temp is still up, so I think it's unlikely I'm getting AF on Sunday, so perhaps I'm going to have a long LP, as well. I'm so irritated right now!! I'm still having all the same symptoms, and now have some manner of allergic reaction to the generic version of the lotion I always use. My face is on fire and my neck is itchy. Awesome. No sign of BFP...:wacko:
Sorry girls haven’t been on in a few days but I am out :( AF came on Tuesday so on to cycle #3 of clomid.
Well, I looked up some of my old cycles, and sure enough 2 of them were 15 day LP and 2 were 16 day LP. Today is 16, so I'm sure I'll get AF tomorrow. Still hope, I guess...such a LONG LP. So annoying. :wacko:

I have official AF cramps this morning. Took tylonol just in case, but I would have loved to take something stronger. She hasn't shown yet...I usually get her overnight and first thing in the morning. I'll keep you updated. I keep running to the bathroom. If she doesn't come today (which she will, so I don't know why I even say that) I'll be officially "late."

Well you can consider me a gonner for round 2! I can't even talk about it right now I'm so upset! :cry::cry: I'll be on later.

I'm so sorry. :hugs: That sucks. Will you up the dosage?

Sorry girls haven’t been on in a few days but I am out :( AF came on Tuesday so on to cycle #3 of clomid.

Tracy, I'm sorry for you, too. :hugs: Ladies, we havne't had good luck lately! Let's all go out for a drink together! :wine:
I'm sorry for all of you that had the witch show up too.

I just took my first dose of round 3. I hope this is the one that works. I have also added folic acid, selenium, and zinc to dh's daily pills. I have no clue if they will help or if he even needs them, I felt that he needed to be popping pills if I am.

I am hoping that the reason I haven't gotten/stayed pregnant is because it's all part of a plan. It's what keeps me moving forward. I just applied for another job, which would be perfect for me, and I never would have applied if I was pregnant because I don't think it's fair to start a new job and then immediately have to take maternity leave. So maybe this is what's supposed to happen.
Awe ladies I am so sorry to hear all of the bad news this morning!:hugs::hugs::hugs: to all of you!!!
I'm sorry for all of you that had the witch show up too.

I just took my first dose of round 3. I hope this is the one that works. I have also added folic acid, selenium, and zinc to dh's daily pills. I have no clue if they will help or if he even needs them, I felt that he needed to be popping pills if I am.

I am hoping that the reason I haven't gotten/stayed pregnant is because it's all part of a plan. It's what keeps me moving forward. I just applied for another job, which would be perfect for me, and I never would have applied if I was pregnant because I don't think it's fair to start a new job and then immediately have to take maternity leave. So maybe this is what's supposed to happen.

It IS part of a plan, and maybe you were meant to have this job. That's a wonderful way to think about it. I hope round 3 is successful for you. :hugs: I think our "reason" was because our sex life had dwindled down to hardly having sex at all...now that we're doing it all the time, we are so much closer! Imagine that! :haha: And we're actually enjoying it...so I think that's why it's taking us so long. To get our grove back on. :winkwink: It's worked, so give us our :baby:!!!
Thanks girls :hugs: Trying to stay positive....every month is one month closer to that BFP for all of us! The hubby and I just began a two-week Miami/Caribbean vacation so hopefully this brings the relaxation and de-stressing we need.
I am starting round #3 of clomid tomorrow, upping the dose from 50mg to 100mg. The Dr. also wanted to do an IUI this month, but I’m not sure if I’ll be back by ovulation day so I’m crossing my fingers I ov on day 15 this month instead of 14 so I am home!!!
Good luck to all who started their new rounds. Hope this cycle will be the one for all of us!

Rosababy, I was just looking at the estimated birth day calendar and when I entered today as the LMP day, the estimated due date is december 31st. LOL! I hope we both have a visit from AF today and get a BFP next cycle for the new year babies. LOL!!!
Good luck to all who started their new rounds. Hope this cycle will be the one for all of us!

Rosababy, I was just looking at the estimated birth day calendar and when I entered today as the LMP day, the estimated due date is december 31st. LOL! I hope we both have a visit from AF today and get a BFP next cycle for the new year babies. LOL!!!

Oh fun! New Years babies!! :happydance: Still no AF...I keep running to the bathroom...
any news jpmystic & Lamburai1703 on results yet?
iprayforabump so sorry hun i know the heartache when af shows keep your chin up and fx'ed next round gets you that bfp!

Can i just ask how long have you all been ttc for? and have you got any children already? and how old are you?
I'm 23 me and OH have been ttc on and off for over 4 years took 2 yrs to concieve baby number one but ended in mmc at 10.5weeks :cry:
this is my second pregnancy and it took me another 2years to concieve after my mmc so obvious very nervous about this pregnancy. I havent got any children as of yet! What about the rest of you? be nice to hear your stories!

can i just ask what else are you doing different other than the clomid? because even though i concieved on my first month of clomid i did a couple of things completely different which i am certain helped me gain my bfp so hears what i did and maybe you could also try it just incase it does in fact help :)
Ok my first month taking clomid i did other different things aswell, they are the following;

Used opk's and cbfm
Used pre-seed for the very first time :)
had :sex: every night throughout my fertile week and we had it at night so
I made sure i would fall asleep with the :spermy: 's inside of me (sorry tmi but i used a pad in the night incase of any leaks :blush:)

These are the things i did which i had never done before plus with the added bonus of the clomid i really believe it contributed in my bfp.
Thought i would add this as i know how sad and fustrating it was when i was geting my AF and bfn's for years on end and i gave up but i tried a few things different when i took my first course of clomid and i got my bfp (which i am amazed by)

Hope that cheers up a few of you and gives you an idea on maybe doing the same anf giving it a go :) xx


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