I hope you are all right about 2013 BFPS! I am kind of in shock that I am still no further on in my TTC journey than I was in November 2011. Seems like an eternity ago.... There are facebook announcments left right and center about peoples kids 1st birthdays and I remember stalking them while they were pregnant

Time moves far too quickly.
Anyway... out with the negative and in with the positive! Since me and OH are going to be moving into our OWN brand new house in Febuary I have decided this is the best time to restart our TTC journey. These past few months have been great for me to chill out, have fun with my friends and just take a step back from the stress of TTC, but then again I keep thinking that I am wasting time haha! But I feel this is a great time to start again seeing as we will probably be christening the new place

hehe. I reckon we will give TTC a proper go again for maybe 2 more months and then start things with the doctor. Ive just ordered a new thermometer and ovulation strips! Let the crazyness begin again!
Im also exctied to get my diet back on track because clearly the festive period aint good for anyones figure :O
Also... I got offered a trainee management position in my temporary job (after only being there 2 months might I add

) but alas I dont think I want to accept it because I am still very keen to persue my career in the care industry and get into the hospital

But still nice to be considered.
Hope all is well and everyone had a nice holiday season! x