Could use a buddy

Yay preg! So happy for you!!!! Like Lauren said - tell us everything you did! Keep spreading the babydust :happydance:
Sashimi - Sorry to hear you are having such a rough go this time around. After you explained how you felt to OH did he seem to understand? It really is so different for them emotionally. I know my OH didn't understand why I would be upset around other pregnant women either. You definitely have the right to be "selfish" although I don't think you're being selfish at all. You're in an emotionally vulnerable place and deserve all the time and space in the world to deal with your feelings. I'll be testing around May 30 as well - my 3 year anniversary. Here's hoping we all have lots of great news at the end of this TWW.
Hi Sleepy!!! Here I am posting at the same time as you as well!! I'm glad to hear that we will be testing on or around the same day. I hope you get a well-deserved anniversary present of a BFP. Our 3 year anniversary is July 4 (not a holiday here in Canada like in the US), and I am really keeping Fx that I will have a BFP in time for our 3 year wedding anniversary AND 1 year TTC anniversary.

Yes, OH totally understood once I spelled it out. I got really upset when pregnant women kept walking into a cafe we were eating in yesterday. I get very nervous and uncomfortable around other pregnant women and he always says Stop putting so much pressure on yourself!!! I don't think he will ever fully get it to be honest, but he tries his best.

I think OH is most concerned about what to tell the friends. It's been an ongoing joke throughout our relationship that he makes up silly white lies to avoid disappointing someone when he can't get together with someone or plans fall through. I always say why don't you just tell the truth, that would be easiest. The most recent one was that he had to cancel a morning tennis game on the weekend we did our second IUI. I can understand he wouldn't want to write: Sorry, can't make the came. Have to go deposit a sperm sample at a fertility clinic and wait with my wife so she can be artificially inseminated. Next weekend maybe? HAHA!! What he actually said to the tennis friends was that he had fallen and twisted his ankle the day before and couldn't stand up. LOL!!! This actually made me crack up. Especially when he got a long email from the friend about how sorry he was about the "twisted ankle" and provided a long list of advice on ways OH could alleviate the pain!!

Sleepy, thanks for not thinking I'm selfish for not wanting to see someone else's baby. I think I needed to hear someone say that. We feel enough guilt through the TTC process, why feel anything extra!
Ladies, I only have a moment because we're about to leave for my niece's 7th birthday party, but I wanted you all to know I'm thinking about you and I'll write to you later! And ALSO wanted to tell you, Sleepy and Sashimi, that May 30 is my test date, too!

More later. Be sweet to yourselves :hugs::hugs:
Yayyy!!!!! Preg, it's about time!! Congratulations!! That's so incredible that you got it in your little window of time where you could get it! Have you told OH yet? Or anyone else? Congrats!! Now please tell us every single symptom you've had and everything you did different this month. Why do you feel like a cheater?? BFP is the goal for everyone, after all! Lol.

Thanks :)
OH already knows, he was there when I tested this morning. I think that´s why I couldn´t get my :bfp: sooner... the baby was waiting for us to be together to test or something. Also told my best friend. She´s 18 weeks along now.
You can actually read my entire (though short) journey on my TTC journal in my signature, but here is an excerpt.

