Could use a buddy

I heard back from my OB and she agreed to do blood work, and then go ahead with the ultrasound etc. if nothing shows up. So I will d the day 3 FDH and estradiol on Sunday and then progesterone and thyroid after O. I'm happy about this!! I am scared, however, that they'll find something (or they won't), and I still just won't get pregnant. I'm certainly not feeling devastated like I normally do when AF comes, but I have a little bit of anxiety or something about the possibility that it won't happen ever. That happens to some people, right?? Am I going off the deep end, ladies? I blame super moon.
Pino - I'm sorry you're having such awful cramps!! I have to say that since starting acupuncture and loads of vitamins I haven't had the same kind of kick-in-the-gut cramps that I have had for 15 years. It might be worth a shot! I took ibuprofen once today and usually I'm loaded up on it all day on CD1.

You have guts I am scared of acupuncture LOL I am NOT good with needles!!:shrug:
I heard back from my OB and she agreed to do blood work, and then go ahead with the ultrasound etc. if nothing shows up. So I will d the day 3 FDH and estradiol on Sunday and then progesterone and thyroid after O. I'm happy about this!! I am scared, however, that they'll find something (or they won't), and I still just won't get pregnant. I'm certainly not feeling devastated like I normally do when AF comes, but I have a little bit of anxiety or something about the possibility that it won't happen ever. That happens to some people, right?? Am I going off the deep end, ladies? I blame super moon.

I am sure all your labs will come back normal!! GL

You know what? when I first started trying and not getting results, I swear when I went to the Dr and I was waiting for the results, I thought maybe it would be as easy as I left a tampon up there and thats why is wasn't working LOL:dohh: I know sounds stupid, but that's my reality :winkwink:
Pino - I'm sorry you're having such awful cramps!! I have to say that since starting acupuncture and loads of vitamins I haven't had the same kind of kick-in-the-gut cramps that I have had for 15 years. It might be worth a shot! I took ibuprofen once today and usually I'm loaded up on it all day on CD1.

You have guts I am scared of acupuncture LOL I am NOT good with needles!!:shrug:

Acupuncture is not painful at all.
The needles there are actually so thin, that you can´t feel them at all.
I had it a few times for my back, and I´ve never done anything that felt so good afterwards. Total relaxation.
I heard back from my OB and she agreed to do blood work, and then go ahead with the ultrasound etc. if nothing shows up. So I will d the day 3 FDH and estradiol on Sunday and then progesterone and thyroid after O. I'm happy about this!! I am scared, however, that they'll find something (or they won't), and I still just won't get pregnant. I'm certainly not feeling devastated like I normally do when AF comes, but I have a little bit of anxiety or something about the possibility that it won't happen ever. That happens to some people, right?? Am I going off the deep end, ladies? I blame super moon.

It's definitely normal to feel anxiety, but try to keep perspective on things. I know it feels like it's never going to happen or something will be wrong, but most people who want to get pregnant will. You are going to get pregnant!! This doctor's visit and these tests are just one step closer to that day. This is definitely a step in the right direction friend. Sending some calming thoughts and baby dust your way!!
lxb - thanks, you have lots of positives coming up too! If nothing else, SMEP is fun! :happydance:

Sashimi - thank you for breaking that down lol that puts into perspective what my next steps most likely will be. You do have a very healthy outlook on all of this :) I'll be thinking of you tomorrow too, regardless of the outcome we are here to share the news!

lauren - I'm glad your OB has agreed to move forward with your testing. It sounds like she is one of the best and you are comfortable with her. You will get pregnant at some point, it's just a matter of when and you are well on your way towards that now. It's totally normal to think like that though, I do too. It goes back to what we talked about before where it's easy to give the advice but not as easy to take it or apply it to our own lives! Just blame supermoon lol

Pino - sorry to hear about the cramps! Hope you get some relief from the cramps with the weekend :flower: I don't think it's possible to not stress when TTC, especially in the 2ww. The only relief I've found is being on here!

preg_pilot - I watched part of the movies you posted (just youtubed it cause I couldn't find your post again) and it made total sense! The nothingbox! If only we could buy them somewhere lol
Lauren I was so nervous about my tests, but better to do them ands get answers. Also remember the one positive about the chemical... You CAN get pregnant. The tests will ease your mind and give both you and your OH some insight. I think I was most terrified of the dye test, not because I heard from my SIL that it was painful (it wasn't bad at all) but because I thought if I was blocked that would be game over. Sleepy is right, anxiety is normal!!!

Country I feel like a fertility clinic veteran. Let me know if you have any other questions.

I went to the drugstore after work and bought a home test. There was a sleazy guy in a suit comparing boxes of condoms right beside me. I smirked because I thought it was funny that condoms and pregnancy tests were side by side on the self, and I guess this guy thought I was smirking at him. When I grabbed the preg test he scoffed at me!! I kind of LOLed. Oh well, you run into all sorts of characters when you live in a big city I guess.

