Could use a buddy

Thanks Lauren!!! I'm okay now. Had an hour of being sad and then angrey, but now I'm okay!!

My horoscope is so fitting for today. I find it inspiring!! I think this can be applied to all of us, Gemini or not!!

Gemini- Saturday, May 5, 2012
Don’t feel let down just because a certain big development has not yet happened. You must think longer term. Rather than steeling yourself for bitter disappointment, you ought to be expecting a hopeful breakthrough which is sure to come. A threat has passed. Good luck approaches.
Sashimi - I'm so sorry about the BFN. Totally blaming the super moon!! I cried on the way up to my best friend's for a bit, but felt so much better just seeing her and hanging out. I know TTC is just a small part of my life and I have so many wonderful people and things to be thankful for. My hour long pity party was more than enough. Of course, I'm still disappointed, but I know it's going to happen for us!!

Onto the next cycle!!
Agreed Sleepy. I'm at my parents and I'm goofing around with their 3 dogs, who used to be my dogs when I still lived at home. It's a gorgeous day and being here with my family is really uplifting.

My mom is convinced we will get pregnant in Hawaii. I keep trying to explain about how the sperm can't get through my CM and she's like SO! Don't take no for an answer!! And then I insisted my LP won't be long enough without progesterone and she continued to insist that she just has a feeling. Anyway she shared an inspiring story with me...

I've mentioned that my mom had her tubes cut (not tied, cut!!) after having my older brother. She had them resewn together in the early 80s before having me and was told it was a 1 in a million chance she would get pregnant. She got pregnant with me on their first try after the surgery and then in her first trimester she started hemmoraging. She was told it was an ecotopic pregnancy and she needed an abortion ASAP or she could bleed to death. She said no, that she knew it would be okay and it was. Turned out to be nothing more than a cyst. And I was a happy healthy baby! I guess the moral of the story is a lesson in positive thinking.

So I guess I'll try to be like that... Just not take no for an answer until I get that BFP! So... On to the next round, right ladies??
You got it Sashimi!! Thank you for the encouraging story. If your mom can keep hope alive through such trying circumstances, then so can I. I'm going to get that BFP if it's the last thing I do!

I'm heading up to my parents today also. Family time and doggie time always makes me feel better too :)
Sashimi - Wow! That is an incredible story. SO inspiring. That must feel amazing--to be the one in a million chance that miraculously happened! It's so nice to be around pets, too. My cats are so comforting--especially during AF! I am a Gemini, too! When is your bday? Mine's June 11. Will you be in HI for your bday? I really think you have a chance of getting pg while you're there, too, somehow...I know you've got the facts about your CM. I wonder if there's any way you could take something to dry it up for a cycle and use PreSeed, and take along some progesterone cream. At the same time, I bet it would feel like a relief to just let it go for a cycle, too.

Sleepy - There's nothing like a BF and puppies to take your mind off of AF! Lol. I love the determined attitude, too! When we first started trying my BF told me her parents took four years to conceive her older sister. I thought to myself, 'Wow, I'd NEVER keep going that long!' At this point, I am in it for the long haul, if that's what's necessary! The longer we try, the more solid I become in my decision and wish to have children. I suppose that's the silver lining of the whole proces. It really is nice to be so sure that you want to be a mom!
preg - Are you the only one in the TWW still?? We'll fight AF off tooth and nail!!!

Still going strong here, yes.
Every symptom has been promising so far, except this one...
I checked my cervix today though, and it was sitting pretty low.
I seem to recall that it´s supposed to be high when preggers...
AF is due in 2 days (on monday). Fingers crossed that she stays away.
Lauren!!!! No way!! My birthday is June 12!!!! So, I'll arrive in Hawaii the night of June 11 and wake up there on my bday... And it will span OH's bday, too. He is June 21. He surprised me with a trip for my 30th last year (we went to Hilton Head, Savannah and Sea Island, Georgia), so if bday trips become a tradition I won't complain! ;) Either way, it's a welcome distraction. It's been a tough year with my MIL passing away last April, so we are looking forward to some relaxing vacation time.

