Cooking our little Christmas cakes - late Dec babies

Ha ha - I know, I do think it's far too early to have a bag packed but I was bored and all the things were there so..... As I say, I'm not packing my bag until either 1 December or when the midwife tells me he might be coming soon, whichever is first.

Yes, we did feel much better once we had an alarm. I think we set it on a night for a year or 2, then I think the batteries ran out in the remote control/some of the sensors so we stopped, but we'd got used to the noises by then and lived in a very safe area.
There is an alarm on this house but we don't use it at all, in fact, I'm not sure I even know the code any more. I set it the weekend after we moved in and didn't close the garage door properly (not sure how cos it locked) so the alarm was going off all day whilst we were out! Thought after that we'd best give the neighbours' ears a rest!!!

Going on my girls' weekend tomorrow - yey. Not seen most of them for about a month (they've all been on holidays and exciting things like that) so it'll be good to catch up. Everyone keep your fingers crossed that it doesn't rain tomorrow (Sunday's ok, cos we're doing spa stuff at the hotel then) and that the slightly sore throat I've had for the last couple of days doesn't get worse.....
Enjoy your girls weekend JayDee, fingers crossed for good weather :thumbup:
Hi Chicks,

Well, it's definitely a day for DIY up in Aberdeen. Ming, Ming, Ming (!). At least we can get something constructive done! The wallpaper is nearly all stripped off, the radiators are both off and it's generally a right tip!

Hope you have all had good weeks? They seem to be going by faster and faster these days (scary!) and it's starting to feel as though childbirth is actually really going to have to happen! Am sure I will be in the 'bricking it' lounge soon! My ante-natal classes are starting quite late - not till 27th Oct and don't finish till 8th Dec which is less than 2 weeks before my due date! At least it might all stay fresh in my mind (if my baby brain can take it all in!)

FINALLY bought a car seat and a pram! Can't believe it! After weeks of deliberation and ummming and ahhhing we went out for the day last weekend to a small nursery shop in the country that had the biggest selection of prams i'd seen so far, and we both loved the Maxi Cosi Mura 3. After looking online we then found it in last year's colours for half price so job done! I know it's in blue and although we are convinced it's a boy hopefully it's not too boyish incase a wee girl does arrive! I did love the red colour but couldn't really justify the extra £200+ just for that :) Sites-_-CPC-_-Froogle

Jaydee : I've actually started getting some bits and pieces together too for my hospital bag :) The list of things to pack does seem HUGE though doesn't it, god knows how i'm going to fit it all in my bag !! Hope you have a FAB girls weekend and the weather is better for you than it is up here!

Emma - I will be giving the raspberry leaf tea a go too. I would love for the baby to arrive before Christmas (!)

Meerkat - Glad everything was okay after your visit to the hospital. You definitely did the right thing :) Your comment about the hair straighteners made me chuckle! Are you sleeping better now? My morning aches and pains have subsided a bit but am sure they will return with a vengance soon!

Amerikiwi - I'm definitely slowing down with things now i'm in 3rd Tri. My energy levels have dropped and I don't feel like exercising much (which is really unusual for me). Haven't noticed heartburn but do have restless legs in the evening when i'm trying to relax and when I'm trying to sleep.

DaisyBee - Sorry the garage sale was I let down! I hate it when that happens and you get all excited about a bargain but it's rubbish! I can't remember if you said you had names picked out yet for your little girl?

What are people's thoughts on baby monitors? Has anybody bought one yet or considering one of those movement monitors? The BT 150 digital monitor gets good reviews.

MW appointment on Monday (the 31w appt) then they go to fortnightly. Last time she told me to start thinking about my birth plan - MWAHHH!! I then think at 35w they go to weekly but not totally sure.

Have had to totally segregate my wardrobe too into clothes that fit and ones that don't. There isn't much to choose from nowadays! Next dilemma is what to wear to the Xmas Dinner Dance! :)

Hello there, angie here! better late than never, how do you become a december star? I am due on the 17th. I think I am having a girl but the sonographer couldn't be certain. This is my first baby and as soon as I hit the 3rd trimester I started having back ache, wee infections and rising bp. Am looking for a bit of support and advice as I find my mw a bit wishywashy and I have only been offered 1 antenatal class which I am having during my 36th week! I am 30 weeks + 3days, hello to all hope to make your aquaintence
Just post in the december stars thread, currently posted in third tri!

welcome! :D
Am sure I will be in the 'bricking it' lounge soon!

Will be there waiting for you Pie!! :winkwink:

Cool pram and car seat you've chosen, I'm still deliberating... I'm rubbish at making decisions at the best of time!