CD1-5 : Nothing going on, just waiting patiently.
CD6 : Painful cramps, probably O
CD7 : Started doing OPK's - those never showed me a positive though.
Also started taking Fructus Femina which supposedly helps the egg stick.
CD8 : Started doing the SMEP. Feeling warm.
CD9 : Started drinking warm milk with 2tsp honey, and a sprinkle of cinnamon. 1 cup every day. Feeling warm.
CD10: Very moody and hormonally alive :) Very warm.
CD11: Vivid dreams, feeling different (as in good). Still feeling warm.
CD12: Change again: Felt cold after 4 days or warmness, and all the symptoms manifested. Queasy, headache, very hungry, pressure in lower belly, heartburn and cramps. A sense of grounding in my lower belly.
CD13: Feel generally pregnant, still queasy.
CD14: Queasy, couldn´t sleep well,
CD15: Queasy, painful twinges in boobs and lower belly, nerves overloaded a few times for a second (felt kinda amazing), grandma called to tell me about a dream where I was really happy about something.
CD16: Queasy, sense of a little lump down there, cramping, sleepy.
CD17: Queasy on and off, Cramping, increasing pressure, twinges in my left boob, starting to get sore, sleepy. Also, more CM than usually for me.
CD18 : Cramps starting to hurt my back, queasy, gassy, lots of CM, sleepy.
CD19: Cramps changing, moving lower and stinging more. Queasy. Less CM. Sleepy.
CD20 : Queasy on and off, twinges before 2pm, then gone, feel a lump down there. Gums bled in the morning. Slight cramps in the evening. Constipation. (yay). Sleepy.
CD21: Vivid dreams, cramps gone, just a feeling of something down there, still tired. Sensitivity to everything. Touch, smells, tastes.
CD22: AF like cramps, felt more like strings after a workout. Tired.
CD23: slight cramps, some CM, a pressure down there and a slight backache.
CD24: tiny queasiness in the morning, slight cramps, slight backache, lots of CM. Bloated and sleepy. (found a plug type CM in my undies today, looked like dried clear glue).
CD25: queasy 1-2 times for a short while, slight pain down there, backache, boobs hurt like hell in the evening, feel bigger. Sleepy.
CD26: slight cramping, slight backache, lots of CM. Sleepy.
CD27: slight cramping, slight backache, Sleepy. Just feel pregnant.
CD28: cramping more painful, back more painful, danced zumba and felt weird down there when dancing, noticed a difference when sitting in the hot tub, feels like my belly is trying to float up out of the water, sleepy.
CD29: back killing me, sleepy, boobs overflowing a bit and sore, stomach sticking out in the morning (hasn´t been like that before), cramped a little bit in the evening.
CD30: cramps, backache, sleepy, headache, another vivid dream, really hungry today.
CD31: sleepy, slight cramping, slight backache, boobs twinging and sore, gums bled in the evening. Don´t really feel that AF is coming any time soon.
CD32: sleepy, and slight pain in my lower belly.
CD33: feeling cold these days - got a faint line on a test today, didn´t think it was a positive though.
CD34: slight cramping every once in a while
CD35: everything gone except the sleepiness.

My boyfriend took Zinc and Selen (basically prenatals for males), and I took Prenatal vitamins, extra folic acid, (2000mcg until I got my Positive HPT).

Sorry this was so long...

And I feel like a cheater for getting pregnant on my first try... everybody here is so brave, and have been trying so long...

I think you need this: :hugs:
HUGE congrats preg pilot on being preg! So nice that OH was there too, so exciting! Am delighted for you and wish you a very happy and healthy 9 months. Don't feel like a fraud, you've worked hard for your BFP and now's the time for you!

Thanks for your day by day info too-it has been some month! It is very interesting! Also bizarre that different people have such different experiences-my sister and really good friend had no symptoms at all and couldn't believe they were pregnant so ended up taking a few tests to be sure!

Treasured-I know you haven't told anyone you're TTC but after about 6 months I ended up telling my mum, sis and 2 really good friends and have felt a lot better. They are really supportive when i need them to be but don't bring it up unless i mention it and would never tell anyone else. Wondered if you might want to think about it? I am so pleased i have and they don't ask what could be insensitive questions about it and it has brought us closer together. What do you think about telling a few trustworthy close friends/family?

Ah Sashimi-it sounds like you are having a tough time. I think you are definitely doing the right thing by not seeing your friend and her newborn-it's amazing how different we all feel at different times of the month so it's good to be honest with ourselves. Fingers crossed you'll be in a way better place with a bean in your tummy when you actually do go round. Yay to Hawaii very soon too!

Lauren-the EWCM is a weird thing isn't it? I think the others are right-it's hard to tell if the amount coming out is indicative of what is actually inside. I have had a few cycles where there's been loads post O and has made me think-did I time it wrong? But temps and an OPK can't both be wrong. It's probably a good thing to have lots of the stuff.

Excited for all your 30 May testing!

Pino-hope the diet's going well, good luck with it and i'm sure you'll start to see improvements very soon.

My AF is due this Sat 26th and I'm feeling relatively relaxed about it but not at all pregnant. Yet again would be getting AF when husband away which i don't like. I get really sad for a day or two before i pick myself back up. Am trying to believe in fate/timing but it definitely gets harder to! Still, i will have my blood tests next month so can feel more positive when i am doing something positive towards getting pregnant.

