So technically I am not due until the 23rd, but my cycles have been crazy and I feel like I may have ovulated very early this month. I possibly ovulated around cd4 and had some brown spotting for 2 days around cd9. Since then, I have been feeling extremely tired, bad insomnia, vivid dreams, bloating, gassy, slight cramps throughout the day (but not like AF cramps), My boobs are bigger and I keep having a burning/shooting pain through them every so often 9Usually in to my nipples)

, my boobs are also sore and I am bloated.
My husband felt my lower stomach last night and asked me why it was so hard. I had felt that the other day but thought I was imagining it.
Also, the last couple of days I have felt either really hungry or really nauseous and I am sensitive to smells.
I have decided to wait until the 23rd to test because I can't face looking at a BFN for no reason. Good luck to all of you lovely ladies!!! You are all much braver than I am!!!