I am sleeping better these days thanks hon. Odd really, I gave up trying to stay on my back all night and since then I seem to automatically lie on my side the majority of the time! What's that all about?? :shrug:

I haven't decided on a monitor yet but I bought a Avent steriliser and some bottles today (for combining or if I don't get on with BF'ing.) Both my sisters advised me not to buy the small bottles and go straight for the 9oz ones as the little ones don't get used for long.

Hooray, my stepmum and I painted the nursery yesterday. Just did it white, I've decided to add lots of colourful pics and I bought some wall stickers from Ikea too. I'll see how it looks and then decide what to do next.

Got a call from the docs surgery asking me to go for a blood test for glucose tolerance in 3 weeks. I don't know if this is in response to the the blood test I had a couple of weeks ago or just routine? Or to do with my old age? Anyone got any ideas please? x

Hey Angie-roo, :hugs: sorry to hear you're having a rough time in your third tri. I know what you mean about rubbish info from MW's. I feel the same about my doctor..
Hi ladies

My weekend away was lovely thanks. The weather held off until 2 minutes before we arrived back home, was surprisingly nice when we were away.
Saturday we just did a bit of sight seeing after lunch, then back to the hotel for dinner. Me and the other pregnant girl dropped the other 2 off in town so they could go drinking and retired to the hotel to watch a dvd! Rock and roll or what??
Spa things were nice on Sunday, but we were just sat around most of the day waiting for our turn. Decided not to sit in the pool area as it was just too hot, it was quite nice to just sit and chat and read magazines though, don't get chance to do it very often.

Pie - I've not really looked at baby monitors but I think the BT one did win an award if I remember rightly. I left that to DH, who wants the angelcare one with the movement monitor so we actually manage to sleep without poking the baby every 5 minutes to check he's ok. He always reads the reviews on amazon, they seem to be more detailed than any others.
I also like the pram, we did look at that one as well, can't remember why we decided against it, probably the price in the shop, but the one you've got seems like a good deal.
I don't think it matters if baby is a girl in a blue travel system, we've got red knowing ours is a boy.
I have been segregating my wardrobe throughout, but also don't have that much left but I refuse to buy anything more now, not for just 10 weeks. I've got probably half a dozen maternity tops, a m dress, a pair of m jeans as well as some leggings and a couple of pairs of jeans and a few baggier tops that still fit from my normal wardrobe, that'll have to do.

Meerkat - no-one has mentioned a glucose test to me, but it seems like AK and Daisy had to have them too. That said, my midwife seems a bit rubbish at telling me what I need to do and when so maybe I'll turn up at 31 weeks and just be told about it then.

Angie - welcome along, my antenatal classes are 33-35 weeks (I think, 2 Nov for 3 weeks) but are only 2 hours each time. They also do weekend ones which are 6 hours in one day - is that what you're having? As you can tell from the above post, I'm not too impressed with my mw either, seems to be a common thing....

Actually, when I was at the spa yesterday, I was reading a thing in the newspaper about the fact that most women don't trust/believe/value the advice given by mw/doctors and choose to go online for advice instead, guess that's probably true cos I'd trust people on here more than mw.
Hello everyone,

Havent been on for a few days - seems like forever! I feel like I'm busier now that Im not working! I've been working hard on cleaning & organizing everything - all my closets, etc. We have the nursery (old toyroom) all cleared out and have started painting. OK - dh is painting - he has decided that I am NOT allowed to help even with windows open. LOL Well if makes him feel better - he can do it all!

I got my hair highlited on thurs. and after 1 washing most of the color left! Darn hormones! My last coloring was in august and we realized that the color didnt last very well that time either (although I didnt realize it left quite so soon!) So this time she made it super blonde- well Im back to almost my same color that I had a before I went in! LOL Oh well! I just wanted it to look its best - my first baby shower is coming up on Sunday. I'm very excited!!

My bp has been not so great - keeps going up and down which is better than staying high I suppose - I see the dr tomorrow - we'll see what they say.

Meerkat - my glucose test was a routine thing done but Im in the states - so not sure if yours would be just routine or not. They never called me with results - which dh thinks must mean I passed - but keep thinking that when I show up tomorrow at the dr. they are going to tell me I really did fail and they just forgot to call! (Maybe this is my problem with my bp - too much worrying! oops!) Im sure you will be fine - I've also heard that even if you fail the first test - most people pass the 2nd test which includes 12 hrs of fasting or something like that. So I'm sure you'll be fine.

