(Closed Group) Continuation from Journey to BFP and beyond...

Yay for 10 weeks! :) I'll be 11 tomorrow. I feel like this pregnancy is picking up speed. I have my appointment with the perinatologist on monday!

Do you have a history of going into labor early?

I'm not sure..but whatever is the earliest baby can come and still be healthy and full term is when I hope! Haha. I'm just too impatient. I'm due November 7th but according to my extended due date calculator I'll be considered tem by October 17. So let's shoot for that :haha: But really, I know there's a history of preeclampsia in my family and they typically go early, but I definitely don't want that to be the reason for me! And I've had a lot of friends recently go like two weeks past their due dates...and I don't want that either! If baby does come in October it'll be bittersweet because that's when we lost Ronen. But that's also the month of my birthday! Hmmm...Maybe I don't wanna share my birthday month with baby :rofl: Just kidding. Wow, if you can't tell I'm really bubbly this morning! So to answer your actual question, I'll say...October 24th. :)
Haha Terissa, it's ok to be bubbly ;) I don't know if I'm at the point just yet where I feel like the pregnancy is picking up speed but I'm sure I'll be there soon! I heard a couple women say the days are long but the weeks are short, for the most part this is how I'm feeling as things progress :)

So yes I do have a history of going early, I was 2 weeks early with my first and 3-4 weeks early, I give a range because I felt like they had my dates wrong the whole time, they say 4 weeks but usually babies born 4 weeks early have to spend at least a little time in nicu and she didn't have to spend any time at all in there and also she was 6lbs 8 oz which yes is small but my first was only 6lbs 12oz, so not much of a difference...

So I'm really upset because I just got my results back from all the lovely routine blood work and urine culture and everything came back good including my iron levels which I was happy about because I'm normally anemic...buttttttttttt they said they wanted me to do an early glucose test and h1ac which is a blood test that looks at how your body has been processing sugars for the past 3 months because they said I had some red flags for gestational diabetes come back with my labs :sad2: I've never had it and I'm really hoping I don't have it!!! I'm not humongous and I actually haven't had a problem with sugar this pregnancy like I normally do, my brothers are both near the 450 lb ranges!!! So I'd expect them to have diabetes before I even had gestational diabetes...I talked to a friend that said age, genetics and hormones play a bigger role than weight (my father has it) so that would explain the genetics and I do think I physically resemble my father more than my brothers, oh well I'm just a mess because I don't even want to take the test! Thanks for letting me rant!
Awww Jamie. :hugs: I see why it would make you upset but they are just being cautious . I have a family history of a lot of things that I've personally been trying to avoid but I know its likely thet could pop up for me too just because of genetics.
Hi ladies!

Jamie, did you do the glucose test? I also had it done last week so maybe they start keeping an eye on it earlier now? It doesn’t necessarily depend on weight, my very slim friend had gestational diabetes during her pregnancy. I hope it won’t be the case for you :hugs:

Terrissa, you’re almost 12 weeks! Why does it seem that other people’s pregnancies are going faster? Mine is going so slow, I feel like I took the positive pregnancy test ages ago! I suppose it will start to feel more real once the baby starts moving.

I don’t have the faintest idea when baby will be here… I’m not even thinking that far ahead! The due date is around 30 October so it would be fun if it was born by then (but full term of course!) so that I can dress it up on Halloween. Shallow, me??? October is my due date and also the month I had the missed miscarriage, it feels bittersweet to me too.

Have you started buying things for the baby? I’m still finding it hard to get hopeful, I’m going to wait till after my next scan to make a list.. and wait some more to start shopping!

Hope your pregnancies are going fabulously :flower:
I feel like mine is finally picking up speed! Getting closer to the point where I lost Ronen (13+1), so I'll probably be a lot more relaxed after that. I want to buy stuff, but I don't like gender neutral. So I'll wait until we find out the gender. :)

Haha, that's totally cute about wanting to dress baby up for Halloween. What would you do?

I have felt so awful today! Sore and achy and tired, head throbbing, bloated. I stayed in bed almost all day, and still feel pretty icky. I hope baby is okay. :( I haven't felt like this since a few days before the loss last time. But that was such a random thing and I don't think it'll happen again, I can't help but worry though.
Terrissa, how are you feeling today? It's so easy to get worried whenever something is different but you've probably caught a bug or are more tired than usual :hugs:

I haven't wanted to jinx myself by looking at Halloween costumes but a little pumpkin would be cute... or anything really!
I'm feeling a lot better today. Wow , I just can't believe how miserable I was yesterday, but I'm glad it passed. Trying not to worry because last time I remember I was sick all through week 12 too.

