Could use a buddy

lololol guyss! its 20 to 1 in the morning here! I mean I know desperate times and all that but Im not sure the Mcdonalds drive through would sell HPTS and im pretty sure thats all thats open round here! hehe!

pino i WANT a chat!!! although we could chat on FB but I dont have the other ladies! who wants to ADD? it must be tough having long cycles :( yours arent too bad though are they? i HATE having a short luteal phase though it really bugs me when I dont know whats going on! although this month im on 12dpo which is kinda normal right? xxx
Treasured---My cycles are around 30 and I have around a 12 day LP
Thank you so much Ladies for all your kind and encouraging words. I have read all your messages and it is the only thing that got me through this rotten day. I told OH how stressed I feel with work and he told me he knew it was a bad idea to do IVF now. I wanted him to encourage me and say that this is the right choice, but he is lashing out at me once again. I'm also being scolded constantly at work because I just can't seem to focus or get through the ocean of work I have sitting on my desk.

I just feel like I can't catch a break and now I want McD's too!!! I'm off to bed as I am totally exhausted, I just want to say thank you. And big hugs to all of us on here who are feeling lost and afraid right now!
Sashimi - :hugs: :hugs:

Gosh... Good thing I've already had dinner! Else I mig just drie through mcd for dinner! Woohoo.. 20 pieces of nuggets for $4.99! :dance:
I almost had McD for breakfast!! The universal food, lol.

Sashimi - I wrote you already but please don't hesitate ever to use us as your support!! That's what we're here for and OH's can be so rotten without even realizing it. You have been a huge support to everyone here, and you deserve your long-awaited BFP and a ton of encouragement and cheering along the way!

lxb - Have you decided how long to wait? I wonder if you can speak to the doctors who gave you the conflicting info and ask them why they gave you the timelines that they did. I do think that your body will start to intuitively know, but it's also really important for you to be safe and feel safe right now. I just know that rainbow baby is waiting! :hugs: Thank you for being such a cheerleader on this thread!

Pino - How are you feeling now at a year older? :) I can't believe what you said about your knee!! That does sound scary! The long cycles sound like they STINK! I wish we could speed them up for you!!

Sleepy - Thank you! I think I did ugly cry when OH opened his card, lol. There'll be a lot more where that came from too!! Thank you for the insight from your stalking ;) And I am so sorry that your OH is being unsupportive :hugs:. What is with our OH's sometimes??? I just want to shake them!! I feel like we need to get them all in a room and give them a good, sound talking to!

Country - LOL on those smilies! I love all the smilies this thread has had lately! You are so wise--calm is the only way!!

haribo - SO jealous that you are going to France!! We went for our honeymoon in fall and it was lovely. I wish I could be there again and eat myself stupid! Is there a timeline with the job--like when you're supposed to hear back about an interview? Bravo on no caffeine and alcohol! It makes such a big difference!! I went off of those two plus sugar and aerobic exercise last summer because of a health issue and lost 15 pounds super quick! Of course I gained it all back after Christmas... :blush:

Treasured - Definitely time to TEST!!! And 12 day LP is officially normal and OK--I have read this many times! I have super FX for you and for the hailstorm of BFPs to start on this thread!!

Did I forget anyone? I am sorry if I did--so many pages to wade through! Love how active our thread is!!!! You ladies are the best!
pino - ahhh I see now how that can be really annoying as your waiting so much longer to O! Sorry if I sounded a bit doubtful before I didnt mean to!! :hugs: mmmm I might just get a Mcds today ;)

lxb- omggggggg 20 mcnuggets for 4.99 :O thats like £3 here! costs a wholllllllllle lot more here I suspect :(

I loved being over in texas a few years back athough I think I would be the size of a house if I lived there! mmmmmmm taco bell mmmmmm dairy queen mmmm and lets not forget sonic! dont even have to leave your car the person just skates on over :O WHY dont these things exsist here?

lauren- im just a bit scared to test seeing as 10dpo was a BFN! my temp dropped a bit today too :(

I did have the WEIRDEST thing last night though. my dog was really bugging me, like he usually annoys me with his snoring but I can deal with it. But last night I literally had to get outta bed and put him out the room. Then I had to go pee. Then when I got back in bed I could not get back to sleep I was so restless. I did feel a bit nauseous too, when I closed my eyes, had to sit up for a while. Took me ages to fall asleep, but when I woke this morning I actually thought it was a dream. It doesnt seem like it happened, but it did cause my dog wasnt in my room! Very strange :S So if thats not a pregnancy sign then I swear an alien force was upon me........