JayDee - sounds like you had a great weekend! Im sure it was nice to get away and just hang with the girls.

My last prenatal class is tonight & we get a tour of the hosptital where I deliver - boy does that make this all very real or what?!?!
Hello Christmas Mums!

Daisy, my mw never called with the results of my glucose test either. I'm assuming no news is good news but also have a part of me worried that when I show up for next appointment, she's going to tell me I failed. May have to have a piece of cake before the appointment just in case!

Meerkat, I wouldn't worry too much about it. In some places it's routine like the USA, and in others it's offered if you tick off one of the risk factors, i.e.: baby measuring big, gained a lot of weight during pregnancy, family history of diabetes, age, etc.

Pie, we haven't looked at baby monitors yet. Like Daisy, I do like the sound of the ones that have a movement sensor! Congrats on buying the pram! We bought a blue one for our little girl, so I don't think there's any problem with that. :thumbup:

Jaydee, sounds like a lovely weekend! I'd love a spa day right now. Your antenatal classes start around the same time as mine, except that mine are a total of 16 hours done in 2 8-hour days. I told DH that he'll have to take good notes because once I'm labour it'll be up to him to remember everything we were taught.

Welcome Angie! :wave:

My Brother in Law is getting married in two weeks in Aussie, so I"m looking forward to a long weekend away. I'm having quite a hard time finding a nice cocktail dress in maternity wear though! Lots of black dresses but I don't think black would work for a spring daytime wedding! My DH found a nice white dress and was then surprised when I said, "I can't wear white to a wedding!" Silly man, I had to explain to him that a) I'd look like a whale in white but more importantly b) white is reserved for the Bride! I used to have my wardrobe separated by clothes that fit and those that didn't, but eventually removed all the clothes that didn't fit so that I didn't have to see them every day. They'll return after bubs is born!
hey ladies!

glad you had a nice weekend JayDee, good luck on finding something to wear Amerikiwi!

i'm in a mood, prolly hormones, lol but my friend is in being induced today, and it seems she has the same names as me chosen, i wouldnt mind but i picked names that were very uncommon, almost unheard of and her mum just told me she'd changed her mind and has gone with the same names as me, bitch or what?! argh!
Emma, that's a rough situation! Had you told her the names that you liked or did she randomly get the same name on her own?

If she just now changed her mind, once she sees her little one, she may think he looks more like the original name. If not, I grew up best friends with a girl that had the same name as me and it worked out fine.

I'll keep my fingers crossed that she goes back to original name!
Oh Emma - how annoying! I'd be emotional (or however you described it) about that as well. As AK says, maybe she'll change her mind back again when she sees the baby.

Daisy - glad to hear you're keeping yourself busy - haha. Sounds like DH is pulling his weight as well, always good to hear.

AK - have you looked online for a dress. Not sure if they deliver abroad, but in the UK seem quite good for maternity stuff, and slightly different stuff as well. Maybe it's worth a look to check delivery options or look for something similar locally?

My little one has been wriggling and kicking the <i don't know what> what out me for the last 24 hours, hopefully he'll keep it up for Thursday when we're having another go at the 4D scan - fingers crossed....:)
I purposely didnt tell her my name choices cos its the type of person she is, but someone else did, looks like she just decided to copy, i just hope she has a girl!

FX he keeps his wriggle on Jaydee!

mines had his wriggle on the last coupla days too, i'm sure hes breakdancing or something, who'd of thought i was ever worried about not feeling anything!
Emma - I hope your friend has a girl too - then it wont matter that she's trying to steal your names! How rude!

Well my dr said that my blood pressure isnt great - but isnt horrible either. So they will just keep checking it & unless it goes way up that its nothing to worry about. Whew! Nothing was mentioned about my diabetes test :shrug: so guess I passed. I forgot to ask her about it. Everything else is going well. I mentioned my horrible pelvic pain & sciatica issues that I have been getting & seem to be getting worse - she said "very normal" and just typed it into my chart - great help she was! I wanted some advice but guess that was asking too much.

My last childbirth class was last night & we got a tour of the maternity part of the hospital. Last nights class went over different breathing & what happens after the baby is born - for both me & baby. The hospital looks great - actually very calm and peaceful place which isnt what I was expecting at all. I labor, give birth, and recover in the same room - they just switch beds after delivery. And they have the baby in the room with me afterwards all the time - for all the checks they do, bath, etc. unless major issues - which they said hardly ever happened. Overall the classes made me calmer and feel more prepared for what will be happening.
My friend had a boy about 30 mins ago, waiting on the name announcement, there could be a war lol!

