Could use a buddy

Today has been hard so far.

I went to Cattleman's to get lunch for my husband, and the lady said "Happy Mother's Day" and handed me a rose. I almost cried. I'm feeling kinda down. As a plus I called my mom today. She lives in OK I miss her alot. Hopefully we will move up there within the next 2 years!
Hi gals :)

welcome ADR!! good to have another friend to add to our list :) so sorry to hear about your m/cs :( glad you are still keeping on trying though and just gotta keep your chin up!!

saundra- woohoo, got you on facebook now yay, love that we can get a little idea of each others lives! we are soo far away from each other! Hope your feeling ok :) soo upsetting about the mothers day thing, i HATE when things like that are brought up! I was at a clothes sale and picked up the cutest furry bear hoodie for newborn and the lady was like would that fit your wee one... and I was like... ummmm, maybe if i ever had one :(

how is everyone today? I'm a little confused, im 13dpo and took another OPK this evening and it is a lot lighter than my previous tests. Does this mean I might have already O'd. None of my tests have been dark enough to be positive though I thought. Could it just be cause its later on and there is less LH in my urine?



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Pino - I had a bit of a hard time, too, though not as hard as I'd suspected it would be! I did feel jealous of my SIL and BIL--they were just beaming with pride about their three beautiful kids at the Mother's Day brunch we had with them and my parents-in-law. It was sooooo easy for them to get pg 3 times. I feel like I'm immasculating (sp?) my husband by not getting pregnant! I know that sounds dumb, but my BIL is just so smitten with his mini-him. My new nephew looks JUST like him. I just felt guilty, weirdly! Sorry you've had a rough one. :hugs:
Treasured - Maybe you missed your surge and you took the OPK when you were coming down from it?

Lauren - Yay for O'ing early. I always love when that happens. It's like a pleasant little surprise and then enter the TWW, lol.

Preg - Realllllly been thinking about you today. Can't wait to hear from you!

Haribo - I'm sure your scan is going to go juust fine. I hope everything comes out good and that it isn't too uncomfortable.

Pino and Lauren - I hear you on it being a rough day. I didn't realize how emotional I would be. I definitely cried the entire ride back from my parents. We literally had 4 friends announce their pregnancy today, either through Facebook, text message or a phone call. Plus with it being my niece's birthday party yesterday, there were tons of babies and young kids around. And you know how nosey everyone was asking whether I had an announcement to make. So difficult today. Praying that this time next year, we will all have little babies in our arms or bellies :hugs:
Lauren--- I know what you mean by feeling like you are emasculating your OH. I feel the same way hopefully soon we will all get our chance!!!
Sleepy--- Sorry about your bad day. I am selifishly glad thatI am not the only one that had a bad day though. It makes me feel less lonely.

preg_pilot. I am sorry to hear about the BFN. I am holding out hope for you though! Keep us updated.
preg - keeping my fx!

I keep feeling like I'm going to O early but I haven't gotten a + yet. I have had super fertile CM and my CP is changing...maybe I will just have a bigger fertile window this month.

In other news, OH and I are going to New Orleans in two weeks! Super excited.
Hi there, Im in exactly the same boat! I am 30 and been trying for nearly 8 months no luck. Signs of my AF today too, so feeling pretty sad! The 2 week wait is horrible and then feel so deflated!
Hi Hermione and welcome, we all hate the 2ww so you are in the right place to have a moan!

Lauren-yay to your New Orleans trip, exciting! Know what you mean about emasculating OH but as our partners have fine sperm counts I feel it reflects more on my useless, barren self rather than my OH, sniff sniff.

Sleepy, sorry that you're in that window of baby announcements. And Pino, know how hard it is-it's so tough. On Mother's Day here all the mums were brought boxes of chocs when we were out for lunch, and my mum and sister got one then they brought one over for me before I had a chance to say, i'm not a mum! I didn't want to eat the chocs as felt like I might jinx having a baby. My boss announced the pregnancy of her 2nd child today-she got pregnant on her honeymoon and then in 2nd month of trying. I am happy for her but it's not surprising you start to feel paranoid about yourself. Still these things are sent to test us and test us they do!

Treasured-i can't offer any advice on OPK stuff, sorry. I use the clearblue monitor and don't know anything about thicknesses of lines etc. Hope things are clearer tonight.

Preg pilot, you are so still in with a chance, your AF really is late, keep us updated!

I went in today for tests and after waiting an hour, they said it was all fine-womb, both ovaries, cervix, uterus, nothing to note about fallopian tubes-am really pleased. Guess it's now just the blood tests next month for the time being. I have officially entered the 2ww, wish me well and send me some welcome distraction! Thanks again for all your help and support.
Welcome Hermione and ADR! This thread is great and everyone is so supportive. You are definitely in the right place.

Preg - Sorry about the BFN. I am still rooting for you though!

Lauren - New Orleans!! So fun. Going for any particular reason or just relaxing and taking a vacay?

Pino - Don't worry, I feel better too knowing that I'm not alone in how I feel. Makes me not feel so crazy!

