Could use a buddy

Lxb I love your little singing in the rain emoticon!! Also Lxb, Pino, Haribo and Treasured thank you for your supportive words. Was not expecting such an aggressive approach this soon, but hey... I'll go for it if it means my chances are improved!

Lxb- the chances of multiples increase even more with the puregon injections. My neighbor has dreamt on more than one occasion that I have twins and this was before we started TTC. So I keep telling myself that maybe this is all happening because we are meant to have twins!!??

Pino- I felt like such a wimp today. I kept getting really dizzy at the thought of the needles and nearly keeled over. 1 down 10 more to go!

Haribo- yes it seems the magic number for getting checked for TTC issues is 1 year. I couldn't wait that long and got checked at 8 months. As I have mentioned in previous cycles the treatment for the thyroid issue they found has changed my life. I have never felt better. So when you go ask for all the basic blood work that check thyroid, progesterone and all those things. The ultrasound is a good step too. Your OH could get a sperm analysis. We did a test that showed I have hostile CM that doesn't let sperm through... Wish I had known that before I spent 11 years on the pill. These are all basic tests that can help, don't be scared! It's better to check now than wait.

I had planned on going grocery shopping this evening, but it's rainy crappy weather today, I had a stupid day at work and I'm overwhelmed by TTCing. So I think it's going to be a pizza and American Idol night! My SIL highly recommended the book everyone has been talking about TCOYF, so I think I am going to get it this weekend once and for all! I went on th website and looked at the forum. One of the threads were about the most annoying things people say when you're TTC. Ughhh! Reading those just made my blood boil. It doesn't matter where you are the comments to TTCers is all the same! With relax and have fun at the top of the list.
Oh, Sashimi!! I cannot believe your strength and courage and patience! I am thinking of becoming a nurse so I've been trying to imagine how I could inject someone else--but injecting yourself? I am very, very impressed, and very sorry that you have to do such a thing. Would the docs cancel the IUI if too many eggs were released? Because too many may get fertilized? That is what I understood from what you wrote but correct me if I'm wrong. Is there any way they can monitor the progress and see how many follicles are maturing and ease up on the meds if needed? I don't know anything about this stuff, obviously, but I'm so curious now! I'm so sorry you've had to deal with all of this, Sashimi. The good part is that your docs have been able to pinpoint all of the obstacles and that you and OH are willing and able to pay for such specialized treatment and attention! Those are the blessings. I hope that your ten days of injections pay off--you deserved a BFP before and you most certainly will deserve one after all of that. How did your doctor pinpoint the lining issue? I've never heard of that before. It makes total sense, though. Also, I will be curious to hear about the toxoplasmosis results, and I think it's like you said before--if it was overall a big concern docs would test for it regularly. I wouldn't worry! You've got enough on your plate to worry about for now--my goodness you've had a day :hugs:. And the lap--I've actually felt envious before of women who have gotten it because it seems so helpful, but that's certainly terrifying, too. I'm glad you emergency posted to us! It was a lucky thing you started this thread and we now all have access to such great support ;) Please feel free to continue venting! I wouldn't know what to do in your place--you are an inspiration! I hope your OH is super duper sweet to you tonight, too.

A friend just arrived but I will chat all you other ladies later. :)
Uggggggh I had this long post I wrote and this stupid computer crashed. Annoying!!

Sashimi - I am so sorry you had to go through all that day. This journey is definitely overwhelming to say the least. I hope there are no more surprises except for a BFP, hehe :) You are being so strong and brave and positive about everything. I really can't imagine anyone handling it better.

Pregpilot - Your symptoms sound good - esp the increased CM. Good luck girl!

Haribo - Rest up so that you can get to it this weekend. Glad you're back!
Pino - My favorite thing about the VIP membership is that you can post to and read posts in the forums. I don't spend too much time on there since I have my lovely BnB thread (you all!), but when I have a serious charting question it's really nice to have access to that forum.

