Treasured--- I have seen the movie. You and Joe are nothing like that!! Making an appt sounds great!! I feel the same way towards TTC these days. I haven't been doing anything actively lately. I can only tell when I O'd cause of the cramps day of O.
Sash--- I am glad you and your dad has worked everything out... It suprises me how dese people can be sometimes

Will the renos be done in time for the baby? I love renovating and changing everything!! Those woman are horrible!! I hate how many people have such problems with regnancy or those pregnant. How do they think they cam into this world?? A stork?? UGH
Country--- I am amazed that Graham is almost 2 months!! Time goes by SOOOOO fast!! How are you enjoying motherhood??
lxb--- You have a rasberry in your belly :hehe: How are you feeling about everything???
Lauren--- Only 17 days to go!! Is your bag packed and ready to go? Birth plan? LOL I can't believe how quickly time is flying.... Your prenatal massage sounds heavenly
Haribo--- Your are almost half way right?? You need to get a ticker LOL that way I can keep track
As for me I have been quietly stalking all of your guy's journals. It's been a bit hard lately. I recently hit my 3 year mark and I kind of shut down after that. TTC seems like nothing. Of course it is constantly on my mind, but it's a depressing thing.
My interview is over LOL. I had 2 for different jobs. One is technical support for apple and the other is just a video store. I got the job at Zerox(technical support). Then I had the interview yesterday for the video store I passed the first 2 interviews and now they want me to talk a test and have ANOTHER interview. I was shocked!! It's a video store for goodness sake!!! Anyways I turned them down and took the Zerox job. I start training on the 15th.
My and OH put a deposit on the apartment and we move in the 15th of May. Thank goodness LOL.
TTC wise I am 7 DPO but am getting my normal cramps so expect AF in a couple of dayds