Could use a buddy

oh i need to also add i have taken evening primrose every day for about a year now so that should help too??

I don´t take primrose, but from what I understand, you´re supposed to take it until Ovulation, and then stop for the rest of that cycle?
can anyone confirm?
Lauren, I'm glad you calculated the 20% in regards to the April testers board. We may feel like everyone is getting their BFPs, but really it's not as many as we think! I know what you mean about feeling fertile. But don't let the visible amount of EWCM deter you. I would get a lot some months, only to later find out that mine is a human sperm blocker. But I can see how being part of that board would have been frustrating. Just before I posted I saw we had reached 400 posts! I'm still amazed and thankful for this incredible supportive group... With new people often dropping in! It's great!!

Country you are right that there are lots of options if it turns out that your DH's previous battle with cancer is affecting your TTCing. IUI is one option. I get that feeling of disappointment too when I think about how this whole thing isn't coming easily, but at least there ARE options!!

Hi Mumface! good luck with the blood test and your first shot at TTC. I think it's great your doctor is testing early on, most won't even flinch until you've been TTC for a year.

Sleepy, I've been thinking about what you said and it seems there are so many cases that everything is done and timed perfectly and it doesn't work... Then suddenly it just works for no reason. So I'll try to think of that if my results aren't favorable. My friend the other day asked if I was looking into adoption. It really annoyed me, but then again not everyone is as well versed on TTC as we are. I've only been trying for 10 cycles and only started fertility treatments a month ago. I do feel I NEED the experience of being pregnant. The idea used to scare me in my early 20s, but now I think it must be the most incredible experience in the world. My body is supposed to be designed to have babies and I NEED to physically experience it. People just don't get it and the adoption crack is exactly why I'm telling people I can't drink because of my thyroid condition!! It's nice being in my new office where no one knows a thing about my struggle with fertility or that I often go for fertility appointments before work. It's likew clean slate and I can just be me.

Lxb I'm often uncoordinated with classes where you have to memorize steps, but I bet it would be fun! I may give Zumba a try... I think one of my cousins is a Zumba instructor, so hopefully being good at it runs in the family.

So all my fertility treatments have totally made my cycle wonky. I was in sync with mostly everyone in here and now the early ovulation has altered my schedule. I find it odd that they told me to come in and test may 4 which is only 12dpiui, but I guess they know what they are talking about. I've never tested before a missed period (except for last month only because I wanted a heads up before my blood test). When some of you test at 4dpo for example, is it really possible to get a bfp that early? Even before implantation? I love poas, so im suprised i dont do it more! OH doesn't understand why I test at home when I am scheduled to go in for the blood test and I don't think he gets that I need the heads up.

Haribo, Treasured, Jaynie... How are you all doing today? Am I forgetting anyone? Sorry for the long posts. I felt like a rebel posting from my phone while at work!! But it's good to be back and catch up with everyone! You're all really helping me get through this loooonnnggg 2ww.
mumface - Welcome!! You've got buddies :) GL with the TTC! We are with you--and we all read into things :)

Sashimi - I know exactly how you feel about needing to have the experience of being pregnant. That's what I have told my OH ever since the adoption issue came up. I'm not opposed to adoption, but I'd first like to have the experience of being pregnant. I never thought I'd want it so bad! I used to imagine how uncomfortable it must be and was horrified at the thought of labor. Now it sounds incredible! I'm sorry your cycles are wonky, but I'm excited for your cycles being so closely monitored by the fertility clinic. That must give you some soundness of mind! Also, I'm pretty sure it's not possible to get a + at 4dpo. They say that the average window for implantation is 6-12dpo, with the absolute earliest being 5dpo. You can only get a + after implantation, and even then it takes a few days for the embryo (don't know if that's the correct term at that point) and your body to produce enough hcg to be detectable on a urine test.

This leads me to my next point/question (in my lecture, lol)--it may be TMI, sorry in advance. We just got home from a walk and after using the restroom I got one pink spot on the tp. My instant instinct was to be excited because I'm 5dpo and it could be IB or late O bleed, but my second instinct was to freak out because of my history with spotting. My temps have been relatively flat compared to other cycles, and I've always been scared I have a progesterone issue....Since doing acupuncture, better diet, and vitamins I've not really spotted before AF, but I had a couple of cycles where I spotted for 7-10 days before. I hope hope hope this is not going to continue! Trying not to read into it but obviously I already am, lol.

Excited to hear from you ladies tomorrow :) I too really appreciate this thread and the support! I don't know what I'd do without you ladies!
lauren, I don't know what feeling fertile feels like either! I suppose I'll only know if/when I have a little bean growing inside lol You do a lot to help yourself with the acupuncture and eating well so hopefully you take comfort in knowing you do a lot more than some people! Your spotting could definitely be IB, have you had any more?