Preg - Those symptoms sound amazing! I can't wait for tomorrow's test result!! You KNOW you have to post pics if/when it's a BFP!

haribo - Hiii! You've had a busy time of it! I am doing well, and only on CD 6 so my cycle is boring at this point, lol. I'm drinking beer while I can! I was off of all alcohol for about 8 months for various reasons, and Boulder (where I live) is famous for its microbreweries, so it's been tough avoiding beer. Anyway, I'm doing well, lol. Where are you at in your cycle?

AFM, ready to SMEP! OH agreed to start on CD10 but I'm sure he wouldn't mind beginning a little earlier...
Sashimi - I am SO jealous of your pizza night!! That's all I want right now. I may just have to order in...
Thanks, Lauren!! I'm feeling a lot better this evening. So to answer your question, I will be very closely monitored while doing the injections. They will adjust my does accordingly to avoid the risk of 10+ eggs, but there is still the chance that it could happen. They will refuse to do the IUI because it is just too much of a health risk. So we can opt to cancel or we can proceed with IVF. I'm just going to cross that bridge when we come to it.

I found a YouTube video on how to administer the needle and have it all set up and ready to go in for the morning. I feel like it's more neat, than scary. Amazing how a piece of plastic and some fluid can cost $1,000, but I went into this fertility clinic willing to try anything, so self injections it is. My OH got really into it and wants to do it for me, but something about that though makes me more nervous than doing it myself. So he said he would just watch and offered to come with my to cycle monitoring on Saturday. (I often see husbands following their wives around the clinic and even into the tiny, dark ultrasound rooms! I guess they are just trying to be supportive.)

So I'm feeling confident about the needles. I know I can do it! So as for the lining, last month the day before the IUI my doctor said he was worried my lining was too thin. It was 6mm. The next day it was 7mm and he said that was okay. I guess it's on the low side of normal. I have read on some threads that 9mm is possibly a good place to be, but I will ask my doctor what the target measurement is. I'd rather spend $1000 on needles that will give me a thick lining to safely hold a baby in place, than a few inexpensive pills that do nothing.

I'm curious about the toxoplasmosis test, too, although it is the least of my concerns. Just one more thing to check to be sure. But the lap, now THAT is something I do not want to do. My HSG test was a cinch, but I still reacted as if I was on a roller coaster by throwing my arms up in the air, covering my eyes and screaming. I was still yelling long after they were done. So lap surgery? No thanks. Obviously I'll do it if I have to, but I am even more determined to get my BFP before we even have to cross that bridge.

I'm starting to feel now more than ever that I do deserve the bfp! OH and I talked about it and we agreed, we are not taking no for an answer and this baby is coming one way or another.

Well at least my fertility testing helps you guys know what to expect. I don't mind being the group guinea pig because I seem to be doing it all!

Sleepy, don't you hate when posts disappear from computer crashes? That was the story of my day, but computer problems at work was a good distortion. If I will still off work, I would have sat on the couch and cried.

Country are you sure you haven't Oed? Are you going by OPKs, temps or both? I never managed to temp properly, but it brings me back to the ovulating tap water story and sometimes I don't trust those strips!
SashamiMimi--- I am so glad that your husband is very supportive!! You deserve that!! I don't know if I would let mine stick me either LOL. I am glad you are the guinea pig, it does help watching what to expect if things don't work the natural way for us. On the other hand, I am sorry that you have to go through it. You def. deserve that BFP!! Hopefully it works this cycle so you don't have to worry about IVF!!

Lauren--- Hahahad I got pizza too LOL JK. I might just upgrade to the VIP when this one expires. It sounds like it can be worth it. I really want to start taking this all seriously. I have been trying the last 2 years. I started the BBT and got frustrated. I had lost so much hope in TTC, and I really can't afford going to a fertility specialist anymore. The testing that I did have done ran a bunch of tests on me and myhusband. She said I had nothing to worry about, that we had only been TTC a year and sometimes it takes time. So I out alot of faith in it "just happening" Last month I barely started looking in the specific details in TTC. I have tried all of them at one time, but I have decided to do them all, and NOT give up this time.... Sorry about the rant.

