Confused? can you help explain Positive OPK 6DPO? Dull cramping,achy lower back

Agreed that it is nifty. Had I known such a thing existed, I probably would've bought one of those instead of a few hundred OPKs. :lol:
So.. Southern, still testing tomorrow? :) :) :)

And, I didn't actually buy the Fertili tea brand, I researched different fertility herbs (<--omg, that just autocorrected to fertility HENS... hilarious) and bought two different teas that have many of the herbs on the list. They didn't have Fertili tea, and I don't have any time to lose!

One is called Healthy Cycle and ladies with all sorts of cycle issues swear by it. Even ladies with endo, or PCOS. I read reviews and saw a bfp in there. It tastes great! Like a slightly minty chamomile... kind of like sleepy time! I add my vanilla flax milk and it is amazing. Includes: Raspberry Leaf, licorice root, strawberry leaf, stinging nettle leaf, angelica root, blessed thistle herb, cramp bark, spearmint, rose hip, lemon verbena, lemongrass, ginger rhizome, and chamomile.

The second is Triple Leaf Sugar Balance, which I got because of the ingredients. Dong quai root, motherwort,peony,astragalus, red clover, dandelion, ginseng,fo-ti, podia, ligusticum, mulberry, rehmannia, lindera, licorice. It smells and tastes.... BAD! Like celery..? I hate hate hate celery. So I'm going to look for another tea that includes dong quai and red clover. Bleh! I'll be drinking this until I find it. I chug a cup of this, then enjoy a cup of the other. :)

apparently dong quai IS angelica, so I guess I've got that covered.
I'd be cautious. I've read some mixed things about flax during pregnancy, and my boss said licorice isn't safe for budding beans (and refused any tea with it when she was pregnant).
Ew celery tea.... you are a brave woman. As far as testing goes, I have nooo idea. Yesterday I had some old blood streaks on the tissue when I wiped so I was like ok cool AF is coming early for the first time ever. Today nothing. I am so confused. I NEVER Spot. Sooo now waiting to see if I do indeed start tomorrow o_O
Not too late to be an IB, southern!
I think the thing with the licorice root is like many of the other herbs like vitex, you can only take them until you O, then no more during the TWW. As for the flax, thats NBD. It's just what I have in the house, but if it is a problem, I can switch. I
ll read up a little more.

Anything else you know of that I shouldn't be consuming? ;)

Southern, I hope hope hope it's IB for you!!! Spotting really through me off this cycle too. Something I've never seen before. But yours sounds different, and in a better timeframe for IB. How are you feeling? :)
Makes sense! I never thought about just stopping at ovulation. Haha shows what I know about taking supplements. Like the thing with bananas... I just eat them every. darn. day. and I am SO SICK AND TIRED OF BANANAS
I feeeeeel..... crampy and bloated and very AFish :wacko: Not much hope but who knows :winkwink: I work night shift at the moment so I'm hoping AF at least has mercy and waits until I get home rather than ambushing me here tonight.

On the plus side I have three boxes of girlscout cookies. I am doing my level best to have no more than three cookies..... yeah that's not happening.

So fun question to pass the time. If things were ideal how many kids would (do) you want and why?
Oooh, which kind of cookies?

Me, ideally, I'd like two. Twins would be amazing! I've had a double o/double fertilization before, and twins run in the family. I can dream, right?

Hubby says he wants 4. Uhm, no.

How 'bout you?
Hey ya never know, twins are totally a thing. DS was an identical (we assume) twin but we lost the other one suuuper early (6 week scan showed two yolks, one heartbeat) so never actually had the twin pregnancy surprise experience. I would love twins though.

Cookies are thin mints (of course) and caramel Delites :munch:

We want 4 but that is very dependent on birth order and gender. Originally I wanted 7 (my family is huge) and my DH wanted two at most (Canadians. His family could fit on a dime) and then we had DS and I was like "Ohmergerd I am done forever" and DH was like "BABY. BABIES ARE AMAZING LETS HAVE 10".