Jaynie - hopefully the sleepiness is a good sign! When do you plan to test?

treasured - holidays are great for keeping our minds off TTC aren't they? I try to keep busy planning for my BFs wedding parties and such but those TTC thoughts still creep up in there :)

mumface - welcome! these are an absolutely wonderful group of ladies! How long have you been trying for? My cycles were all over the place when I came off bcp, they are still all over and it's been 11 months! Not sure about the primrose, no experience with it.

Sashimi - thank you, I wander over to assisted conception every once in a while and read some of the threads just to get an idea of what people go through. I'm not scared of what may happen but kind of excited if that makes any sense. I truly want to experience pregnancy and childbirth but I realize I may not be able to do that (it's a possibility it won't work out) so I've also toyed with the idea of adoption and I think above all I want to be a Mom more. DH has a harder time thinking about adoption and isn't very receptive when I bring it up, he just wants to see what happens with our stuff first... It's so true that people have no idea about fertility, my pregnant SIL said I better watch out cause if we have to have IVF I could end up with 10 babies cause that's how many embryos (? same as lauren) they put in you lol I just smiled. I think they'd be able to detect it on the blood test at 12dpiui but I'm not sure.
country - Thank you! I do take comfort in that. I have tried to really prioritize health and eliminating stress as much as possible this past year. No more spotting at this point today. I realize it may be waaaaay to early for IB. I guess we'll see!

Jaynie - I am curious when you'll test too!
mumface- Hello! Welcome to by far the most friendly and helpful thread ive joined on b&b! So exciting to be your first cycle TTC! I remember when I first started trying and was oblivious to so many things, which have been made much clearer with the help of the people on here! I hope your BFP comes quicker than mine seems to be taking hehe!

sashimi- Im good today thank you :) got a karaoke night planned with friends tonight so excited for that! good for taking my mind off, were also getting a chinese banquet which I am going to stufff in my face :D hehe! How are you? its exciting that you wont have to wait till AF is due to be tested! I think that is around the date I will be testing so FX for us both :)

lauren- a little bit of spotting sounds good to me at 5dpo. I have heard of people implanting as early as dpo although it is unlikely, but I dont know what other explination there could be. Ive heard of breakthrough bleeding but I amnt quite sure what it is.... sorry! haha. I spotted for 7 days AFTER AF once, 2 cycles ago, never has that happened and I was worried it might have been an early miscarrage, but never found out. Its strange what our bodies can throw at us that completly puts us of track of what we thought was going on!! when do you plan to test cause I think we are about equal in dpo now :)

countrygirl- ohhh wedding parties sound fun! seeing as I'm just 21 not many of my friends are thinking about weddings yet which sucks cause I want one! They are all just convinced that I am going to be the first one to get married... which means I'll have to pay! I like free parties better hehe.
treasured - I agree that it's unlikely that it would happen that early. It could be delayed O bleeding. Also, I did notice a teensy bump on my cervix the day before and last night it was gone--I know little cysts are normal--wondering if that's what it was and it broke and bled just a bit. Your karaoke night sounds awesome!! I love weddings, too :) Unfortunately most of my friends are also not getting married! Some of them don't believe in marriage, and some of them are just in partnerships and don't 'need' marriage. I loooove weddings!
Ooo.. i love karaoke~~~ Not a good singer but who cares right?? :)

Ladies, I'm 99.9% sure AF will show either today or tomorrow. My temperature dropped again this morning to 98.13F (it is usually around 98.0 before AF's arrival).

I will block that :witch: for u ladies behind me! Run~~ :dance:
lxb - Boooooo to AF!! Still holding out for you :) And LOL to running and the emoticons.
Yea... :( just started spotting! Will be expecting a full flow tmr. At least I can move onto the next cycle now~~

Run ladies! I'm tying her down for ya! :wohoo:
Hi all I am 21, and I have been married over a year to my hisgh chool sweet heart of 5 years, he is 23. I have been TTC for about 2 years now, and I'm starting to feel hopless. I have been to a Dr, and me and my husband were cleared as healthy and fertile. It's frustrating. Anyways, I would like to say hello, and some support would be great. Thank you all!!!!
lxb- noooo so upset that AF is coming your way :(, are you sure it is deffinately her? not just spotting? LOVING your smileys hehe they always make me laugh.

Heyyy Pino! welcome to the thread! I'm also 21 but been TTC for 7 months. God, two years sucks :( Im struggling now so it must be tough for you. I know being cleared must be even more frustrating though as theres no quick fix! Dont worry though, everyone in this thread will help you out I can vouch for that :) And we are here if you need to have a good moan too! Where are you on your cycle? I'm planning to test in a few days but dont feel very confident about this month... xxx
Hello Pino! I'm so sorry you've been struggling with TTC for so long! You'll definitely find some buddies here :)

So still slightly pink CM for me. I'm past the possible IB excitement and on to the fear that it might mean a week of spotting and then AF--I have to laugh at myself because I get so negative so quickly during the TWW. At around 7dpo, like clockwork, I decide it's hopeless and I'll never have a child. Lol! Painful but funny how predictable it is.