Daisy - my midwife was a bit poo on my joint issues, just kinda fobbed me off too! your childbirth class sounds great, glad you feel more relaxed!
Congratulations to your friend Emma - hope his name isn't the same as the one you've picked out.
Also glad you can feel bubs moving a lot more now, my friend that's due in March was saying at the weekend she'd love to be able to feel hers moving so that she knew he/she was ok, only felt like yesterday we were feeling like that (she's 18 weeks)....

Daisy - your antenatal classes sound great, hope mine are as good, they start in a couple of weeks. Unfortunately they aren't at the hospital, but I'm sure they will explain what happens there.

I'm making a note of what wakes baby up, toasted muffin, orange juice and decaf coffee seemed to work this morning so might have the same tomorrow :)
JayDee - when I had my ultrasound I was drinking oj in the waiting room - the gal told me to put down my oj - cause it would be more than 15 min. before we got started. She said oj works - but only for like 15 minutes and then baby will fall asleep - so maybe bring some with you to the ultrasound - & then wait to drink it til right before you are about to start. Good luck with getting some good pics!

TMI part coming..... Im totally shocked - I noticed yesterday evening that my breasts leaked! Breastfeeding is something I am planning on trying to do - but I have pushed it back in my mind & really havent thought much about it. Well I was feeling like my nipples were really itchy last night & so was going to look at one to see why it would be so itchy - well as I was doing this - noticed that I had a spot (dry) on my bra & also had one on the other side! Not a huge amount - but my jaw dropped - I really wasnt thinking that would happen to me - & so am still in total shock about it. Well I guess this means my boobs work - lol - for some reason was thinking they might not work :shrug: LOL

Emma - hope your friend chooses a total different name than yours - FX! Waiting for an update!
JayDee my friend was saying the exact same thing yesterday, though shes at 17 weeks, she said no matter how many scans it will not feel real until she gets kicked, i must admit though, i didnt believe anything til those first kicks...

lol daisy, i'm expecting something similar soon, my nipples look like theyre falling apart, anyone elses like this? they kinda look like bits of skin are falling off.. really weird!

My friend had a boy and so far his name is Harley, so i think i'm safe, weeee!
TMI part coming..... Im totally shocked - I noticed yesterday evening that my breasts leaked! Breastfeeding is something I am planning on trying to do - but I have pushed it back in my mind & really havent thought much about it. Well I was feeling like my nipples were really itchy last night & so was going to look at one to see why it would be so itchy - well as I was doing this - noticed that I had a spot (dry) on my bra & also had one on the other side! Not a huge amount - but my jaw dropped - I really wasnt thinking that would happen to me - & so am still in total shock about it. Well I guess this means my boobs work - lol - for some reason was thinking they might not work :shrug: LOL

Daisy - Bless, I'd be freaked out too! I hadn't even really considered the possibility of leaky boobs until my friend said it happened to her. I rushed out and bought some pads just in case, but no sign so far.

The other thing I learned was that your milk doesn't just come out the end of the nipple like a bottle teat. Apparently, it comes out of more than one hole like a seive. Nice! Am I being a bit dim or should I have already known that?? :shrug:

Emma - Any news? What has she decided to call him?! Has she nicked your name?

Amerikiwi - Ha made me laugh about the white dress. Silly men eh? They know nathing! :nope:

JayDee - How was the :baby: scan today? Did you get some good pics?

I shut the car door on my bump today and scratched a nice red mark along my belly. Bubs seems ok thankfully but if he's born with a dent I'll know why :cry:
Hi ladies, sadly bubs still didn't want to play properly, for the record oj (well orange, mango and pineapple smoothie) didn't work with this one, tried it half way through.

He was kind of awake this time, but not very active, and wanted to have his feet, his hands, his cord or a combination of the 3 in front of his face all the time!

I'm about to change my profile pic to one of the pictures, he's got his hands in front of his face but you can see he's kinda cute (well I think so anyway).

Emma - glad your friend didn't use your chosen name, funny how our friends said the same thing about kicks. I think my friend is getting first flutters, but until they are proper kicks you think they could be something else don't you?

Daisy - I was actually wondering when the leaky boobs thing might start happening. I might ask the midwife next week because mine haven't got that much bigger either, only a cup size and they weren't big to start with, just hoping they'll do what they are meant to when the time comes!

Meerkat - I'm sure bubs will be fine, even if your skin isn't! Me and the lady doing the scam were poking at my bump yesterday to try and get bubs to move and he seemed very unaffected by any of it!

My husband's birthday today, so I'm going to go make a cake soon... :)

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