Could use a buddy

Sashimimi: First I suggest buying something called preseed. It's one lubricant that does not kill sperm. It's helps it towards the egg. It's like an EGWC substitute.

I AGREE this 2WW is ENDLESS. I am going to test again this weekend if AF doesn't show up, but I am starting to slightly cramp more often (either that or it's gas LOL JK) so we will see.

Don't get to upset over others people's pregnancy. I know this sound sbad, but I keep myself positive by saying the Lord hasn't given me a child yet because right now their is only a supply of bad, ugly, mean babies that will run away from home when they are teenagers. He is waiting to give us a specially perfect baby :) I know It sounds horrible, but it makes me feel better!!!
Oh no! Does this thread have to end with a bfp? That would be really depressing!!! I hope we can all stick together no matter what. OH has taken a real interest as to what goes on in BnB, probably because he sees how much it helps. He asked me in the grocery store if we were going to arrange a "meet" once we all had our kids. (He only uses the Internet for work and email, and does not FB or tweet, so you can appreciate how naive he is when it comes to fertility forums!!) i explained that the women in here are from all over the world, but one person's OH (Lauren) from Colorado has the same sperm count as him. Lauren I think you said your OH was also 180 mill, if not I will blame super moon for dreaming it up!! Anyway, he seemed amazed at this bit of information, so I guess BnB is inadvertently supporting him, too.

On a side note, another male coworker asked OH today when we were going to have kids. OH panicked and told him all about the process with the IUI. Just as I was about to get mad, OH said that this coworker had 3 kids all via IUI and they struggled for a long time. So that is now 2 male coworkers in his office that had fertility problems and did assisted conception.

I really haven't had any luck on other threads in here. In the assisted conception threads everyone companies follicle size and how many mgs of fertility drugs they took. I don't ask about that info as the only thing I want to know is if it's bfp. So I really don't want this thread to disappear any time soon, even though I want us all to get our bfps!!!
PS. I cried when I watched How I Met Your Mother tonight when one of the main characters went into labor. Then I switched to Glee and got choked up at that. If its not even a full super moon I can't imagine what a nut I'll be by the weekend.

Pino I tried preseed once, so that is a good reminder!! I'll pack it for my trip next month!! I have heard it can help big time. I just don't like actually inserting it into myself, but after all I've been through with the poking and prodding it won't be so bad I'm sure!!
The thread definatly doen NOT have to end with a BFP!!! Knowing the ins and outs of the entire process would be great, although I would be insanly jealous LOL.

My OH's family is Hispanic and it seems that anytime we see any of them it seems that the question popps up. It is so annoying!! It's not my fault they all pop out babies like nothing!!! Anyways we have heard all the questions from family and Coworkers. We always just say "not right now" because I know for a fact if we told them we were trying we would always hear "are you pregnant yet".

I did talk to his mom about how my periods were irregular for quite a white after I turned 18. I found out that after she had the first 2 kids it took her 8 years to concieve my husband. My sister-in-law had trouble with her 2nd child. It took her 10 years. They didn't have any trouble with the first though, and that throws me off.

My side of the family pop them out like candy though, I just don't get it.

You should have your husband put it in if your uncomfortable, as a kind of forplay. Put a bit on him as well, so he slides in cleanly, and it's almost as he cums the preeseed on the tip of him mixes with yours. The road is all paved in a way of thinking.... Sorry I couldn't think of any otherr way to put it.....

My main other thread I just started is a journal. To kinda put my mind ease and vent and so forth. Although my last post on their was reliving my first MC, and I cryed my eyes out while tyoing, as it's been on my mind alot. You are all welcome to read. The Link is at the bottom of my Signature...

Everyone keep in touch!!
Sashimimimi..... I cry all the time during my shows. Private practice starts in half an hour, and one character is pregnant with a baby with no brain. She has to give birth to it full term, and then donate the organs. I balled during a Greys Anatomy rerun this afternoon, and last night I cryed during Friends rerun. I think it's normal....

Last night I was going through so pregnancy journals of people that tryed for a really long time before they concieved. They had losses and still succeeded. It gave me some hope.
It's settled, then!! The thread will go on! Lol. I don't want it to end with a bfp or two, either. Yayy!! It WOULD be fun to meet once we have kids--I do realize we're from all over the world, though! Super moon did not do you wrong on the sperm count--my OH has 180 mil. sperm count, too. OH said to me the other day (because when he asks what I'm doing online I tell him I'm writing to my friends here!), 'I like your friends!' He is finally getting on board with me going on BnB every day.