I talked to an old friend from school last night. She was the first of my friends to get pregnant. She had been on the pill for about 12 years, and got off, planning to get pregnant a year later--she thought it would take that long for the effects of the pill to wear off. Lo and behold, she conceived within two weeks. She got pregnant again while breastfeeding--I think she hadn't even had more than one full post-partum cycle yet, and last night on the phone she told me that they are trying to 'carefully plan out' when she'll get pregnant next. Ladies, my blood boiled!! I really wanted to be happy for her and her ability to snap her fingers and be pregnant. I felt like it was just so unfair. And somehow I wished she wouldn't tell me about it, though as her friend I obviously want to know what's going on in her life. Needless to say, I got really discouraged. And of COURSE this spurned me to POAS this am, and it was -. I realize I'm 7dpo, but again, I am feeling very pessimistic about this process right now! I've been pretty good about not symptom spotting, and am definitely more relaxed NTNP, but my excitement and high hopes have still factored in, too.

Eeeee, sorry to be a wet blanket this morning!! I hope everyone's weekend is starting off well.
AF is supposed to start tomorrow, and I want to wait to test. And up until this morning I was hopefull. I have been having weird things going on. Late at night/early morning for the last week and a half I have had a really upset stomach, almost like acid reflux but worse. 2 days ago around 7ish I was really hungry, so I had a grilled cheese and tomatoe soup, no later than 2 minutes later I got really nausious and had to vomit. I know the food was good, because my husband ate the same thing.

Maybe I am thinking to much into this but about 2 weeks ago my husband randomly asked me when my period was coming. I told him, and asked why. He just said he had a strange feeling.....

IDK everyone just says "well just take a test" But in reeality it is so hard month after month to see a negative.

Has anyone felt like this before?
This morning my breasts were sore, and that is a major sign of AF coming.

I was also told that when you are pregnant the cervix will go really high. Mine this morning was middle/low
Lauren, I know exactly what you are talking about!!! just in the last year, my sister in law got pregnant. My brother as well, and he is 2 years younger than me. It's not fair. I try not to because they are family, but I am very bitter/jealous that I avoid them at all costs.
Welcome Pino and Mumface! Good to have you both join us and good luck with this month! :hugs:

Lauren how annoying of your friend. I have had similar experiences recently too, people telling me they want to drink over Christmas but will get pregnant in Jan, it makes me so sad and cross. Sashimi, funny your cycle is now out a bit but glad you are sneaking in messages to us at work! Sleepy, Country, hope you're doing well in the 2ww...Treasured-be careful what you wish for on the wedding front! We have been to 19 weddings in the last few years and have another 5 to go this year, when you get to a certain age, they just come rolling in!:wedding:

I'm on CD27 and think I have reached a new low-I got what i hoped was spotting this morning but pretty sure it's not now-I struggled through a baby shower this afternoon, checked my temps when home-it's gone really low and am sure AF is on her wicked way. Am so sad, after yoga, acupuncture, usual supplements, healthy eating, relaxed positive frame of mind and nothing! Feel like crying! Husband on a stag party and in on my own on a Sat night! I was really hopeful this cycle, loads of EWCM and continuous BDing from CD6 to CD17! What more can you do? Am not sure how much longer i can go on TTC.

Lxb your messages really made me laugh, wish I could be so good natured about it! Thanks for trying to sweep her away from us-hopefully all of you others will avoid her. :thumbup:
Haribo, don't give up,I have been trying for 2 years, I know for a fact it is discouraging, it outright sucks, but I keep myself going by knowing that things have to change.

The world is definately not fair, but I try my best to fight it.
Thanks a lot Pino. I'm still hopeful for you this cycle-some of the symptoms like sore boobs and feeling nauseous are key pregnancy ones so will keep my fx.

I know what you mean about family having children-my sister has 1 and is likely to have her 2nd before we even conceive. I see my niece a lot and i love it but it hurts a lot sometimes and think tomorrow when i see her will be one of those days. I also made the mistake of going on FB and 2 new babies have been born today and pics of another on her 10 month birthday-meanwhile i'm going into cycle 10 and am aged 30, boo.
Haribo, it doesn't seem to get easier. You look like a jerk if you avoid it, but it hurts if you don't. I believe we will all get our time. These days 30 isn't that big of a deal. Just try to keep faith.

I'm trying to keep hope this cycle but idk... Have you heard anything about cervical position?? The sore breasts are also asign of my AF. The nausea I have never really dealt with before. IDK about 2 months ago I gave up in a way I still charted my periods but that was it, I had put it out of my mind until my husband brought it up....

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