Wishing everyone a good week xxx

ps-my acupuncturist said coffee was worse than alcohol for TTC. He also said to avoid greasy and spicy foods that are harder to digest and try not to overeat generally but particularly in 2ww as more energy can be used in the womb for implantation etc rather than towards digesting food.
Sorry I haven't been on today LOL I have been crazy busy. I stalked my fridge w/ healthy foods LOL...
SashimiMimi---You have a right to get upset, but I am very glad your OH understood!! I don't' think you are selfish at all!! Some people have it easy, but that is their path in life. It's not necesarily fair, but I do think all of your trying has bonded you with your OH in ways that others will never understand. Some people have a timeline. I mean look at Preg_pilot she only had a month to try because her job consumes the rest of the year. Her path was for her to get her BFP cause it was her only chance. I believe with all my heart that your BFP is coming, and coming soon. You have been through alot. Hard times usually come turn into just a trial that you will win!! :hugs:

Lauren--- I hope you have fun at your party :hugs: You are such a caring person, you talk others down when they need it, but hardly tell us what's going on with you, it makes me feel kinda selfish LOL :hugs: How is TWW for you? I hope it's getting better!!

Preg_Pilot---CONGRATS again!! you deserved this, and although you have already got your BFP, please keep us updated, it will give us something to look forward to, not ditching us LOL :hugs:

Haribo--- My fingers are crossed for AF to not show!! Everyone is different, My SIL didn't have any symptoms at all except for a missed period.

So I woke OH up last night LOL. Have slight cramiping today as well, I have never had this, but I took an OPK and it was positive!! Yay for BDing!! LOL I told myslef I was taking it easy this month, but it so much easier said than done!! LOL. I am in a really upbeat mood today, a bit tired but other than that I am doing great! I won't be testing until about the 6th so I feel a bit left out form you guys LOL. I think OH is getting tired of hearing about you guys LOL. It seems like I am always "BnB this and BnB that" LOL. The diet is going good so far, but I am craving a bit of caffeine just cause me and MIL went to Starbucks, and I couldn't have one so not fair LOL

Well I am off until later. :hugs:
Sashimi and Lauren - Yay for May 30th testing!! Happy to have testing buddies.

Preg - Def. do not feel like you are cheater! You are working as hard as the rest of us to get a BFP and you did it you lucky duck!! Thank you for posting all your symptoms. I love reading those and then going crazy trying to match mine, lol :)

Pino - How fun to get a +OPK right? And even better that you had OH at your disposal to BD, :haha: Don't feel left out - we're all going to be in this TWW least for a little while. And my OH is totally over hearing about BnB too. He calls this site Baby Bumps, lol. Close enough I suppose!

Haribo - Sending you lots of positive thoughts for the 26th. Really hope you don't even need those blood tests next month. Thanks for the tidbit from your acupuncturist - I have been struggling the past few days with having coffee in the morning, but I'm definitely going to stay away and attempt to not eat sleeves of Oreos every night :blush:

According to SMEP, if you don't get a +OPK, you should keep BD'ing every other day. I definitely missed my surge somewhere in the past few days, do you guys think its necessary to keep up the BD'ing? I'm going to make sure we do it tomorrow as well, but it's just soo hard during the week with OH's schedule as he's been so busy with proposals and school work. I'm pretty sure tomorrow FF will give me crosshairs, but just curious as to you all's opinions...
Hey ladies!

Thanks for what everyone said about EWCM!! Lol. It doesn't seem like a bad thing or something to freak out about now that I'm not getting it anymore. I suppose I should just be glad that it was abundant this month! I am 3dpo and my temps have been consistent and high so far, so I feel optimistic about my hormonal heath, if nothing else.

Pino - Thanks, you are sweet! :) I feel like I'm always blabbering on here, lol. I had a great time with my nieces and nephew. He is a little dumpling!! He's soooooo big already and only about 4 months, I think. He really is a crier when anyone but his mom or dad (and weirdly my husband) hold him. I think other people just still feel unfamiliar to him. Oh, and my TWW SUCKS still, lol! I just want to test!! OH made me agree not to test anymore until I'm late (after about 12 pee sticks last month), but I honestly don't think I can do it. I don't know why I do that to myself, I am just crazy impatient. But honestly, testing at 7 or 8dpo and seeing that negative and then seeing it 4 more days in a row, just kills me. So maybe I'll really try not to do it this time around.