Well DS got bigger and cuter and slept more and while going through DHs childhood stuff we found a locket/album necklace thing that he's had since he was a baby and it's girly for him so he let me keep it and it has 4 slots so we were like four. Four is good.

The only catch is that DH desperately wants a girl and desperately wants to not have 4 boys so if baby #2 is another boy than we'll probably pay for microsort or something to increase liklihood that #3 is a girl and then be done buuuut that's largely my OCD must have a contigency plan or I cry talking.

Ideally, like if-we-could-choose ideally we'd have boy girl boy girl and then everyone would have a brother and a sister.

How many kids we have also partially depends on DS health over the next few years. He was born with a condition called biliary atresia so he's basically guarenteed to need a liver transplant sometime before hes 20 and possibly a few other organs so his condition has the potential to become very time consuming very quickly but for now he's doing well. Miracle status kind of well. On the plus side if he had a sibling they could grow him a new liver from a small piece of the siblings liver BUT I never want our other kids to feel like organ farms (A La My Sister's Keeper).

Whoo sorry. Life story. If you got through that you are a saint and I apologize :haha:
Yeah, I believe there are a list of herbs you are supposed to stop after ovulation. They are meant to help your cycle, hormones etc, but then once there's a possibility of baby in there, you stop taking it all because of all the "not safe" blah blah :)

And what are you talking about bananas? I haaaate bananas. If it's a fertility thing, I'm so not doing it.

I hope AF stays away for you shift, and then 9 months after that! :) Seriously though, starting at work SUCKS. Good luck with the cookies.... HAH! I've already eaten like 4 cookies today. My husband loves to bake, I can't help it.

And kids ugh... that's a tricky question. Honestly, I think I only want one. First of all, I can't even imagine raising one kid. Just the thought of it blows my mind. Really though, I've always had experiences of having a cat, and then getting another cat... and favoring one or whatever. And I just don't see how someone could NOT have a favorite. I don't really know how to explain it.... I just wouldn't want to put myself in the position of accidentally having a favorite? I've never had a strong drive for a large family, or kids at all actually... but then my biological clock said "BABY BABY BABY" And my husband sooooooo badly wants to be a daddy. He said he wants twins. He's said that for years... twin girls. And he wants to name the Bibbidy and Bobbidy because our last name begins with a B. lol. And if not twins, he only wants one... thank goodness.
I must have been writing as you were writing, and once I posted, yours was posted!!! So let me respond with... THINMINTS!!! OMG FAVE FAVE FAVE!!!! What the heck is a serving size of those anyway?

Most importantly, I am so happy for your "miracle" DS. That must have been devastating news, but luckily medicine is constantly advancing, so hopefully he will have a smooth future. Should you be expecting some kind of illness to signal when the "time has come" for a transplant?

That's actually really hilarious the you and DH completely flipped your initial views of how many kids! Too funny! I love that the locket was like your message :) The thought of 2 is totally overwhelming to me ! lol. I should mention that I am an only child, and I bet that has a lot to do with my view on the matter.

Tell me about this micro sorting? This is new to me?

You know what's fricken crazy to me? I just went to a seminar at school about frozen embryo rights and whose "property" they become. And they are saved at a bank forever(so far) until they get adopted. Could you imagine, being conceived, then frozen for 10 years then thawed and born? Woa..... Like mom and dad made me 10 years before I was born... then saved me for later.? Or I sat in a freezer until someone picked me out.? Mind blown
Ok so microsorting (from my limited understanding of the science behind it) uses electromagnetic something or other to seperate X from Y sperm. It's like 94% effective for swaying for a girl but only 76% effective for swaying for a boy and it's new enough that not a ton of doctors have the machine but theres a doctor here that has one. Theres also the old fashioned make a set of egg whites super hospitable to boy sperm to encourage them to swim upwards and then use the sperm from the bottom which should now be mostly girls method. Theres a doctor here that does that too.

