Could use a buddy

sleepy - not sure how to celebrate when MIL is gone... Hmm.. Run around the house naked?? :wohoo: :rofl:

sashimi - I'm glad to hear you've taken the route that is best for you and your baby. :growlmad: @ the workplace for discrimination!! And it has certainly prove your suspicion for them to ask you to sign papers to make sure you don't sue them. I'm glad that you now dont have to put in those late hours at work and have those unnecessary stress from your workplace. you can truly focus on being healthy and raise a healthy baby! It's also good that you dont' have to deal with that hyena again~!!! :thumbup:

as for the interview they are asking from you. I agree with you dad somewhat as to not burn the bridge. Perhaps take your time on it. Does it need to happen right away? Could they give you a week? By the time you hand over those papers, you are walking out of there being the much bigger person. BUT... since they treated you that way... you absolutely has the right to say no. Because you don't owe them anything!
Sashimi do you HAVE to sign the papers? Is that a requirement in order for them to file in a way that allows you to collect unemployment? If it IS then I would say do the transcription. If not then you're in the clear for whatever feels best.
I must be totally spiteful, but I would totally give them a hard time. Or file some sort of discrimination claim against them. Do you have anything like the EEOC up there in Canada? I'm vengeful. I'm also a lawyer and kind of like giving these *******s a hard time - especially since they did you so wrong! At the end of the day though, if you think the best thing for you to do is do this transcription and that it will make things easier for you down the road in terms of finding another job, then you should. Whatever it takes to make your life easier, less stressful for you and the bean!

Lxb - I like the running around naked idea. DO IT!!
Lol lxb- I think running round the house naked is a great idea! Just do everything you cant do with her there! ;) sorry Ive not been keeping up much! you must be close to testing point? I have absloutley no idea what is going on with my cycle!

sashimi- I have just read over the last few pages and I cannot even understand how your work has done this... I agree with you in thinking it is very suspicious especially if you had never been previously warned about your performance. I dont know how it works over there but the last company I worked for was unable to 'let someone go' without a previous consultation on employee performance! Unless it was something extremely unacceptable. I feel angered at your colleage who blabbed as well!! But like the other ladies say I think you will find comfort in this time and be able to relax and prepare for what you have waited for so long :D Hope you are feeling well!

Sleepy- How are you doing!!? Cannot beleive you are 10 weeks already it is amazing how quickly it goes! You been hit by the MS yet? Hope you are also well!

lauren- so sorry I havent been keeping up with things! how is everything going? so glad you are into second tri without any trouble and now you wont have to be worried :D your so close to gender!! are you deffinately going to find out?

country- Your bun is deffinately cooking now hehe! LOVE your bump pic from your journal :) When do you go on maternity leave? You are right that I shouldnt be negative about hardly bedding I forgot it only took lauren once :D Although looking at my chart I have NO idea when and even IF I actually O'd.

haribo- where art thou? hope you are ok girl!

pino- Hope you are doing okay :) I will probably speak to you later on!

As for me... I am CD 23 and according to FF I havent O'd. My temps are still low and I do not understand it one bit! Literally no symptoms and it is really funny because now that I am not stressing about TTC I find that I feel NOTHING throughout the month, whereas before I must have been making up my symptoms.. I am guessing that this was an anovulatory cycle but I really hope not because that means things are going in a worse direction than ever UGH. :(. This month has really hit me hard, although I am kind of numb to it all now just because it is the year mark and I never thought it would ever take this long. I also read in the newspaper about a 23 year old lady from down south that was rejected for IVF because of her age. And the reason she couldnt conceive was because of her appendix, which I also had removed. So that freaked me out a bit.

Anywayy, hope everyone is good!
Treasured - I am sorry your cycle is confusing and that this is coming at the one year mark for you :hugs: Have you decided to try to pursue more testing, or will they not do any more for you because of your age? It's an outrage that the health care system would discriminate based on age!! I hope that if you decide to get treatment or testing that you find whatever you need. Your chart does look like it might be anovulatory, though you haven't had other cycles like that, right?? Seems sudden. I am doing well and am growing (though the jury is still out on whether it's from baby ;)). We will DEF find out the gender. I can't wait! It will be in six weeks I think.
lauren- I havent started any more testing no, I am trying to get my head around the fact that it will probably be the start of a long and tiring process which I am not sure that I'm ready for! I've also started a second job so that I can save up more money over the christmas period, so the less stress the better. This month has freaked me out though, I've had no spotting though so that is good. Its deffinately not normal for me, my previous charts have fluctuated a little but never up and down as much as this! Very strange! I'm CD24 so I have no idea when AF will arrive.... Just when you think you are getting on top of things your body makes a crazy move! Its so irritating! Ahh still keeping it a secret?? I thought the gender scan was week 16? I must be too egar haha. So exciting I cant wait to know! Do you have any ideas? xx
I still think it could be girl but yes the gender scan will be 20w. I am excited!!!
Hi everyone, sorry i've not been around. I'm 2 weeks into a new job and it's hard work but going well.

