I'm on to the next cycle! I had an annovulatory cycle. I've been heavily spotting for the past few days with mild cramps. It's definitely not af. I didn't seem to O this cycle. I started B-complex this past month, which I heard can make things a little wacky at first. I'm sticking with it though. I'm hoping B-complex will lengthen my LP. I think it takes time to get hormones balanced, so I'll wait it out. Hey, it's better than going on BCP like the doctor suggested (where I'd have basically no chance of conceiving).
I'm counting the first day of spotting as cd1, which makes today cd4. I may start SMEP on cd6 this month since I have no idea when to expect O after annovulation. I'm thinking it could happen early though, and I don't want to miss that eggy. If I use my past cycles as indication of cycle dates, I expect af (or hopefully BFP) on March 16th.
Let's go November/December 2013 babies!!! Sending lots of baby dust your way!!!
Sorry about your anovulatory month, I know how that isI think this month is going to be anovulatory for me and I am trying to not to let it get me down (not working very well). I am attempting to not to read too much into my chart so far but it is starting to resemble anovulatory. Ugh!
Looking at your chart, I definitely think you still have a good chance to O this month. Did you use opks the last couple days in addition to temping? I didn't see it on your chart. If so, are they still super light or getting darker? Your temps are still low, you might just see some promising temp changes in the next week. What day do you usually O on (or is it irregular)?
Try to believe that you will O. I don't know that it will help, but it can't hurt, right? GL!!!
No sign of a +opk today, so Im not going to waste anymore OPKs because the husband is out of town working no since in wasting them, until next month ladies!
Sorry to hear that Akayj & how are things going for you LillieTame
No sign of a +opk today, so Im not going to waste anymore OPKs because the husband is out of town working no since in wasting them, until next month ladies!
Awww I understand. So are you just going to start tracking again when your husband get's back in town? (for next cycle, after AF?)
Sorry to hear that Akayj & how are things going for you LillieTame
Lilly - same here...another drop, but no AF yet.
Cd 6. I'm starting SMEP tomorrow (a day early). I don't want to miss an early O after annovulation.
Oh I'm still temping and everything, but I didn't feel the need to keep taking OPKs if the hubby wasn't here haha! So I will do the same thing next month after AF!
Well ladies according to fertility friend I am 9 dpo but I still think I o'ed a day earlier my temps are still high and af is due either Saturday or Sunday. I normally have a 24 day cycle but last month it was 25 I took B complex & B6 to lengthen my luetal phase. I wanted to test so bad this morning but my fiance hid my test because he said he is tired of me testing early & getting upse t about the negatives. He said he will give them backon Sunday.