Sounds like you ladies had a very rough night!!!
Pino - I know that queasy excited-fearful stomach feeling so well. I am still really holding out for you this month but I know how heartbreaking a BFN is after feeling like it's the month and feeling like there's absolutely no reason you should be looking at a BFN!!

I felt terrified before and after every visit I had with my specialist, and continue to feel that way. That said, going to a good doc was one of the best decisions I ever made. Hearing my diagnosis was incredibly difficult and painful, too, but in the end it paved the way for me to finally get a bfp! I just know that you are meant to be a mom

I am with Sashimi--it seems like it must be something that is an easy fix, and I wish you and OH didn't have to wait to see a doc! I totally get it, though, and support your decisions. It just doesn't seem fair that you have to wait for your BFP or a doc! That said, I know that you will get there. You are so strong!! I am inspired by you all the time.
Sashimi - The absolute nerve of your friends!!! How could they ask you to jeapodize your shot at a BFP AND the $15k you put down for something like food!! They know you are doing IVF--why wouldn't they fix a totally pregnancy-friendly dinner if they asked you over?? And OH's friends--

I also always want to connect with couples who have struggled with infertility, even and especially now, and I just can't understand why it has to be such an isolating situation. I know I told you this, but our sort-of-friend who lives in the neighborhood behind is showed our apartment because she words for our landlord. She saw something that we'd left out and knew we were pregnant. She asked OH and he admitted it and swore her to secrecy for the moment because she knows a lot of my close friends. Anyway, I wrote her an email saying I was happy she knew but that I was scared of it getting on FB so double swore her to secrecy...She wrote me saying she was ecstatic for us and that her and her husband were trying, saying she wanted to be pregnant yesterday. I told her about 7 months ago what we were going through and she acted like they weren't trying but wanted her email she admitted they'd been trying for a long time. I think she didn't mention it out of embarrassment, which broke my heart. I told her our whole story (abridged!

) and invited her to connect because I know what it's like! She never wrote back and I just felt so sad thinking that she is going through this alone. I wish everyone was as willing to connect about this stuff as all the ladies here are!! We all have you to thank, too, Sashimi, for bringing us together and creating this incredible support system. Anyway, I am digressing. I am praying and hoping that this is it for you and OH! You have been through SO much and it is just time. I can't imagine how intense this TWW is for you and hearing thoughtless comments like that from friends does not help at all! I have not lost hope for you and I hope that you and OH can get some RL support, too, amidst the sea of unhelpful friends!
lxb - It is completely natural to feel afraid when you lost your father in that way! I am so sorry you had such a rough night and are so worried! When is your appointment?? I am sure it's nothing, and am glad that you are getting it checked out for your peace of mind. My OH lost his dad to cancer when he was very little and has always been afraid of getting cancer, too. You said your OH doesn't know about your dad's starting in his eye? He may just not know how scary it is for you that you have something going on with your eye!!

And Sashimi is right--sometimes you just need to lay down the law with OH and say No golf--I need you right now! You should not have to be scared alone, especially after all you've gone through lately and this confusing cycle you've had. I cannot wait for you to be without MIL and hope she decides to take a permanent vacation!!