Could use a buddy

Sashimi, Thanks for all that you said! I feel very supported and encouraged by you and the rest of these ladies :) I am not patient and don't like to settle, either! So I won't! Lol. I did start researching. I got discouraged as many practices are full and not accepting new patients, but I can start looking out of town, too. There are a few OBs in a neighboring town who sound good and who specialize in RE and/or fertility (I will not write infertility!), so I will be making some calls tomorrow. I just realized that if I feel frustrated with my doc now I'll probably feel VERY frustrated with her when I'm pregnant! Thank you for encouraging me to seek other advice. You're right--I'm her client, essentially, and I need to feel satisfied with her service.

I'm sorry you're having a rough one! It's completely natural for the sadness to well up. I think it's sometimes a balance of allowing the natural emotions to arise and offering them space and also countering them with positive thoughts. The two can exist together! I feel like emotions show up to inform us or point us in a certain direction.

Pino - FEAR was the acronym Sashimi wrote about in another post: "False Evidence Appearing Real". How are you doing? Getting ready to BD it up, or did you guys decide to take a break this month? I know you mentioned that you were considering it.

Sleepy - Girl! I don't know where you are today, but I'm freaking out in anticipation of your testing! Excitedly! Again, I don't want to build any hope that may be dashed, but I honestly will be shocked--shocked--if that chart and your late AF don't mean that you're pg this month. I hope this is it for you!
Hey y'all! Here I am in the flesh and by flesh I mean online. AF came today so definitely no BFP for me this cycle. No worries though. I am going to go all out again this month and get that BFP. Me and OH are in it to win it.

Sashimi - I loved your post and I feel like I have definitely lost sight of the spiritual and emotional side of all this. Well at least haven't been tending to it as I should. Amazing story about your mother and the dogs. I am glad they are both alright!

I really have been trying to be more positive about this whole TTC thing, but I think I might really try to start doing these affirmations and speaking having a baby/getting pregnant into my life (that sounds weird, but whatever). We were always taught growing up that there was power in words so I am really going to start practicing that.

Lauren - That does sound frustrating about your OB. Sashimi is right. Definitely don't settle. This is your body, your soon to be BFP and eventual pregnancy. I hope you make some headway with new docs tomorrow!

Country - By the time you O, I will be starting up SMEP again. We can just be the SMEP sisters and one of us will keep it going til we get our BFPs!! Lol!

Pregpilot - Keeping everything crossed for you! Hopefully you caught some baby dust for this cycle!!
We decided that we don't want to take time off, just cause if this is our month, we don't want to pass it by.

So my birth mom's sister is the only one I have told about my TTC. I found out that she tried for years to get pregnant, and it took 3 years between each kid. It gives me some hope. I started getting so disappointed because my dad's family pops kids out like candy, and my mom's family does as well. (My dad left my birth mom after me and my brother were born. He married my Mom when I was 6 y/o. So she is who I consider Mom) Anyways, this gave me a little hope that my time will come.
Well, Sleepy, I'm all in this month, too! OH agreed to SMEP, and this is my third month on a gazillion supplements and vitamins, so hopefully that'll help, too! Sounds like you have a good attitude about it all.

Pino - It's always reassuring to hear those miracle stories :) I always thought my mom took a year but recently learned that she only took 3 months and said she almost gave up after those 3! I was like, are you kidding?? I thought I was impatient.
Lauren--- I know what you mean, Ireally thought I was just a random person out of my familythat had problems concieving. I don't know my birth mom's family at all, her sister is the only one I have contact with, and that is just recently. It does make me feel better though knowing that I am not alone in all of this. You guys are ALL great, and supportive but when I know someone I am related to has had issues, it makes me feel like maybe I am not the random, odd one out. And 3 months? I'm not sure what to say LOL. I am an impatient person as well LOL.
Aloha ladies! Gosh its so hard to keep up with these threads haha! I LOVE reading through them all though!

Sleepy- Sorry AF got you! BUT I am in the same frame of mind, Im going to really go for it this month, with positive thinking! Got my OPKS at the ready and lets get our sexytime on!!! hehe!

lauren- have you started OPKS yet? im so confused as to when everyones O'ing lol! i agree that you should totally try to find a doc that you are comfortable with and is suiting you the best! I for sure would not be settling with the nurse I first had that looked at me as if I was insane the minute I mentioned I was TTC.

preg- whennnnnnn are you testing? Im SO excited, we neeeed a BFP this month!

pino- I was thinking a lot about your preg vs baby thing!! I am so excited to be able to feel the baby growing inside me and the thought of creating somthing soo special would be amazing! however, i have thought about every stage of having a child as well, imagining taking my child to their first day of school, helping them with classes, every night puting off their light. These are the thoughts that get me through each day because I know how long term it will be when my baby arives so as long as I know that I dont mind that its taking a little longer than I thought!!

