Could use a buddy

Hi Ladies!!! I'm here!! Thanks for thinking of me even though I've been AWOL. I'm still getting used to being stuck on a computer 8 hours a day and can't seem to bring myself to do more Internet surfing when I get home.

It seems like everyone is doing really great in here. Sleepy, country, Lauren, my second IUI went well. I know for sure I Oed on Saturday night, for the first time in my life I felt O cramps! They whole assisted conception thing is weird in the sense that I don't get any CM (EWCM or other) on the fertility drugs. So all this time getting to know my body and my cycles is kind of irrelevant now, but I feel like I'm in good hands.

I loved the acupuncture session I did with my friend on Saturday after the first IUI. She is so knowledgable about fertility and other health issues, I felt great doing it. Even th nurse at my fertility clinic really supports acupuncture. I fell asleep during the session and have even sleeping better all week in general. So I feel great knowing I did everything possible this cycle, but have had moments of depression thinking to myself "if we did everything we could and it doesn't work this time, how will it ever?"

I even find my mom not being as supportive anymore. She used to be like "Oh I bet you'll get your bfp in the next month or two" and now she is saying things like "oh you don't want it to happen now, you don't want to be pregnant when you go to Hawaii in June. It's better if it happens later." So I feel like even my own mom has lost faith that it's going to happen.

I saw a good friend of mine on Monday... A guy I went to high school with and we have remained somewhat close. I opened up to him about the whole fertility process and he was fascinated. I explained the "mix test" that I had done, which involved using the term EWCM... And he told me that his gf gets EWCM on th 15th day of her cycle and neither or them knew what it was, so the gf got spooked and went to the doctor. Amazing how people don't know their own bodies. I never got EWCM on the pill so when I had it the first month I went off it, I admit I googled it pretty extensively. Anyway, talking to my guy friend about it and hearing his funny story about them both being puzzled kind of made me LOL and feel better.

Today however, I met up with some other friends after work at a pub and when they saw that I wasn't drinking I got grilled about being pregnant. I said no, I have a thyroid disorder and can't drink on my meds. It's true about the thyroid, but I made up the not being able to drink on the meds part and felt rather clever.

So that's all that is new with me. This is a tough 2ww... I'm supposed to test on may 4, but will wait till Saturday may 5 because I don't want to be at work if its not good news.

I saw some of you were talking about fitness... I've slacked at the gym big time and haven't been since December. There is a great gym beside my new office and I'd love to do some of the classes, especially at lunch. But since I've slacked for so long, I'm nervous to start it up again during the 2ww. What kind of exercise do you think is okay when TTC? I'm definitely going to take up yoga again, but unsure of what else is safe.

Miss you ladies! I'm going to keep up in here a lot more now that I've settled in at work. I feel like I miss so much when I go AWOL for a couple of days!!! Xoxoxox

And a big congrats to sweetie!!!! Get well and keep us posted on how you are!!
Sashimi! Glad you're back :) I totally understand not wanting to get on a computer again after you've been at work on a computer all day! I'm glad that you are feeling good about everything you guys did--I feel the same way about doing it 'right' and not getting pg. I try to remind myself of that statistic that there is a 20-30% chance if the timing is all right--since your timing is totally spot on, I know it will be just a matter of time for you if this isn't the month (and Fx that it is!), but I also, of course, relate to how devastating it can feel to get that bfn after doing it all perfectly and well-timed. It's so hard to feel like something so life-changing is out of our control!

Good work on the thyroid explanation! I always just want to tell people that it's none of their business, but I usually find a way to change the subject instead. I feel the same way about not finding the support I once had. I mostly notice it with friends--saying things like, See, you needed to make X decision before getting pg, or Oh, your family wants to go to Mexico for Christmas, you can't go if you're pg. I know their intentions are good, but my GFs offer sooo much speculation around the emotional or spiritual or whatever reasons why I am not pg. Their intention is very nice but it also makes me feel like I'm failing!

I JUST read somewhere that it's good to avoid really strenuous exercise during the TWW. For me, this validated me quitting my weights class--it was super hard, and got to the point where it was anaerobic. I always had a feeling that it wasn't good for me during TWW, and even skipped a couple of times when I was scared it would make my period come early. Anyway, yoga is probably great--I'm sure there are poses to avoid but I don't know what they are. Planning on researching that since I've started up again! I think anything moderate is fine like power walks (sounds so dorky but I love walking) or maybe a lighter spin class? GL and let me know if you find something that's TTC friendly!
Thanks for the fast response Lauren!!! Yes, I read too about avoid strenuous exercise. My doctor says doing what you are used to is fine if you keep it light. But I'm used to doing nothing!!! So I'll just wait it out and wait till after May 5 to see what happens. I read somewhere about "taking the path of least regret" while TTC. So if you think you're going to regret a spin class or having that glass of wine, I say it's better to avoid it.

I think my mom feels so helpless that she is just saying things she thinks will make it better. She got really choked up when I called after our first failed IUI. I was fine until I heard her voice and immediately lost it , and well... You know how moms are. So my parents are really into watching Lost now because it just became available on Netflix Canada. So we are discussing Lost instead of TTC. I guess I can live with that. Lol!!