That's a really cute idea! :)
Nope I didn't do the test, it's a long story but basically when they tested me, they tested my levels for what should have been a fasting test based on the range they had on the results so I told them that right now I wanted to decline and they could redo the test and I could actually fast for it like I should have in the first place and do an a1c which tests your sugars for the last 3 months, the nurse did not like that but oh well ;) I went today for the a1c, they didn't want to have me redo the other test, so if I'm lucky I'll find out tomorrow but most likely I'll find out sometime next week, I kind of suspect I might have it because I've been absolutely miserable but I'm praying I don't.

Fleur, you should totally get a costume! There's a lot of costumes that would be cute on a girl or a boy!

Terissa-glad you're feeling better! We had picked up the stomach bug but only my 5 year old and I were blessed enough to get it ;) I totally get you on the gender neutral stuff! I'm the same way!
Glad you're feeling better Terrissa.

Jamie, they tested your blood sugar levels although you hadn't fasted? Weird! Hope your results come back OK.
Fleur, are you ever going to put up a ticker? :) How far along are you now? In week 13?
Hopefully Kylee will come over soon!

Yes Fleur they did which totally threw my numbers off :/ oh well...hope my numbers come back good from this one! I was supposed to have an appointment today but I got lucky and woke up with the stomach bug AGAIN! Well in a way I'm glad things worked out the way they did because when I called the office to cancel I went ahead and switched to a midwife and so my new appointment is on Monday which isn't too far, I was bummed I didn't get to see or hear my bean today but everything works out for a reason!

So does anyone want to take guesses on what you're having? I'm thinking its a girl for me but I don't know, I have this lingering feeling I might get my boy! Terissa, I think you're having a girl, Fleur, I'm guessing boy for you ;)
Yay yay yay! :) Soooo glad you're here!

Jamie, everyone in our families wants a girl, and honestly that's what I'm leaning towards too. Although obviously I'll be happy with either. I just really felt like when I was pregnant before it was a girl because of the dreams I had and really had my heart set on a little girl. Actually, still holding onto hope that it's one of each :haha:
Terissa, that would be great huh? Haha you're too funny!

Hi Kylee!
Yay Kylee, it’s lovely to see you here! I hope the other ladies will also be joining us soon.

Jamie, at least your new appointment is only a couple of days away, so not long to wait. It must be horrid to have a stomach bug on top of pregnancy symptoms. I hope you’ll get your boy, it would be a cool change after 2 girls.

Terrissa, you think you’ve got one hiding in there? :haha: I would also have loved boy/girl twins.

I need to see what my instinct says about what you all are having… I’m influenced by knowing what you’re hoping for! What about you Kylee?

I’m pretty convinced mine is a girl so we’ll see if I have any instinct at all or not!

By the way, I finally got a ticker… or 4! I didn’t know which one to choose. :blush: Where did you get yours Terrissa?
Yay tickers! Haha. I got mine at lilypie.com , of the one you have I like the two in the middle the most. If you're taking votes. ;)
I'm kind of feeling girls all around... except for me. SORRY JAMIE!!! I hope I am wrong. Lol.

I'm feeling boy for me. We want a boy--a professional soccer player. We have high hopes. Lol. Hubby really wants twins (he is a twin), but I think he has forgotten that we can't afford daycare for two. And diapers. And clothes. And food. And college. And cars. Makes my head spin just thinking about it. Lol

Anybody have names picked out yet? We are sticking with our original boy name... Which feels weird. But we never knew what we were having last time and we really like the name a lot, so I think we are going to end up sticking with it.

Boy name is Everett Scott
Girl name is McKenzie Ann Louise (Louise is my grandma's middle name, and I love her, but don't love that, so the poor kid is getting two middle names). Middle name(s) subject to change for the girl. Lol
Gee thanks Kylee! Well I hope you're wrong haha, I'm thinking boy for you as well and I love the names!

I think we are pretty set if it's a girl her name will be Charlotte Renee
We've gone back and forth on boys names but maybe Nathaniel or Charlie or Matthew...just not sure lol

Oh and Kylee I need to add you to the front page, what's you're Edd again?
Terrissa, happy 12 weeks! I’ve gotten rid of one ticker already, thanks for the vote hehe. I can’t see yours on lilypie, I only see the ones where they say how many days are left, not how the baby is growing etc?

Kylee, how are you feeling? Started having symptoms yet?

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