Sashimi I am really sorry you have gone through this. I was asked to leave my job a few years ago for no money and fought the situation and came away with 9 months pay. Have they made you sign a confidentiality agreement? It is really rubbish that you have had to go through this but I agree with you, I believe things happen for reasons and since I left the law I have had exciting and challenging opportunities come up for me and had a complete career change and finally work for a cause I truly believe in. I understand how demoralising it can be but remember that it's not your fault and it's happened for reasons you'll never properly understand-do not let it knock your confidence or writing style in the slightest. I think you are very inspiring and would make a great person to help with fertility issues-there certainly aren't enough people out there willing to speak up about it and offer advice and a listening ear. I would do whatever you think feels best about writing up the interview-but I would say that I was recently tested about changing jobs and I felt good for coming out the better person and psychologically I think it made me less angry and I didn't need to worry that I'd done the right thing. Having said that, if there's a half way house, like giving them the tape but not writing it up, then maybe that's an idea?

Treasured I'm not sure what tests you've had done but as I'm in the UK too I just wanted to say that I got a referral from my GP after I'd been trying for 9 months to a fertility clinic. I am not sure that age came into it. It was really simple and they did blood tests and a scan of my ovaries and womb. OH had a sperm test and then they spoke to us about the findings. It was really straightforward and I'm not delighted to have cysts on my ovaries but it points to a hormonal imbalance and I'm now taking chinese herb tea twice a day (which is disgusting by the way!) to get me back in balance combined with acupuncture. There's no guarantee it'll work but it's improving my chances and it's nice to think that someone's giving me a hand. I'd really encourage you to have more tests-knowledge is power and I know how easy it is to stick your head in the sand but I really think knowing if you do or don't have an issue-either way, it will inform you for your next course of action and hopefully help your chances of conceiving healthily.

Lxb I hope you're well. Pino I'm sorry you're sad and feeling deflated, I totally know what you're going through and I'm trying to distract myself too. I went to see one of my best friend's newborns on Friday and my sister's bump is expanding by the day. Hang in there, it's totally unfair but try your best to stay positive and open to it happening one day and look after yourself.

Country, Lauren and Sleepy I hope all of your pregnancies are going well. Great news on the scan Sleepy, am v pleased for you.
haribo I am so so glad that your new job is rewarding. There is nothing like a good job! I am also delighted that you're seeing the acupuncturist/herbalist now and that you're taking the gross herbs, lol. I really think that the combination helps immensely and I bet your body will begin to feel differently very soon. Mine really felt better and I was having far less cramping, clotting, and PMS on the herbs. My body felt healthier and better, too. I am praying that it helps you get your much deserved BFP :hugs:
First I want to say that I totally agree with Haribo for you Sashimi, you are very inspiring and would be a great fit to help other women struggling with fertility. It'll be nice to see you on BnB more!

Haribo, I'm glad your work is enjoyable! Is there any other way you can get the benefits from the tea? Do they make a pill or something?

Sleepy - I wish you could come up here and be all lawyery on Sashimi's employer!

treasured - I have 9 weeks left of work then mat leave! Your last chart had some random spikes too but you O'd a lot earlier. Are you using OPKs?

lauren - I'm feeling girl for you :)

lxb - how are you doing girl? Almost test time?
sleepy - :wohoo: will definitely run around the house naked to celebrate mil-les day~ :haha: :haha: how are you doing girl? Have you start taking bump pic?

preg - how are you girl?

treasured - hmm... I'm looking at your chart. It seems you've Oed around cd15/16 for the past few cycles. If you look at your cd16 temp, it's about the same as cd15 temp last cycle. I'm thinking you've Oed on cd16. The temp from cd17-cd20 could be what they called a fallback rise? (I just learned that term). So you COULD be 12dpo today! Temp is still way up there!! :dance:

haribo - so glad your new job is going well and rewarding~ Eeek, chinese herbal tea didn't sound very good. A friend of mine had those to balance her yin/yang side for her. And she told me she just held her breath while chucking down the drink :dohh: hope it will help~ are you feeling better from it?

lauren - hope you'll hv good news from the realtor soon~!! :thumbup:

pino - where are you~~~??

country - eek~! only 9 more weeks 'til mat leave!! that's coming right up!! any more progress on the nursery? AF is due Saturday (I guess I now have 13LP?). So I'm thinking to test on Sunday if AF is a no show. I should be 14dpo by then~ :shrug:

sashimi - you have been and will certainly be an inspiration to many others who are struggling with fertility. So glad you have more time for us crazy ladies now~!! :thumbup:
Hey everyone!! I am here silently LOL. I have been trying to keep my mind off TTC, which is not to hard given everything going on :shrug:

My OH is now officially a permanent resident. He got his card yesterday, and can apply for citizenship July 2015

I just applied for my passport, as we are going to Mexico January 25

We are moving March 25 to Oklahoma.

