Could use a buddy

This morning I temped and my thermometer went off really quickly. I thought, 'Oh! I bet the battery is low!', so I temped right away with my other thermometer and the temps were totally different. That explains a lot!! I've been using both off and on. I guess that's a no-no....realizing now that I have been freaking out all cycle over a thermometer whose batteries are likely bad. Oh my.

Oh geez! Well hopefully that will solve the wonky temps you've had. What would be even better is if you got a BFP then you could forget the temping...ahh, what a glorious day that will be, lol!

Agreed! Though, knowing me, I'd probably still temp....How's it going for you?

I'd totally still temp too :X At least for a while, lol!

Nothing new really on my end except that I had EWCM again today when I wiped (sorry if TMI!). I am REALLY confused about that. I'm nowhere near my AF due date and I'm only 5DPO right now. I was going to BD last night because I had some but passed out on the couch so we will tonight. Do you guys ever get this? I'm hoping it doesn't mean that I didn't O. All signs point to CD 15 being my O date, so I'm just not sure what my body is doing.
Sleepy, that could be a great sign!! I have heard of women getting an increase of CM before their BFPs! I would BD anyway, just to be safe :)
I feel like a BD-ing machine. Last night my OH was like, what's gotten into you? He doesn't really want to know the details of ovulation, CM and OPK's. He had alot of performance anxiety in cycle 2 when I made him aware of the details. Now he thinks I'm a deviant or something because I'm always trying to do it - like I turn a switch on. Oh well! Better for him I suppose and better for me because it gets the job done. We BD'd last night. Prob will BD again tonight if OH is up for it.

How's everyone else doing? Symptoms? Anything fun to report?
Wow! Sounds like we are all having wacky symptoms this 2ww! Sleepy, I just looked back at the chart I've been keeping on the iPeriod iPhone app and there has been the odd time where EWCM surfaced again well after my estimated O time. It's confusing isn't it? I guess this is why so many people say to us "Oh... Just BD every other day throughout your cycle and you'll get a BFP." Unfortunately, such a plan is sometimes easier said than done.

On a side note, I tried to Google what could cause a false positive on an OPK and found other people who got a faint positive line from tap water!!!! I guess there are some bad batches out there with the cheap strips! I was totally obsessing around that time and the ovulating tap water made me LOL big time and relax a little bit.

I could use some advice on another topic. We are having some friends over for dinner this weekend and the wife is pregnant. She occasionally says really rude things without knowing it: like asking if I am drinking or not in front of other people because she knows I'm TTC, has insisted we are "doing it wrong", kind of rolled her eyes when I was doing fertility acupuncture, etc. I know she is going to ask if we had any success yet and I dont know whether to tell the truth about what's been happening or say we stopped trying. We will see them the night before I am due to go in for my preg test and I know I will be somewhat of a wreck. Plus as happy as I am for them, it's tough for me to be around pregnant women because it's a reminder that I'm not. It's awful of me, but I'm just not feeling overly optimistic after so many BFNs it's tough for me to think yes, this is our month and picture that bfp!

PS. I'm spending way too much time in this forum! I accidentally said "AF" out loud to OH yesterday. I don't think he noticed but it made me feel like a huge computer nerd! :) haha!
I feel like a BD-ing machine. Last night my OH was like, what's gotten into you? He doesn't really want to know the details of ovulation, CM and OPK's. He had alot of performance anxiety in cycle 2 when I made him aware of the details. Now he thinks I'm a deviant or something because I'm always trying to do it - like I turn a switch on. Oh well! Better for him I suppose and better for me because it gets the job done. We BD'd last night. Prob will BD again tonight if OH is up for it.

How's everyone else doing? Symptoms? Anything fun to report?

LOL. I think it's helpful to leave them out of the OV OH knew we were on the daily BD plan this month, and he was going strong until the last few days. I think he started to worry, too, that he couldn't 'produce' enough (sorry TMI).

I have had sore bbs, but they haven't gotten huge like they normally do, and have some creamy CM. Other than that, nothing spectacular to report!

I feel like a BD-ing machine. Last night my OH was like, what's gotten into you? He doesn't really want to know the details of ovulation, CM and OPK's. He had alot of performance anxiety in cycle 2 when I made him aware of the details. Now he thinks I'm a deviant or something because I'm always trying to do it - like I turn a switch on. Oh well! Better for him I suppose and better for me because it gets the job done. We BD'd last night. Prob will BD again tonight if OH is up for it.

How's everyone else doing? Symptoms? Anything fun to report?