Just to get this right CD# is before Oing right? And DPO is after Oing??? Just making sure I understanding all of the terms. And what is SMEP
Tested this morning, got a :bfn:
Will test again on Monday if AF doesn´t show.

@pino6161: CD is cycle day - day one is the first day of AF. and CD26, can sometimes also be DPO - or days past ovulation. CD1 is day one of AF. (auntie flo).
SMEP is sperm meets egg plan, where you :sex: every other day from CD8 until O. 3 days in a row then, a day off and one more day for good measure.
preg - BFN but no AF?? I think you're still in :)

Pino - Yeah, I mean it's $45 for an entire year, which is cheap! It has been worth it for me just to have access to charting info and to be able to ask questions. I am certainly not a charting pro yet, though I do feel like that site has taught me a lot!

Sashimi - Technology is amazing! So will you go in daily for monitoring, or just a few times? And LOL--you can literally find tutorials about anything on YouTube! I don't know how I would feel about getting stuck by my's nice that yours offered, though! It's great, too, that you guys are on the same page and are both willing and ready to stick it out if needed, though hopefully you won't have to. Lol about you throwing your hands up and screaming during the HSG. And I feel you on the lap--the term 'exploratory surgery' always puts me a little on edge.

ONE more question :) So if the decide to cancel the IUI, will you have to go straight to IVF, or will they do a few more IUIs with you?

Well ladies, my coffee blend is officially almost completely decaf at this point :p I have to have coffee, even if there's only 8mg of caffeine per decaf cup! I've also been trying to get off of sugar--I've read and heard so many times that it's the most detrimental thing to keep in your diet (besides alcohol and cigarettes and loads of caffeine, of course). In addition, sugar plumps me up real, real quick. Since I've stopped it this week, though, I have had a ferocious appetite! I think my body turns on the hunger signal over and over in hopes that I'll just give in and eat a piece of cake, lol.

How is everyone else?
Sashimi - what a day you had yesterday! Good for you for going through with it and giving yourself the needle! I read somewhere if you have to give yourself needles, the first time you do it you'll feel like a rockstar lol hope it made you feel empowered! As much as it sucks having to go through it and the cost, it's one step closer. Why aren't you ready for IVF? You and Lauren seem to have opposite doctors! What clinic are you going to? I'm starting to get familiar with them though I think we'll be referred to Ottawa since they do satellite monitoring here in Kingston. I want to thank you for making this thread too, it is such a support system and you are definitely the glue! I highly recommend that book too! I suppose I'm not 100% sure I haven't O'd but my temps are still down. I am temping everyday and was using OPKs to verify but have given up on those now lol what kind were you using? I have a feeling this could be an anovulatory cycle judging by how long it's taking.

preg_pilot - they sound like great symptoms, hopefully it's just a tad too soon for the BFP to show up! How are you doing today?

haribo - sounds like you had a nice time with your company, and a good test of what's to come! Good luck catching that egg this weekend!

Sleepy - computers suck lol but without them we wouldn't be able to talk like this so I guess we have to deal!

lauren - good luck with the SMEP! I think if you can, starting on CD8 is optimal! My DH kind of forgot we were doing it but it worked out for the first couple of weeks anyway, and we're back on track now! Hopefully it works out for you, the odds are good with it :)

Pino, lxb and treasured - hope you are all hanging in there! :hugs:
Oh yea, Pino I am just using the free FF and it's fine for me but I literally just need it for temping so if you want to get more involved with it you may want to upgrade?

Congrats on the decaf lauren! I admit I eat a lot of sugar, I could do completely without salt or fat but I put a spoon of sugar or honey in my 2-3 cups of tea and like a cookie or two and my fruit so I should lay off... ugh...
Country - Oh, I could never, ever, in a million years give up my honey in my coffee! Lol. I am cutting our refined sugars, but that's about as far as I can go at the moment. I've done it before, many times, so I know it'll get easier, but the first week is rough. I'm pretty much off of refined carbs, but sugars are harder. I don't cut fruit out ever, though I don't eat much of it to begin with. Cookies are the tough ones to avoid. Whole Foods makes a mean vegan chocolate chip cookie (I'm not vegan, but these are good!).
Little bit confused today ladies!!

