(Closed Group) Continuation from Journey to BFP and beyond...

Only symptom is sore bbs. Is that normal? I don't think I will feel okay until we get a peek at baby or I get some symptoms.
I worried and stressed for weeks and weeks because I felt too normal and not pregnant. The only symptom I had till 8 weeks was sore boobs just when I woke up, otherwise they were fine. Even that disappeared when I was 8 weeks so I was convinced things weren't going well, but it seems that I was one of the lucky 15% who don't have any symptoms! I honestly never had nausea, cravings, increased appetite etc. I was only a bit more tired than usual and that was only because I wasn't sleeping well.
So it's easy to say don't stress, but I know what you're going through :hugs: For your peace of mind though, I hope you'll get a few light symptoms! Only 3 weeks till your first scan right?
Yep Kylee-only symptom I had until about 6 weeks was sore bbs!
Ps- fleur, to get the lilypie ticker with the baby development on it, you have to click maternity tickers. I just googled "lily pie ticker" and then I was able to click the maternity one and it gives the option of development.
Oh, other symptom.... GAS. My poor hubby is like "that is not a real symptom, you are just farting!" Lol. Not the case. I can't help it! I feel awful.
Hahaha. Oh Kylee. :rofl: That IS a real symptom! But my husband can't complain because he has the worst gas of anyone I know!

Fleur your pumpkin ticker is so cute!
Need some reassurance this morning. Saved my last test to do today before I left just to make sure I didn't need to pack a suitcase full of tampons for my trip (awful, I know).... But I couldn't quite make it through the night. I was dreaming of peeing I had to go so bad. But I leave at 5am so I decided to test anyway. Well, when I peed in the cup, I knew it was too light, but I didn't have a choice, so I just dropped it on there. I only made it for a 4 hour hold and I had lots of fluids in the couple hours leading up to bed. Bfp is same as 2 days ago. No darker.

Can someone please reassure me that it is because of a short hold and diluted urine compared to a nice, dark fmu 2 days ago? Because I am kind of freaking out. Like to the point that I want to buy more tests just to make sure it was the light pee. I always have doubling issues, so line progression is a sensitive subject....

I don't get my first beta done until Wednesday when I get back. I feel like I am going to spend all this week worried. Ughhhhh.
The line from last time was nice and dark. I'm not sure they get much darker than that. Whenever I was testing I was freaking out too, I always wanted to see the test line get as dark as the control line and it never did. It got to a certain point and that was it. So I would not worry! And stop testing! :) You've got your progesterone right? You're doing everything you can do to make sure this pregnancy progresses well. Enjoy it! :hugs: And you're a day past when AF was due, which is great.

Enjoy your trip!
Kylee, I tested for 3 days straight and worried because the line wasn’t getting darker, then I tested again 1 week later and it was finally darker. As long as there’s a line it’s positive! Have a good trip and don’t overthink it. Oh, and how could I forget the bloating and gas?! That is definitely a symptom! I used to be prone to bloating even before I was pregnant but not like this… and DH isn’t even surprised anymore that I can compete with him in the farting department. By the way, I like both your choices for names.

Jamie, I like Nathaniel and Matthew! We’re not even thinking about names till we know the sex.

I’ve decided I’d like a boy just to be contrary because my mom and sister will be disappointed if it’s a boy, and a friend has decided I’m having a girl based on my stomach shape. So yeah, I’m convinced it’s a girl but because of them I want a boy :haha: It’s our first so we don’t have a preference.
Well, technically af isn't supposed to arrive until tomorrow. I used the "date of last period" due date instead of my actual ovulation date. Only a day or two apart, so I am just keeping the date the doctor will use.

I did end up opting out and getting the super awkward pat down at the airport. Meh... It was interesting. Lol. And I only slept like an hour last night because I took a two hour nap in the afternoon and then got anxious about my trip and couldn't sleep! Didn't even get any rest on the plane. I walked around near the hotel (I say "near" but I did get pretty far... I was hunting for the bus stop to go to the beach in a few days), got some chipotle, came back and got some sun (with sun screen!) and then took a dip in the pool. Now I am cuddled up in bed to finally get some rest before I eat dinner. Hope I haven't stressed baby out with all of my activities. I am trying to drink lots of water!

Thanks for reassuring me on the test, everyone. I am just not even going to think about it. I am going to bake this little peanut all the way!!!! I know it! Hope everyone else is doing well and feeling alright.
Kylee, I tested for 3 days straight and worried because the line wasn’t getting darker, then I tested again 1 week later and it was finally darker. As long as there’s a line it’s positive! Have a good trip and don’t overthink it. Oh, and how could I forget the bloating and gas?! That is definitely a symptom! I used to be prone to bloating even before I was pregnant but not like this… and DH isn’t even surprised anymore that I can compete with him in the farting department. By the way, I like both your choices for names.

Jamie, I like Nathaniel and Matthew! We’re not even thinking about names till we know the sex.

I’ve decided I’d like a boy just to be contrary because my mom and sister will be disappointed if it’s a boy, and a friend has decided I’m having a girl based on my stomach shape. So yeah, I’m convinced it’s a girl but because of them I want a boy :haha: It’s our first so we don’t have a preference.