Supermoon looks amazing from the pictures! OH said hed seen it but I didnt even know about it! :(. hope one of you wished for us all :)
Im feeling quite good today, and I have soo many more plans ahead of me that I didnt even remember about haha. Only 2 weeks until my holiday and Im getting extremlely excited. Although I wish I was O'ing during the time Im there for luck but unfortunately it will be the week before! Atleast it will make my TWW a LOT less stressful while im lying on a beach!

How is everyone feeling? So glad Ive got all you guys to talk to :) xxx
treasured - I haven't started but I think I will if I have enough cheapies left! I am only on CD6, but last night I got what felt like O pains starting already...with any luck I'll O early and get this show on the road! Not likely, though, lol. I think it's hard to O early.
treasured - I´ll be testing in the morning. 16 hours or thereabouts until I have an answer for ya :)
lauren - did your OB say at what point she would do more testing? Like would it take more time or does she just want you to wait it out forever? I agree with Sashimi, if this will be your doctor through the whole pregnancy process, she may not be THE ONE lol Wow your comment on negative and positive thoughts is bang on for me, I find myself feeling sad or frustrated about it all but try to point those thoughts/feelings towards the positives, that we have appointments set up and are headed in the right direction.

Sashimi - sorry to hear you are having bouts of sadness about the IUIs. It must be difficult to know you are doing so much and it hasn't happened yet. Are you doing another round before you go away?

Sleepy - sorry to hear about AF but glad you aren't letting her get you down! In it to win it is awesome lol SMEP sisters sound perfect! Hopefully we'll get those BFPs the same month!

Pino - happy to hear you came to the conclusion together. Hopefully your monitor will help out!

treasured - your 2ww will fly by on your trip! That's the best place to be!

preg_pilot - I'll be rushing to my computer in the morning to find out the results! Any symptoms?

I'm on CD30 and am still waiting to O lol but I'm not stressing about it cause there's nothing I can do. I've decided not to test with OPKs unless I feel like that's the day as I wasn't getting anywhere with them and started to feel like I was wasting them. My positive spin is that it's giving DH and I a lot more opportunity to BD for fun! :happydance: Happy Hump Day everyone!
country - I hope you O soon~~ and get that BFP!

sleepy - SMEP sisters! :happydance: :happydance:

Happy Hump Day to everyone as well~~
Quick question for everyone..... I am looking at cause I am learning more about the bbt charting and I was curious if anyone has upgraded their account to VIP. Is it even worth it? Should I not bother??
I remember I had free VIP when I first signed up. I personally don't think it's worth it as I only use it to track/chart my temperature.

The difference I can recall having VIP memebership was:
1. You can track your symptoms and have it show on your charts (like sore boobs, bloated, etc.) whereas regular membership you have to go into the individual entry to see what you "comment" what you've marked as your symptoms.
2. You can do chart overlay from your previous cycles. Maybe help you see your cycle pattern better?
3. You can do search on other people's charts that are similar to yours
Ladies, I'm writing an emergency post from work! Just when I thought there wouldn't be anymore TTC surprises, something completely comes out of left field. I met with my doctor today and he seemed generally very disappointed that the last IUI didn't take. He feels that my lining is too thin to hold on to a pregnancy. I know he raised these concerns last time, and on the day of the IUI my lining was on the low side of being thick enough to proceed with the IUI.

I had fully expected to go in and maybe get a higher dose of the femara that I took last time, but the doctor felt it was in my best interest to do injectibles. So for the next 10 days I have to shove a giant needle in my stomach. The injectibles will not only mimic what the femara did in terms of creating good-quality eggs, it will also thicken the lining so that a pregnancy can hold on.

Here are the downsides: The injectibles might work "too well" and therefore release 10 or more eggs. In this case, they will cancel the IUI or we can opt to go straight into IVF. Also, my medical insurance does not cover fertility drugs like this and the needles are $100 a day for at least 10 days. ($1,000!) The money doesn't concern us, but I don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on something that might be cancelled. Also, I don't even want to mention IVF because I am so not ready to go down that road.

I really wish my husband had been at the appointment, because I basically had to make a decision on the spot whether to proceed with the injectibles. I decided to go for it because I really trust my doctor and feel that if he thinks this is the best route, then we should go for it.

From there, I went in a room with a nurse who gave me a lesson on how the needles work. She had me inject myself in the stomach and it took me about 15 minutes to work up the courage. I don't have a fear of needles, but when you are doing it yourself it's really intimidating. I felt like I was going to pass out, but I did it and felt pretty proud.

After the appointment I called my husband and I think I was in such a state of shock, I actually don't remember the conversation. I fact, I have been on autopilot all morning. My computer at work blew up and I am working from a laptop that contains none of my files while I'm in the middle of a deadline! So, I decided to take a breather from this stressful day and turn to my TTC friends.