So I used my first OPK today (CD 10) and there is a faint line there, like not SUPER faint but obviously not as dark as the control. The last times I used OPKS i didnt get this strenght of line until like CD 13, and it got steadily darker until I got a postive on CD 16. Do you think I could have just ovulated late those two cycles and completly have missed O last month cause I was basing it on that? If thats the case and I'm O'ing earlier than I thought that means I dont have a short LP and it would acctually be like 12-13 days :D!! that would be amazing news :)

Sorry, bit confusing, but basically what Im asking is, do you think it could give me a line even if im not going to ovulate? I was planning on OPKing every 2 days until CD16 but do you think i should do one every day now seeing as I might be O'ing earlier?

Preg- FX still for you !!!
Thanks gals :)
Sleepy - computers suck lol but without them we wouldn't be able to talk like this so I guess we have to deal!

It's so weird that I feel like I know you all so well but there's so much we don't know about one another!! I totally have an idea in my head of what everyone looks like, too, lol. It's true, though, computers are amazing for being able to do this type of thing. I truly don't know how I'd get through this process without you all and without a resource like the internet and charting software! How did our moms do it?? I guess they all got pregnant right away, right? Lol.

treasured - Mine always show a faint line, even on CD 1 or during week 3! Mine usually gets darker. It's pretty faint until the few days leading up to O. It gets a little bit darker and then really dark. Fx that you are O-ing early! For some reason I feel like I might be, too.
You could take it daily, just for a while until you see when you ovulate, and see if it ends up on a schedule! My fingers are crossed for longger LP !!
country - Ahh.. I couldn't give up sugar either!! I've been into baking for the past few months~~~ been making desserts... cookies.. and cupcakes~~~~~ MMmm!! :blush:

treasured - You could O early/late each cycle. Possible cause to delay in O is sickness/stress. And after all, our body have a mind of its own! :shrug: I think you should test with OPK everyday. I think it's recommended to test twice a day (but I do once a day) and NOT with FMU (I usually test at ~10AM)

lauren - haha.. .yeah... i have an idea of what everyone look like too! but i know for a fact that the images in my head won't come close to what everyone actually look like! hahaha.... :haha: And I agree that this forum has kept me busy and you ladies has certainly provided me with the supports that I needed and I hope I do the same for you too :hugs:
lxb - me too! I bake a few times a week and would love to turn it into a part time job someday lol

lauren - I totally picture everyone too, it's hard not to now that we all kind of 'know' each other! It's true though, we really only know a small part of everyone. I definitely feel like our moms just got prego right away, they don't understand why we 'try', it just happened for them so it should just happen for us! I'm having some honey in my green tea right now :coffee: lol

treasured - I'd say to keep testing and keep BDing! Anything is possible, I've definitely learned that! Are you temping at all?
preg_pilot - they sound like great symptoms, hopefully it's just a tad too soon for the BFP to show up! How are you doing today?

Doing alright I guess.
A little depressed.
If I didn´t succeed this time, I only have one more chance this year, due to work.
Still no AF though, so that´s something.
Doing alright I guess.
A little depressed.
If I didn´t succeed this time, I only have one more chance this year, due to work.
Still no AF though, so that´s something.

Sorry your feeling down :hugs: How come you only get one more try? If you don't mind me asking? Hope things get better :hugs: :hug:
Doing alright I guess.
A little depressed.
If I didn´t succeed this time, I only have one more chance this year, due to work.
Still no AF though, so that´s something.

Sorry your feeling down :hugs: How come you only get one more try? If you don't mind me asking? Hope things get better :hugs: :hug:

Thanks. :hugs:

I work at a place where I can´t work for the last 3 months of pregnancy (and only the first 6 if I have no complications (or queasiness)).
I also can´t work for at least the first 6 weeks after birth.
My main working months are may-september, so I´m planning on being able to work for the first 6 months over the summer, and still be done with delivering before I have to show up at work again in may next year.

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