Haha that's great Fleur! I get to find out what we are having in just a little over 4 weeks! I have no idea how I'm going to not tell my mom for a whole week before we do the gender reveal! It's going to drive me crazy!!!

Kylee-Put your hands in the air and put down the tests! :) try to hold off on testing for atleast another 4-5 days and then if you just can resist, go ahead! Don't stress, it's not good for you!

Terissa, my dh is the same lol! And yes I agree, gas is definitely a symptom!
So I've been having some pressure/tenderness in my pelvic area these past few days. Just on and off throughout the day. I called my high risk doctor and hoping she gets back with me soon! I wouldn't be so worried except this is how I started to feel in the days leading up to my miscarriage, and I'm close to that point again. I really don't want to lose another baby. :( Trying not to worry though, just taking it easy and limiting my activities.
Keep us updated on what your dr says Terissa! It's hard not to compare physical sensations to what we felt before our mc, I know I've done it a lot this pregnancy! Praying for you!

Well I had my appointment today and it went great!!!!:happydance::happydance: she found the hb right away with the Doppler, (didn't even have to use the ultrasound which I'm happy about but I also kinda wanted another peek at baby but that's ok) right where I've been telling dh where I can definitely my uterus, I got a little bump going on that even my friend noticed today! My A1c results were normal too, Yay!!!!! And I love this midwife so much more that the ob they had me seeing so double Yay! She asked me to do the glucola at 16 weeks just to be safe and I asked for an alternative, I guess they won't do one but she gave me the option of testing my sugars with a monitor for 2 weeks instead which I prefer anyhow. So everything went great! I'm super happy and she said the baby was very active as he/she kept moving away from the Doppler ;) both my girls were like that so we shall see, haha, I find out at the end of May what we are having!!!

Hope everyone is having a good day!
AF due today and nowhere in sight.

Did notice that bbs are not nearly as tender today, but nipples are super sore. Trying to remember that symptoms change from day to day and that I shouldn't worry!!! Having a positive attitude!
:hi: Dipping my toes back in here. I can't jinx this pregnancy by putting up a ticker and joining groups right?

No idea my due date with lines so strong on CD22 - Going by my LMP my due date would be January 8, my DD's 4th birthday, but because of such an early bfp I'm going to go with January 4 for now, which is using the date I found out about Mira being gone as my LMP date. It may change in 4 weeks when I have a scan.

But considering only 5% of babies are born on their due date and only 50% of babies are born by 40+5 I'm not worried about having an *actual* due date :p

Terissa have you heard back from your Dr yet? Oh and reading though the thread I saw that you want 10 kids - I' love 0 too :haha: I've always said I wanted at least 6 but people think you less crazy for saying 6 vs 10 :haha: Sara keeps telling me I'm having 10 babies :p I'm 30 now (I always wanted at least 1 by 25 as well, if not 2, but it took more than 2 years after we got married to conceive and we had a longer courtship than expected too) so I don't think 10 is likely, but would still like to aim for 6.
Yay Natalie, great to see you here! :D

Well I called my high risk doctor first, because she always said any questions or concerns I have don't hesitate to call. But the nurse called back and said "have you called your normal obgyn yet? Talk to her first and if she can't help let us know" ugh. Why say call anytime if you'll just pass me off to the other doctor? Why even have two doctors?! :brat: I felt so dismissed, I'm really concerned and they don't even seem to care. Anyway, by the Time they called back to say that, it was about 3:45 in the afternoon and when I called my normal obgyn she had already gone home for the day! Ahhhhj! The nurse told me to come in to leave a urine sample and take Tylenol for the aches. I'm hoping they'll call me back first thing in the morning!

Haha oh and Natalie, I definitely planned to start having kids around 21, but I didn't get married until 23 so that didn't really work out. But I figure if I have a child every year and half or so until I reach 40 I could make it to 10 :rofl: We would also like to foster and/or adopt at some.point.
Grr how frustrating!

I was married at 23 as well - met hubby at 21 and thought we'd be married within a year but we had some bumps on the road. :haha: and then it took me to 26 to conceive my first, who was born a week after I turned 27. I might end up with three babies yet before I turn 31 though of this is my rainbow and comes a bit early :cloud9: and if its twins then I'm already nearly halfway there :rofl:
Natalie, good to see you here! When will you see a doctor?

Jamie, yay for the appointment and A1C results, what a relief! What are you planning to do for your gender reveal? I’d actually like to wait a bit longer to find out but DH is too impatient, and he’s a blabbermouth so the whole world will find out before me if he’s the only one who knows.

Terrissa, that sounds frustrating! Hope you manage to talk to someone today. I also feel some pain/pressure in my pelvis and lower back sometimes, but the doctor said it’s not worrying.

Kylee, your symptoms will come and go, try to relax!
Well nurse finally called back! All she said was that I didn't have a uti. I told her I was still having some pressure and pain in my pelvis and she just said "well keep us posted on how you're doing okay?" she didn't give me any indication as to why I'm all of a sudden having the pain or ask to me to come in or tell me how to deal with it or anything! Ugh. I have really liked my doctors and the staff but I just feel right now like they don't care about me at all! :( I'm still taking it easy and resting as much as I can. I don't want to take any chances.
Pee cup was bloody this morning. Like red bloody :/ Line is still as strong as the first one two days ago (not darker though either) which gives me at least some hope... but it doesn't look good.

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