Those assisted conception threads don't sound too warm and fuzzy! You're safe with us, lol, and super moon! While I'm oscillating between feeling devastated and hopeful, I'm surprisingly not emo right now. Of course two days ago I was completely losing it--how soon I forget my moods! I have been crying less than usual this cycle, which is kind of nice, but also worries me. Never thought I'd want to be teary! Glee gets me every time. I had to stop watching it. Though I cry watching my favorite comedies, so there's that...

Anyways, I'm SURE BnB supports our OHs simply by supporting us, but I'm glad yours could share a sperm count with mine! I told mine, too, about your OH's gold medal sperm. He liked that. He was sort of like, 'of course they are'. Mmmmmhmmmm.
It's settled, then!! The thread will go on! Lol. I don't want it to end with a bfp or two, either. Yayy!! It WOULD be fun to meet once we have kids--I do realize we're from all over the world, though! Super moon did not do you wrong on the sperm count--my OH has 180 mil. sperm count, too. OH said to me the other day (because when he asks what I'm doing online I tell him I'm writing to my friends here!), 'I like your friends!' He is finally getting on board with me going on BnB every day.

Those assisted conception threads don't sound too warm and fuzzy! You're safe with us, lol, and super moon! While I'm oscillating between feeling devastated and hopeful, I'm surprisingly not emo right now. Of course two days ago I was completely losing it--how soon I forget my moods! I have been crying less than usual this cycle, which is kind of nice, but also worries me. Never thought I'd want to be teary! Glee gets me every time. I had to stop watching it. Though I cry watching my favorite comedies, so there's that...

Anyways, I'm SURE BnB supports our OHs simply by supporting us, but I'm glad yours could share a sperm count with mine! I told mine, too, about your OH's gold medal sperm. He liked that. He was sort of like, 'of course they are'. Mmmmmhmmmm.

It would be cool to be able to meet one day!!! Where is everyone from though???

It's a good thing to be able to take a break from the emotions every now and then LOL. Today I have been alot less emotional but I don't want to jinx it LOL.

By the way, stupid question I caught on to the whole OH thing but what is the exact translation of OH????
It's 'Other Half'. I didn't know for a long time, either! I thought it was 'Old Husband'. Lol.
It's 'Other Half'. I didn't know for a long time, either! I thought it was 'Old Husband'. Lol.

I thought maybe only husband LOL at least now I don't feel bad LOL

How have you been holding up?
This is 2 separate entries from my journal that I would like to share. Please Do not judge me hard….
I am a little worried about the cramping after sex, and it's a long story, but here is why (this is the first I have ever talked about it)

On me and my husband's Anniversary 2 years ago, I had just found out I was 4 weeks pregnant. I hadn'ttold my husband yet. He took me out to dinner, and a movie. When we got home we had :sex: and afterwards I was in excrutiating pain. I was bleeding heavier than ever before. I threw up the pain was so bad. I was curled up at the end of the bed in fetal position, it was the only way to lessen the pain. I was crying so hard, and I finally fell asleep. My husband had no idea what was going on, and I was so scared to tell him. The next day he went to work early, and I went to my Aunts house. I was still in major pain, and bleeding horribly, but I was also in denial. My Aunt rushed me to the ER cause I was getting light headed and dizzy. I had bled through many pads, I bled through my pants, and I kept throwing up.
The Dr came in immediatly to see me, and he told me I miscarried and had to perform a D&C. I was so devastated. I stayed with my aunt for a week. My husband didn't really think anything of it as I had planned on going over their anyways because my Aunt was moving.

I blamed myself, I know that that is stupid, but it's my reality. I was in pain, mentally and physically. I swore my Aunt to secracy.

About a month later I broke down crying and my husband tried to comfort me. I didn't want to tell him because I thought he would blame me. I already blamed myself, I didn't want him to know that my body killed his baby. I ended up telling him, and at first he was quiet. He told me that he wished I told him because it was not fair that I had to go through it alone. He is the best.

I have had 2 other miscarrages, both as emotional scarring, but not near as physically painful.

