Kylee, good to read your update and that you seem to be healing and moving on to the next phase. I know how hard it is to get back into the groove when you haven’t been to the gym in a while. I’ll try to motivate you on Monday. Enjoy building your greenhouse, it’s a fun project!
To answer your question, yes, I lived in France for over 10 years, in the south. If I had to raise kids there, I’d definitely choose a smallish city in the south : milder temperatures in winter, open spaces, close-ish to nature (forests, parks, seaside), less hectic than Paris or another big city. Having said that, there are downsides to living there, just like in any other country. As Leigh said, the bureaucracy is enough to put you off for life. I don’t know if it would be easy for you to get a work visa etc. I’ve only been on holiday to the USA but I don’t know if France is better for raising kids? I actually came back to my home country because I believe any kids I have will have a better quality of life here
Terrissa, did the job sound interesting ? Fingers crossed you’ll get a positive response next week.
Natalie, I hadn’t heard of Earthship before, it sounds brilliant. Twins eh, you’re brave! I think we should all encourage each other not to test too early… I say that but I’m not sure which is better : getting a BFN before AF, so you stop hoping, or keeping your hopes up till AF turns up! The only time I’ve been pregnant I tested a few days after AF was due, and this month I tested a few days before although I knew I wasn’t pregnant.
Leigh, I’m ok, just waiting till it’s time to TTC again. Which CD are you now?
Jamie, sorry to hear you’re feeling anxious. TTC does get all-consuming sometimes, we know that all too well over here. It’s hard when you start out with high hopes that it will happen again quickly only to be disappointed.
We’ve got ladies testing on Valentine’s day, it would be fab if we got a few sticky BFPs!