Oh I also read about not doing anything that will raise your body temperature like saunas or hot baths. I usually love taking baths before bed, so I've been avoiding those as well. And coffee! Maybe that's why I'm sleeping better!
Sashimi, so glad that the IUI went well and that you are enjoying the acupuncture! It must have been so relaxing!! Very, very clever of you with the thyroid explanation. You're quick on your feet! I would have fumbled around and then said yes lol.

I know it is so difficult to feel like you have done everything right do to say and not get that BFP. But really it is just a matter of time and yours is coming. Hopefully very soon :) I often feel the how will this miracle ever happen, but it does everyday. We just have to wait for our day I suppose. So much easier said than done.

As for exercise do something on the lighter side - walking, hiking, yoga, elliptical on a lower level. I run fairly often but am planning in cutting back after my next race because I'm finding it too strenuous now.
Thanks Sleepy! It felt good to make up something about why I wasn't drinking. I've been so open about TTC with too many people and it was nice to not be the person who isnt struggling for a change. Sometimes I can't believe I struggle with fertility. I never thought in a million years that I'd be one of those women!!! My mom got pregnant so easily, as I've mentioned once on the pill with my brother and then after reversing having her tubes cut with me. She was told she had a 1 in a million chance she would get pregnant after the surgery and I am 30 years later!! It's interesting that both my brother and I have struggled with fertility. My SIL joked that my mom used up all the good luck baby dust!

So I'm nearly halfway through the 2ww and I've decided not to symptom spot. I'm just goin to go with the flow, eat healthy and take it pretty easy until next weekend.

How is everyone else doing?
Sashimi - Glad to hear it went well

pregpilot - Yep.. I can't dance.. but I like to move with music! :haha:

Lauren - I've been putting testing off as I am a little discourage by my temperature. To what I thought could be 'implantation dip' seem to stay there (6DPO -- CD22). *squeeze boobs* .. nope, they don't hurt as much anymore, only a little bit.

Been a tempt addict the past 2 mornings! (My usual temp time is 6:30am)
This morning's temperature(s) :blush:
6:25AM - 98.31F
6:30AM - 98.43F
6:45AM - 98.34F
6:50AM - 98.45F

Still above coverline, but I have a feeling it'll drop significantly by tomorrow as AF is due ~Sat :shrug:
Good luck lxb. I could never temp properly, so I admire anyone who sticks with it and all it's confusion.

Is Zumba hard to keep up with? I'm always the person who is about 3 steps behind in step classes!
Sashimi - I have not heard of the path of least regret--I must say that after several y pump classes I felt cramps coming on and that pre-AF heaviness and wondered if I'd just un-stuck something. I loooove any excuse NOT to do that super strenuous exercise, lol! Plus, it's such a beautiful spring where I live, and unseasonably warm, that I'd much rather hike or walk. My OH just got two bicycles, too, in hopes that we could do some spring and summer bike rides. As long as I'm not climbing hills, that will probably be OK!

I really never thought I'd be someone who struggled with fertility, either. I'm finding that as the months go on it's difficult for me to 'feel' fertile, if that makes sense. Of course my GFs think that's the big magic reason I'm not pg--not that THAT puts any more pressure on me, lol. I'm just hoping and praying that it's got something to do with having our first, and that the others will come easily and quickly after that! Good call on not symptom spotting, too. I am trying to resist the urge, too. I know that it just causes me more stress than relief.

lxb - I hope your temps take a jump back up! I TOTALLY temped twice a few days this week, but I also woke up with my mouth wiiiide open, lol, and my mouth was cold and dry. My second temp happened right away, so I didn't move around much, but it was .3 degrees higher. I noticed that, without the re-temps, my temps have been almost exactly the same for the past 4 days....I have a brand new thermometer this cycle, so I'm not sure why. Oh well! :)

Ladies, I noticed something I wanted to share. While I was stalking the TWW boards :blush:, I saw the April testing thread that I had left. They had 106 testers and 22 BFPs...almost exactly 20% of the women testing got BFPs. I know that statistic, that there is a 20-30% chance every month of getting pg, but seeing it in action made me feel a lot better. When I was still a part of that thread I felt awful about myself because it seemed like EVERYONE on it was getting their BFP. Turns out only 1/5th of them!

OK! Sorry for the novel, lol! I hope everyone has a great day.
Sleepy - thanks for the reassurance about the OPKs! Until I see a positive I think I'll have my doubts about them but charting is definitely helping me. Yay for being 3/4 dpo!

Sashimi - I've only heard great things about acupuncture and IUI/IVF so hopefully the combination will do it this month for you! Very clever comment to your friends! I've begun thinking of some 'excuses' for either when we start getting help or when I get my BFP. I still have the odd drink now and then so no one is on to us yet... I hadn't heard of keeping exercise on the lighter side, hope the zumba would be ok? I like that path of least regret, I'll have to use that once I finally get to my tww!

preg - it is fun isn't it! I just have a good laugh at myself!

