[CLOSED] ex-SMEP ladies waiting for lightening to strike.

Not too far away, Tella!
Lilly - your wedding is SLOWLY creeping up. How is planning going?

Went on a bike ride with hubby this am. Felt good to be out early in the day (normally I sleep in on Saturdays). Didn't sleep well last night. I stayed up late grading, went to bed around 11:30 completely exhausted then couldn't fall asleep. Feeling week this morning overall.

We have game night tonight with our Bible Study group.

BTW - I've lost nearly 8 pounds in 2.5 months! I'm aiming to lose another 10 before school begins to take my weight back down to 130, which will put me squarely in the healthy BMI range. I'm still in the healthy range, but higher than I want to be.

We are looking at potentially me quitting work in December during Christmas break. My co-worker is going to have a 3 week old about that time. She has no choice but to work and does not want to put her baby in daycare. So, I might become a stay-at-home wife and nanny to her child. I'm pretty excited for that option. (We hope that I'll be about 6-7 months pregnant at that point rather than being about to start fertility treatments.)

I don't think I'd mind watching two babies in the spring! ;-)
Well ladies Alaysia & I are at home now so here's a picture of my beautiful girl & my labor story. When I went to the doctor on Monday I was told due to toxemia I would be induced at midnight on May 7th. But early Tuesday morning around 3:30 i started having irregular contractions & my bloody show began. During the day the contractions continued but they never increased in intensity. So at midnight I admitted myself to the hospital & I was stuck having contractions but they still wasn't coming regular & I had only dilated 1cm. They have me a pill to increase the contractions and told me they would start the drip at 7 am. The pill increased the intensity and frequency of the contractions. I went to sleep until 7am when they started the drip & I was only dilated 2cm but I had thinned out a lot and they told me it wouldn't be long. The doctor came in and broke my water at 10 am & I was still only 2cm but the contractions started coming every 5 minutes and they were very painful & I wanted to cry I told my nurse to check my progress because I was feeling a lot of pressure & when they checked me I had made it to 6 cm so I asked for my epidural. Theycame to start my epidural at about 11:15 am and it helped almost instantly. At 12 they came to check me and I was dilated to 8cm my contractions had started coming every 2 minutes by 1 pm so they told me when I feel a contraction push and so I did. At 1:14 pm I had given birth to my beautiful baby girl Alaysia and I cried when they put her on my chest. They gave me 2 hours of bonding time skin to skin with her and then I tried to breastfeed her she latched on wonderfully but my milk hadn't came in but she received some colostrum. They took her after I fed her and did her vital signs footprints and her weight. She weighed 5 lbs 15oz and was 18 1/2 inches long. She is such a good baby & I am head over heels in Love with her. She is the best gift I could have gotten for Mothers Day this year. Good Luck ladies I will continue to pray for you all that you will all be mothers this time next year.


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Awwww, wytrease! She is soooo beautiful! :cloud9: LOVE that outfit she has on. OK 100% broody now :haha: Thanks for sharing her birth story with us, sounds like things went pretty smoothly.

Lilly, have you been DTD even though you're not trying?

We have, but we don't do it that much so in this year we've only had 2 or 3 cycles that we DTD close enough to OV. Which is kind of nice because those other cycles I didn't have to constantly be thinking "did we do it" lol NTNP was a nice break. :thumbup: But I'm ready for my own cheeky monkey! :brat::haha:

Lilly - your wedding is SLOWLY creeping up. How is planning going?

The planning is going as slowly as that creeping date :haha: Every now and again I will buy something....like my earrings, the wedding topper, the fascinator for my veil. Next I need to buy the groom, his best man, and our ring bearer their clothes. Dress shopping on the 17th! I'm really glad that we planned the wedding so far out, I can just take my time getting things ready....and I have a planner to help with the big stuff like decorating and catering.

Great job on the weight loss!:thumbup: Keeping my FX'd you'll be cuddling two babes next spring :winkwink:
Aww, Wy, she's perfect! I'm so happy for you! Thanks for sharing your story!

Prof- Sounds like a dream life! Staying home with a baby or two. I hope two! Congrats on the weight loss!

Lilly, I know what you mean about it being nice knowing that you don't have a chance and not needing to stress about it. DH and I have no chance this cycle. We had a pretty crazy month with work and had some personal issues we had to work on, so we decided to prevent this month. We DTD early in the cycle a couple of times, but we actively made sure not to BD during the fertile period. I'm not sure what the plan is for next cycle yet, but baby making is on hold for us temporarily until we work out some issues.

