Could use a buddy

Pino - Feeling sick daily, and very anxious off and on, but other than that happy! I just read an article about how difficult it is for women who have struggled with fertility to get excited and have a sense of trust once they finally get pregnant, which was validating! Overall I am happy and in my gut I know everything is OK, but still feeling those very early day nerves! I have a third set of blood work tomorrow and then they will schedule some scans. I hope you get to drive a new car, too!!

Sleepy - It is possible that the new job and any related stress (good changes can stress the body, too!) altered your hormones slightly, but it doesn't sound like AF is quite here, right? Hopefully you'll have a nice long LP and then your next cycle (in a year ;)) will be back to normal. It sounds like a temporary change!
Officially started a pregnancy journal so that I'm not posting all about pg here! And I am NOT leaving this thread :) Couldn't leave my crazy ladies :hugs:. I feel silly starting it already but it seems like it's time!
Lauren - AF is def not here yet. Maybe she'll stay away for good this time! Spotting has stopped so that's good. I'll bring it up at my docs appt in the 29 just to be safe.
Whew!! Stay away, AF!!! I am so impressed that you didn't chart this month, even if it was because of your neck and your new job and losing the thermometer and being on vacation (what a month you've had!). Is the appt on the 29th with a specialist or just a normal doctor's visit?
Haha when you put it that way, it does seem like a lot happened this month!! The main reason for lack of temping was the missing thermometer plus the broken AC. I never found it so I need to buy one today from CVS or Target or something. The appt is with my GP who will run some basic blood tests, then she said she will probably set up my RE appt for me if my blood results are normal. I love this doc - she's very young, kind and so understanding.

I'm hoping that spotting was IB? Is that like a super far off hope you guys think? I just can't imagine spotting SO early when that's never happened before. If no more spotting today, then I'll prob take an HPT tomorrow just to see. I'm concerned that my body did something really whacky and I O'd on CD7 or something which would make AF right on time. Fingers crossed that's not it!!

Treasured - where are you girl?? I"m curious to know if AF ever showed!
Fx that it is, too!! It's totally possible. I think that IB for most women is that very light spotting. I will anxiously await your test! :)
P.s. not sure if my private messages got sent right but Lauren and Sash I have added you both! Very pretty ladies! lauren you actually really remind me of one of my friends :D

Meant to say that YOU are very pretty, too (good looking thread! ;)) and that you remind me of a friend of mine in SF! Weird that we have friends who look like each other!
Hi ladies! Sorry I haven't updated over the weekend I was away camping/ forgetting about ttc! Thank you for all your encouragement :) So to shatter everyone's hopes af decided to appear on Fri night :/ was totally raging at first and upset but atleast I was expecting it after having the bfn! Was so glad to be occupied with camping so that I couldn't get all sorrrry for myself, haha. I am starting to thinkthat there probably is somthing wrong with me though, maybe I have endo Lauren cause I have a short lp and short cycles? Was that a sign for you? Also how are you feeling! It must be horrible worrying al the time people that arent ttc are excited and happy and we just think of the worst! But try to relax it will become more real very quickly! Also soo strange that we look like each other's friends haha!

Pino- exicting about the new car! I say just hot wire it and go for a spin round the USA! You using the monitor this month?

Sleepy that all sounds really positive! Im excited when can you test? I hate when you get loads of symptoms and then like me a bfn you think wtf is my body trying to do!? But im hoping this id not just you body being weird and this is your month hehe!
preg - LOVE your bump!!

pino - how was car shopping? what kind of car are you guys thinking of getting?

sleepy - Ahh.. i looove food! Did you guys have lots of indian dishes? Mm... *drool* Anyways.. I hope it's IB! We need more bfp :rain:

lauren - yay for ms!!!! :dance: :haha: When is your next appt/scan?

treasured - :hugs: sorry about af! :gun: at least your enjoyed your camping trip? your lp is 12, which is normal. And 27/28 days cycle is pretty normal too.

country - where is your bump pic~~ :thumbup:

sashimi - how are you feeling today?

haribo - enjoying your vacation?? DH & I are planning a little short getaway perhaps on labor day weekend (Sept 1st) so somewhere with MUCH cooler weather~

afm, got some sharp pain on my lower right stomach this morning. wondering if I'm o-ing already?! tricky tricky body! :shrug:
treasured - BOOO AF!! My biggest endo signs were super super painful periods (ever since I started getting them, really, which is a looong time ago now!), long periods with clots (sorry!) that were sometimes 7 days, 5 at the very very shortest. My periods improved a little when I started acupuncture. The other big one that most women wouldn't think of is spotting--not talking about the spotting Sleepy gets for two days or that we all get for a day before AF--like spotting that started at 5dpo and lasted a week. The short LP....I don't know! That could be something or based on a hormonal imbalance that the endo caused. Mostly I think the short LP-endo connection for me was about not being able to produce mature enough eggs/follicles whatever due to the endo in my ovaries so the progesterone never kicked in enough to make for a long LP and that probably didn't help the spotting either. Anyway, for a long time I had 28 -29 day cycles and over the last year they became 24-26. That seems significant. Sorry to ramble, but anyway the biggest sign is severe cramps during AF. That can happen, though, even if it's mild endo.