To this day the thought of it happening again pains me, and scares me so badly that it hurts. I will never forget my 3 angels in heaven.:angel::angel::angel:

I am so scared it hurts, to be hopeful.


I have something to admit to. It's hard to confide cause I know how bad it is. I have to start at the beginning....

In 2008 it was my Senior year of high school. My parents sent me to Tucson to a boarding school. When I started there January of 2008 I weighed 145 lbs. By the time I graduated in May, I weighed 185 lbs. There really was no explanation to it. Dr's checked my thyroid, ran all kinds of tests, but everything came back normal. By 2009 I weighed 215 Lbs. That's where I have plateaued. After my first miscarriage I picked up a very dirty habit. I started smoking. Yes I know. I should be ashamed of myself, and trust me I am. Last year around the end of August was my latest miscarriage, and I was doing really well I found out and hadn't had a cigarette in a week. I got arrested on a warrant for my arrest from a ticket I forgot to pay when I was 16 years old. I was in jail for 3 days and 2 nights. It was ridiculous. I wasn't able to get hold of my husband cause all we have are cell phones, and collect calls won't go through to cell phones. I miscarried while in a holding cell. Anyways,he bailed me out, and paid the fine in full. The minute I got out I was distraught and all I wanted was a cigarette.

All in all, right now I know I need to get healthy in full. The dr's did clear me fertility wise, but athey also said it would benifit me to lose weight, and obviously to quit smoking.

Last night I was laying in bed unable to sleep, and it hit me.

Why am I going through all of this trouble to concieve if I can't even get my lazy ass up to excersize, and quit a filthy habit.

I had the last cigarrete in my pack at 6:30PM. I am determined not to buy more. I need to quite this. It has already been difficult because for me it's not a craving persay but when I get bored I smoke. Lately I have been smoking alot. I got laid off about 3 weeks ago and finding a job is really hard!!! So I am bored alot!!!

I have never done a drug in my life, I have only seen weed once. This is my only bad habit (besides biting my nails).

I have decided that smoking needs to stop, I just hope I have a strong enough will. I will try to start excersizing every morning.

I really hope I can do it, so right now I need support more than anything. Please do not judge me, I know it's wrong
:witch: got me this morning :( right on cue... had extreme cramps this morning woke me up in so much pain at 6am and took me ages to get back to sleep :cry: :( they are still there now but not so sore. Why does it have to be such a painful kick in the teeth that i'm not pregnant...AGAIN. Why cant AF just be invisible? According to my last 2 cycles opk (CD16) that means my LP is only 11, do you guys think this is the problem? I also dont notice a lot of EWCM at any point... what is preseed and how much/ where can I buy it?

Pino- Im starting to read your journal now, how are you feeling today? still no sign of AF? FX for you!

lauren- im excited for you, when is AF due? Im keeping my fingers crossed, surely one of us has to get a BFP this month...?

Where is everyone from, im in the UK so i'm too far away :(.

My spirits are not very high today... down in the dumps! Need a big hug :hugs:
I got my smear test results back though and I am all clear, not even sure what they were testing for but I guess thats good news. x
I'm totally down for a thread meet up once we all have our BFP's...whenever that is! We are pretty spread out though - I'm right outside of Washington, D.C.

Pino - I'm following your journal now. Sounds like some very difficult experiences, but it's definitely good to share them with people who care and understand :( It's frustrating when your family seems so fertile and we are over here struggling. Good luck with the quitting smoking - one step closer to your BFP right?? Praying that your TTC journey ends soon (ummm like this cycle!! lol!). Fingers crossed for you!

Treasured - Sorry to hear about AF. I bought Preseed at CVS, which is just a local drugstore. I want to say it was between 20-25 dollars.

