Confused? can you help explain Positive OPK 6DPO? Dull cramping,achy lower back

I will definitely check out those herbs.

Congrats on the PA route! My sister had 5 interviews for PA school last month so she's supposed to hear in March. Fingers crossed (for BOTH of you!!!).

I do not blame you for not wanting to do CNA forever. I have my LVN and was alllmost done with my RN when I realized that being peed on every day would make me want to shoot myself. I am so impressed that you've made it this far into pre-med. Super woman fo sho.
OMG WOW! 5 Interviews! That's fu**ing FANTASTIC! Best of luck to her! I'm sure you know better than the ave person how fricking competitive PA school is. UGH. I just finished Molecular Bio and Organic Chem last term and those kicked my butt! My Prof for Mol bio was hardddddddd. Ridicuous. The class ave on his tests were C/D :/ I ended up getting a B :'( UGH!!!!

So after your realization, are you still in nursing? Or ...what?
Omg I am so sorry. My sister HATED organic chem. My phone was spammed with angry-at-life texts pretty much every day. It is AWESOME that you got a B in that class. My DH is about to finish PT school next year and up till this year he had always been an A student and now with the way these classes are hes like WHOOO I PASSED GO ME.

Yes PA school is insane. My sis is pooping bricks about getting in.

And no I gave up on the medical field forever. Not for me. I am now a refinery operator. I babysit large pieces of machinery and the only fluids that get on me are pump oil and valve lube. Now rather than surgeons throwing instruments during their hissy fits I only have to deal with maintenance throwing wrenches. I'll take it :p . I'm thinking about going back to school for genetics when my hubby graduates because I don't want to waste my credits (and I'm a genetics nerd. I love them so much) buuuut I like my job enough that having the degree would basically just be for fun so not sure if it's worth the stress.
Just saying I got home, took a shower, logged on, and I am dying of laughter over here. Can't stop picturing the furtive looks while spinning a cup of goo on the merry-go-round.
Yes! I've heard so many people hate hate hated Ochem. I kind of liked it at first, then it got harder and harder. I luckily scraped an A, but my friend that was retaking it (got an F the term before) ended up failing it AGAIN! OMG! Yikes on Bikes... it is definitely a weeder course for sure!!!

That's AWESOME that your husband is in PT school! If he ever works in a place where he has to deal with CNAs, please tell him to be nice to them! I've often been in situations where I am needed to transfer a patient (IN A HURRY) and their care plan hasn't been updated, so I don't know how they've been transferring, and I'll run out to the hallway to see if I can find PT or OT for any help or advice and they usually just say "Sorry, that resident isn't mine today" AGHHHHH cant't they see that I'm distressed and need their expertise? Even though they may not have that patient that day, they have more schooling and expertise to at lease spot me a bit of advise!? UGH! Sorry..... anyway

Babysitting large machinery sounds kind of awesome... especially when I compare it with what I'm going to be doing tomorrow!!! Sounds like a good gig! You and hubby got it made!!

I really do enjoy genetics as well, but I've had some profs that kinda killed my passion in the area, so for now.... I'm just following my set track.

I think it would be awesome for you to go back to school if you really wanted to, but at least you don't HAVE to. That's such a good spot to be in! But School is amazing just for learning... you don't necessarily need a job out of it. Just the fact that you learn something about what you're passionate about is enough

I was working at Starbucks for 6 years and was like this is NOT going to do it... what do I REALLLLY want to do with life? I was also a stripper at the time (For fun, no judgment!) SO i was really in the party time of my life. Make coffee and dance... and get paid for it? YES PLEASE! Some days (like really tough days on the job where I literally get pooped on, or when one of my patients passes away) I really miss the lifestyle.

But I'm in a better place in life for sure. I have to keep telling myself. I was a heavy drinker since I was 16. One day something clicked and I quit cold turkey... I'm about 10 months sober, and a way better person because of it. But boy do I miss coming home and drowning my sorrows in a bottle/box of wine. Or easing my mens/cramps with a few shots of whiskey.

Geeze.... rant! Sorry!
Geeze Dill, you back?! You and DH must have been BUSSSSSSSYYYYYYYYY. LOL!!! ;)
Beep lol I was a store manager at Starbucks for 3 years before deciding to be a stay at home mom this post August lol
Hey, it's an hour commute from work to home! Cut me a break here. xD BD'ing won't happen until later, but it is happening.

