Confused? can you help explain Positive OPK 6DPO? Dull cramping,achy lower back

Bahahahaha omg ponies. Im using that from now on. And beep in my head your real life name is now Lorelei Gilmore. coffee coffee coffee
Thanks, thanks, I'll be here all week! :winkwink:
Haha, I Loved Gilmore Girls!! So... what to do in the wait to O time... Just been loading up on the tea. I wish there was something that I could work on in the meantime... like to make me feel like I was doing something good in effort you know? I wish getting pg wasn't just a constant waiting game. It's totally not fun.

At least temping is like a daily "fun" activity. To see where things are at. It's almost as exciting as peeing on a stick? Do either of you feel that way? Like, I can't wait to see what my temp will be tomorrow!

Also Southern, you were saying your sister had the 5 interviews for PA school? IF you don't mind- would you be willing to ask her what she did to stand out? How many medical hours worked? How many volunteer hours? What here overall and CASPA GPA were? I totally understand if you don't want to ask. It's just not quite easy to find people that have experience with the application process and I will be applying for the first time this September!
Lol I TOTALLY feel that way about temping. Even when im not ttc XD. I love seeing the graph grow.

I will definitely ask for details but what I know for sure is that she has a 4.0, has been working for a neurosurgeon as his right hand do-anything for 4 years, did an assload of volunteer hours at children's medical in houston (like, telethon operator cookie baker and such) aaaand majored in bio with a minor in chem. Ill ask about CASPA (ill even pretend to know what it is!) :p
Wow.... your sister's got it goin' on!!!!! If she had a 4.0, her CASPA was probably a 4.0 as well, which is incredible. CASPA just takes into consideration I believe biology, chemistry and physics? Or maybe it is all the sciences. But they also include the retakes, so if you take a course, get a B, retake and get and A, the B will STILL be figured into the CASPA GPA :( BOO!!!!

And her work experience sounds superb. She should have no problem getting her choice of school!!!
Ok I think she retook a physics so her caspa may be slightly lower but I shall ask. And I really hope so she's kind of having a panic break down.
Hmmm, maybe the temping is part of the reason why I feel a little less cray about POASing this cycle. It does sort of fulfill the itch! Hadn't thought of it that way!
Heck yeah!!! Omg I am SOOO broody. September feels so far away. Temping and expirimenting with how herbs affect my cycle is my placebo :p well that and stalking you girls. I want you all to get bfps something awful.
Had a big temp jump today that kind of shocked me. I did temp half an hour late, but I can't see it having that big of an effect. I wonder if I'm coming down with the crud that's circulating around the office? :(
Hmm, I wish I could give you an opinion on your temp jump... but I do not know anything about temps yet... except you drop after af ;)

It is usually impossible for me to get through the night without waking up and tossing... will that ruin me? This morning I HAD to let the cat out at 3am :/ so I feel like my temp at 5 might have been ruined, BUT it was only .3 difference. 96.4-96.7. What are all the rules of temping?
Also Dill... where are you at? Passed O for sure right ? How many DPO and whats your LP usually?
I wake up repeatedly in the night and rarely, if ever, get 3 or more hours of sleep in a stretch. It shouldn't throw off results all that much. Your general patterns should still be evident!

Temps drop after AF, there's a dip and spike around ovulation, then temps are elevated during LP (biphasic pattern). Typically, it dips again if implantation occurs and then goes up even higher than before (triphasic pattern). There are exceptions to this, of course -- my sister said she's never once had an implantation dip or a triphasic pattern. And fluctuations can occur normally. For some women, a mid-LP dip is normal, too.

I'm definitely past O. It's a little harder for me to tell exactly how many DPO because I had two days of positive OPKs and got my BBT thermometer later than I'd hoped, but I think I ovulated Friday night. I should be about 5dpo. My cycle shortened and has been pretty consistent about having a day 13 O and 13-day LP. That puts my testing date at the 26th or 27th, though realistically, I could probably start testing on the 25th. Or the 23rd, if my resolve is weak, haha!
It shouldn't affect it enough to matter much beep. I never get reliable sleep either.

Dill blech :( I hope you arent getting sick. Maybe there was an implantation dip in there and that was the rise? :shrug:
Not unless I ovulated earlier than expected! I suppose it's possible, if I managed to ovulate the same day I got my first positive OPK (Thursday)... that would put me at 6dpo, and maybe yesterday's miniscule drop was a dip? That's STILL almost impossibly early. I just don't think so! All of my ovulation signs were there early Saturday, and weren't ripe any earlier than that. I'm SURE I ovulated Friday night!

Which leaves me with either a VERY gradual LP rise over 5 days, or I'm getting sick. Blehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Wait a minute... you're turning my world upside down... you O and THEN get O signs? I thought you get O signs, then O. Thank God for this website
Well, I slept through O, the signs indicated that I peaked on Friday night. They were there Saturday morning and faded away throughout the day.

Your strongest O signs will happen the day of ovulation! Low, super soft, wide open cervix is like THAT VERY DAY. Once you O, it's like "nope, done now, kthxbye" and it slams the door and runs away.
I hope you aren't getting sick Dill :(

Really quick, doctors called (both of them) and everything came back as normal as it will ever be for his anatomy :) so basically his liver will always be in a weird place and his spleen will always be big but his portal vein looks excellent and bloodwork was normal (abnormal for a normal person, normal for him) so nothing to worry about currently *huge sigh of relief*
Ok beep, talked to my sister and she said her CASPA is like a 3.9.

she also said that GPA means very little. They're all about the hands on patient care experience so you should be set.

That and to write super interesting essays even if it means exaggerating (as awful as that sounds) a bit. She says good luck!
SO glad to hear back about your DS! That's really great news! Yay for "normal" blood work.

My GPA should be fine enough, the average GPA of students accepted into the program was like 3.52 or something, so... yep should be fine in that area. BUT I'd love to have a 4.0 ... DUH! And yeah, the essay is the scariest thing! You just never know exactly what they're looking for. Boo. Well thank you so much for asking your sis! Tell her good luck~ from another mentally struggling applicant ;)

And Dill, I see what you mean. So, in that case if your cervix closes up that quickly after O, it really does make sense to have sperm already up and waiting. Seems like a much tougher shot to shoot them up past a tightly closed cervix. .... but, they are micro, so who knows. Apparently I don't!!! But I'd like to think my cervix isn't as much of a jerk as yours. "I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience, but we are closed for the month. If you'd like to try your luck again, please stop by next month!"- My cervix

And hopefully the only reason you're getting sick is because you immune system is lowered from a very early implantation. We can hope....

I have still been experiencing very bad anxiety, have been 100% depleted of energy, headaches and today was having suicidal thoughts... :/ I ended up extensively researching Vitex and those were some very uncommon side effects that I dug up. Most common in people that already experience anxiety/depression. SO... I am officially off of the vitex for now. Hoping it doesn't take too long to recover from that. I did decide to get some gelatinized Maca, which I've read some great things about. SO I've probably set myself back some extra months by messing with my hormones from the brief vitex experiment. BUT, I've probably also done a lot of good for my body with the amount of tea and nutrients I've been getting. Hopefully I'll even get a libido boost from the Maca! DH would be grateful....

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