Could use a buddy

Long AF cycles are such a tease. Treasured, I'm sorry AF got you! *Hugs* But I think I saw on FB that you and OH bought a place!?!? That is really exciting!

Pino a 60 day cycle is nuts and you must be so frustrated. I hope the doctor can shed some light on what's going on this coming Monday. Wish I could come to the appointment with you and hold your hand!

Country I'm really excited for the holidays. I'm excited to go to NYC next week and see all the decorations and just spend some quality time with OH. It doesn't look like we are going to get any snow in Toronto this year, but maybe the forecast will change. It's been pretty mild for December.

How is everyone else?
Thanks guys!! It really is frustrating!! But I am also getting kind of hopeful, I have been taking my temps the last week or so and they are all post O temps. It went down yesterday, but right back up today, so IDK

By the way my facebook is not working at all. My OH's and in-laws are fine, just not mine. It's really irritating me LOL
treasured - is it true?? that's so exciting~~~ :dance:

country - yep~ marshmallow fondant~ Hoping to premake some stuff this weekend so I can spend the weekday premaking some flowers for her cake! A little nervous as I've never tried to cover a cake with fondant before :wacko:

pino - It's Friday!! Means Monday is almost here~~ :thumbup: did you put your temp in the chart? I feel so unease knowing you temp but i couldn't see the chart! :haha: I'm such a chart addict/stalker!
I love the fact that the moment I decide to have a little hope AF shows. Don't get me wrong I am disappointed, but I am also relieved as it has been so long. Mostly though I feel acceptance that it just may never happen.

As for my chart. I manually out stuff in. The coverline is the highest coverline of all my past temping....

What a way to start my weekend
:dohh: :dohh: perhaps the little bean(s) want to be conceive in Oklahoma? :thumbup:
If OH was with me LMAO... Unless I am the next virgin Mary hehehe...
No...He has to work, it really sucks, but we are going on a short vacation to his home town is Mexico in January. I'm going up there to sort things out for our move... He is talking about if he gets a good chunk of time off he might drive up, but I really doubt it as X mas is right in the middle of their busy season
Sorry pino, it's still crushing when you get your period even if you sometimes feel like you've accepted its coming. Please don't accept that it's never going to happen for you though. The first few days are always the worst so try to bear in mind you won't be feeling quite as bad forever. I got mine on Monday and was pretty upset. It seems so unfair to make such sacrifices for nothing. I've also had a friend who's 7 months pregnant with her second staying with us this week. But I ditched the party last Sat-just as well as I started to get spotting and couldn't face it. For the first time ever I'm really keen to get Christmas out of the way and start again in 2013, hoping it's a better year. I don't cheat much on my diet, have pretty much given up dairy, bread, sugar and not had caffeine or alcohol for long time but of course I can't completely stick to it at this time of year. Have good weeks everyone-hope fondant icing goes well lxb. I'm making presents for most of family this year. Xxx
Pino, is your OH living apart from you just temporarily?? So you won't get to spend Xmas together?
Hey ladies,

Yes I was very annoyed to get AF this month because it was my longest cycle since I started charting! 32 days... grr. It seems like the minute I think of testing I get AF, although OH convinced me to wait till I was a week late to buy a test so atleast I didnt waste money on it. Cant compare it to Pino though I am so sorry girl that you got AF buy like I said on FB atleast you can move on from here and we are now cycle buddies LOL.

And YESSSS EVERYONE We have been accepted on our offer and now (fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly) and we will be moving into our own place mid febuary :D
So exciting! But we are preparing to be quite skint for a while, so atleast I dont have a LO to be paying for right at this moment.... atleast this will now provide the base for our home and we can start figuring out our problem and try to deal with it at the doctors.

lxb - mmmm marshmallow fondant sounds SO good! please ship some over to me :D

I cant believe its been like 6 months since our crazy lady BFPs began! HURRY UP ME I WANT TO CATCH UP! x
Alright ladies, I need to vent. My Saturday was completely ruined because of a ridiculous prank. Do I ever have a story to share!

Yesterday OH received an anonymous package at his office that was sent through regular mail. There was no return address, but the postage marking showed it had come from Vancouver. OH pulled off the brown paper and inside was a nicely wrapped Christmas gift instructing OH not to open it until Xmas day. No indication on who it was from or what could be in the box.

OH brought it home and I had an uneasy feeling about it since we didn't know who it was from. FIL already sent a parcel to our house and we assumed OH's other siblings would also send any packages to our house, as well as identify themselves. Also, OH's bio is on his company website so anyone could look him up and find his office address.

So I decided to open it alone and I told OH I would wrap it back up and not say what it was. I just needed to know what was in the mysterious package. I unwrap it and inside is a rectangular tin, I lift the lid of the tin and laying on top is a paper towel with "R.I.P." written in marker on it and a leaf taped below. Feeling rather confused and creeped out, I lift the paper towel and underneath is a bunch of rocks and in the middle is some sort of small object wrapped tightly in more paper towel and a ziploc bag. To me it looked like it could be a dead bird or some other type of small dead animal, so I have a meltdown and start screaming for OH. Here we have an anonymous package, sent from an unidentified person, and its a tin that says RIP inside with something morbid looking wrapped in plastic surrounded by rocks!! It looked like a mini coffin, so I don't know what I was supposed to think but I felt terrified!