The progesterone leaks big time, so I can imagine that would be awkward on the beach. My naturopath gave me chaste tree tablets to take during LP, that mimic progesterone in your body. I might just take that and use preseed. A break from all the hormones, injections and suppositories will be welcome!

Sleepy, I like what you said about TTC just being a small part of life. It seems like the big focus right now, but in the grand scheme of things it's not. I think I needed to be reminded of that today. Pets definitely know when you are sad. Our cat was acting really hilarious and goofy this morning and it made us laugh. My parents' dogs are a lot of fun today too. Animals are intuitive that way!

My parents are taking us out for dinner. We are going to an Asian fusion place that has amazing Thai food and sushi... So I think I'll order a giant plate of sashimi (hah!) because I can't eat that during the tww or with a bfp. So gotta look for the pros here. Another big pro to TTC is that we have all become friends! Wouldn't have happened if we didn't all get brought together by our personal struggles!!
hello every one i am really new at this lol. new at the bloging also new at ttc i have been trying for 3 months, i know that might sound so short but when you really want somthing really bad and fail it gets really fusterating does any one feel mE????? DOES ANY ONE KNOE OF SOMTHING THAT CAN INCREESE MY CHANCES?
Hey everyone!!! Sorry I haven't been on. I'm so sorry about AF, but hope is still here for us!!! So last night was another bad night. I didn't fall asleep until around 4 AM it sucks! I am exhausted. I went shopping with my mother in law, and after 3 years of searching, I finally found the cologne my husband really likes. Polo Sport it cost me $80 and I bought myself a purse. It was on sale, and I only paid $12. I am cheap LOL. I really hate spending money on myself, but I don't mind doing it for others!!!

For the first time in a while, my husband took me on a date. We saw the Avengers. Great movie. We didn't get home until midnight, and I feel bad because he has to be up at 4:30 AM for work. He works his ass off, and I love him for it, but I really wish that he could get a day off. He works on a cotton/hay farm so days off are extremely rare.

I am sp spent and depressed, there really is no real reason for it it's just been a hard couple of days. I can't seem to stop crying. IDK hopefully a new day will help.
Ive only missed a few dayss but feel like im SO far behind!! How is everyone!?

Lauren- noooo so sorry AF got you :( how are you feeling about it now?

sashimi-LOVED that story about your mum :) so good toknow the chances of that happening were so slim and yet it did!

pino- how are you keeping? I went to see avengers the other day toooo how good was it! LOVE thor. SO SO HOT.

Im just finished AF, didnt have any cramps except from the first day so thats good! and it was very light actually so thats good. I have a question, do you think it is because I have a short LP that my period is so light all the time? like i literally only use about 10 tampons for the 5 days? is this because it doesnt have enough time to build up in the womb?

xxx :)
SashiMimi--- Your mother's story is inspiring, and it puts hope in my heart. I am glad you will be enjoying your birthday. I am so sorry about AF, on to trying again. I hope that your Mom is right. Have fun either way!! I am jealous LOL. The closest I have done for traveling is when I was 15 and me and my family drove from Arizona to Buffalo, New York, fun I guess but after a week with 3 siblings and a motor home things can get tense LOL. Make sure you take lot's of pictures.

Sleey Owl--- This month will hopefully bring better things, with out the Super Moon haunting us.

Lauren--- The long haul is tough, but I agree. When we finally get our BFP, and into the 2nd trimester, we will have the silver lining in view. I had a friend who just got pregnant after trying for a while, and she said something that I can't stop thinking about it. She said that she was happ that she was having a baby, but after trying so hard she thinks that maybe people that are TTC don't want a baby, they just want the pregnancy. I almost punched her in the face. But do you guys think there is any truth in that? Personally, I don't think so, but it kind of left this nagging feeling in me. IDK

Preg_Pilot--- My fingers are crossed for the witch not showing up. I have done a lot of research on the cervix, and I check mine regularly, they say that yes, in pregnancy the cervix is high and hard, but I have heard a lot of people get pregnant, and their cervix isn't really low, but they could still feel it, but it was hard. IDK if we can put a lot of faith in the cervical position. Either way good luck!!!

lalinda--- Welcome to the group. I haven't been here very long, but everyone here is great, and very supportive!!! The one and only thing you can do is make sure to have sex while ovulating, and then keep your fingures crossed. I know. It sucks.

