
See we are close to each other this month, sorry this wasnt it but i think its only a question of time before you see that bfp!!!! I read something in the holiday that progesterone suppositories doesnt effect your blood levels so your blood results you go makes for great excitement as it is awesome levels!! Soon i can feel it
Lion, any news yet? Fxd for you girl!!!
Lilly, How the wedding plans coming along? It is so much fun planning one! We renewing our vows this year in April so i will ahve to get going at the end of Jan, but luckily it wont be half as much arrangements as a first time wedding.
AFM > WOW what a rollercoaster this cycle has been. I was convinced it was it, i was nauseas and peed every 5 mins only to get a BFN on 12DPO, then typical i looked later and there was a very light line but it could be a EVAP due to time, but i kept hope. 14dpo and still bfn so i figured im out. I continued with progesterone to keep AF away till the FS office open and gives me a chance at this cycle otherwise i would have had to wait this cycle out as well.
So i stopped the progesterone on Friday morning after another BFN. On Saturday night i got horrible AF cramps and when i went to the bath room, i had started and it was red flow, so i went home and used a Softcup, but to my surprise i had no more red flow just old blood like i normally get after 2 days of flow. This continued for Monday, tuesday. So i called the FS office to ask if i should come for a scan as i think im CD3 but im not sure. So the nurse said yes lets see whats going on inside.
Now i had a slight suspision that my estrogen levels where very low due to having absolutely no fertile mucus and also no Highs on CBFM at all.
Well the FS confirmed that my ovaries was dormant and no leading follies are present and that my lining in fact is very thin already, classical CD3 scan results. So he also believes my estrogen was to low and caused me to have absolutely no lining at all so a pregnancy would have been impossible to begin with.
So im back on 5mg Femara CD3-7 along with 2mg Estrogen for 21 days. I have a CD11 scan next week Thursday so fxd for 2 eggies and then we following SMEP as much as we possibly can. Also still doing intralipids like last cycle.
Sorry for the long read