Ladies, I hope that none of your TTC journies ever go down this route. While I am completely glad we have been working with our fertility specialist and have his help and support, my journey is starting to terrify me. My doctor also suggested I get on the wait list for a laparoscopy--exploratory keyhole surgery to see if anything could be wrong that the basic testing didn't pick up. AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Country: To answer your question, yes I guess I am doing another round before the trip.

Lauren: I mentioned to my doctor that I have a cat. I was not tested for that... toxoplasma or whatever it is that cats can give you, can't remember the name. So he is going to run a test for that when I go back to the clinic this weekend. I'm sure if I had whatever that was I'd have symptoms? I'm not well-versed on the topic of cats and TTC, even though I SHOULD be considering we have a cat.

Thanks for letting me have a huge mid-day vent session. I'm having one of those days where everything seems kinda surreal. Xoxxo
:hugs: Sashimi.... I'm so sorry to hear about this part of your journey. I'm very proud of you as well for injecting the needle onto yourself (I think I would've scream/can't bare to watch if I was to do that to myself -- not a good idea to 'not watch'). I hope those gold medal :spermy: will be smart and catch those eggies! Twins? Triplets? More?? :) :)

We're always here for you and happily listen to your vent sessions~
SahimiMimi--- I am sorry about the road this has taken. Lets hope that sticking yourself for 10 days will make this your month!!!:hugs: You have tremendous will power. I am terrified of needles LOL. I hope this takes so that you have no more worries!! Keep us updated!!! :hugs:
sashimi I am proud of you! I have no fear of needles either but I think it would be completely differnt having to do it to yourself!! I hope they wont cancel your IUI but maybe if theres 10 eggs in there OHs spermies can take their pick of the hottest one ;), hehe! But really though, so sorry your having to go down this road and all these things that youve had to deal with! When did it occur to you to get somthing checked out? cause I thought that you had to wait atleast a year before being seen by a doctor? Im at cycle 8 and wondering if I should begin the process? Im far to scared though, I dont think anything is wrong but at the same time I think everything is! ahh ! x
preg_pilot - I'll be rushing to my computer in the morning to find out the results! Any symptoms?

Lots of symptoms actually.
From 2-10DPO I had almost every early pregnancy symptom there could be. It would probably be easier to count the ones I didn´t have.
At 11DPO, everything vanished, except a slight cramp and a backache.
Those slowly got less and less, and today they´re nearly nonexistent.
My boobs hurt like hell today, for about 1-2 hours, though they got better as they day went by. Now they just feel sort of warm and full, and kind of sore. Nothing too bad though.

Oh yeah, and wayyyy more CM than I´ve ever seen in my life.
And tired... oh so tired.
Hello ladies, sorry for absence (a wedding and then friends plus their baby staying for 2 nights!) but they do say it makes the heart fonder!

I was hoping to find a string of BFP posts but sadly it wasn't to be.

Sorry to hear your news Sashimi, your TTC process is really testing your strength and your patience and luckily you have plenty of both. Amazing work on the needles and this next stage is tricky but you can get through it. I have long suspected that I don't have a thick enough lining-especially after my one-off implantation bleeding a few months back.

Am going to the nurse's tomorrow-what's the best thing to ask for when you're starting out looking into problemos? The blood tests for hormones? Any advice appreciated! Thanks so much, really appreciate all your help. Am having a scan of my ovaries etc on Monday too-finally got the appointment a month on!

Sleepy-sorry AF came to crash your party, glad you're picking yourself up well for this cycle.

Lauren, Pino, lxb, treasured and pregpilot-hope you're all doing well and having good cycles.

Countrygirl - get down on it! I'm coming up to my O this weekend so am glad the couple and their baby have gone as not easy to BD around it all!

I will say also that experience of a baby 24/7 for 3 days showed me how lovely yet relentless it is. OH and I enjoying a night to ourselves and no crying or squealing interrupting our sleep tonight! Will catch up with you all tomorrow eve but desperado for some shut eye now! xxx
preg_pilot - I'll be rushing to my computer in the morning to find out the results! Any symptoms?

Lots of symptoms actually.
From 2-10DPO I had almost every early pregnancy symptom there could be. It would probably be easier to count the ones I didn´t have.
At 11DPO, everything vanished, except a slight cramp and a backache.
Those slowly got less and less, and today they´re nearly nonexistent.
My boobs hurt like hell today, for about 1-2 hours, though they got better as they day went by. Now they just feel sort of warm and full, and kind of sore. Nothing too bad though.

Oh yeah, and wayyyy more CM than I´ve ever seen in my life.
And tired... oh so tired.

sounds great to me!! :thumbup:


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