P.s. not sure if my private messages got sent right but Lauren and Sash I have added you both! Very pretty ladies! lauren you actually really remind me of one of my friends :D
Morning! Ok so cd 29 today. Since we started ttc my cycles have been 24 -29 days (29 days was my first cycle of the pill in march and 24 days was the next one). Approx 15dpo but 10dpo if I counted from the weird jelly stuff. AF was due on tues. Still getting what I can only describe as 'gushes' of watery cm (sorry gross I know). Keep running to the toilet to check. Also have had a bit of cramping the last 2 days off and on which makes me think AF is enroute. Had a head cold since tues and I haven't taken any medication in case it masks symptoms. Just don't know..... Think I will have to test tomorro night if no AF as dh has planned a surprise weekend
lauren - :hugs: Spotting is normal in early pregnancy, it´s if it doesn´t stop you need to see someone :)
Gratz on the darker test, they kept getting progressively darker for the first 3-4 times, then they levelled out, and some even looked lighter after that. Didn´t mean anything though.
And your BF! - :p on her

country - yep, we definitely need more company to "complain" with about preggy pains ;)

sash - sorry you´re feeling vulnerable these days, we´re here for you :hugs:
My theory is that you don´t feel anything these days, because you´re afraid of hoping, and of failure. It´s your minds way of protecting itself, nothing else.
OH´s are sometimes really inconsiderate, maybe I´m a little lucky we´re living in separate countries for the first 6 months of pregnancy? I´m starting to think that ;)

haribo - yep, caffeine and booze, once you´re "clean" the headaches also stop. I usually have a headache for about 14 days when I go caffeine clean. Heheh. Shows us what it really is, huh?

Pino - Wow - crazy ex... :hugs:
I hope your OH starts to see the bigger picture soon (not only his own view of it).

p.s. woah.... when did I get so cheesy?
mmm... cheese..... ;)

AFM - I´ve ordered a Doppler (will have it in my hands on the 24th). I just can´t wait to be able to hear my baby´s heartbeat whenever I feel like it :D
Morning! Ok so cd 29 today. Since we started ttc my cycles have been 24 -29 days (29 days was my first cycle of the pill in march and 24 days was the next one). Approx 15dpo but 10dpo if I counted from the weird jelly stuff. AF was due on tues. Still getting what I can only describe as 'gushes' of watery cm (sorry gross I know). Keep running to the toilet to check. Also have had a bit of cramping the last 2 days off and on which makes me think AF is enroute. Had a head cold since tues and I haven't taken any medication in case it masks symptoms. Just don't know..... Think I will have to test tomorro night if no AF as dh has planned a surprise weekend

Ooh, CM gushes sound promising, I had those :D
girls- im in a bit of a rut at the moment... so I put this to you : would you take a job purely because you were in need of money... but that you might not actually enjoy?

my reasoning is that Ive actually been offered one of the jobs I applied for a while back. But yesterday I went to meet with one of the clients and it wasnt really what I had expected, I mean I'm a 21 year old female and this job involves the personal care and supervision of a 65 year old man with history of extreme violence (including sleepovers at his home) all by myself. I am a strong minded person but I think even this is a bit much for me to handle.

So I dont think I am going to take it up. What do you ladies think? Also, its not really the type of job I could just take on and then leave after a short time if you know what I mean as the attachment is important to people with disabilites.
Treasured - be safe! I think you've made the right choice by not taking the job. Better to be safe than sorry. :hugs:
If you have a bad feeling go with your gut and dont take it!! I interviewed somewhere last fall at a place that just felt wrong to me. I held out and finally the right opportunity came along. I'm glad I didn't take that job!!
Treasured--- I have taken a job just for the money, but it was not as drastic as the one you were offered. Safety is number one. I think you are making the right decision by declining the offer. Yes enjoying what you are doing is important, but being comfortable trumps everything!! :hugs:

Janie--- TEST!!! So far everything sounds really good!!

Preg_Pilot--- I am so excited for you getting the Doppler!! I wish you could post a recording of the heartbeat. That would be so cool!!

