Yay!! Excellent news ProfWife!!
Lilly, I hope your appointment went well! I'll head over to your journal to look for updates.
Akayj- How are you feeling? Any news on your end?
AFM- I'm feeling good. On Monday I POAS one last time, and it was blazing dark positive, so I knew my levels had really increased. There's no point in testing anymore. I feel like this is going to be my sticky one.

The line never got that dark (and so fast) with the MC I had back in Dec. As for symptoms, I had a wave of MS the other day, and I keep having slight aversions to smells, but nothing too bad yet (it's still very early). The breast pain comes and goes at this point and it isn't very severe. The only really noticeable symptoms that I've experienced are lots of creamy CM and being extra tired. The initial appt. with my doctor is on August 1st. Right now I'm on vacation with my family and trying to hide it from them (they're big partiers). I'm having to pretend to go to the bathroom so that I can tell the servers to make sure whatever drink I order is virgin. It's actually kind of fun to be sneaky.