Hey look at the 3 of us posting at the same time!!!! My OH had performance anxiety as well during cycles 2 and 3! I explained the window in simple terms and use the words "egg drop" which made him turn green. I know better now not to speak of my reproductive organs in detail!

As for symptoms, I don't know what to think because progesterone can mimick PG symptoms. I've had a lot of spotting caused by the suppositories so I don't know if any of it could be IB. I had slight pinching around my right ovary yesterday, whereas a few days ago I had a lot of aching around left ovary. How about you ladies?
Wow, we are all posting at once!! I hear you--I keep almost saying 'BFN' to my OH. I almost called him my 'OH' out loud to someone yesterday, lol. On the bright side, I think that this forum is a safe, cozy outlet for all of my excitement and worry. I'm glad that I haven't shared a lot of this with OH. BnB nerds!

Sashimi, about your friend: If it were me, I would NOT tell them about the IUI. This process is soooo tender and vulnerable, and her track record of respecting that is non-existant. If they ask about it I would just tell them that you feel great about where you're at (even if you don't) and then change the subject. I would not leave any opening to talk about it--unless you really do want to share it with them, or you feel that real urge in the moment. I had to stop talking to friends and family my age who were pg because they were very minimizing, as well. Whatever you decide to do, it's important to feel protected and nurtured emotionally during the TTC process.

What you told me about the tap water TOTALLY made me relax. My worry about this cycle instantly vanished. I have been surprisingly pleasant about the whole process today and yesterday--no promises about tomorrow ;). I kept telling myself that I imagined the chemical last month, so this AM I went into my photobucket account and looked at the pic I took of the hpt on the morning of the mc, and it was so clearly + (faint but there and pink). That calmed me down, too. Knowing it can happen. I feel like that's half the battle, really, believing it's possible!! I read women's miracle stories on all the time (...occasionally :blush:), and they always remind me that anything is really possible. I have been trying to remember my friend whose wife was told that she would 'never, ever, in a million years' conceive naturally and then did after adoption and IVF--none of us have been told that, so we're already ahead of the game! :) Anyway, I'm glad to hear you've relaxed--I have heard about the tap water before, too, and actually wondered if the water in my town could be a culprit (our water is notoriously bad-tasting and overly-treated).

Do what feels BEST to you, Sashimi. If the thought of telling your friend makes you cringe, then don't! If it feels good and supportive, I say do it :)

Can you tell us your test/clinic date again? I will be thinking of you and sending + test vibes!

PS I have had little dull aches and twinges on both the left and right sides, too. I had very clear O pain this month, and this is a bit different.
Thanks, Lauren! What you just said makes me feel a lot better! I'll talk to OH about my fears in discussing the IUI and we will come up with a plan. Speaking of OH, he recently caught up with a close childhood friend of his who lives across the country. He found out that this good friend and his wife are also currently doing IUI. I wondererd if it helped him to talk to another guy about fertility! After all, I can't imagine there are support groups like this for men on the web.

So the big test is this coming Saturday. I don't know how quickly I will get the results. I imagine they will call me either saturday afternoon or Sunday?? We have a family Easter celebration on Saturday afternoon and I wondered how I would handle it if the results are not in my favor. Maybe I won't even know in time, although my doctor recommended I POAS as well... Although sometimes they can give you a false negative because it might be too early to tell. Ugh!! If only we could have more clear signs about the day we O and a BFP instantly instead of all this waiting.

My emotions are like a yo-yo. Certain days I have the attitude that I can handle it no matter what and like the OH said... Just start again if we have to. Other days I crumble and have a really good cry. I know this whole thing is out of my control now, but I don't know how to stop putting pressure on myself!
I feel like a BD-ing machine. Last night my OH was like, what's gotten into you? He doesn't really want to know the details of ovulation, CM and OPK's. He had alot of performance anxiety in cycle 2 when I made him aware of the details. Now he thinks I'm a deviant or something because I'm always trying to do it - like I turn a switch on. Oh well! Better for him I suppose and better for me because it gets the job done. We BD'd last night. Prob will BD again tonight if OH is up for it.

How's everyone else doing? Symptoms? Anything fun to report?

LOL. I think it's helpful to leave them out of the OV OH knew we were on the daily BD plan this month, and he was going strong until the last few days. I think he started to worry, too, that he couldn't 'produce' enough (sorry TMI).

I have had sore bbs, but they haven't gotten huge like they normally do, and have some creamy CM. Other than that, nothing spectacular to report!