I visit my family in December. I am half way done with my Christmas shopping.

I am stalking up on stuff for the move.

Other than that I am good. I just ovulated in the last couple days I think, but who knows anymore. I want to go get testing done, but I think it is best to wait just cause if it is a longer process I dont want to have to switch dr's.

IDK hope everyone is ok. LXB I have your chart bookmarked, and you really need to POAS for me. I think I am going through withdrawal hehe
Hey guys.
Lots going on these days.
We´re moving into our new apartment, furniture is still in pieces all around us, and our stuff in boxes. Things are slowly finding their places.
OH has the evening shifts this week, so I´m just hanging around, finding smaller stuff to do by myself. We should be able to do much more next week when he´s on morning shifts.

I have my birthday "party" on sunday (just cake and some close family).

Constipation is not a comfortable thing (to say the least), but it´s getting better these days.

OH has finally agreed on me having a homebirth, after hearing a hospital horror story from his friend who recently delivered :) - the smiley´s not for the horror story, but for OH´s decision :happydance:
lxb- you are a charting guru!! love it! I have no idea if I did ovulate then, didnt have any signs :S but I am going with it for now, otherwise id be completely lost :( I dont like not knowing whats going on with my cycle! my temp dipped but then went up a little bit again today! I am cycle day 30 today and this is the longest cycle ive ever had for months!! WEIRD! When are you going to test? Feelng any symptoms? I am PRAYING for your bfp this month :D

As for me I decided to test today as im CD 30, but it was obviously negative. Story of my life! I was a lot less upset than I thoguht I would be seeing as it was the first test Ive done in 3 months. Still no sign of AF but I have no idea how many dpo I am so she might not be due :S I dont understand why my cycle has changed so much suddenly, I'm hoping its not to do with my diet :S. Oh well I guess I willjust need to wait out the witch!
Great news Pino on your OH and fab you have dates for next year panned out-bring on 2013 I say!

Treasured am keeping my fingers crossed for you.

I'm on day 31 but have terrible cramps and have had spotting last 4 days so think I know which way I am headed. I am beginning to think I won't be pregnant when my sis has her 2nd in April which I will find heartbreaking. All I can do is soldier on but a lot of our best friends have kids now so our social baby-less life is starting to feel a bit sad. Can't believe I'm going into my 17th month, I never thought it would come to this.

Sashimi, how are you doing? Hope you're well clear of work and are taking some time out to relax after what you've been through.

Well IT'S OFFICIAL!!!!! I have some AMAZING but at the same time shocking news! I'M EXPECTING!!!!! A little under 8 weeks and counting! I know, I'm shocked too. I can hardly believe it myself. I wasn't going to post it in Facebook but since y'all are my family and friends, I wanted to make it official. I'm too overwhelmed to keep it a secret!!! Who would have guessed that me of all people would be expecting.... But I am!! I am expecting Santa in just 8 weeks! Repost if you have a sense of humor. Lets see how many people read the whole status. That's why it's good to read the whole story before you go run & gossip!!!
:dohh: PINO!! You really had me going there!!! Ahhhh!!!! I'm hoping Santa will drop a little surprise for you~~~ :hugs:
You got me so good!! Dangit!! I hope Santa brings you something sticky :)
Yeah, I saw Pino's status on FB and I totally fell for it.

I did a LONG update in my journal so I won't repeat myself here.

Haribo, I've been meaning to send you a note on FB and thank you for your kind words regarding the situation with my job. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who has been through such a situation. It's a real kick in the teeth, but it makes me feel better to know that you landed on your feet AND landed somewhere better! :)
Lol pino that status is HORRID! I totally believed it when I first read it.

I am out of luck again this month, although I knew it was the case. AF was about 5 days late which gave me a bit of hope but alas it wasnt to be. I think I am going to go to the doctors in the start of the new year because I can't put up with this anymore. I wish I was as positive as you lxb!! :) Sorry to see the EVIL witch got you too :( I know how annoying it is to hear 'next month' but I guess we have to just trudge forward!

I got taxed 60% of my earnings this month for some reason and it has really screwed me over for the christmas season because I amnt able to get on with my shopping and preperations for christmas :(

Hope all is well with everyone x

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