Could use a buddy

Okay I love that The Great Sperm Race. It was the first time I realized how difficult it was to get pregnant. I actually showed it to my husband back in Feb and he thought it was silly. Last week he brought it up and said that was when he realized it wasn't easy. Totally thought he wasn't paying attention, but turns out it beens a nagging little thought in his head for the past 3 months! I think maybe that's why he's so into when I'm ovulating now, lol!!
Ok so before I begin moaning...

preg; SO excited for you to test, 8 days late is amazing! you neeed to be our BFP to keep ourselves happy and positive haha! lots of luck to you :dust:

sleepy; i think Im going to O today, i'll explain below

So... Im 16dpo, and took an OPK earlier and got a dark line, not quite as dark as the control but i think I will probably O in the next 24 hours. It wont let me upload a pic right now but I'll put one on my blog later.

So me and OH BD'd yesterday morning, and I was all set today to get down to it again knowing that I had the best chance today! and OH decides oh no he cant be bothered. I tried to convince him, and was trying to explain how important ovulation day was but it wasnt going to work. I mean I understand that he just might not be up for it, but im just annoyed that hes fine to do it whenever he wants to and the one day that really matters he cant be botherd!! We are unable to do it tonight as we are both busy.... :( Im just so upset that ive been waiting 2 weeks, bought OPKS and everything and now our chances are probably gone!

He also told me to stop obsessing and stressing out about it which I know I should but he was saying that this kind of thing can ruin relationships! I was like aahhhhh Its not like im asking him to do it 5 times a day.... I thought he wanted it as much as I do but he just doesnt get how important this time is! Now we wont get to BD till tomorow night and by that time the egg might be lost :(.

Its really put me in a bit of a bad mood now because I feel like all my efforts have been wasted. :cry:.

Anyway, rant over, im off to the gym to work off some anger lol.

Hope everyone else is ok :)

Treasured - :hugs: you'll be okay. If you BD yesterday, those spermys will be in there for 3-5 days, so they'll be ready for the eggy when it is ready. BD tomorrow night will be good too as it gives time for ur OH's spermys to develop~ Once you O, the eggy will be good for a good while giving time for those spermy that will come. Try not to stress over it too much (easier said than done, i know). But force BD only because it is O day can completely ruin the mood and wont be as 'fun' as it should be. Maybe next time try not to tell OH it's your O day but try to seduce him? :haha:
Treasured--- I went through the same thing a couple months ago. Many people say it is imature not to keep OH in the loop of ovulation, but it's just easier. He feels like he is on the spot when we say you have to have sex with me today so i can get pregnant. It makes them feel like the weight of the world is on his shoulders. I know it's stupid they don't go through what we have to, but as my OH told me it's like "what if I don't get the right sperm" So I decided to leave him out of the loop and do the seductive routine LOL. I hope your day gets better. There is still time today for the best sex of all---make up sex LOL

preg_pilot--- my fingers are crossed for you!!
lxb - how are you doing in this tww? Yay for being buds! I'll have to check into this sperm race lol I'm sure my DH will be interested in it too! You definitely have the right to feel emotionally drained girl! Try to have some quiet time just yourself if you can, you deserve it.

preg_pilot - great job at holding off testing. Hoping its just taking time to give you a big bright BFP tomorrow!

ADR - good luck! BD your little heart out!

lauren - thanks for the super fingers crossed, in the super moon, super O month! Hopefully it's a super BFP for some of the ladies on here :thumbup: lol @ your 'experiments'!

Sleepy - we did pretty well keeping up with the SMEP, I feel good about the BDing (lol obviously:blush:) but not overly optimistic! I'm sure you've got SMEP down pat now, hope this time does it for you!

Pino - I really don't know what I would do. I didn't see the show but find those shows tend to stretch what could really happen. I don't understand how a baby could live at all without a brain? Toughie!

treasured - I've been through that a few times with my OH. I've learned that if he doesn't want to even though he knows it's that time, it's not meant to be. I tell myself that a baby is supposed to be the result of making love, so if he's not into it, its defeating the purpose! It's still very frustrating to go through the whole cycle gearing up for that just to lose a chance. You may still be ok BDing when you get your next chance though (and the last ones could still be hanging around...)