So I got a 2 pack of FRER did one at 6 pm, BFN. I'll do the other in the morning and then go for the official beta blood test after and wait the dreaded phone call. I feel like this whole process is becoming harder on my mother than me. She feels so bad for me and so helpless. I almost feel like I need to assure her that it's okay!

Well, I'm not feeling overly optimistic for tomorrow. But if it's another BFFN, I'm going to start hitting the gym really hard. I have a gym beside my work, I can go at lunch and I have 1 month until we leave for Hawaii. If I can't get a bfp then I will get a BB (Bikini Body) Hah!!!

Lxb I sent you a pm! Hope you don't mind me asking Kauai questions. I don't know anyone who has been there. It's far to go there from Toronto, it's a 10 hour flight so it's a real trek for us East coasters. Where are you from again? I can't remember if you mentioned it before.

By the way ladies, our hotel will have wireless and I'm bringing my iPad. So not even an exotic vacation will stop me from BnB. But that's a whole month a way, a lot can happen and I really hope we see some more BFPs in here. We're long overdue!
PS. Sleepy it gets hard to stay positive, I have my moments of complete despair but I have to shake myself out of that mindset. It's easy to get sucked into negativity and if they say stress is bad for TTC, well I say so is a toxic mind!! How are you feeling? Any sign of AF? Let us know if u test fx
Everyone be positive:happydance:

I hope you guys get your BFP's during the supermoon!!!

I feel alot better, trying to stay busy.

I found a freaking RAT in my house I am sooooo grossed out!! My house is spotless!!! My OCD is kicking in, I have to be up early, cause it is the quinciena. Me and my mother in-law go grocery shopping every other Saturday after pay day. Gas wise it is great, but sometimes, well most of the time she just drives me NUTS!!! :dohh:

Well, I am watching the series finalie of In Plain Sight then off to :sleep:

Night everyone!!
Thanks, all, for your calming and comforting words! You're right. It's normal to go into a little freakout, and I will get pregnant. I do appreciate that we take turns being steady hands and the helm! Country, I totally blame super moon :) And it is so much easier to trust our own advice when we give it to others, lol. I have no doubt that all of you will get your BFPs, and that it won't take much longer! I guess I just need to mentally place myself in that category. Thanks.

Pino - Acupuncture is super relaxing. My body always feels like it's floating. And it really has helped my cycles. I am very squeamish about needles, and even this doesn't bother me (well, not if I don't think about it much before hand!). Once the needles are in you just lay back and relax. It releases endorphins, too, so it's relaxing and uplifting.

Sleepy - I am really excited for you to test! I will be stalking that pretty chart....

Sashimi - Thanks for the kind words! You do seem to be good at staying really positive. And it is inspiring! I like your plan of getting a BFP or BB! Did you already say how long your vaca will be? Sounds super romantic! Your mom sounds sweet and very attentive. For me, it can help to have to show up cheerful for someone else--especially when that someone is my mom.

Country - I'm glad we'll be in the testing boat together (with our docs!). As I was writing to you on your journal thread encouraging the dr visit I realized I should take my own advice and just do it! I don't really know what I was waiting for. I think I didn't want to seem pushy with my doc. I wrote to a friend who just got her MD and asked about the etiquette, and she assured me that it's totally normal to push back a little with docs and to really engage them in discussion about health decisions. Anyway, it helped me have the confidence to tell her that I just felt in my gut that I needed to explore everything. Do you have a good relationship with your doc?

Anyway, all, I really appreciate the support, again. And I will attest to the stress-relieving powers of NTNP this month. Even though I'm disappointed this wasn't the month, I just didn't get upset like I have in past months. It has SO helped me to take a more emotionally relaxed approach. On to SMEP! And further relaxing. Lol.
Hey y'all, I've also been meaning to ask if anyone else has cats, and whether their docs have recommended a toxoplasmosis test at all. I'm not concerned about it too much, but there's such a hushed fear around having cats around pregnant women and children that I was curious how everyone else felt. My SIL likes to scare me with stories about cat scratch fever.
Hey y'all, I've also been meaning to ask if anyone else has cats, and whether their docs have recommended a toxoplasmosis test at all. I'm not concerned about it too much, but there's such a hushed fear around having cats around pregnant women and children that I was curious how everyone else felt. My SIL likes to scare me with stories about cat scratch fever.

I recently had to put my cat down, but before, I never had any problems, and the Dr. never said anything about it. I know that the ammonia in cats urine is very dangerous for pregnant women, and thats why they shouldn't clean their own litter box.

When my aunt was pregnant that was my job LOL I would go over there and clean it for her. She also would regularly give the cat a bath with waterless shampoo because the ammonia could attach. I never had that problem cause my cat loved the water.

