Confused? can you help explain Positive OPK 6DPO? Dull cramping,achy lower back

She was cruel and posted photos to Facebook of all her culinary adventures.
Ugh! It's been a struggle for me my entire life. I've always been like this... Always. I eat fine. I was slighter bigger 120, when I was drinking alcohol, but when I quit I lost it without trying. When I was little people would tease me all the time that I was so skinny. Everyone thought I had an earring disorder. I don't think I'd be able to load up on junk to gain weight, I've never been able to gain weight intentionally. So I guess I'm just f'd in the A. Lol. I we pups fricken think If anyone would have ever thought my weight was a problem or anything, the years of health care I've been paying tv for would have mentioned it by now.grr! I don't feel unhealthy :(
Oh yeah wth, Dill!!! I want to see pics of those BFPs :))))
Posted a pic a page ago, Beep! My camera does NOT like pinks/purples, for whatever reason, so it's a lot harder to make out in the photo than IRL. And you can't see the line on the cheapie in the pic at all, but it's there in person. So frustrating. My old phone took AMAZING photos, but this one seems to wash them out!

It could be that you're not so thin as to cause serious health issues, but it could be contributing to the unexplained fertility problems. I think it might be worth mentioning to the doc when you go in for your tests, just in case.

BMI Patient condition
less than 15 seriously underweight
15 – 18.5 underweight
18.5 – 25 normal
25 – 30 overweight
30 – 40 obese
40+ morbidly obese
To calculate BMI, visit and use the BMI
calculator in the ‘Treatments’ section.
Low BMI, conception, pregnancy and
Evidence suggests that women with a very
low BMI will have problems getting
pregnant, carrying a baby to full-term and
may also experience specific problems
soon after the birth:
 women need some body fat to have
regular periods. Very low BMI can
mean that a woman’s hormone levels
are reduced and she may not have
regular periods, reducing the chance
of conceiving, naturally or with
assisted conception
 if a woman with a very low BMI does
conceive, she has a higher risk of
miscarriage and her baby has an
increased chance of a lower birth
weight and being born prematurely
 after she gives birth, a woman with a
very low BMI may experience
increased exhaustion and depression
in the post-natal period
How did I miss that!? Ugh! Work all day. I pop on the thread when I have a moment. I'll go back and look when I get home! Thanks for that post as well! :) luckily I have an appointment coming up!!
If I could gain about 10 lbs I'd be in the normal range. Yeah right! How the hell do I just gain 10lbs!? :(((
EAT. EAT AS IF YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT. I mean, yeah, technically it does, but do it with ENTHUSIASM!

In all seriousness, you could use a calorie tracker (I love love love My Fitness Pal) and set yourself a "gain" goal and go from there.
This is totally insane. I don't WANT to gain 10 lbs :( I never got pg when I weighed 120 either and that was for like 3 years. Maybe it's something entirely different
That's up to you, but I'd still mention the possible BMI issue with the doc at your appointment. It could be one of multiple contributing factors, regardless! Being underweight while pregnant, as I quoted above, brings with it risks to the baby, too. But then, it's easier to gain baby weight. :)
Oh beep im sure you arent unhealthy, like at all. Just throwing stuff out there. Meanwhile I am green with jealously. I have to starve myself and run daily just to stay slightly under an obese bmi :/ . Im sure your body is much healthier now than when you were drinking. If you feel good, thats all you can do ya know?
Agreed, southern! Seriously, I wish I had problems gaining weight. I swear, I smell a pizza and put on two pounds. :rofl: I destroyed my metabolism via eating disorders as a teen. I manage to stay a healthy weight, but it seems like I'm always 5-10 pounds heavier than I'd like. I yo-yo constantly.

I imagine that being slightly underweight consistently must be healthier than yo-yo'ing.
:dance: :happydance:

There's something joyous about getting confirmation that I'm not crazy. xD
Dill, i will admit i searched for your posts because i saw your updated signature and was super excited for you! after all that worry about your chart!:winkwink:


i THINK i may have the start of a positive too...but still too early to really call it. (though i'm getting beyond hopeful in my heart and mind!:wacko:)
:dance: That's awesome news, jump!!! I expect you to keep me updated!!
I'm two inches taller than you beep and about 70 lbs heavier!! Lol and dill....I see lines!!!!!! Hooray!!!!!
And I also an hypoglycemic, never thought of that possibly being a cause for my first one was due (I think anyway) to an untreated thyroid problem because my first cycle on synthroid I got pregnant with Haley. I've been so borderline since I have birth that I haven't needed the medicine though
Prayin, did you have any symptoms for your thyroid? Was it hypo? That's what I'm possibly wondering...
Also hypoglycemic, but never beem tested for thyroid issues. I need to be really careful about my blood sugar with this pregnancy... no more of this skipping-two-meals it's-okay-if-I-pass-out stuff. I'm also off my diet since that always screws up my blood sugar because I worry about calories too much and skip the little snacks I need.

At least I got within a couple pounds of my goal weight before seeing those lines, haha.
What kinds of symptoms do you have with hypoglycemia? Yes! Very good reason not to skip meals... I admit, with my job, I do it all the time :/ Need to CUT. IT. OUT.

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