Sashimi - LOL that your OH doesn't want to tell people the real reason. I literally LOLed reading about the ankle thing! You DEFINITELY don't have to see your friend!! This is a time to take really good care of yourself, especially this cycle! If it were me I would not not not not NOT go visit until after vacation, lol. You've got our support!! And I really don't think it's wrong to tell friends that it's hard when we're TTC and they're rubbing their beautiful children and pregnancies in our faces...Maybe a little more diplomatically than that ;) I have thought of telling my Indiana friend that, too--that I can't help her come up with names for the little girl she'll be having. Anyway, I forget what day you're going in for your test, but let us know because I want to send some BFP vibes!!

haribo - Hi!! I hope your feeling is wrong and that you get your BFP!! I wouldn't like getting AF while my OH was gone, either! Hopefully you won't have to worry about that problem :)

Sleepy - LOL on the oreos....When you're not drinking alcohol (much), caffeine, and staying away from a million other things while TTC, you've gotta have SOMETHING! I would say that since you're CD14 just keep BDing every other day for a few more days. It can't hurt! I would do that until FF gives you crosshairs. I'm surprised it didn't already, but maybe because you prob Oed early and your temps were high during AF?

Afm, I am supposed to go in tomorrow for blood work to check my progesterone. My OB wanted me to go in today (for day 18 levels???), but since I Oed a day late I figured I should go in a day later--that seems right, right? I am actually not feeling as anxious about it as I thought I would. I think the acupuncture is working for me so I'm no longer terrified that my levels will be crazy low, and I also just feel like I can go to the fertility specialist I was thinking of seeing armed with more information after this. If my levels ARE really low, I'm getting on progesterone ASAP! Whether she gives me an Rx or not.

How are you all today?? Country, lxb, where are you? :)
Woo~~ Okay~ I'm all caught up! (I think)

Treasured - :hugs: So sorry that you have to be the ears for your friend. It's hard enough for a long ttc... can't imagine to know someone who has been given such miracle and yet ... not the right time for them.

Preg_pilot - :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: & no.. definitely don't feel like a cheater! We're all sooooooooo very excited for you!! (Looking at your post... think i'll do the warm milk + honey + cinnamon nx cycle!) So glad your quickie #1 worked! And hope you'll have a happy & healthy 9 months! :hugs:

Sleepy - Hmm.. maybe last BD for SMEP? :shrug: a 'wrap-up insurance'... hehe.. Oh ... Yay for may 30th!! Hope it will be a great 3rd yr anniversary present!! :happydance:

Haribo - thanks for sharing~ I love spicy food~~~ & fried food! Maybe I should cut those down nx cycle~ :shrug:

Sashimi - I hear you. It's definitely hard and you're not the only one that feels that way. :hugs: People who have easier ttc-experience definitely can be insensitive. :hugs: & :haha: at your OH's email! Hope his "twisted ankle" will have a speedy recovery! Did you guys have anything plan for the trip yet??? Sooo excited for you!

Pino - Yay for BD!!! Hope those :spermy: find that egg!!!

Lauren - So glad the acupuncture is working for you. How was ur niece's birthday?

Yay for May 30th test date for u three ladies!! BFP ... BFP... and BFP!!!! :happydance:

Yes, country.. where are you?? Are you shopping for a cowboy hat? :)

AFM, today is 7/8DPO. Had a temp drop ~0.2F+ today. Doubt that it is "implantation dip" as I don't feel any stomach cramp :shrug: Not much to update.. just the same o-sore-boobs (post-O symptoms!). I was planning to test on 10DPO & 12DPO. But now that I see a temp drop... maybe not? Supposedly AF is due May 26th.... Today is just one of those blue days. Was going to go camping for Memorial Day weekend.... but if AF is here... dont think I'll go anymore. Camping is not AF-friendly! :gun:
Lxb - Some women don't experience any cramping or spotting during implantation, so maybe this temp. dip will be your only sign. I'm going to keep thinking its a positive sign, even if you don't hehe. Umm and as for camping and AF, def. not a good combo. That sounds uncomfortable on so many levels!

Lauren - I totally thought I would get crosshairs this morning also! I think you're right - my temps were pretty high during AF and I haven't had a +OPK plus I temped an hour later than usual because I slept through my alarm. Maybe tomorrow. Great attitude you have towards your blood test tomorrow - no need to be terrified, but like you said, it will just give you more information about your body and move you in the direction of getting pregnant!

Country - Where are you? Hope you are well!!

I'm definitely BD'ing tonight just in case. Definitely going to be breaking out the PreSeed tonight even though I hate putting it in, but whatever! A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!!
Sleepy--- Do you have maybe of an as estimation of when you think you ovulated?? If not I would BD tomorrow, and maybe they day after next just to be safe. :hugs:. My OH calls it big bumps LOL.