10DPO today and wanted to test SO badly this morning, but didn't. Usually I start spotting around 11DPO so we'll see. Please stay away AF!!!!
Wow I missed a lot in a day! I just want to start out by saying how much I appreciate all of you, your support is incredible and it really helps talking about everyones stories so I don't feel so focussed on my own! The supermoon is definitely going to become my scapegoat for my crazy feelings lately! It sucks we're all in crappy moods lately but at least we're in it together. I'm 25 now but DH is 28 and I think he might wish we'd started trying sooner. I would have liked to have had a baby in my 25th year but it is what it is. I tried to persuade DH to go in to see his Dr before June 6th but he doesn't want to make a big deal of it I guess. I'm in for getting together once we all have our babies! I'm in southern Ontario, Canada but love to travel :) And we definitely have to keep this going until we ALL get our BFPs then we can move into the prego ones lol I also found the same thing with the assisted conception threads, we aren't there yet but since we're only 1 cycle out I'm guessing that's where I'll end up but I can't relate yet since I don't have all those ml egg diameter count numbers yet!

Pino thank you for sharing your journal entries, I'm going to stalk your journal now too :hugs:

Treasured that sucks but now you can look forward to the next cycle! Hope she isn't too hard on you. If you are worried about your LP you should talk to your doctor, I think there's lots they can do but it also may not be a problem. I don't notice much EWCM either but I'm not sure it's worth investing in preseed at this point?

Sleepy - hang in there! Hard to believe we started out SMEP together and I'm still waiting to O! The last few days are the toughest I find! I just found this smilie lol :gun: take that :witch: lol
Sashimi - That's sweet of OH to decline golf! my DH is a big golfer himself, and I know that's pretty big~ :) Which island are you going in hawaii? DH & I went to Kauai, and LOVE it!!

Sleepy - lol @ boobs poking/grabbing! I did that too! And freaked whenever someone walked by.... ! And I smell BFP right around the corner for u~~

treasured - :hugs: let's ditch that witch next cycle!

Pino - :hugs: It is heart breaking about as it is, and it is painful to go through it by yourself. it's great that you've got a great husband who supports and wants to share all the goods/bads in life with you. & best of luck with quitting smoking. you can do it!! :hugs:

Ahh... tww IS too long! y can't we just do it and know it already!

LOL at "OH". Same with Lauren, for the longest time I thought it was "old husband"!! Then I saw someone posting about her OH who is in early 20s and I thought... wait a minute, 20s is NOT "O" :dohh:

I know a lot of people just left this forum once they got their BFP and hope that wont' happen here. I'll be sad if this thread got broken up too.... and I really hope it won't as I don't want to let go of you amazing ladies! :( hope you ladies in tww will ditch that :witch: & get your bfp!!!! as to the other ladies that witch got us this cycle, we'll catch up shortly!

** edited **
country! haha... I love that smilies too!! :gun: FX for u!!
I am in Boulder, Colorado, pretty far west.

treasured - I'm so sorry, and I am with you--why DOES it have to be such a painful reminder? And always in the morning! I've always hated AF's arrival, but even more so now that I'm TTC. :hugs: :hugs:

Pino - Sounds like you've been through a lot!! Good luck with quitting smoking--it will definitely help you get your BFP! I know it's tough to break habits, but think of how much stronger you'll be when you do :)

AFM, I am 11dpo. I thought AF was due tomorrow but I think Friday....FF has my test date as Friday, so does that mean that's when she's due? I'm hoping that if she comes it's not until at least Friday, because that would put me at another 12 day luteal phase, which I worry about. treasured, I'm with you--I feel like anything under 14 is not OK, though I've heard that anything above 10 is fine. My OB didn't seem too concerned....My longest (that I've charted) was 13. Since implantation can happen at 12dpo, I frequently feel concerned about my LP. I hope you get more answers than me about it! I know that you cas use progesterone to lengthen the LP, but I've been too scared to try the OTC stuff. You can probably buy it online, but I would buy a brand that advertises the dosage. PreSeed can be purchased on if you can't find it where you are. Where I live it's $22 for a tube.

Today and yesterday I had a little red/pink when I checked my cervix first thing in the morning, but nothing on the tp. I don't want to speak too soon, though, like I always do, lol. Yesterday I saw no more of that after the initial morning check. Hopefully today follows the same trend! And the next day, and the next :) I am not feeling super hopeful, though, to be honest. I'm with you, treasured--someone has to get theirs! I managed not to test this AM, even though I wanted to, and even though I hadn't gotten up to pee at all last night (a miracle for me). Maybe I'll start taking FF's advice and not testing until the day AF doesn't show! It seems like the more convinced I am that she'll show, the more I want to test!
I would love to meet up with you gals! Although I am miles away :( I would deffinately be up for a trip over to the U.S though and I have relatives in Canada! Me and OH were thinking of visiting them next summer! I'm deffinately going to be sticking around in this thread when i get my BFP. Even though Im unconvinced at this moment in time!

