Confused? can you help explain Positive OPK 6DPO? Dull cramping,achy lower back

I use those tiny little cups (like shot glasses) for my sticks! It makes it cleaner, but definitely not more discreet, hahaha.
Dirty little secret, I usually just pee into the little foil packet that the test comes in...? OR I just stick the little suction dropper straight into my stream and suck some out that way. Weird, yes. But I don't have any cups around that I'd be ok peeing into. Lol.
I get the 50-pack of little disposable plastic cups. They're like clear Solo cups that are shot-glass sized. Amazon automatically tries to bundle it in with the dip strips.

...never thought of peeing in the foil packet, LOL! That's actually brilliant!

I'm doing okay today. AF is finally (!) on her way out. Just spotting some now, and excited that I should hopefully be ovulating next week!!! How're you ladies doing today?
Pretty miserable to be honest. Well I told my best friend yesterday that me and my OHare going to start a family. Told her because I knew she would struggle with it (shes had 2 abortions that she now regrets) and wanted to give her time to get used to the idea before I get pregnant. I had a message or two back, then nothing, then this morning find myself deleted and blocked. Phone, whatsapp and facebook. No telling me why or nothing. And tbh it's pissed me off. After all I've done for her and all the times she's let me down and iv always stood by her. And then she treats me like this. Well if a friendship with her is subject to her approval of what I'm doing in my life, the. She can keep it. If she just wanted time, then I'd of given it to her. But for her to treat me like this is not fair xx
Dill, glad you're almost out of the woods! You going to try anything diff this cycle? I'm thinking about experimenting ;)

I had some mauve (?) colored creamy spotting today . Super weird. I don't think I've ever had get color. I'm sure it's af coming on . Like I said yesterday. Usually it starts with pink or orangey , oh well bring on the flood! I think we might actually start trying
I'm toying with the idea of picking up some fertility tea, but aside from that, not really planning on doing anything different. I've managed to get pregnant with an IUD in, then got pregnant again the first ovulatory cycle after the D&C, so January was the first time I haven't actually conceived. I don't think I did anything wrong, per se -- I just think maybe my body wasn't ready so close to the MC.
I see, yeah, doesn't sound like you really need to make any adjustments. I on the other hand, definitely need to figure some stuff out!!! Any suggestions?

Also, since you mentioned cloth pads and leaking through I totally wanted to share this with you. Hear me out! I've heard of something like this a couple years ago and was totally disgusted... But a couple months ago I was on YouTube looking at a trailer for a video game, and the ad before the video made me so intrigued. It was a kickstarted, and I'm always open to trying new things. I ordered one because it seemed like such a cool idea. I had no idea how much it would change my life. It's anazinggggggg. I can't believe hiw much I love it. No leaks. No mess. Wow. Watch this video. I'm not trying to convert you, just spreading the word because this seriously changed the way I feel about my period.
No tips! Women in my family are notoriously fertile, with double-ovulations being really common. Most of my sister's pregnancies occurred on various forms of the pill. We are just prone to miscarrying what we conceive. :-/ So that's the tough part. Watch, though, now I'll probably take a year before I'm pregnant again. I'm terrified that'll be the case! My sister took 3 years of trying with one of hers, no medical reasons for it, just didn't happen. And yet she's the most fertile woman I've ever met, defying every kind of birth control she's ever used!

Yeah, my sister switched from cloth pads to menstrual cups! I've toyed with the idea a few times, but since some of them aren't compatible with IUDs, I never got around to trying them. I'm still on the fence. I really do like my pads (they're soft and cute and very comfortable), but there are definitely situations where a cup would be so much more convenient.
I only brought it because you mentioned leaking. And for the first period of my life, I didn't ruin a pair of panties from an unexpected leak. It was just... so amazing. So I've been spreading the word :) I wish I'd known about these when I was a teen. Would have made life so much easier. The idea of collecting it in a cup seems so disgusting, but then again the idea of using a sponge system is gross too. Periods suck. I always kind of expect my husband to be okay with me talking about it, and he always is. I just assume it comes with being with a woman. BUT... I put myself in his shoes, and was thinking "If he came to me every month and told me how he was bleeding out of his anus again---- sickkkkkkkk" Poor guys. LOL
Hahaha I bug mine about it, too, but he's thankfully pretty patient with it. I figure if I have to hear his poop stories, he can deal with my "omg my vagina is going to fall out" stories. :D

As a teenager, I would have been so grossed out by any alternative products! I was totally weirded out by cloth pads for the longest time. (It doesn't help that the woman I first heard about them from -- besides my grandma when talking about "the old days" -- also told me she watered her plants with her pad washwater. Too much for me!) I finally gave the clothies a try when I found myself living an hour from the nearest store and with no car. They were just way more practical.