Lauren---My niece is the same way. She will only got to her mom. FIL and OH. It makes me feel left out LOL. Especially when we go shopping and SIL hands he to me to she can get out and she starts screaming LOL. But she is over a year old. I am the same way about testing my OH gets mad because I buy a couple of each brand, just in case. It always hurts alot seeing negatives, but I think it's better than going crazy wondering.

lxb--- I love camping! but I agree, probably not AF friendly, but perhaps no AF???

So I am down 1.6 lbs so far!! It's not much, but it's something. So I am officially 1DPO. On to my 2WW I will be trying to keep really busy and keep exersizing. I am not really positive about this month, but who knows right??
pino - 1.6lb is 1.6lb! It is a GREAT start! Keep up the good work! & yay for tww!!
Sorry I haven't been on today LOL I have been crazy busy. I stalked my fridge w/ healthy foods LOL...
SashimiMimi---You have a right to get upset, but I am very glad your OH understood!! I don't' think you are selfish at all!! Some people have it easy, but that is their path in life. It's not necesarily fair, but I do think all of your trying has bonded you with your OH in ways that others will never understand. Some people have a timeline. I mean look at Preg_pilot she only had a month to try because her job consumes the rest of the year. Her path was for her to get her BFP cause it was her only chance. I believe with all my heart that your BFP is coming, and coming soon. You have been through alot. Hard times usually come turn into just a trial that you will win!! :hugs:

Lauren--- I hope you have fun at your party :hugs: You are such a caring person, you talk others down when they need it, but hardly tell us what's going on with you, it makes me feel kinda selfish LOL :hugs: How is TWW for you? I hope it's getting better!!

Preg_Pilot---CONGRATS again!! you deserved this, and although you have already got your BFP, please keep us updated, it will give us something to look forward to, not ditching us LOL :hugs:

Haribo--- My fingers are crossed for AF to not show!! Everyone is different, My SIL didn't have any symptoms at all except for a missed period.

So I woke OH up last night LOL. Have slight cramiping today as well, I have never had this, but I took an OPK and it was positive!! Yay for BDing!! LOL I told myslef I was taking it easy this month, but it so much easier said than done!! LOL. I am in a really upbeat mood today, a bit tired but other than that I am doing great! I won't be testing until about the 6th so I feel a bit left out form you guys LOL. I think OH is getting tired of hearing about you guys LOL. It seems like I am always "BnB this and BnB that" LOL. The diet is going good so far, but I am craving a bit of caffeine just cause me and MIL went to Starbucks, and I couldn't have one so not fair LOL

Well I am off until later. :hugs:

Thanks again :)
I will definitely be stalking this thread. Love it here :)

Sashimi and Lauren - Yay for May 30th testing!! Happy to have testing buddies.

Preg - Def. do not feel like you are cheater! You are working as hard as the rest of us to get a BFP and you did it you lucky duck!! Thank you for posting all your symptoms. I love reading those and then going crazy trying to match mine, lol :)

Pino - How fun to get a +OPK right? And even better that you had OH at your disposal to BD, :haha: Don't feel left out - we're all going to be in this TWW least for a little while. And my OH is totally over hearing about BnB too. He calls this site Baby Bumps, lol. Close enough I suppose!

Haribo - Sending you lots of positive thoughts for the 26th. Really hope you don't even need those blood tests next month. Thanks for the tidbit from your acupuncturist - I have been struggling the past few days with having coffee in the morning, but I'm definitely going to stay away and attempt to not eat sleeves of Oreos every night :blush:

According to SMEP, if you don't get a +OPK, you should keep BD'ing every other day. I definitely missed my surge somewhere in the past few days, do you guys think its necessary to keep up the BD'ing? I'm going to make sure we do it tomorrow as well, but it's just soo hard during the week with OH's schedule as he's been so busy with proposals and school work. I'm pretty sure tomorrow FF will give me crosshairs, but just curious as to you all's opinions...

Thanks, I´ll try not to feel like a cheater. I´m just trying to wrap my head around this now. I´m going to try a digi on friday, just to see those words on a test :)

Sleepy--- Do you have maybe of an as estimation of when you think you ovulated?? If not I would BD tomorrow, and maybe they day after next just to be safe. :hugs:. My OH calls it big bumps LOL.

