Where is Kaylee and Fleur?
Leigh - don't you have bloodwork coming up this month?
Zay - how are you feeling about things?
There is the chance my laproscopy may be moved up to this month!!! I don't think I told you guys. I was debating about going to my appointment with my first doctor. It was supposed to be a formal meeting to review the bloodwork I had. I ended up going to it. I figured what the heck. If you can remember, her nurse had previously told me all my numbers (CA-125 and progesterone) all looked good. When I met with the doctor, she said my progesterone was great, but my CA-125 was in fact elevated more than it should. So it did point to endometriosis. She recommended a laparoscopy and said they should be able to get it in by July. I didn't mention that I was already scheduled for one with this other doctor in September. She said she would be preforming it, but would have assistance from another doctor, Dr. Lindel (he is my favoritest OBGYN in the entire world. In hindsight, I'm not sure why I just didn't start seeing him for all my issues in the first place). I went home and DH and I talked about everything. I decided to keep my September appointment because the doctor doing it has very positive references with that surgery. I was about to call my first doctor back the next day to tell her, but then I had a horrible pain day and it made me rethink waiting until September. I called my first doctor back and just told her everything - the pain, already being scheduled for a laparscopy in September but not wanting to wait, being nervous that she would perform the surgery when it didn't sound like she has that much experience, etc. She said she's just going to refer me to Dr. Lindel since I was 100% comfortable with him doing the procedure. So now I am waiting on a call from the scheduler to see if I can get in for this month. If I can, I'll go with Dr. Lindel who is from my first doctor place. If I can't get in for July, then I'll stay with my second doctor. Either way I go, I'm with 2 awesome doctors. I am just thankful that the original doctor I was seeing wasn't offended that I didn't want her to do the surgery. So I'm hoping for the best!