Could use a buddy

Ahh I missed so much while I was gone!!

JustKeepSwimN: Welcome!! So nice to have someone else in the same boat here so we can all share/vent/complain/laugh/cry together :)

Sashimi: So glad you are having all these tests done! It sounds like you and DH are really getting somewhere. How did the IUI go? Was it painful? How did DH react to all of it - was he alright with it?

Lauren: I wouldn't worry too much about what you ate. I don't think one weekend will make a difference. I agree with Sashimi - hopefully it means you were just able to let loose and relax and that this will be your month!

As for me, I went on a bachelorette party this weekend and partied my little heart out. I couldn't help but think that I was ovulating the whole time I was there and my hubs was 3000 miles away :( I forgot my thermometer so I couldn't temp for 3 days - not very good planning on my part. The good thing is when DH and I got home last night, I had a TON of EWCM. Sorry if TMI, but I felt like I needed a pantyliner. I have never had that before. So I decided to use an OPK just to see and it was almost positive! The line was a little bit lighter than the control, so we BD'd. Then I just took another one and it was totally positive! I couldn't even believe it. So as soon as he gets back from work, I'm going to make this happen. I still have a lot of EWCM today so I'm really happy that I didn't miss my chance this month.

Question about OPKS: when you get a positive, how far away does it mean that ovulation is? 12, 24, 48 hours? I had ovulation pains all weekend, or so I thought, but none yesterday or today. Is that normal for that to happen and still have a positive OPK? It makes me wonder about the past 2 months - have I been totally off with my ovulation and that's why I haven't gotten my BFP?
Hi Sleepy! Sounds like you had fun at the bachelorette! OPKs are confusing, aren't they? When I was using the cheap strips when the line gets gradually darker and darker day by day, I could never tell what was actually considered positive. Only once have I ever gotten a happy face on the CB digital OPK, but the instructions say to BD "any time over the next two days." So in the past, I had just BDed the day of the positive and the next day... This cycle was the first time I have ever had it confirmed by medical science that I ovulated. Yesterday was day 15 of my cyle and the ultrasounds and bloodwork showed my surge was peaking and doctor believed the egg would have been released sometime yesterday late afternoon or evening. Therefore, the timing with the IUI was perfect, so... fingers crossed.

As for the actual experience with IUI, its a breeze. WAY easier than the HSG, and a walk in the park compared to a basic pap test. It's over and done with pretty quickly and painlessly. DH was completely fine and supportive about the whole IUI process. He was very giggley and sheepish about having to provide a "sample" and his only complaint was that the videos provided in the sample rooms were cheesy and terrible! We had a good laugh about that.

Last night I was a major grump and feel bad about it today because he was trying to be helpful and supportive. I just felt emotionally exhausted after the entire process, but do feel better today. So for me the 2ww officially begins!
Best of luck and :dust: Sashimi, sounds like they got the timing spot on so fx for you! It's good to hear IUI is relatively painless, the 2ww is probably going to be more stressful!
@Sashimi - Oh my goodness!! I'm sorry you've had to go through sooooo much recently, but it all sounds like great stuff! Congrats on the new job :) My changes tend to come in great waves like that, too, with many things happening at once. This year feels like it will really bring it, change-wise. It sounds like you've got a great chance at getting your BFP this cycle!

How long does the IUI take? I'm wondering if maybe you can go to the clinic before or after work, if you work 9-5. There's also lunch breaks, if you're not having to drive a long way to the clinic. I'm sure you will have a way to get to where you need to be. Plus, the IUI only happens a couple of days a month, right?

Thanks for the support--I think I was feeling exhausted, too, and run down by the fun and terrible food. Being tired tends to exacerbate any emotion for me--I tend to cry a lot when I'm tired. My OH and I, as a rule, never get into serious conversations or make decisions late at night, like before bed, because inevitably it ALWAYS leads to a fight and/or me crying. Lol. On the bright side, when everything happens at once you can sort of process and deal with it in one fell swoop. And that Hawaii trip sounds wonderful! I've never been. Are you guys going for vacation, or business?