I'm doing good, still waiting to O but we're having fun with the SMEP so far! It may get a little challenging this weekend to keep on track as we're going camping and sleeping in a tent trailer with friends so I won't be able to temp (mine beeps) and we'll have to BD tomorrow morning and Sunday night but I'm sure it'll all work out!
lol looks like a bunch of us posted at the same time! Just to touch on the 'feeling infertile', it had never occurred to me until I met DH and found out about his struggle with cancer. I immediately got used to the idea that it may take more of an effort for us but I still feel disappointed it didn't come easier and probably won't :( At least we know there's almost always something they can do to help, it's usually just a matter of time and stress lol
:dust::af:Sweetie- Thank you! yesss, unless I get my BFP this month I will be taking it easy while im away and won't feel guilty about having some drinks and fun; we cant put our whole lives on hold can we? I like that your sticking around in this thread :) keeping us positive hehe. Have you joined any pregnancy forums yet?

Lauren- wooohooo, hoping we are both lucky together then ! I will probably cave and test in a week too! I have a few pound shop cheapies and a tesco test so will do them over three days from the 3rd probs! I see your from colorado! Ive been there once when I was very young but remember it being very hot, you're lucky, we have rain constantly and very cold :(!

Jaynie- I noticed you mentioned about having only a 24 day cycle! the last 3 months I was on a 26 day cycle but ovulated on day 16 giving me a 10 day lp :( I have been taking B6 and last month I had a 28 day cycle, so either ovulated earlier, or increased my luteal phase by 2 days which is great! Ive had longer cycles before though so maybe my body is just weird haha, but its worth a try? do you know exactly when you O'd or are you just basing it on your usual date?

I dont really have any updates about my TWW, been waking up with a very dry mouth for the last 2 days and some cramps and 'wet feeling' down stairs. But I'm pretty sure I've felt these things before and not been preg... what a confusion! :D :) :dust: :dust:
Good luck lxb. I could never temp properly, so I admire anyone who sticks with it and all it's confusion.

Is Zumba hard to keep up with? I'm always the person who is about 3 steps behind in step classes!

Thanks Sashimi~ I think step classes is a bit complicated to me, with all the high/low steps and moving all around the steps. :wacko: Zumba, they break down the steps for you if you are just starting too~ U can come take the class with me as I'm also about 3 steps behind in step classes! hahah.... we'll just do our own thing :dance:
treasured - Yay for testing buddies! I am SURE I will cave before a week's time. I have very little willpower in this area. Still, if I can hold out I will, since I hate seeing that BFN. Yes, Colorado is hot during the summer, but pretty cold during winter. It's very warm now, which is unusual this early. Still, 300 days of sunshine per year! I love it. I've lived here all my life. It's hard to leave such a pretty, sunny place! Are you in the UK? It's beautiful there, too!

country - That must be frustrating KNOWING that your OH could have issues--still, I know of cancer survivors who had successful pregnancies. Hopefully you will have yours soon! I guess I realized that I'm no longer believing that I can't get pg, but that I just don't feel particularly fertile. I don't know what fertile is supposed to feel like--maybe because I get 2 days of EWCM at very best. Anyway.

I am off to acupuncture. Enjoy your afternoon, ladies!
Hi treasured! Yes currently on day 25 and ovulated day 15. Last month my cycle was 24 days. I seen your post on the vitamins and how it increased your LP. Will be trying I next month!
What cycle day are you now?
Feeling similar but this is the first day in about a week that I have had energy to do stuff. It was getting ridiculous as I was going to bed at 9pm and still shattered in the morning
lauren- hehe im trying to stop myself from testing, and I find if I am busy the temptation isnt as bad, but Im free at the weekend and nights next week so I feel I might give in when there is nothing else to do! Yeahh, I love living in the UK, however if I could change the weather I totally would, fed up of being ghost like and pale!

Jaynie- ohh atleast you are passed the 24 day mark then, I know your only on 10dpo but dont panic cause AF hasnt come yet :) when do you plan to test again?
I am on CD 21 now and aprox 6dpo... I wasnt OPKing though so I may be a few days off, I think me and OH covered the bases for early O and late O I HOPE!! I'll probs cave and test before a week but if not it will be on around the 3rd so we shall see!
I guess if its a BFN atleast I can enjoy my holiday :) xxx
Hello everyone!
Ok so we have only just started ttc after 6 years bcp and I have pcos but I am not overweight and GP didnt seem concerned when I told her my baby plans, she just booked me for a blood test on 3/5 to check my hormone levels. My periods seem ok approx 21-26 days, heavy at first then light about 6 days max and about 10days before period i get cramps and thin discharge so might that be me ovulating or trying to?
Partner thinks Im reading into it too much, maybe I am but its only natural right?
I like talking things through and would love a buddy or two :hugs:

oh i need to also add i have taken evening primrose every day for about a year now so that should help too??
welcome~ & FX for you!

I have a feeling you'll get more than two buddies from this thread! :hugs:

Is your LP ~10 days? cramps + EWCM most likely means you're ovulating.
Do you take your body temperature? Which CD are you on now?
Hi Mumface! Glad you've joined us :) It's definitely normal to read into everything when you're TTC. It sounds like you're body is either ovulating or trying to. How long have you been off BCP?

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