Treasured--- I think you are blessed with short periods, and not really cramping. I truelly believe that everyones cycle, and body is different. Your short LP might be the cause of short cycles. That way it all equals out. I agree about Thor, he is seriously my type LOL. My husband just gave me the look LOL, but then again he says the same thing about Iron Man's girlfriend LOL.

So it looks like my monitor isn't going to gett here in time for this cycle. It sucks. Last night was another long night due to a terrible stomach ache and vomiting. If I wasn't on my period I would look at it as a sign. IDK it's frustrating. My husband got off a little early, and I enjoyed our time together.
Super Moon

Marana, Arizona


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Nice super moon pic!! Did everyone see it on Saturday? Where I live it was cloudy (boo), so I saw it for about three minutes, rising, before it snuck into the clouds. It was gorgeous for those three minutes, though! Later that night, around 2am, it woke me up with its super brightness. It wasn't huge and red and beautiful at that point, but SO bright.

Pino - I have thought about that very thing. Like, am I just set on getting those double lines? Am I equally excited about actually having a child? I have thought about this a lot, actually! I've come up with a few things. First off, none of us can really comprehend the enormity of the transformation that will occur when we get pregnant and become mothers. I think that being really excited about getting a +hpt is most women's way of taking baby steps towards that transition, if that makes any sense! Our first month TTC, when I was convinced it would happen right away, I thought immediately I had gotten pg because I was taking prenatals and they were making me sick to my stomach, lol. This 'symptom', in combination with all of the books about babies and baby name things I was reading felt TOTALLY overwhelming, and I got really scared. Since we've had 9 more months of TTC to get used to the idea, I've slowly warmed up to thoughts about getting the +, dealing with morning sickness, etc., getting a giant bump and dealing with that bodily change, and slowly I'm allowing my mind to think about labor and how I'd want that to go. There's only so much we can hypothesize about and imagine! And I think there's a reason that we all feel hopeful and excited in the TWW, and why we feel devastated when we see that BFN--it's because we all really want a baby!! At least that's my theory. I first realized that it was time to seriously TTC after a family event with my SIL, BIL, and nieces. Once OH and I got in the car to go home I totally broke down. I LOVE being with my nieces and my body was just aching for a baby when I was with them. It's like a switch got turned on--the mothering switch, lol. Anyway, my favorite life coach, Martha Beck, likes to say that any time we start sobbing uncontrollably after a happy occasion, or feel joy in a tough circumstance, it's time to pay attention because those feelings are likely pointing us in the direction of what we want. Sorry for the novel!! I apparently have a lot of thoughts on this... :)

preg - Did you test today?? I soooo want to hear!

treasured - Yes, AF is a bummer!! I feel OK about it now. I was actually not that upset this month--NTNP really helped me take a step back and enjoy the month. Now I'm right back on the horse and ready to SMEP!

Sashimi - We are so close to being birthday twins! That's amazing that OH surprised you with a trip! I've always wanted to go to Savannah, and thought about art school there. That's soooo exciting that you'll get to spend your birthday in Hawaii. It's amazing that you guys get the time away together, too! I think yearly vacations are essential--though we're not good about sticking to that rule.