Yes! The frozen embryo thing has always tripped me out. My SIL has a genetic thing where she can't get pregnant or she'll get blood clots in her brain and die but her eggs are totally fine so her and her DH made 6 frozen embryos and are having them via surrogate two at a time. Their first set of twins was born last week. So technically all 6 are the same age but they'll span like 7 years. Odd.

As far as DS transplant, theres a few things that could happen. He could develop cholingitis which is always a huge concern and if he got that infection it would destroy his liver pretty quickly because he doesn't have ducts to flush it out. It could just continue to degrade and cirhos and he would become more and more jaundiced until a new one became necessary.

The Big One is portal hypertension. Basically pools of bile in the liver start to impede blood flow through it, so blood backs up into the stomach and spleen and intestines and destroys them. Yesterday at his routine doctors appt his spleen was enlarged so now we're waiting for results from the ultrasound.

Basically he either has a harmless virus and it'll pass or portal hypertension has begun and it's the beginning of the end for his liver. He hasn't had any symptoms of the condition so we're hoping its just a bug but we're on pins and needles while we wait for the results soooo it's possible that the "time" for a new liver is now. We just don't know. :nope:
Oh my gosh I can't imagine what you are going through. :( I hope that the ultrasound shows that he's doing okay! Poor baby. The best thing you could do is what you're already doing and be a strong, loving mommy to him <3 I was actually just reading about the herb in the teas that I have and one of them is specifically good for healing liver cirrhosis. I'm sure this is a different ball park, but maybe worth a try? I'm sure you and DH are already allover all of the possible helpers though.

About the sperm, I wonder if you could just spin them in a centrifuge. The x's are bulkier and would likely sink to the bottom? If you don't have a centrifuge on hand, maybe you could just take a discreet cup of sperm to the park and spin it on one of those merry go round things that spin super fast. LOL. Hmmm... actually there's something very wrong with the idea of sperm at the park....
Oh my gosh beep I lurv you. Sperm at the park. I literally squealed with laughter and the janitor came running wondering what was wrong XD. Oh my gosh I can't breathe. I've actually heard of the centrifuge thing and we've been tempted to try it. You just gave weight to my obsession.

Can you tell me what that herb is? I'm down to try anything and that kid loves tea/soup.

*goes to check if amazon sells centrifuges*

Anyhoo. What are you up to tonight?
Sorry to freak your janitor out... did you tell him you were laughing about sperm at the park? He'd probably think you're a creeeeeeeperrrrrrrr. LOL!

I know we always used centrifuges in my bio classes. I wonder if I could sneak sperm in there? I actually always tried to devise a plan to sneak sperm in so I could look at it under my microscope.... but I thought that might cause some pretty big issues if I ever got caught, so I never did (but really want to!)

Currently I am just sipping on tea. :) Taking a break from my long week of school, just trying to relax before my weekend of backbreaking work :'( I always get so sad when the weekend comes and I have to go back to my job.

I will go see what that herb was, it will take me a few mins to lookup.
We have them in our lab here at work..... but as much as I love the lab guys on my crew I really don't want to explain to them why I want to borrow a centrifuge :dohh: They would probably let me buuuut. Just no.

What are you studying and what do you do for work if I may? :)
Oh it must have been the licorice root I was looking up. I'd be cautious with it though since it is very potent. Also milk thistle and Green tea is great for liver issues.
Lol, that could make for an awkward conversation... "anddddd, could you please also lend me a micropipette? I need to suck the girls from the bottom. Don't worry, I'll wash it."

I am on a pre-med track to apply to Physician Assistant school (hopefully this year). I am currently a CNA in a skilled nursing facility, and to be honest, it's the hardest job I've ever had in my life. Physically and emotionally exhausting. My back hurts every day that I come home from work. :( I have to have 1000-2000 paid medical hours to even apply to the PA programs, so I've been working while in school. Just keeping my eyes on the prize. Grateful for my experience impacting so many lives, and also grateful to know that I don't have to do this forever. Not that I don't love helping people, but I'd prefer to help in another way. I am tired of dealing with bodily fluids. :)

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