Lauren: creamy/lotiony CM is a good sign from all the BFP stalking I've done. Do you normally have that?
Thanks, Lauren! What you just said makes me feel a lot better! I'll talk to OH about my fears in discussing the IUI and we will come up with a plan. Speaking of OH, he recently caught up with a close childhood friend of his who lives across the country. He found out that this good friend and his wife are also currently doing IUI. I wondererd if it helped him to talk to another guy about fertility! After all, I can't imagine there are support groups like this for men on the web.

So the big test is this coming Saturday. I don't know how quickly I will get the results. I imagine they will call me either saturday afternoon or Sunday?? We have a family Easter celebration on Saturday afternoon and I wondered how I would handle it if the results are not in my favor. Maybe I won't even know in time, although my doctor recommended I POAS as well... Although sometimes they can give you a false negative because it might be too early to tell. Ugh!! If only we could have more clear signs about the day we O and a BFP instantly instead of all this waiting.

My emotions are like a yo-yo. Certain days I have the attitude that I can handle it no matter what and like the OH said... Just start again if we have to. Other days I crumble and have a really good cry. I know this whole thing is out of my control now, but I don't know how to stop putting pressure on myself!

Aww, that is tough Sashimi. Praying that you get great news on Saturday.

As for your rude friend, I agree with Lauren, I would def. not tell her about the IUI especially if she isn't sensitive to the fact that this is a difficult process. You don't want anyone bringing you down or putting any more emotional strain on you. People just don't know how to be supportive. The only reason I would say anything is if you think that you might benefit from that in some way - like if it's therapeutic. Sorry your friend is so insensitive. I can't believe women don't understand that this is hard for some people, especially since she is pregnant herself.
I feel like a BD-ing machine. Last night my OH was like, what's gotten into you? He doesn't really want to know the details of ovulation, CM and OPK's. He had alot of performance anxiety in cycle 2 when I made him aware of the details. Now he thinks I'm a deviant or something because I'm always trying to do it - like I turn a switch on. Oh well! Better for him I suppose and better for me because it gets the job done. We BD'd last night. Prob will BD again tonight if OH is up for it.

How's everyone else doing? Symptoms? Anything fun to report?

LOL. I think it's helpful to leave them out of the OV OH knew we were on the daily BD plan this month, and he was going strong until the last few days. I think he started to worry, too, that he couldn't 'produce' enough (sorry TMI).

I have had sore bbs, but they haven't gotten huge like they normally do, and have some creamy CM. Other than that, nothing spectacular to report!


Lauren: creamy/lotiony CM is a good sign from all the BFP stalking I've done. Do you normally have that?

I did have it last month, so it def could be a pg sign--I see on my own chart that I had it the month prior, though I remember thinking last month, 'Wow! This is a lot of lotiony CM!', like I understood what my book said when it referred to 'lotiony'. So. It might be a sign and it might also be something that has always happened that I never noticed. The things I'm learning about my body!
It's crazy the things we never noticed before TTC. I feel like an expert now - obvi not as I'm not pregnant, but that's besides the point. Fingers crossed that it's a sign of good things to come :)
Thanks Sleepy and Lauren!!! I don't know what I'd do without you guys this week. So glad I found this forum. I'm feeling less on edge tonight, so I'm ready to face whatever the weekend brings!

So the only weird "symptom" I've had this week is that for the past two mornings I have woken up really early craving chicken with the skin on... Actually I think it's the actually chicken skin that I want which is odd. I got food poisoning from chicken once so it's odd that I would crave it, plus I'm not much of a breakfast person in general so I dont know why on earth I'd want meat!

Anything else I'm feeling like sore bbs and slight cramping could very well be the progesterone I'm taking. It's normal for me to feel these two things before AF, but then again it's only 9 dpo so a bit early. I figure I should stop obsessing until the weekend, but I've obsessed this many days so why stop now!! ;)

Lauren, what was that name of the fertility book that you read? I think you mentioned it in a previous post.
Hi Sashimi - I am with you!! I can't stop now! I have been testing, which is naughty since I'm only 8dpo and tested on 6dpo, too. BFNs, of course. I was hoping I'd be that rare (very rare!) woman who got a BFP at 6dpo. Lol. Maybe it's a control thing? I feel like my symptoms are pretty normal before AF, too, so I can't really tell. The unusual one for me is that my breasts are tender (usually doesn't happen for a full week before AF but did last cycle), but they are not getting crazy big. I usually grow a full cup size before AF--a symptom my OH quite likes! I also tend to get really, really bloated, and that has not happened so far--but I seem to remember thinking, in prior months, 'Oh! I'm not bloated, I must be pregnant!' Lol, what a weird conclusion to draw. And inevitably I do get bloated. I have some kind of pressure or sensation in my pelvis, hips, and back that feels pre-crampy, but no pain.