AFM, I got blood drawn yesterday for estradiol and day 3 FSH. I know it's silly, but I'm nervous about the results! I know that the FSH level can indicate how many eggs or their quality or ability to mature, etc., and I'm scared my OB will call and say that I don't have eggs or they are not good quality or something. My OH asked me to relax and cross that bridge if we come to it, and it's not likely that we will. He's the positive one, lol, but I'm working on it! I really grew up as a sort of pragmatic pessimist--like, if I can imagine the worst case scenario and then decide how I'd deal with it, I'll be OK! That hasn't brought me anything positive, however, in my older years, and I'm really, really working on being more positive and worrying less.
SashiMimi--- Your mother's story is inspiring, and it puts hope in my heart. I am glad you will be enjoying your birthday. I am so sorry about AF, on to trying again. I hope that your Mom is right. Have fun either way!! I am jealous LOL. The closest I have done for traveling is when I was 15 and me and my family drove from Arizona to Buffalo, New York, fun I guess but after a week with 3 siblings and a motor home things can get tense LOL. Make sure you take lot's of pictures.

Sleey Owl--- This month will hopefully bring better things, with out the Super Moon haunting us.

Lauren--- The long haul is tough, but I agree. When we finally get our BFP, and into the 2nd trimester, we will have the silver lining in view. I had a friend who just got pregnant after trying for a while, and she said something that I can't stop thinking about it. She said that she was happ that she was having a baby, but after trying so hard she thinks that maybe people that are TTC don't want a baby, they just want the pregnancy. I almost punched her in the face. But do you guys think there is any truth in that? Personally, I don't think so, but it kind of left this nagging feeling in me. IDK

Preg_Pilot--- My fingers are crossed for the witch not showing up. I have done a lot of research on the cervix, and I check mine regularly, they say that yes, in pregnancy the cervix is high and hard, but I have heard a lot of people get pregnant, and their cervix isn't really low, but they could still feel it, but it was hard. IDK if we can put a lot of faith in the cervical position. Either way good luck!!!

lalinda--- Welcome to the group. I haven't been here very long, but everyone here is great, and very supportive!!! The one and only thing you can do is make sure to have sex while ovulating, and then keep your fingures crossed. I know. It sucks.

Treasured--- I think you are blessed with short periods, and not really cramping. I truelly believe that everyones cycle, and body is different. Your short LP might be the cause of short cycles. That way it all equals out. I agree about Thor, he is seriously my type LOL. My husband just gave me the look LOL, but then again he says the same thing about Iron Man's girlfriend LOL.

So it looks like my monitor isn't going to gett here in time for this cycle. It sucks. Last night was another long night due to a terrible stomach ache and vomiting. If I wasn't on my period I would look at it as a sign. IDK it's frustrating. My husband got off a little early, and I enjoyed our time together.

Hope everyone had a good weekend!

Lauren - It makes sense that doctors sometimes need a little pressure from us to get moving, they see so many patients that a quick 15 minute appointment makes it tough to get deep into something. I'm glad you're getting it all sorted out too! My doctor is good, I haven't had a whole lot to see him for except the regular paps and stuff but he is genuinely caring. How is yours on a personal level? Glad you enjoyed the NTNP! I'd talked to DH about SMEP before we started and he agreed but then I think he forgot and it just worked out anyway, until last week lol this is a super long cycle! I think it works well though and am going to get back on track today.

Sleepy - sorry to hear about AF. How did your half marathon go? That's so exciting!

Sashimi - your story helps for sure! DH has a history of good medical luck too so I try to think that follows him around too! Sorry to hear of your BFN, glad you have your trip to focus on! When we went away in February it was a welcome distraction! I'd love to go to Hawaii someday so I'm excited to hear all about it. How long are you there for?

Pino - sorry you are having a tough time with AF, hope your monitor makes it soon! I was curious about those but decided to just try OPKs first. What a confusion they are though!

Preg_pilot - I haven't had a chance to watch the rest but I like how he presents it all in a comical fashion!

Welcome lalinda! I recommend charting your temps, that is a good start. Just buy a basal body thermometer and check your temp first thing in the morning before getting up and you can use a site like to keep track. It's very useful!

treasured - how long is your LP? You may want to go to your doc, I don't know what's a normal period in terms of flow, mine usually vary each month. And like Pino said, each woman is different too (ugh).