OH immediately takes it away from me and admits he is also now very freaked out. He was too scared to open it and with all the crazy stuff happening in the news this week, we didn't want to take any chances and open it only to find something dead or toxic. So we call our neighbors for help. We knocked on the door and called them and it was the one time they were not home. By this point I want to call the police but OH thinks that extreme as its not an emergency. I came up with all these conspiracy theories like its someone that had done business with his company and was upset and perhaps wanted to hurt him. He has a serial killer stalking him. Or maybe it was his long ago ex gf who got pg after missing one pill, found out about my pregnancy and went berserk!

I called my dad to ask for advice but as soon as he answered, I burst into tears. OH got on the phone and my dad urged us to call the cops. So I called the local division and explained what had happened and they assured me we did the right thing by calling and not take any chances.

Within minutes two police officers arrived at our house. We had left the package on our front steps i case it was something awful inside. When they saw it they were visibly very freaked and put gloves on to open it. It was a gag from someone in OH's family!! Inside was a carved wooden hand and there is a long story behind this hand... It's something that OH's dad bought in Hawaii 15 years ago because the thought it was a beautiful carving. The family thought it was creepy and weird and there has been a tradition ever since to give it in OH's family as a Xmas gift. Usually it is given in a game of secret Santa and it is this big inside joke with his family. Never is it supposed to be mailed to anyone in a Dexter tv show fashion!!

When OH explained that he knew the hand came from his family, they were relieved but said they take anonymous packages very seriously. I was very apologetic for bothering the, but they assured is it is better to call than have it be something truly awful.

So by this point OH is livid and immediately assumes it must be one of his teenage nephews who was the culprit. He sent a group email to his entire family stating how upsetting the gag was. How we had called friends of his in Vancouver, people in his Vancouver office trying to see who would send something like this to us. When no one knew anything about it, we felt threatened and called the police. It caused so much stress for both OH and I and while we know the intention of the gag was in good humor and not meant to be malicious, it was not funny at all.

Within and hour OH's oldest sister who is in her 50s emailed and said it was her and her husband that had sent it and they were truly sorry that the joke had backfired. We actually saw them last weekend as they had a layover in Toronto on their way to a vacation destination. They were the last ones in the family that either of us would have suspected to pull such a weird prank! I think they could have sent the hand in a normal package, said it was from them and it would have been funny. But they way they did it just seemed really inconsiderate and upsetting to me.

So we got nothing done all day. I had planned on finishing my Xmas shopping and going to buy groceries, but I was so shaken up. Maybe I overreacted because of my pregnancy hormones, but I am relieved that it was not anything malicious in the end. It would have been a lot worse if it had been something dead or poisonous from someone trying to hurt OH! But can you imagine if I had waiting until Xmas day to open it and we called the police?? Xmas would have been ruined!!

Oh well, I guess this means I can now official join in on some of the in-law drama that many of the crazy ladies tend to vent about in here!
OMG sashimi! that is SO not funny!!!! So glad you opened it else it would pretty much ruined Christmas!! :growlmad: :growlmad:

:hugs: so sorry to hear about the prank~ hope you've recovered from it now~ :hugs: as it's Babymoon time~!! :dance: :dance:

pino - Ehh.. you'll be spending christmas w/o OH??

treasured - I shall make the fondant tonight!! Kept on putting it off as I have a huuuge list of things to do!! :dohh: Should really make it tonight though~~

C'mon BFP~! Holiday BFPs.. Please show yourself~!!

:dust: :dust: :dust:
:dust: :dust: :dust:
Well AF got me Friday after I got a very slight positive that day, I didn't want to say anything until it was confirmed. Well now the witch is here. I had my appointment this morning where she confirmed my chemical. :cry:

There really are no words for the way I am feeling but I'll get over it, again. It's always the same story, different day.

Me and OH had a really nice talk last night and we are both ok I guess....

Yep I will be spending Christmas without OH..... It will be our longest time apart in 4 years, so I am not looking forward to that part......
pino - I have no words. Wish I could've given you a hug IRL.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Pino! No! :( I'm so sorry :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Did the doctor give you any more info or want to run tests? I so wish I could fly down there and give you a giant hug!!! I will be thinking about you. I'm sorry, too, that you are spending Xmas without OH. We are here for you.
PS Sashimi NOT ok. :growlmad: So not ok!!!! I just don't know who would think that was funny at all. I could see *mayyyybe* if your SIL had added her name to the package so that your DH knew to expect a gag when he opened it and saw the RIP, but it's still totally creepy and weird and I'm so glad you guys didn't wait until Christmas!!! That would have INFURIATED me. I do not think you overreacted.
Sorry that my post in the gag was so long. And thank you to anyone who actually took the time to read it!! Oops!!! OH's sister called last night to apologize again. It seems like there is a lot of tension going on between boyhood OH's sisters and their dad. The other sister also called and spoke to OH for a couple of hours and I could see how drained and upset he seemed with all the negativity in his family. He's also worried that the whole gag gone wrong is going to cause more tension.
Thanks everyone!! I am doing ok. The dr. does want to start all my testing. We just have to wait until we get back, at least I know there is no chance this month without OH. No need to falsly hope LOL

Sash---- What they did was wrong. I think they were just trying to be in good humor, but with everything going on they didn't see how it would look from the outside.... Hopefully the tension will ease off a bit and you all can enjoy the holidays!

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