Treasured - Did you POAS again? Is the line any darker/thicker?

How's everyone else doing?
Hermione Welcome!!!

So today was def. better. I have been painting ALL day, so keeping busy for sure! I want to thank everyone for their support yesterday. It was a hard day. So as I have mentioned before my brother's wife is having a baby in 6 weeks. He is edging his family out, and it has my mom really upset. She did not get invited to the baby shower. I didn't expect to cause I am so far away, it just bothers me how upset my mom is. It's not really fair since he is 2 years younger than me, and in no terms financially stable. I wish I could just slap sense into him!!!
Haribo - Glad to hear that your tests went well! That's a relief I'm sure. I hope this two week wait brings you something extra special at the end (not you AF!). Lol!! Hopefully you got in lots of BD'ing this weekend. You're on your way!

Pino - That's crazy. I'm sure your mom appreciates you listening and being there for her even if you aren't close in proximity. Hopefully someone will knock some sense into your brother soon!
Haribo, I've gotten back to you too late. I don't think it makes a different if you BD the day before you get probed by the ultrasound. You might have found it uncomfortable, but probably saw it's pretty easy.

As for me, it's been another whirlwind of fertility visits. Saturday's appointment showed that I had 8 follicles developing, if all were to be released it could mean IVF. So they cut my medication in half and today's appointment showed only 5 follicles. So I think I will have ovulation induced tomorrow with a trigger shot, and then we will do the IUIs this Wednesday and Thursday. Of course, this is WAY earlier than I expected to do it. We are talking CD10 and 11 here. So I'm pretty overwhelmed by another unexpected turn of events, but I'll go with it. I hope that five follicles means I have a better chance at getting a BFP!

This is absolutely the worst week for both OH and I to be doing this. Both of us are insanely busy at work and I'm not sure I will even be able to make my acupunture appointment after work on Thursday, but I'm not going to stress about it until I cross that bridge. I look at it this way: For my first two IUIs I went home and did nothing for 2 days. This time I will have to go back to work and face two, very busy days in a row... So maybe that is a good thing. If I went home and did nothing before and had 2 failed IUIs maybe I need to go to work and be intensely busy? I'm trying to see the positives!

Some of you may recall, that OH put me in touch with the wife of a work colleague who has studied nutrition. She went through two years of TTC with 3 MCs and 3 failed IUIs. She did a major overhaul of her diet and got a BFP after six weeks of changing her nutrition. I will copy and paste what she wrote... Keep in mind that lots of people get BFPs on all sorts of diets, but this is just one example that worked for this particular person if anyone is interested:

"The diet consists of eliminating: all sources of gluten (includes wheat, oats, rye, barley etc) all dairy except organic natural yogurt (no sugar added) all meat (only organic poultry and fish allowed) all caffeine and alcohol, processed foods (especially those with added sugar) added sugar, saturated fats and soy (except fermented soy eg soy sauce, miso, tempeh)

Things you should eat: fish, poultry, eggs, beans, grains like quinoa, millet and brown rice, lentils, chick peas, fruits and veggies, organic yogurt, nuts and seeds, almond milk.

For exercise: you should exercise but for no more than 45 minutes 3-4 times per week and not too intensely.

A few sources:
The Infertility Cure by Randine Lewis
The Toronto Centre for Naturopathic Medicine (handouts from my naturopath)
The Pregnancy Miracle by Lisa Olsen

There are some differences between the sources in terms of which fruits and veggies are best, but I just eat any fruits and veggies. The idea behind eliminating gluten and dairy is that in many women they cause inflammation which prevents conception. Red meat causes an acidic environment which prevents conception. Caffeine is known to have detrimental effects on pregnancy, and alcohol has been found to decrease the likelihood of conception. Saturated fats, unfermented soy and added sugars increase estrogen production.

I would also strongly recommend that you see a naturopath, who will give you acupuncture to promote correct uterine function, may recommend some supplements/herbs and advise you further on nutrition and lifestyle changes.

While I have little doubt that the diet and acupuncture worked for me (fingers crossed!), I know it doesn't work for everyone. I truly hope that it works for you.

@Lauren: On the topic of decaf, this one is for you!

"I personally avoid decaf coffee. The processed used to decaffeinate coffee involves some fairly nasty chemicals. I stick to caffeine-free tea. I have found my energy levels have naturally picked up since being on the diet (I am still on it, at least until the end of my first trimester.)"

Well, I'm up at the crack of down tomorrow to go back to the fertility clinic. I honestly could not believe how busy it was today. I got to the clinic 30 minutes after it opened at 7 a.m. and I was the 31st person in line. I didn't get out of there until after 9 a.m., so I guess I'm not the only one in this city struggling to get my BFP.

I'm trying to remain optimist, although I do have my "what if" moments. But I figure with 5 follicles and doing injections that are giving me a thicker lining, this is my best chance yet!
SashimiMimi---- Thanks for sharing!! I will have to try that.I have gone 3 days w/ no caffeine, sugar, and bread for 3 days. I'm on a roll LOL. Good Luck.... I really hope this works!!! :hugs:
Welcome, hermione!

haribo - I do NOT think that you're barren :) But I know how you feel! I'm glad to hear all your tests went well, too! That means it's just a matter of time, as lame as it is to have to wait.