I got some pictures of the supermoon, I'll try to post this afternoon! The supermoon didn't bring me a super O :haha: but it did bring me a little niece! Our weekend was overtaken with hospital visits and watching our nephew but well worth it! So still waiting to O lol but I have a couple of questions for you ladies. I temped first thing this morning but my mouth was a little dry and my temp was 97.9, I decided to temp again about 5 minutes later (I hadn't gotten up yet) and my temp was 97.6! So I thought I'd do it again after another 5 and it was 97.8. Which temp would you say I should use? Regardless, they are all pre-O temps for me. Question 2 - I'd been doing zumba once a week since the beginning of April and drinking decaf green tea since late March, any ideas if that could have caused the delayed O and cycles? Grasping for straws here lol
I also meant to comment on the wanting to be pg, not have a baby comment lol Right now I feel like I'm just wanting to make the baby, I haven't put a whole lot of thought into actually putting a baby in my life and how that will change us but when I held my niece on the weekend I just felt "I can do this" and it made me want it a little stronger. Once I get pg then I can figure out the rest but for now I guess I'm a little guilty of wanting to see the BFP and having the bump then I can get excited for the actual baby later lol I don't want to get my hopes up too high I spose.
country! I would love to see those pics... :)

I do think my doc is caring on a personal level--she is just a little awkward! She was an OBGYN on an army base before coming to Boulder--she went from a very conservative atmosphere to a very emotional, open environment. Boulder is also pretty woo-woo in comparison; she probably didn't have to deal with questions about acupuncture & herbs or progesterone cream or positive thinking before, lol.

It does look sort of like your body keeps trying to O but doesn't, since you have patches of wet CM and then dry. You had a thermal shift last month, so it looks like you O-ed, but it wasn't a full cycle so hard to tell! When you go to your appt I would bring the chart with you somehow and show it to the doc. I think the chart will provide them with info on how to proceed with any testing. It's possible that the new exercise routine could be delaying O. Are you very stressed or very thin? It could be those, too, if you are. I know that delayed O is sometimes due to stress. I hope you get some answers soon! I know it must be frustrating not to know what's going on.
Preg_Pilot--- My fingers are crossed for the witch not showing up. I have done a lot of research on the cervix, and I check mine regularly, they say that yes, in pregnancy the cervix is high and hard, but I have heard a lot of people get pregnant, and their cervix isn't really low, but they could still feel it, but it was hard. IDK if we can put a lot of faith in the cervical position. Either way good luck!!!

I read some more about the cervix position, and it differs between women. Some women feel the change from day 1, in others it can take up to 6 weeks :)
preg - Did you test today?? I soooo want to hear!

I haven´t tested yet.
I´ll be testing on thursday, cause that´s the only time I´ll be home alone.
I don´t think I would be able to hide my squeals of happiness if I tested with my mom at home. (or my foul mood in case of a negative).
Okay~ Just caught up with 4 pages of updates!

Sashimi - I just got your PM and will send you email soon~ and of course not! I just hope I can be a help~~ :hugs: for BFN! Hope you'll bring a little "souvenir" back with ya from Kauai~~~~

Country - Yep! SMEP is definitely fun~ :happydance: How is it going with you? Don't think zumba/green tea could cause delayed O. I'm only awared that flu/sickness/stress could cause delayed in O. Just checked your chart and hope that is a pre-o dip! SuperO! :dance:

Pino - Eww.. rat! Hate rats! Oh, we saw the Avengers over the weekend too! It definitely has its funny moments~~~ Loving the HULK!

Preg_pilot - Just saw your ticker!! Yep, everyone is different. Hoping for your BFP!!!

lalinda - welcome~ :wave: We're all in the same boat. TTC can be frustrating. Do you know your cycle pretty well? when you O?

Supermoon was awesome! But too bad my camera doesn't its justice! :(

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