Your chicken craving sounds like a good sign!! Yesterday I bought groceries and picked out ingredients for a delicious pasta dinner with turkey meatballs and mushrooms. I was looking forward to it all night. Then when it was time to prepare it before OH got home, I felt ill thinking about it. That's not necessarily unusual for me, but it stood out. I felt better once I started cooking and smelling it.

I'm glad we could help you! :) Sleepy is right, some women--amazingly--just don't understand!

The book is called Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler. It's amazing and filled with great info. There's soooooo much that I didn't know about the TTC process and my body--I went through some anger after reading it about the fact that I had never learned most of this! She essentially says, too, that if nothing unusual is happening that most couples who use the method (Fertility Awareness Method) get pregnant within 3 months. We had our chemical on the 2nd cycle charting, so I suppose that counts! The vast amount of info the provided gave me a some sense of control--or at least awareness.
I'm going to buy that book! I feel like I am learning things as I go, but I'd much rather be prepared and know as much as I can. I think I'll feel like I have a little more control over the process/my body.

Food aversions are good! I have none so far - I'm like a human garbage disposal over here soooo maybe that's a good sign too? Lol!

I'm excited for our AF arrival dates - is that weird? I want a BFP desperately or to just be able to start over again. This wait is killing me!!
I'm going to buy that book! I feel like I am learning things as I go, but I'd much rather be prepared and know as much as I can. I think I'll feel like I have a little more control over the process/my body.

Food aversions are good! I have none so far - I'm like a human garbage disposal over here soooo maybe that's a good sign too? Lol!

I'm excited for our AF arrival dates - is that weird? I want a BFP desperately or to just be able to start over again. This wait is killing me!!

Great! I hope the book helps--I have really enjoyed it!! It's a lot of reading but worth it--and really, if you devote time to just sitting down and getting through it, there are only a few totally essential chapters. I skipped everything on using FAM for preventing pg, obv. The one disclaimer I will give about it is that she can lay things out a bit black and white, as far as how a normal chart should look, which really stressed me out at first. Having charted for a few months now, though, and seeing tons of ladies' crazy-looking pregnancy charts on FF, I feel like there's a lot more room for mystery and exceptions than she lets on. I understand why she presents things the way she does, though. Just don't stress if your chart doesn't look *perfect*!

I am excited, too. I WANT that BFP--and I feel the same way each month--like, if I'm not going to get it I just want to get everything over with and start again! The only good thing about the wait, for me, is that it assures me that my luteal phase length is good, which is something I worried about before charting. Also, I *almost* don't want to say it (knocking on wood right now), but I have not spotted or gotten brown CM this cycle--this is the longest I've gone in a while without getting it, so I'm feeling confident that my hormones are balancing out (I have had spotting before AF since I started TTC--sometimes for two weeks straight! Other cycles it's just been a few days. Watch, now that I've said that it'll happen today :wacko:).
Just wanted to throw in my two cents about that book, it's amazing. I can't believe how much I didn't understand my body before. I'm not all the way through it yet but am using the info already. I highly recommend this book to any woman!
Woohoo! I love it, too! I can't believe I hadn't hear of it until I'd been TTC for several months.
I feel like it should be taught to us at some point in our lives in school or something. It really takes the guess work out of a lot of it!
Country you are so right! I remember learning in school that you could get pregnant any time during your cycle... I'm sure this is just to scare teens into abstinence, but it took me until I started TTC to learn about the window and I'm 30. I'm noticing that people who did not struggle with fertility (like my mother) are really surprised by the real odds of conceiving. I think I mentioned in a previous post that my own mom hadn't heard of EWCM!

I'm going to check out the book Lauren recommended for sure. I find it so interesting and the only thing I can really do is educate myself while I'm going through this process. So I'm 9dpiui and I really don't feel anything. I'm not sure what I should feel as I've never had a bfp, but I just feel like I should have this knowing feeling. Mind you my SIL had no idea that her 4th IUI had worked... I just don't feel overly hopeful for the results this Saturday, or maybe Im just trying not to get my hopes up to avoid major disappointment. I wish I could know what the outcome will be now so I could be sad for a day and then move on. Ugh! I think I'm going to POAS on Friday just to see what happens!

I'm now on my way to go out and buy a chicken to satisfy my weird chicken craving I've been having this week!!! :)

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