So it sounds like you still have a normal TWW with IUI, right? The only difference (besides the lack of BDing) is that they are depositing the sperm into your uterus, bypassing the cervix, correct? Whereas IVF is implanting a fertilized egg? I had no idea there were so, so many ways that clinics can assist in conception until reading Taking Charge of Your Fertility a couple months ago. I still don't know what all of the terms mean and what all of the procedures entail! I've got my fx for you, too :) I keep holding in mind that this is our month.
Sleepy - Sounds like a fun weekend!! And that's PERFECT timing with your OH and EWCM! I was worried all weekend, too, because I brought my cheap strips to my MIL's house and not my cup, so I peed on the strips but it ruined them (since you're supposed to carefully dip for 3 seconds only, I guess). I wasn't getting any strength on the test line at all, and was worried I would O late. The entire weekend, though, I had O pains. I got them first on the right side, then both, then the left yesterday, pretty painful, actually. Totally bearable, but more extreme for O pains than I've had. Today I've barely had a pinch, but my OPK was super duper positive, and I had a surge of EWCM (not super stretchy but abundant...sort of like PreSeed texture. Sorry if TMI!--I don't usually have a big patch, either, just a spurt or so, lol). I'm guessing that means I'm ovulating today or tomorrow. My temps will tell. The OPKs say to BD within 24-48 hours, but the window is different for everyone. Honestly, if I get a strong + and it's coupled with EWCM, I try to BD as soon as possible so as not to miss the window. Some women have a 6 hour window only, and I've heard that most actually have about 6-12hrs, vs. the 24-48 on the test box. The thing is that if you have enough EWCM the sperm will stay alive for several days, so it doesn't matter if you BD two days ahead of time, but if you don't typically have several days of EWCM it's good to try to BD as close as you can to O-ing. The key, I guess, is to have sperm waiting when the egg comes out, not to try to catch the egg after it's released. My technique this month has been to BD every single day through O and fertile period, lol. Great for OH, starting to wear on me a little...sorry if that's TMI, too!

Anyway, it sounds like you've got a good shot this month!! Also, I keep hearing that it's easier to get pregnant when your immune system is down just a bit, in case your body happens to be one that sees the fertilized egg as foreign and tries to attack it. That's not typical, but I see a lot of charts where women get pregnant while they have a cold. Hopefully the partying knocked your immune system down a peg and it will help you get your BFP!
Thanks Country and Lauren. I feel a million times better today after reading all of your posts!

Yup, it definitely is an exciting time right now with so much going on in such a short span of time. Life always happens like that though, doesn't it? When it rains, it pours! Lauren you are so right about the IUI, it really is only technically two days out of a month. I will
to go in for cycle monitoring on day 3 and then maybe the 3 or 4 days up to O. My clinic opens at 7 a.m. and is a first come, first serve basis. My doctor is usually the first one in at 8, so if all goes well I could probably be out of there by 8:30. I decided I am not going to "what if" about it. I'm going to keep my fingers crossed for a BFP this cycle and just cross any future IUI bridges when I come to it. Who knows, maybe I will even O on a weekend again!

Yes, it is a normal 2ww with the IUI. Basically, they do a "sperm wash" to isolate or separate the sperm from the white stuff. They take the isolated sperm and inject it directly into you so it bypasses the CM. The only thing with the washing process is that it takes an hour, so that is really the only thing that takes a long time. Actual IUI was under 5 minutes. And you are right about IVF, that is where they remove the egg, etc., and would be a last resort for us.

Hawaii is purely for pleasure. OH is from Vancouver, so we will stop there first for a few days and then head to Hawaii as we will already be halfway there. OH works long hours and a stressful job, so we thought it would be great to get away and relax. Also good for BDing right?

I like your late night rule! We also make sure to never go to bed mad, but last night I was such a basketcase! Thankfully, I feel better today!
Sashimi - Glad the process was relatively easy. What a relief for you I'm sure!! I can only imagine that all these tests you've gone through the past couple weeks have really worn on you. At least now you've had the IUI and you can just wait - if only the wait was the easy part lol!

Lauren - What CD are you? Generally, I'm confused about how dark the line has to be compared to the control. Yesterday when I did it, I swore it was positive. Then today I realized the second line was SO dark, especially compared to yesterdays. I guess I didn't really have a point of reference. Either way, I'll BD soon just to be safe.

Regardless, I hope DH is up for some loving. Usually he's not really into it two days in a row, but I need to make it work today!
Sleepy, I have a feeling this 2ww is going to drag on and on. My mom always had this saying like "Everything to gain and nothing to lose" so I am going to keep that in mind when I go for the PG test. What ever is meant to be, is meant to be.

I wanted to mention earlier that I never usually feel ovulation pain. Is that weird? I definitely get all the other symptoms like EWCM, want to BD a lot more during that time, etc. Only the first month I was off the pill did I feel the O pain, like cramps, and then last month I felt a twinge for a few minutes on my left side. Could that have been O pain? Maybe it is so mild that I am just not aware of it. However, I wondered if it is unusual not to feel it?