lxb - LOL thanks! I had a blood draw this morning for 3rd beta and will find out this afternoon--these waits are killing me! LOL. I think when they call they will schedule the 6 week scan. How are YOU? Doing lots of naughty things like drinking and eating yummy cheeses this cycle while you can? And loads of coffee?? :) :wine:
treasured - BOOO AF!! My biggest endo signs were super super painful periods (ever since I started getting them, really, which is a looong time ago now!), long periods with clots (sorry!) that were sometimes 7 days, 5 at the very very shortest. My periods improved a little when I started acupuncture. The other big one that most women wouldn't think of is spotting--not talking about the spotting Sleepy gets for two days or that we all get for a day before AF--like spotting that started at 5dpo and lasted a week. The short LP....I don't know! That could be something or based on a hormonal imbalance that the endo caused. Mostly I think the short LP-endo connection for me was about not being able to produce mature enough eggs/follicles whatever due to the endo in my ovaries so the progesterone never kicked in enough to make for a long LP and that probably didn't help the spotting either. Anyway, for a long time I had 28 -29 day cycles and over the last year they became 24-26. That seems significant. Sorry to ramble, but anyway the biggest sign is severe cramps during AF. That can happen, though, even if it's mild endo.

lxb - LOL thanks! I had a blood draw this morning for 3rd beta and will find out this afternoon--these waits are killing me! LOL. I think when they call they will schedule the 6 week scan. How are YOU? Doing lots of naughty things like drinking and eating yummy cheeses this cycle while you can? And loads of coffee?? :) :wine:

Huh, I had those super duper painful cramps (passed out from them a couple of times, even missed an exam at school because of them once (woke up 3 hours after the exam was finished).
That´s why I was put on BC to begin with. I nearly never stopped on them, but usually when I did the cramps would come back within 2-3 months...
Got pregnant easily enough though...?
preg - The weird thing about endo is that the severity of cramps does not always correlate with the severity of the disease. My cramps were awful and I probably had mild endo for years and years. My endo got severe and the cramps just didn't let up. If you had it I bet it was very mild since you got pregnant so easily!
How are YOU? Doing lots of naughty things like drinking and eating yummy cheeses this cycle while you can? And loads of coffee?? :) :wine:

Ahh... I think my body is gearing up for O! CM was sticky yesterday.. and today was sticky/watery-ish! I bet the sharp pain on the right belly area was Oing sign~ Along with some pain on right bb! :haha: I'm so tempted to jump on DH tonight!! :wacko: (it would be almost 3 weeks since the d&c. Hmm... should i?? Dont' want to risk any infection though~ :shrug: is +/- 7 days okay? well.. in this case -7! :haha: cuz the doc said nothing in hoo ha for 4 weeks after d&c! Or maybe we'll be too tired from jogging :haha:)

Oooh yes~ I've been stuffing my face with sub (from port of subs) for the first few weeks when I was taking the medication! And some sushi too! Mm.. ice coffee (McD's Hazelnut Ice Coffee!!! YUM!)~~
MMMMM I definitely didn't bring enough snacks to work today!! My mouth is watering thinking about the subs...
lxb - thank you for the reasurance :) yeahh I think my LP was actually even 12/13 days. (do you count spotting as CD1)? that confuses me haha. but I just get confusd cause ive had a 10 day LP before and thought they couldnt change :S. sounds good to have a get a way!! quality time to yourself :) you could well be Oing early cause of all thats happened your body might just be thinking what the heck lets just go for it haha!

lauren - i know i WISH she had taken a nice holiday with yours! ahhh well to be honest I dont really have any of those symptoms, I used to have painful cramps but they arent bad now, like maybe a couple of minutes of pain and then its fine? is it normal to have a varying cycle length, like 26,27,28 days? I also dont have spotting except for the day before AF and even that is for jsut a few hours before full flow. I guess I just kinda wish there was a reason behind not getting pregnant, but then I could be like pino which is unexplained :( must be so difficult (hugs for pino if your reading this). BUT it goes to show that it can happen cause look at you lauren all pregs :D :D. I WISH we could all meet up and feel preg country and laurens bumps for luck !