I will probably pick up a cup soon, if I have to deal with many more periods before I manage to get and stay pregnant. Ugh! Missing my IUD. :(
Feeling so emotional and lonely :( Hubs is sleeping, and I'm wide awake browsing the internet. with cramps-ish. So sad.
Awww, suckage. :( I'm sorry. I hope you were able to curl up with him soon after posting!
Yeah- sorry for whining about that... I was a wreck last night.

No more spotting after that one time yesterday. And none today. No af cramps. But still no symptoms either. I think AF is just really messing with me.

I don't know if I ever explained my new hypothesis or not? I had the Blood streaked EWCM on the 25th, 13 days ago. That was accompanied by the positive OPK tests. So I'm thinking maybe that day of the EWCM was my extremely late O? Which, with a 16 day luteal phase, would make it so I'm not really late for AF? Due in a few days then? But what was that red spotting yesterday. ?

It may be in my head, but my lower abdomen feels really firm. ? Like I even looked up a diagram of intestines to see if what I was feeling could have been a food baby lol. Anyway, I noticed it a few days ago and thought it was pretty peculiar. Could happen every cycle and I've just never noticed. My husband poked me down near my uterus while he was walking by (What the hell was he thinking!) and I said isn't it hard? Did you feel that? He said "Yeah, you're so buff" Haha that is so NOT what I was talking about. It feels like that without flexing. Weird.
It's possible that it was implantation bleeding... :) One red streak mixed with CM at 12dpo? Good sign!

That would make it a little early for your abdomen to really be showing signs of a baby, but your body could be gearing up to start making those changes.

POAS in a day or two, and see what it says!!
No no, the red streak ewcm I think could have been a very late O. The spitting I had yesterday was the "red" that I was confused about. Brownish/purplish/red mixed with cm. That's why I'm sure AF is coming. That would have been 11dpo if I had ovulated on my blookstreak day. Well, the good news about all this is that I had a serious talk with hub last night and asked if he want to seriously try for the next few months... Meaning, I will be temping and hopefully will be able to avoid all this confusion the next few cycles!

And about the firm abdomen, wondering if it could be influenced by increased blood flow for starting AF? Like maybe our uterus gets firmer like a boner does?!
I meant the stuff you posted yesterday! :) That bit of spotting you posted the pic of. I know when my AF hits, there's no CM mixed in. At 11-12 dpo, it's still possible that it's implantation bleeding. I wouldn't quite count myself out just yet.

So excited that you'll be tracking again for a while! If this isn't your month, hopefully it'll happen soon!!!

Hahaha @ the boner comparison ... I think that is true. There is definitely increased bloodflow before AF. They recommend not getting piercings done (especially genital piercings) during PMS time because of it -- increased bleeding and increased healing times.
I'm slightly excited to start trying again, but mostly... not. :) I just feel like it's going to go the same way the last 4 years have went. But, if I don't at least try, then I can't pity myself about it. I need to know that I'm doing everything I possibly can to make it happen. Who knows, maybe I've just been wayyy off for my o date for a long time..

Thinking about getting some fertilitea? Not sure if that's what I need or not. But worth a try? Are there any other fertility supplements that you know of.
There's an organic fertility tea I was eyeing on Amazon. The ingredients are really good (healthy for the female body even if they don't help with conception) -- nettle, red clover, peppermint, raspberry leaf. $15 or so for 30 bags, so a little pricey, but not too bad. Can't hurt, anyway. Those are herbs that can really help regulate cycles and ease PMS, at the least!

I decided not to buy it -- my nurse said there's no reason to, at this point there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with my fertility -- but I saved it to my wishlist in case I change my mind.
-been stalking this thread for awhile- I've been doing a bit of research on natural fertility supplements, and I decided on ordering three products, Royal Jelly, Maca, and Spearmint Tea, to start next cycle assuming I don't get a BFP in a few days(although I plan on taking the spearmint tea either way). Probably overkill as this is only my first cycle TTC, but I've suffered a miscarriage before and I have PCOS, so I'm overly concerned about how difficult it may be for me to conceive and have a healthy pregnancy. All of them supposedly improve chances of conception and lower chances of miscarriage. Royal Jelly(supposedly improves egg quality), Maca(supposedly balances estrogen and progesterone levels), and Spearmint Tea(supposedly lowers testosterone levels). Side note, Maca and Royal Jelly also improve male fertility, but don't let your OH have Spearmint Tea. Sorry to chime in with such a long post, I prefer to stalk because I tend to ramble when I post, but I felt compelled to share what I think are neat products. Of course every situation is different and you should do your own research before deciding on a product that will be right for you if any. Anyways good luck to you both :dust:

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