So I am doing really good today. I have to clean my house, but that also means I have to get some energy and get up from the couch!! :haha: TTC wise nothing changed. My temp is a bit high today, but I have a feeling I was laying in bed for a while only half asleep. :shrug: I hope everyone has a great day!!
As discussed with DH before.. we'll give it some time before we go visit a fertility specialist because I think they won't see you unless you've been ttc for some time right? (1 year?)

A friend's ex got married in May and now, 3 months later, she posted a picture of her surprised baby shower. I just knew it! I told DH back in May for her wedding picture that she looked pregnant (I guess I just have a sense) and told DH "We shall wait and see". And what do you know, I was right. She's the traditional type of girl with a traditional family. DH & I are pretty certain that the marriage are forced onto them because of the pregnancy. sigh.................... here we go again. People getting pregnant and not even trying. DH & I had nothing to say except to "sigh"~

I think DH is shaken by it and asked if we should go see a fertility specialist. His exact word.. "See how my little guys are doing" <-- :haha: cause I called his :spermy: his little guys! :haha: ... but yeah.. I dont even know where to begin. I assumed I would need to talk to my OB and get referred to?
I think OH can be checked before the 1 year if I am not mistaken but I do believe you need a referal. There is a test that you can buy online for $40 that tests male fertility.

I know with woman fertility you need to be TTCing for a year or hav 3 MC's which is ridiculous!!
thanks pino. I've seen that at a local drug store~ Maybe I'll pick one up after work today. And it certainly is ridiculous for 3MCs! DH & I just felt pretty deflated after seeing that FB post. No words coming out.. just plain "sigh"
lxb - :hugs: :hugs: My OH's SA was covered and he only had to pay about $20 to get it done. The good news is that you guys are able to get pregnant, which rules out tons of testing, so I think that you're off to a good start and hopefully the testing process won't be so overwhelming if you go that route. I am sorry you had to see that FB post!! I think there should be a general ban on this thread of FB!!!!

Treasured - SO GOOD that you did NOT take that job!!! You have to trust your gut, always, no matter what. That sounds like a very dangerous situation and I'm really glad you didn't do it. I left my job in Feb and turned down multiple offers. I was without a job for months and it definitely strained our finances. The horrible boss at my old job ended up getting fired and I was hired back in a much better position--it pays off to trust your gut! You will find the right thing. Are you going to TEST?!
Just dropping in to say hello over my lunch hour. I did not sleep AT ALL last night. I just kept drifting off and then sitting straight up in a complete panic. It always seems like anxiety is magnified at night, I don't know why that is. My bbs swelled up big time last night and are really sore, and that is only after 1 day of the new injections. It just really alarmed me, and then I couldn't stop thinking about work stress and how terrified I am of this whole IVF process. Sigh! I think OH is having a hard time, too. He feels a lot of pressure at work, with IVF and before bed we talked about it and he says he feels like there is no one to support him. I guess I need to remember that he needs support, too. I just feel like a complete basketcase. My favourite sunglasses that I bought down south last year got crushed in my bag this morning and I nearly burst into tears.

Lxb, you have no idea how many people I have unfriended on FB for those PG announcements. I'm sorry you have been through a couple of situations now where your friends aren't coming forward with their news. Do they know about your situation? My co-worker here who had 2 mcs is going through the same thing. All her friends who have BFPs are not telling her and tip toeing around her.

I'm an an FB adding rampage!! Pino I just added you, so if you get a weird request, it's me!! Anyone else who wants to connect on FB please message me with your name so I can find you!
lauren - thanks for the info! I guess I'll call the OB to see if I can get a referral. As I read if it's not a "diagnosed" it's not covered by the insurance. So I guess I'll call around to see how much will the total cost be. :shrug:

sashimi - sigh... you and your OH is going to be soooo much stronger by the end of this! My dh also told me before that he has no one to support him as well from the mc. And on the other hand, he needs to be strong for me. It certainly is an energy vampire that just sucks up all you have left. I lost my fav pair of sunglasses too (back in June) and I depressed for a while! It's just one of those days~~ I've posted this pic on my journal... but I'll post it here again~ The rainbow is not too far away now!

On a side note -- I just added Treasured on FB too! :haha:

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