forgot to mention that when we were camping (with my friend and his girlfriend) I had a lot of time to talk to her cause the guys were away being guys, and she is actually a bit older than me, 25 and we were taling about having kids, which was nice cause she could relate. I didnt tell her I was TTC but I could tell she wouldnt judge me if I had. it was really nice cause none of my friends are in that situation yet so it was good to have someone else with the same dream! shed recently thought she was pregnant but thinks it may have been ectopic :( I could tell she would have really loved to have been pregnant.

annnywayyyy.. where is everyone at. just want to share big love to everyone and remind you all of how much I appreciate you all :) xxx
treasured - 12 is still a normal LP length! And varying cycle length is totally normal :) I think that when cycles start getting shorter than 25 or 24 days that's it. And I totally understand that you want a reason for not being pregnant yet, though I assure you you don't want endo! ;) How many months have you tried? I wonder if it's something simple. Have you been able to see a specialist? Can't remember if it's you or haribo who couldn't because of your young age.
yeahh thats true! I dont really want endo haha! well I started like NTNP back in november after coming off the implant... I wondered if that had done somthing to me but i doubt it. Used OPKS some months and tried to BD around O since like january but not as religiously as pino this month haha! havent realy kept track of things and only started temping as of last cycle as you know :). so overall we have been going at it for 10 months :\. yeahh it was me that said because Im young, the health service over hear will only support procedures such as IVF if you are over 23 and I think they are pretty strict on the 'year of trying before tests' thing... and because Im young the only response I get is 'oh your young just give it time' ugh. Im gonna have to go to the doctors soon though, gonna leave it till the year mark I think though.
treasured - just wanted to let you know that sometimes there is no 'normal' for cycle lengths lol From the time I went off the pill I had varying lengths from 22 to 48 days! Somehow I still got pregnant.

preg - cute bump! Are you going to start doing weekly pics?

lxb - No bump pics yet but I'll post them in my journal when there's something to show :) You totally got my mouth watering too!

Pino - I love car shopping! But I hate the haggling part lol

Sleepy - it's sounding good for you this cycle! Are you going to start temping again when you get the thermometer?

Summer is nearing an end! Does anyone have any fun plans coming up? I'm working on DH to plan a babymoon since we'll be done the house he's building at the end of this month and I'd love to go away in September.
Bad luck Treasured, there was me thinking this was your month, still you've picked yourself up girl, that's the spirit! Glad you could speak to someone about TTC, so important to actually chat about it sometimes I find. I wouldn't get too caught up on the whole year TTC you know-so much is about finding the right person-I was lucky. I am older but they started tests at 9 months.

Sleepy, really hoping it's implantation bleeding. I had it once and it came to nothing but it's good that yours has now stopped-mine kept going steadily til AF showed which was a bit weird. Envious of all your amazing Indian food!

Lauren glad all well with you, hope you're not feeling too queasy. So exciting! Great you've started a journal too. (How do we read that?! As you can all tell, am not very good at computery things!)

Lxb - glad you've got the non-pregnancy foods out of the system, now you're good to go! Hope you still have some energy after that jog!

Pino - how are you getting on? Hope you're alright.

Country you should totally have a babymoon-how exciting OH has built a house, wow, that's brilliant!

Preg-thanks for sharing bump pic!

Sashimi, thinking of you and your massive needle. Hope you're feeling ok. Keep the faith my lovely.

I'm back from France-was only there from Friday night until Sunday afternoon! It was so worth it, was amazingly well looked after by my lovely family and enjoyed dips in the pool. And actually quite enjoyed travelling on my own-is that weird? It was much more relaxing! Missed OH but think there's something in the old phrase absence making heart grow fonder sometimes. London is HOT HOT HOT at the mo, very humid, we aren't used to it. I've got a fan in the room to keep cool but swelter at work in our old buildings with no air con. I've got an interview for the job I want! And a week to prepare, I am so happy-I know I still have quite a bit of work to do but the radio silence on hearing back was worrying me!

Am going to start acu again next cycle plus try chinese herbs for the first time. That really will get me dreaming about nice food-isn't it meant to taste disgusting?! AF was due today but I ovulated really late so if I can cling on until Thursday, I'll test, otherwise forget it! Time will tell xxx
haribo - Woohoo on the interview!! Good luck! When is it so we can think of you? So jealous of your France weekender!! You are strong with not testing--I have never ever been that strong! Also, you can just click the thing that says Journal under all my posts.

country - YAY for babymoon!! So glad you are doing that :)

treasured - I definitely think that the charting will give you more info and hopefully get you your BFP! Most docs here want people to wait until the one year mark to be tested, and I think that's totally a reasonable timeline! You bounced back well, like haribo said, from AF :) You need this one, too: :wine:

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