Sleepy - My OH had time off of his job anyway, and needs to practice flying (he finished a fear of flying class recently), and since I don't have a new job yet we thought it would be perfect timing. He's never been, and I loooooove the south!

Sashimi - Thanks for sharing the list! Some of these are things I've heard but sort of ignored, but now that they're coming from a reliable source I'm all over it, lol. The wheat thing is the one I've tried particularly to avoid hearing. But honestly, I've cut back on wheat all on my own, somehow, over the past month. I live in the absolute best place to eat wheat-free--the stores and restaurants here all offer so many non-wheat options. I am surprised to hear about the red meat thing. Not surprised about the fat and sugar (though those are hard to give up, too!). I'm relieved that decaf isn't so great for us, lol. I'd so much rather just have half cup of regular. That sounds exciting and nutty that you're getting the trigger shot so early in the month. I'd definitely say that, with 5 follicles, you have a great chance!

Afm, my OPKs are now starting to get lighter....I didn't get a full +, but maybe I got close enough? I have suspected for a while that I may not ovulate every month, but it seems like I wouldn't have a temp rise after if I wasn't ovulating. Hm.
Welcome hermoine and ADR! :wave:

preg_pilot - Fingers crossed! Any more symptoms?

treasured - I had a few sticks that had some colour but not dark a week or so before my real positive so you may not have missed it!

lauren - sorry to hear you had a bit of a rough patch on Mother's day. My brother and SIL came with their newborn and DH held her and I could tell they had a little 'moment' and it tore at my heart. At the end of it all, it's no one's fault, though I know it can be easy to blame yourself. Woohoo for Oing early! And your trip!

Sleepy - that's a lot of BFP annoucements in one day! I have a lot of faith you'll have either the baby or the bump for Mother's day 2013 :)

Sashimi - thanks for taking the time to post all that good stuff about nutrition! Unfortunately I was lost after all gluten, all dairy and all meat lol I eat healthy but portion control rather than cut things out. I'm intrigued by the exercise though, only 45 mins 3-4 times a week and not too intensely? Sounds good to me! So excited for you, this cycle will be very quick for you and with the best chances!

pino - good job keeping off the caffeine, sugar and bread!

Finally I think I've O'd! I had positive OPKs Friday and Saturday and my temp went up slightly today. I'm not concerned about catching the egg just relieved to be in the 2ww (never thought I'd say that!). This cycle is going to be very long for me though so I'm glad I'm going to see my dr at the end of it/beginning of the next.
Really interesting on the diet stuff... Sashimi I think being busy will work in your favour as time goes quicker and you're less inclined to think about TTC stuff which can only be good? Really hopeful for you this cycle round.

Sleepy, thanks for your message!

Country, great news that you've O'ed, it's always a relief. And now on to 2ww for you...

Lauren, sorry your temps etc are confusing, why do you suspect you aren't O'ing every month if your temps increase? Don't let Toni Weschler's book unduly concern you, I'm sure it's v rare when you get thermal shift...?

Pregpilot, are you still waiting til Thu?! Excited!
:wave: Welcome Hermione ~

Sashimi - thanks for sharing. Like country, I was lost after all the gluten/dairy/etc. Recently gotten into baking certainly doesn't help in that department~~ As for exercising.. I manage to exercise once a week if I'm lucky! haha... I'm depending on 2 of my girlfriends to go workout together! We're each other's motivations but too bad.. we're all oh-so-lazy!! Did you get my email regarding kauai trip? Maybe it ended up in the junk folder again. I think I was a little all over the place while writing that email and wrote what came to my mind while trying to remember the trip. :blush:

sleepy - ah... BFP announcement are just harsh. My sis just got her BFP for her #2 and I was filled with envy!! Talk about mixed emotions~ And just yesterday I asked how long has she been trying for her #2, and she told me since January. :( (which is only ~4 months?) She got preggo pretty fast with her #1 also. I feel so happy for her as I'll be an aunt to another young life... and my niece (her #1) calls me "auntie-mama". But at the end of the day... I'm still not her real mama. :cry:

lauren - New Orleans sounds awesome~~~ enjoy yourself~ :)

country - I had a +OPK on saturday as well. Think I O sunday/mon, not sure as I didn't get to temp on Monday (yeah.. due to that long story from my journal~). Yay for tww buddies~ & hopefully bfp-buddies! :hugs:

preg_pilot - a week late is a great sign! hopefully you have a little bean inside of you!! :happydance:

haribo - tww buddies! :) great news about your tests as well. I was reading about "The Great Sperm Race" earlier and watched a documentary on that. It's just crazy! I feel bad for those :spermy: that they really had to race for their lives :haha: And just goes to show timing is everything. And ~1/5 chance in success every cycle.

Ladies, our time will come :hugs:

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