Countrygirl- i mentioned LP to my nurse last time I spoke to her and she didnt even know what it was and told me it wasnt a problem!

My nurse also said i should be taking folic acid, but I thought that was to help your baby, not to conceive. Has anyone tried it ?

lauren- thank you for hugs :) its horrible isnt it, why cant it make you feel happy and be sparkly or somthing haha! im sooo excited for you to test I am hoping you get your BFP and then maybe your luck will bring mine next cycle!! I am the same as you, as soon as I read about luteal phase I was really worried, although I have only actually taken OPKs for 2 cycles out of all 6 that Ive had. And Ive had 30 day cycles, and theyve only really regulated in the last couple of months, i guess i could say I was NTNP for the first 3 months.... Im deffinately going to use OPKs this month and take b6 every day so that I can be positive how long my LP is. I might get some progesterone cream and see if that works! FX for you and I will try to keep the :witch: away!! xxxx
Also, lauren you mentioned about checking your cervix, this might sound silly.... but I dont think ive ever felt my cervix? I cant seem to reach it, all I feel is like spongeyness around the sides but it doesnt seem to end haha!! is that normal? xxx
Lol, treasured. It's difficult to find at first, especially when it's high. I use my middle finger, since that's the only one that can reach it. Mine is pretty far back and the opening is tilted sort of to the back (towards my butt). I tried finding it on my own, after using the rr, since you're in a good position sitting like that to check. TCOYF also recommends squatting down and checking that way, though you have to be careful not to scratch anything. It will feel kind of spongy but also smooth. Mine, when it's low, is very long, and when it's high is a mushy little pile. It's a little intense/graphic, but there is a website called beautiful cervix where you can look at images of two cervixes on different women. Once you know what it looks like it's kind of easier to find. Anyway, I check mine for position and opening and firmness (which are kind of difficult to determine), but also because I don't have much CM and I get way more if I sort of feel around the cervix. Happy experimenting! Lol. Let me know how it goes! It definitely feels a little weird the first time you check.
Thanks everyone for the support.

Treasured..... Sorry about AF, I know it is frustrating it is month after month. Your time will come. Preseed is a lubricant that doesn't kill all of his sperm like everything else. It is great if you don't produce enough EGWC. You can get it at a pharmacy. Walgreens. I know Walmart has a similar one with a different name but I'm not sure how good it is.
Your cervix if you ever do touch it, you can tell. It's a blob or roundness within the spongyness. Try standing up, and putting on leg on the counter. It is easier to reach that way. Since AF got you, it will be low down, and easy to reach.

Sleepy Owl..... Hopefully AF stays away, and it's your month

Country Girl 86........ It is normal that your husband doesn't want to go to the Dr. I took us over a year to gethim to the Dr. Men have a very sensitive ego

Lxb..... We won't let the thread fall apart. If someone leaves is we will just have to hunt them down, do some real stalking LOL JK!!!

So far no AF, but I have a question. As you guys remember, I was angry and I didn't track my ovulation this month, but according to me calender I ovulated on the 13.

on the 21st me and my husband were about to have sex, and I noticed EGWC, I didn't really think anything of it. Do you think I ovulated late, and that's why myperiod is late?

I am cramping a tiny bit, but my lower back iss sore.

I have not had a cigarrette since last night. SO far so good, but just a little cranky.
lxb - in my head 'DH' is still Damned Husband lol

lauren - I think what FF has as test is projected AF date. When I still had the free VIP trial there was a lot more description but on mine it's the day AF is due so that must be how they do it. My LP is 13 days pretty consistently and I've also heard anything over 10 is ok. What's the weather like there this time of year?

treasured - the folic acid IS to help the baby but they recommend you start taking it 3 months before TTC to get a good amount of it in your body since you find out you are pg and are already 4 weeks along. I take mine in a prenatal multivitamin. Where are your relatives?

pino - men are funny that way aren't they? When he had testicular cancer he noticed the bump for a little while but didn't go to the doctor till it started hurting. It's definitely possible you ovulated late, that's a good sign of it! Congrats on the no smoking! Keep it up!

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