Well now that I'm in the 2ww we're going to start practicing for next cycle lol Hoping it's a little shorter though! Thanks for all of your excitedness for me! Just throwing this out there, have any of you discussed adoption with your OH's? Infertility is a very real possibility for us so it's always been in the back of my mind but DH doesn't even want to discuss that. I think I would want to be a mom regardless of how we had a kid...
DH & I have actually discussed about adoption. Looking at today's world, there are numerous babies that were abandoned and needing love. And why not give a child an opportunity to a different life. An opportunity for us to change someone's life. They didn't have a choice and certainly didn't choose to be born.
Thank you ladies you have made me feel a lot better about it! I try not to pressure oh into it and not mention ov but he even asks me when I am so I feel I have to speak about it. Country your totally right though about it being meant to be when we both want it! It's just more difficult for us gals to be all whatever aboutit I guess! It's just so annoying thinking it's a wasted chances. I kinda wanted to be we to say we'd done everything possible! I supposetheres no way everything can be perfect. Thanks though gals you've cheered me up! Xxxx
Country--- It actually does happen. i know a women that was pregnant with a child w/no brain but usually they want to do a D&C no matter how far you are. A child can survive because it still has a brain stem. But because they can't do regular functions they pass on quicker than normal. IDK

lxb--- We have talked about adoption also, but as bad as this sounds, I don't know if I could. Knowing that the child is not mine is part of it, but mostly I grew up with just a father and he married my step-mother when I was 6. I consider her my mom, and I always will. Watching my mom go through the pain of explaining to me and my brother that she wasn't our real mom etc. was hard. Then as we got older we got curious about our birth mother. It was really hard on her. I just don't know if I could take the pain of it myself. I know it sounds stupid. Just like I wouldn't want another women to surrogate for me. Knowing thst she gets to have the 9 month bonding with my child. I am a very jealous person. IDK
Ok so before I begin moaning...

preg; SO excited for you to test, 8 days late is amazing! you neeed to be our BFP to keep ourselves happy and positive haha! lots of luck to you :dust:

sleepy; i think Im going to O today, i'll explain below

So... Im 16dpo, and took an OPK earlier and got a dark line, not quite as dark as the control but i think I will probably O in the next 24 hours. It wont let me upload a pic right now but I'll put one on my blog later.

So me and OH BD'd yesterday morning, and I was all set today to get down to it again knowing that I had the best chance today! and OH decides oh no he cant be bothered. I tried to convince him, and was trying to explain how important ovulation day was but it wasnt going to work. I mean I understand that he just might not be up for it, but im just annoyed that hes fine to do it whenever he wants to and the one day that really matters he cant be botherd!! We are unable to do it tonight as we are both busy.... :( Im just so upset that ive been waiting 2 weeks, bought OPKS and everything and now our chances are probably gone!

He also told me to stop obsessing and stressing out about it which I know I should but he was saying that this kind of thing can ruin relationships! I was like aahhhhh Its not like im asking him to do it 5 times a day.... I thought he wanted it as much as I do but he just doesnt get how important this time is! Now we wont get to BD till tomorow night and by that time the egg might be lost :(.

Its really put me in a bit of a bad mood now because I feel like all my efforts have been wasted. :cry:.

Anyway, rant over, im off to the gym to work off some anger lol.

Hope everyone else is ok :)


Thanks, I´ll do my best to get my BFP tomorrow ;)
Otherwise, this is probably my last chance of the year (and the first...), depending on when I get my week off in june, and if it happens to coincide with ovulation. If not, I won´t even be in the same country as my OH during O... lol much?
treasured - you definitely have a great chance, having BDed yesterday and Oed today! Sounds perfect! Even if you give it one more go tomorrow, too, I bet there will still be a chance. I just saw someones FF ph chart who BDed four days before O and got pg.

Country - I hope you guys get as many options for parenthood as you want! That said, I think it's smart to entertain the idea of adoption, at least we thought we should srsly consider it even before TTC in case we couldn't have kids. In an ideal world, my OH would only adopt, bur since I want kids naturally, too, he is delighted to go that route. Our compromise was to have one naturally, then adopt, then have one, and so on, lol. OH wants to try and have a couple first naturally for age and financial reasons. I really think it's important to talk about, though. My mom wanted 5 kids and my dad wanted 1. After me he refused to have more with her. She still resents that they didn't agree or come to a compromise! I am with you, lxb, there are SO many kids out there who need families. At the same time, I'm scared I wouldn't love "someone else's" kid as much as my own. OH has tons and tons of experience with kids so he has no doubt he could love any kid. Country, I hope you guys are not infertile but I also thinks it's awesome that you're open to adopting! I know a lot of people who are adopted and they and their families adore each other.
That's so inspiring that your OH wants to adopt lauren! I would hate to regret not having kids (or more kids) so for me if it's a real possibility we can't have kids 'naturally' I know I'll want to adopt. I can't imagine my life without them, even if it's not my own. I've looked into it a little and it sounds like it's very difficult (and expensive) here but a friend of mine wants to have one of her own and adopt so I will definitely be following that journey closely. How many kids do you want?