Confused about when exactly I'm o'ing. I had two positive OPKs yesterday, and two VERY positive OPKs today. Long surge! My nurse said in her experience, it tends to be a longer wait to O during a long surge, so it'll probably happen tomorrow. Cervix is EMPIRE STATE BUILDING high and open, though, so idk? I start temping tomorrow, so maybe that'll clue me in.

Doing all the BD'ing. At this rate, we'll end up a week straight. Poor hubs!
Oh Hiya Prayin! Starbucks was a seriously great company to me. My DM said that they always have a job for me if I ever wanted to come back. I have dreams about working there often, it was a blast! How did you like it? Where were you managing?
OMG DILL I Hope you don't get 9+ days of pos opk like I did :/ Interesting to know that with a long surge O is later. My O must have been really late explaining the late AF.

An hour commute? YIKES :( Hopefully you have some good music on the drive home. Maybe some good baby making music.... to get you in the mood?
I had a coworker at my primary job who swore up and down that of all the jobs she's ever had, being a coffee barista was her favorite!

It certainly could explain the late AF if a surge indicates a late O. I talked to her about today's secondary signs, though, and she feels that O is imminent for me. Thank goodness!

Yeah, I live out in the boonies, where I'm considered lucky to have running water. I was working strictly from home when I bought it, so the commute was a non-issue. Working in town has changed that! I bought a vehicle when I got the job in town, but was spending $700 a month in gas, so I sold it and got a car with better mileage last summer.

Haha, I don't need babymakin' music. I have a ridiculous libido. I occasionally feel sorry for the hubs... :lol:
Really??? I'm soooooo jealous of your libido! Is that weird? I used to be like spring rabbits or whatever the saying was... but now I have like, no sex drive. It breaks my heart.

I'm glad that she is confident that O is coming soon for you! :) That's really reassuring news.

BTW, the reviews for fertili tea on amazon are RIDICULOUS. You should read some just for the entertainment of BFP after BFP. It seriously nuts.. Even PCOS and endo women.
Don't be jealous! It has certainly dropped as I've aged, and working two jobs doesn't leave me with much time or energy, but every guy may SAY he wants a girl who wants it all the time, but trust me, they don't, hahaha.

Seriously, if it doesn't happen this month, I am so buying that stuff. I have a gift certificate from my birthday... and I will use it...
ROFL about libido. I feel ya dill. My DH is a little gun shy about BDing now :haha:

And Beep Pssssh dancing and coffee making. No judgment there. Sounds like a great life.

The reviews of that tea are 100% making me want to get it in Sept (Af got me about an hour ago btw. Bleh)
Aww, sorry the witch got you, southern! At least you know now, so let the next cycle begin! :)

I think hubs is getting gunshy about BDing now just because I am SO FIXATED on getting pregnant! The clock is ticking! If only we'd met when younger.
Beep, I also forgot to mention that ten months sober is awesome! I don't even know you but I'm so proud of you!

Dill, aw man I'm sorry. I do not blame you for the fixation. It would be different if we were fertile all the time but the whole 3 days of fertility thing kind of kills spontenaity.

Also, noticing your location, whereabouts in Alaska are you? My best friend is in Haines.
Sorry AF came :( especially at work. What a B word. ;)
Soooo September....?
Hehe yeah Sept :) I desperately (DESPERATELY) want a summer baby. And I know that's ridiculous but DS was born on my dads bday (which, don't get me wrong, is awesome) but there is literally a birthday in my family almost every day of Nov and a ton in sept and oct sooo fall is just overdone so I realllly want a summer baby ( spring would be fine too but that's DH last semester so he says no :p ) which means we have 4 cycles to get it done (would put due dates all between June 4th and August 28th) so I'm already temping and will be starting that tea and DH is on folic acid to help out the swimmers and yes. :D
WOW! You've got it all planned out! That fab. :) I'm very happy for you that you've got such clear goals! I hear ya about all the birthdays in a month. All of my fame are in August including mine. And my sister-in-law got married the day before my bday... so Yeah, I'd prefer no August, but honestly, I'd be grateful for a peanut any day of the year!
southern, I'm north of Fairbanks. Haines, huh! Does your friend like it there?

And yeah, the 3 days thing definitely sucks. And I like to be sure, and since I still don't have a SOLID fix on my cycle (thanks to the MCs), we start pretty early and just keep going until after we know O has happened. I'm wearing him out! And then the POAS phase. It's hard on him.

Beep, I feel you. We've got a big fat cluster of February birthdays in my family!

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