Lots of :dust: to all you ladies who are trying this cycle!
LC, sorry to hear that :hugs: I don't know what else to say...you were definitely one of the ladies I was hoping to be TTC with in June, but it is completely understandable when you need to get personal life straigtened out 1st :thumbup: :hugs:
Sorry to hear about the issues LC, but its alot better than thinking a baby will just magically make things better. :hugs: Hope you manage to sort it out quickly and can join us in over analyzing everything :lol:

AFM, CD2 AGAAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate having to do this over and over. I dont like repetitive things i like change, bring on the change now!!!!

Sent off my samples for testing today, hope they can test them this time if not im gonna be very worried!!!
HOw you girls doing?

AFM > Samples came back again insufficient so they couldnt test and report on them :cry: Now busy with my FS to arrange a hysteroscopy to see if there is anything wrong and im worried about ashermans syndrome.
Tella - asherman's syndrome? New term for me.

AFM - I'm now 32. I'm getting a thyroid ultrasound done today and finishing bloodwork for thyroid checks. Will wait to see the outcome of this.
Ashermans is when the uterus lining has adhesions in so basically the walls of the uterus has grown together due to scar tissue. a D&C has a 30% chance of giving it to you, i seriously wish i knew this before i went for my D&C as i would have opted for medical or natural MC.

But im booked for a Hysteroscopy next Monday to see if everything is fine or what is going on.

Good luck with the scan, fxd everything is fine and your results are perfect.

Are you doing it as a routine test or for fertility?
Good luck with the scan, fxd everything is fine and your results are perfect.

Are you doing it as a routine test or for fertility?

WSS^^^ :thumbup:

I hope your hysteroscopy turns out fine, tella :hugs:
Thanks lily :hugs:

hows your wedding planning coming along?
Dress shopping was SUCH fun! Enjoy it and don't doubt yourself. When you find it, you find it. Mine was the 2nd one I tried on. Never regretted finding it so early!

Tella - Yikes! Good thing to know in case I ever miscarry! Hope your hysteroscopy goes well and shows everything being clear and good to go.

I'm doing the thyroid test because they found a goiter at my physical. I started going to this doc for fertility issues (even though he's a gp). He found that and my TSH is borderline low. Some of the blood results are in, all on the low end of normal...and my TSH dropped.

Should have all results by Thursday. Praying if I have an issue it's easily solved.
I know that your thyriod has an effect on your fertility but not sure exactly what as i never had to research it. Have you had a look at it yet?

Fxd this is you solution and will be getting your bfp once it all is in normal ranges.

Thanks, im excited to find out what is going on in there!!
Yeah. Apparently hyperthyroid (overactive) doesn't have as much of an impact on fertility as hypothyroid (underactive). My TSH suggests hyperactive, but two of my other results suggest hypo (as do all my physiological symptoms).

I've also discovered that one test result pattern similar to mine so far (not all results are in yet) is the result of chronic stress. If my jaw pain is any indicator of my stress levels - I'd say that might be the issue.

We'll see what all the other results show.
Prof, any news on your other results?

AFM > Just got back from my Hysteroscopy. It was worse than the first one due to a slight blockage/growth (fibrosis) in the top of my cervix leading into my uterus. So he broke that open and my uterus itself is looking perfect, no issues at all. He said it is very healthy and both my tubes are also open. He did say that could be the reason for the light AF and we will have to see if my next AF is heavier and more like it use to be.
Tella, hopefully breaking that up will let the little swimmers make it in more effectively.

AFM - My temps have been absolutely SCREWY this month.. No clue what's going on or if we're out of the fertile zone.

For test results, ultrasound showed the two complex nodules (4X3X3mm, 4X3X2mm) that might require monitoring. Blood work results are weird. All in normal range, but my rT3 and Free T3 results don't line up. It looks like I might have an uptake disorder, likely due to prolonged stress or adrenal failure. I'm sure more blood work (cortisol and adrenal hormones) will be ordered next week when the doc gets the labs back.

Oh, and one of my friends who suffered 2 years of infertility and miscarriages before her first baby, and then a year+ of infertility since he was born just found out she's pregnant again! So happy for them! (They are double-whammied with both male and female factors to overcome.) Gives me hope that maybe it could happen for us, too.
tella, I'm glad the doc was able to clear that out...did he say that may help getting you BFP?

Profwife, congrats to your friend! :thumbup: So where exactly are these nodules and monitoring to see if they get bigger?

AFM, just got my OPKs yesterday! Back to full on TTC for us :thumbup:
Sorry...one on the right lobe of the thyroid (the slightly larger one) the other on the left lower lobe of the thyroid.

I'm still waiting for all results to be faxed to my doc so he can give me some insight. I couldn't schedule the ultrasound series, so I'm hoping he'll bump my appointment up so I can get this solved.

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