Country - How fun!! Do you have any ideas where you and OH would want to go? I have no fun plans anymore - just working and waiting for Thanksgiving, lol! My fave holiday ever!! I'm definitely going to start temping as soon as AF arrives. It's frustrating not knowing exactly when she's going to show.
Lauren - Now that you're preggers, you have to load up on the snacks and feed that bean! How are you feeling? Still nauseous or managing it? Glad you were able to relax a bit with OH yesterday and get a nap in. Make sure you're taking good care of yourself girl!
Treasured - So sorry about AF. She is just the worst! Just my opinion, but I never count spotting as CD1. My first day where I have an actual flow is what I consider as CD1. It always confuses me too - like is this heavy enough spotting to be a flow or is it just spotting? So annoying!
Haribo - Ahh what a fun weekend trip. Sounds like you had an amazing time!! I wish I lived close enough to do a trip like that. The best I can do is sit on my couch, eat a bunch of brie and drink a bottle of wine by myself
I hope AF stays far away girl!
Lxb - Yay for your body being back to it's normal self. Do you think you'll take the risk and jump OH?? I know it's hard to resist, but don't hurt yourself okay?? You know what's best, but I had to throw out my best doctorly advice
How's everyone else doing? Pino, Sashimi? Anything new with you two?
I have a feeling I'm out this month. Still spotting - by that I mean when I wipe it's pink sometimes. Usually that happens before AF shows; it just happened a lot earlier this cycle (9DPO as opposed to 12/13DPO). I had the WORST cramps in the middle of the night last. Like serious first day of AF cramps. Luckily she didn't show, but I just know she is lurking - planning the most inopportune time to strike. Like when I choose to wear a khaki dress at work and have forgotten all panty liners and tampons in my other purse. She's vengeful like that. Still though, I am PRAYING like a mad woman that by some miracle this spotting is nothing and that I'm pregnant.
Lauren - Now that you're preggers, you have to load up on the snacks and feed that bean! How are you feeling? Still nauseous or managing it? Glad you were able to relax a bit with OH yesterday and get a nap in. Make sure you're taking good care of yourself girl!
Treasured - So sorry about AF. She is just the worst! Just my opinion, but I never count spotting as CD1. My first day where I have an actual flow is what I consider as CD1. It always confuses me too - like is this heavy enough spotting to be a flow or is it just spotting? So annoying!
Haribo - Ahh what a fun weekend trip. Sounds like you had an amazing time!! I wish I lived close enough to do a trip like that. The best I can do is sit on my couch, eat a bunch of brie and drink a bottle of wine by myself

Lxb - Yay for your body being back to it's normal self. Do you think you'll take the risk and jump OH?? I know it's hard to resist, but don't hurt yourself okay?? You know what's best, but I had to throw out my best doctorly advice

How's everyone else doing? Pino, Sashimi? Anything new with you two?
I have a feeling I'm out this month. Still spotting - by that I mean when I wipe it's pink sometimes. Usually that happens before AF shows; it just happened a lot earlier this cycle (9DPO as opposed to 12/13DPO). I had the WORST cramps in the middle of the night last. Like serious first day of AF cramps. Luckily she didn't show, but I just know she is lurking - planning the most inopportune time to strike. Like when I choose to wear a khaki dress at work and have forgotten all panty liners and tampons in my other purse. She's vengeful like that. Still though, I am PRAYING like a mad woman that by some miracle this spotting is nothing and that I'm pregnant.