Good luck with the BDing... It's so funny, OH used to complain we never BDed enough, and now since we have been trying I can tell he gets a little worn out (as do I) after 4 or 5 days of trying in a row. It's tough! Especially when you have had a really long day. Some of our friends would say "Oh just BD every other day during your entire cycle and you will get a BFP." Every month OH would say we should try this (as I don't think he entire understand the window we have each month), but honestly neither of us could keep up. Doing the IUI this month definitely put me through the emotional ringer, but physically it was easy.

Good luck to everyone. If even one of us gets a BFP this cycle I will be so happy! If not, we all keep on trying!
Sleepy - I am CD 14, right at my normal window for O. I felt like I had a positive yesterday, but today my line was definitely darker again. Also, the test I did was at 8pm last night and I got the darker line test at 1pm today. Since I have the cheapos I plan to do a few a day to see if I can actually figure out how long I get the +'s...I don't know what that will tell me, lol, but somehow might help me pinpoint O even more. Plus it's fun to POAS...

Sashimi - That vacation sounds divine!! And yes, very important when one or both of you has a crazy job! I remember now, this is the vacation that you planned and were worried about with interviewing, right? Sounds like it worked out! That's exciting. I bet it will TOTALLY make for good BDing :) We took our honeymoon in Paris for 5 weeks and it was the first time I think I fully relaxed in that way--there was no rush, no early morning to worry about, etc etc. We took our honeymoon 8 months after getting married, so it was a welcome change in our sex life after being newlyweds for so long with stressful jobs and weird schedules. I'm excited for you! I don't think you need to worry about not getting O pains. I don't usually get them...I actually only notice about every other month or every 3rd month. I think those are the months that my left ovary decides to compete, as well. I know that if you experience pain from one ovary it can affect the entire pelvic region. Mine seems to happen only when the left is in the race. Anyway, I think the EWCM is the best possible sign that it's happening--that's what I wait for every month!

It's funny that you all mention having to keep up with the BD schedule and making sure that OH does, too. Our plan this month was to BD every day--literally. OH has been pretty excited about this until today, the 10th day in a row. I got my surge of EWCM and was like, 'It's go time!' He was tired and definitely reluctant, though he enjoyed himself, I think ;) Still, it's the first time that he's wanted to turn down BD. I don't think there's any way we can keep up with it for 14+ more days. Hopefully my temps will change tomorrow and we'll just need to do it a few more days. Then on to the TWW...
Hey Sweetie! So they took a drop of DH's sperm and a drop of my EWCM and put it on a microscope that was hooked up to a TV screen. Yes, this test (called Cervical Insemination or C.I.) has to be done during ovulation. I have been going for cycle monitoring every day this week and having blood tests and ultrasounds done to see when the surge was coming.

We could see on the TV screen that the sperm was swimming toward the EWCM very well since DH has such a high count. Then we could see that it was being blocked by my EWCM, basicslly giving up and turning around!! So yes, it would be safe to say my EWCM is probably too thick to let anything through. What I didn't ask is if this is the chemistry with just DH and I? Would someone else's sperm be able to get through? Or am I just one giant sperm blocker!?!? :(

We could see a few of the sperm were getting through in certain areas, but not enough to really make anything happen. Now the doctor doesn't know if this has been the case every month, but suspects its part of the reason we haven't gotten our BFP!! We are doing another IUI tomorrow and will likely continue TTC this way. (kind of takes the romance out of it, but I'm game!)

As for the IUI, they take DH's sample and do something called a sperm wash to basically isolate the swimmers. Then they injected it directly into the uterus so it bypasses the EWCM having to carry it up to where it's supposed to be .

I am completely blown away by the technology at this fertility clinic. The entire facility looks more like a spa than a medical clinic, so it's a very relaxing environment. While I was kind of sad and deflated that we didn't get the green light to go home and BD naturally, I'm glad these solutions are available in this day and age. While I was having the IUI done, I had a casually conversation with the doctor about tennis. Lol!! I was thinking if I do get a BFP this month, it would be a funny conception story... Unlike those who go on a romantic vacation and conceive!! Well at this point I will take a bfp any way I can!!

Sorry for the long post... And for using the word "sperm" so many times!!! Not sure if the acronym is just S or what. DH was very amused and sheepish about having the give the sample!! He giggled a lot all morning, especially when they offered him magazines and videos (which were apparently very cheesy!!!) to assist with the process!!!! ;)

Hope you are all having a great weekend. How is everyone else doing in their cycles this month?