IDK I really haven't heard of anything that would cause issues with fetility from a cat.

Ket us know what the Dr. says because now I am a bit worried to get another one (I found a mouse so I want another one)

GL!! and we ALL have our crazy moments LOL
We have a cat as well, but my doctor has never asked if we have one. I've heard about avoiding the litter box so OH takes care of that. I might ask next time I see the doctor. I just feel like someone at the clinic would have mentioned it if it were a huge deterrent for ttc.

Just did another home test. BFN. So expecting the same with todays bloodwork. I feel completely deflated.

PS. Lauren we will be in Hawaii for 2 weeks after stopping in Vancouver for 4 days to visit OH's family. So I guess it's on to BB for me. ;)
preg_pilot - I watched part of the movies you posted (just youtubed it cause I couldn't find your post again) and it made total sense! The nothingbox! If only we could buy them somewhere lol

Hehe, yea. Sometimes I would like to be able to go into a nothingbox of my own :)
Hey y'all. Tested and it was negative. Temp slightly dropped this morning and I had some pink spotting when I wiped. Safe to say AF will show up right on time tomorrow. Feeling really discouraged and depressed today, so I plan on being miserable all day. I'm hoping to come back more positive and excited about the new cycle tomorrow or Monday. In the meantime I'm going to cry in my car, then in my bed, then on my couch.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! I won't be on til late tomorrow or maybe even Monday. Running my first half marathon manana. Excited about that at least!
Sashimi and Sleepy - I'm sorry to hear about the BFNs. Now that I'm on to CD2 instead of 1 and can officially accept AF (lol, I always feel better on day 2!), I'm back to feeling like every month brings us closer to our BFPs. That said, sometimes the only good course of action when faced with a BFN is to have a good cry! Or ten!

Sashimi - I haven't heard that cats can be detrimental to TTC, just that the toxoplasmosis you can get from them can cause mc, though I think it's very rare. And my parents' generation was very afraid of cats suffocating babies. But you're right, Sashimi, the docs would be routinely asking women who TTC about their cats if it were a huge issue to have them around babies. Two weeks sounds amazing!! I have never been to Hawaii--maybe you can share a couple of pics of the pretty scenery with us! I bet you're excited to get your BB--I love working out when I really have a goal. Any other time it's really just because I'm supposed to and so that I can eat more, lol. AND it's so much more fun to shop for vacation wear when you've got a newly rockin BB!

Pino - I do have a little info on it already, since my vet told us about it a while back. The part I was mostly unsure of was whether they are considered safe around babies--but honestly I think the cat scratch fever incidences are very low, lol! And people used to be a lot more paranoid about cats and pregnancy/babies. Anyway, I am happy to share the info I already have! If you have a cat and the cat has toxoplasmosis (a disease you can get from their feces, so staying away from the litter box is good), then you probably already have it, too, so you're safe to get pregnant. If your cat doesn't have it and contracts it while you're pg and then passes it along to you, then you risk mc. Our cats are indoor cats so I never worried about that part. If you're thinking of getting another cat, your vet can probably do a test on it before you take it home, and then advise you on how to deal with it if the cat has the disease. If the cat does not have it, then it should just stay inside so that there's no risk of picking up toxoplasmosis from another cat outside.

preg - Are you the only one in the TWW still?? We'll fight AF off tooth and nail!!!

country - How are those OPKs looking today? Super O!!!

So in the US the super moon will be brightest at 11:35 PM Eastern Time. I don't know how that translates for everyone else in their time zone. However, it will look the super-est (the biggest) when it's rising. I'm hoping to catch it and take a few pics! I love the full moon. And Cinco de Mayo. That's my novel for the morning! I hope everyone's weekend starts off well.
Sleepy don't feel bad. I did everything humanly possible to get a bfp with one of the most highly respected RE's and it's very likely that it didnt work...again. It's really disappointing. I felt so deflated after my bfn on the FR test that I cried on the subway, cried while I was having blood drawn, cried while I was ordering coffee and just broke down when I called my mom.

We are going to visit my parents today, so at least that will keep me from being on the couch and watching all my guilty pleasure TV shows that I have saved in my PVR. I wish the clinic would just call me and confirm what I already know. BFFN! SIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So at least we can bummed out together. And all the headlines today in the paper are about that damn super moon!!!! I'm blaming it for yet another negative!
Confirmed by the clinic: Big Fat F-ing Negative. Was expecting it but I still crying uncontrollably. I feel bad for the nurses who have to call with bad news. They are so compassionate and encouraging! Well on to the gym and maybe round 3... I might take a break from the emotional stress.
I'm sorry, Sashimi! :hugs: :hugs:

Hopefully the 3rd time will be a charm. We are here for you :)

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