Lauren---My niece is the same way. She will only got to her mom. FIL and OH. It makes me feel left out LOL. Especially when we go shopping and SIL hands he to me to she can get out and she starts screaming LOL. But she is over a year old. I am the same way about testing my OH gets mad because I buy a couple of each brand, just in case. It always hurts alot seeing negatives, but I think it's better than going crazy wondering.

lxb--- I love camping! but I agree, probably not AF friendly, but perhaps no AF???

So I am down 1.6 lbs so far!! It's not much, but it's something. So I am officially 1DPO. On to my 2WW I will be trying to keep really busy and keep exersizing. I am not really positive about this month, but who knows right??

Oooh, 1.6LBS? It´s a great start :) Go, go, go :D
LOL thanks guys :hugs: it is exciting!! Well off to cleaning my house LOL
Ladies, I am telling you--the cross-over from estrogen to progesterone gets me every time!! I turn into an emo monster! Pino, I'm about to shatter your idea of me as a caring person, lol! This is SO irrational, but I have to vent it! So we keep our 3 bicycles in the hallway outside of our apartment because we don't have a storage unit, our place is too tiny to store them inside, and when we had bikes on the bike rack at our building they were all stolen. The upstairs tenants all have hallways, too, AND have storage units. So I go to leave this morning and someone has put their crappy, beat up bike right on top (like blocking, leaning against kind of) of our bikes. I was like, hm. I don't like that. I don't want people to start thinking that because there are 3 bikes here (all ours), that the whole building can store their stuff here. So I wrote a nice, neutral note (honestly, honestly) just explaining that we don't have storage space and would prefer that others keep their bikes in the hallways on their own floor so that we can access our bikes. I taped it GENTLY to the nasty, beat up bike seat--on a spot where the foam was coming out so I knew I wouldn't be causing damage, lol. Well I got home from the gym and the bike was still there, but the person had taken the note and thrown it away!! I don't know why, but this ENRAGED me!! I felt like, here I am asking NICELY for you to move your bike and you pull a passive-aggressive move like that and leave your sh***y bike in the way of our bikes and blocking the stairs! I want to smash their bike! LOL. Sorry to go loco on the thread, ladies, but I am pissed!!! I don't know what to do, but every time I walk by the bike now I get a surge of fury. If I see the person I will nicely (honestly--I fume but in person it's hard for me to show anger), ask if they can move it. Oh how I hate living in a college town sometimes!

Pino - Yay for 1.6 lbs!!!

Sleepy - Thanks! You'll get the crosshairs, I don't think there's anything wrong with your O this cycle. Did you get half + or anything like that? It sounds like you just Oed right out of the gate but that your temps took a few days to drop after the progesterone disappeared. I think that's normal!
Lauren, that doesn't ruin my view of you at all :hugs: It sounds to me like you are just protecting your stuff! You have every right to get pissed. You were nice about it, and the other person was an ass!! I would be the one to move the bike LOL. I am NOT the nice person.
Pino - Congrats on the 1.6 lbs. That is excellent!! You are on your way girlfriend!!

Lauren - Totally didn't ruin my view of you. I would be equally as annoyed. Hopefully you catch the dirty bike owner in person and you can explain it to them. Seriously irritating!! If I was you, I would try to move their bike at all costs. Just send the passive agressiveness right back at them lol! Not the most mature solution, but whatever!

As for my O date, I had an almost positive on CD12 - it was pretty dark, but it wasn't a +. We BD'd that night to be safe. I feel like I O'd CD11 or 12. Usually I O on CD12 according to FF. I think also my temps have been kind of weird this month because it has gotten SO hot here and our AC was set to all these crazy temperatures and wasn't running in the mornings. It should be fixed now, but maybe that had something to do with it?
I'm just popping on to catch up before I write a full post later, but have to comment on Lauren's annoying bicycle neighbor! I try so hard not to sweat th small stuff in life, but there is something about disrespectful people, especially neighbors, that just gets under my skin. I remember receiving a note once where someone believed I was taking up two parking spaces, I wasn't... But the note was full or profanities. Had it been polite I would have gladly tried to accommodate, but the obvious lack of manners made my blood boil.

Personally, I think I would just take the bike and ride it around the parking lot in circles until the culprit came looking for it. If that fails, you could move the bike 2 blocks away and leave another note kindly explaining that you had left an original note that had mysteriously vanished, so you took the liberty of moving the bicycle to a new, undisclosed location. Then leave a series of riddles to help them find the beat up bicycle. If they are going to be ridiculous to you, you can be ridiculous right back at them!!!!

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