Thanks Sashimi for your super in-depth reply! I saw it briefly this morning, but didn't want to read and run. Wow! That's really interesting (all of it!)
I think I don't have enough EWCM so it's something else to consider (as opposed to sperm-blocker EWCM) :)

Your fertility clinic sounds nice! I have a GF that was going to start IUI but they figured out she was actually OV and sent her home to BD and it worked!
Does your insurance cover the IUI and all the other testing and stuff? I think you were in Canada so everything was covered? Honestly, even though it's not romantic, it seems so nice to just get answers and have a proactive approach to get the end goal!
Hi All Its so nice to see you all sharing your stories, I should be OV from today until the 2nd what time is best to test?? I was told never to do it in the morning?

I'm now at work and wont get home until 6pm is this going to be too late ?

Baby Dust to you all lets all hope for a BFP IN April/May x
hi preciousone... m testing on 1st april... hate to wait....
Hi All Its so nice to see you all sharing your stories, I should be OV from today until the 2nd what time is best to test?? I was told never to do it in the morning?

I'm now at work and wont get home until 6pm is this going to be too late ?

Baby Dust to you all lets all hope for a BFP IN April/May x

Hi precious - I usually test with an OPK around noon and then again around 5-8pm. When I'm about to O, though, I'll get a + at any time of day. I would start with doing it at 12pm. If you get those cheapo strips you can do it a few times per day, lol. I get my first +OPK at a different time of day every cycle. Good luck! Happy POAS-ing :)
Eeeeee I've gotten my 3rd day of +OPK but I'm afraid my EWCM has dried up...this happened last month and I had the chemical, so I suppose it's OK. My concern is that OH and I BD-ed around 1pm yesterday and he won't be back from work until 7 or 8 that if I O this am we might miss the egg, and I don't know whether his swimmers can survive without the EWCM. I really didn't think these things so in-depth last month, lol. Maybe I just need to focus on relaxing...
Lauren - It's so easy to get all wrapped up in all of this! Take a deep breath and just BD when you can. It doesn't always work out 100% every month but then it may work out the month you think you missed it. I just ordered some cheapies online which should be here in the next couple of days, in time for next cycles O testing! Fx for you.
Lauren - Same thing happened to me yesterday. I got a +OPK around 230 pm. Hubs didn't get home til LATE from work. We BD'd around 10 pm but I was dry so I used Preseed. Hopefully that did the trick.

If you BD'd around 1 pm yesterday and you O'd this morning, I feel like you'd still be okay? Did you have EWCM yesterday when you BD'd? If so, I feel like they're alive and well in there!! Fingers crossed for ya!
Countrygirl and Sleepy - Thank you, wise women!! It IS easy to get wrapped up....It's easy not to notice when I'm starting to stress about it, so thank you. :hugs: I did have some EWCM yesterday when we BD-ed, so hopefully it's up in there somewhere, alive and well, keeping the swimmers going, lol. And I do know that women who don't get any EWCM or who are pretty dry get pregnant BD-ing a few days before O, so I really do know better...It's possible I O-ed this am, just still got the +OPK so not sure. Only time will tell! I think I get wrapped up in thinking that I can control this process, and really there's only so much I can do! I regularly see women's charts who BD-ed 5 days before O-ing and did it when they didn't have fertile CM, then went on to get pg....

Thanks again, ladies. I needed that today! :)
Hey Ladies,

So I woke at 5:20, cold, and temped. My temp was at 96.6. I hadn't gotten 3 hours so I resolved to take my temp again the next time I woke up, closer to my normal waking time. Woke again at 7:20, warm, and temped 97.6.....I know I'm not supposed to temp twice. Normally my temps are the same or very close no matter what time I take them. The thing is, I'm almost positive I've ovulated. If I record the 96.6 temp, FF will have me as not ovulating yet. If I record 97.6, it feels inaccurate. Any other tempers? I had the same issue last month right after O. For now I've adjusted towards a middle temp and recorded 97.2. I guess my temp tomorrow will help!

How is everyone else doing? This has been a quiet thread the past couple of days!
I'm new to temping (first month), but I would leave it as the middle temp you recorded or the later temp and then see what tomorrow and the day after's temp looks like.

I'm 2DPO and forcing myself not to symptom spot. Actually hasn't been a problem...YET! How is everyone else doing?
It's so hard to be accurate with temping. That's why I fell off the temping wagon! But Lauren, it sounds like you did O and you know your own body best! I guess we are all either entering our 2ww period, or like me a few days into it. I'm symptom spotting the most I ever have since TTC... I don't really feel anything so far, but I'm only 5dpiui and not feeling entirely optimistic. I used to kind of roll my eyes at people who would post things like "I have a stuff nose!!!!" or "my gums are bleeding could I be pregnant!?!?!" Now I totally feel like that! I think the hard part is the not knowing. If I knew I would get my bfp a month or two months from now, I would feel better. It's the not knowing that really gets me, anyone else feel like that?

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