SO, I was bored @ work this afternoon and decided to count how many BFPs we've had on this thread... 5!
I agree Lauren, it's just hard to wrap your mind around you know? I mean the thought of not able to have my own? Is that selfish? am I a bad person?
lauren - my DH suggested we should have our first kid naturally and perhaps open up the option to adopt our second kid. Reason being that we would already be parents and know how to bond with our kid as it is a natural process. If we adopt first, we might not know how to deal with it and accept it as our own. I remember he asked if I would be able to embrace the idea and take a child into our home. I, too, am also scared that I wouldn't be able to provide the unconditional love. I felt so selfish by thinking that. How can I think such thing when I know there is a child in need.

country - woo~~ 5BFP! I have a feeling there will be more soon~~~ :happydance:
lxb - I think that is TOTALLY natural, and that was my reasoning, too. I want to go through the physiological and psychological process myself first so that I can really 'feel into' being a mom. I think that's smart when you're not totally sure about adopting! If I had as much experience with kids as my husband I'm sure I'd be more ready! Plus, if we want to have natural we might as well try for it first while I'm still 'young' and until we save up thousands of dollars, lol.

country - I think it's great that you're so clear on what you want!! I want 4, lol, but we'll see about that! I know I mention $$ on this thread occasionally and that might be a taboo topic, but where I live the avg. home price is $650,000 so unless we want to move to another town or make some SERIOUS career moves, I don't know how we'd be able to have 4! I am an only child and definitely don't want just one. I did not like being an only. How many do you want?

Pino - No! You're not a bad person, lol. I think that it's really important to know what you're willing to do and what you think you'd be capable of. There are a lot of kids in need but there are also a lot of families who want and need to adopt. I really think that if it doesn't feel right to you then you shouldn't do it! :)

Question, gals: I have attached a pic of today's OPK, CD 13. Is it close enough to +?? No O-ing early for me, I guess! I am usually CD 14. I ran out of Wondfo so I went to Target and bought some of their brand and tested again when I got home. Soooooo negative! I don't know if it's just because I had recently peed or what. Anyway, what do y'all think? ALSO, for the PreSeed users: in past months we have used PreSeed and usually it seems to *prevent* leakage somehow. Today we BDed and I laid still for 45 min to allow the swimmers full access, lol. When I finally did get up and use the restroom, it seemed like EVERYTHING had come out! Sorry if that's TMI. Could it just have been a small amt of sperm mixed with a load of PreSeed?? I am worried I ruined our chance this month with too much PreSeed use! Esp after Sashimi said her CM blocks sperm! Oy.
Now that I look at it this big it doesn't look + at all..
Hmm doesn't look positive to me either Lauren, but looks like it's getting really close! Maybe try to POAS again tonight and you'll catch your surge. Also, I'm sure it didn't all leak out! I know it feels like that, but I'm sure it was prob a mix of semen and Preseed. Those little guys know how to swim and I doubt they were just swimming in circles. Some of them had to be headed the right direction!

I have never talked to OH about adoption, but I have definitely thought about it. I've always been very open to the idea and I really do think OH would as well. Lauren - I always wanted 4 kids but the cost of living here is way outta control too. It has really made us rethink our plans because we need to be making some serious money to be able to provide for them. Part of me thinks that no matter what, if we had 4 kids, we would just find a way and make it work.
Lauren. I don't think there is any real possibility of it ALL coming out. It might have just been the preseed. I notice when I use it it all comes out it seems, unless i do a handstand lol. I was laying in bed thinking about it last night wondering if there was any way to just "tape it up" after BD LOL.

It doesn't look like a full positive maybe tomorrow??

By the way, I was looking at the website given for SMEP, and I was wondering if I can still do that with the fertility monitor? I have tryed just BDing with no success.

Is there a such thing as too much sex? I mean sorry TMI Me and OH do it nightly/sometimes every other night. Except for when I'm on my period cause it grosses me out. We don't really do it just to TTC... is it bad? Do we need to stop BDing so much????
Sleepy - Thanks!! I think you're right. I don't think my Target brand tests are going to show a +...I should have known. The first month I used OPKs I got the Target brand 20 pack and NEVER got a +, I totally freaked out! I wish I had just ordered more Wondfos. Anyway, I will try again tonight and tomorrow. I have 6 left so I might as well! You're in DC, right? I'm sure it's just as expensive as Boulder! Even with great jobs, by normal standards, we would not be able to afford a house here. We'd have to have really, really great jobs, lol. There are a lot of doctors, Google employees, and other techies here. Anyway. We are open to moving but it's such a big, big change. We are just going to wait it out a bit since OH loves his job. I am with you, though--we'd find a way to make it work!

Pino - I have heard that every day is not necessary, though we have done that most cycles. Of course, I'm not pg, so.... lol. I have heard that it dries CM and can deplete sperm to do it every day. Every other day is supposed to be perfect. Thanks for what you said about it all coming out, too! I recall other months where it seemed like nothing came out. Maybe because I wasn't using PreSeed! I also have had several days of fertile CM this month, which is really unusual for me, so it could be that too.
Thanks. I have learned though that my OH is difficult LOL. If I say I don't think that I should have sex everyday, and just cut it down a little, for some reason that's when he wants to do it LOL. He wants what he can't get, but who am I to say no

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